/* $OpenBSD: rtable.c,v 1.87 2024/04/09 12:53:08 claudio Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Martin Pieuchot * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _KERNEL #include "kern_compat.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include /* * Structures used by rtable_get() to retrieve the corresponding * routing table for a given pair of ``af'' and ``rtableid''. * * Note that once allocated routing table heads are never freed. * This way we do not need to reference count them. * * afmap rtmap/dommp * ----------- --------- ----- * | 0 |--------> | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | Array mapping rtableid (=index) * ----------- --------- ----- to rdomain/loopback (=value). * | AF_INET |. * ----------- `. .---------. .---------. * ... `----> | rtable0 | ... | rtableN | Array of pointers for * ----------- '---------' '---------' IPv4 routing tables * | AF_MPLS | indexed by ``rtableid''. * ----------- */ struct srp *afmap; uint8_t af2idx[AF_MAX+1]; /* To only allocate supported AF */ uint8_t af2idx_max; /* Array of routing table pointers. */ struct rtmap { unsigned int limit; void **tbl; }; /* * Array of rtableid -> rdomain mapping. * * Only used for the first index as described above. */ struct dommp { unsigned int limit; /* * Array to get the routing domain and loopback interface related to * a routing table. Format: * * 8 unused bits | 16 bits for loopback index | 8 bits for rdomain */ unsigned int *value; }; unsigned int rtmap_limit = 0; void rtmap_init(void); void rtmap_grow(unsigned int, sa_family_t); void rtmap_dtor(void *, void *); struct srp_gc rtmap_gc = SRP_GC_INITIALIZER(rtmap_dtor, NULL); void rtable_init_backend(void); void *rtable_alloc(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int); void *rtable_get(unsigned int, sa_family_t); void rtmap_init(void) { const struct domain *dp; int i; /* Start with a single table for every domain that requires it. */ for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; rtmap_grow(1, dp->dom_family); } /* Initialize the rtableid->rdomain mapping table. */ rtmap_grow(1, 0); rtmap_limit = 1; } /* * Grow the size of the array of routing table for AF ``af'' to ``nlimit''. */ void rtmap_grow(unsigned int nlimit, sa_family_t af) { struct rtmap *map, *nmap; int i; KERNEL_ASSERT_LOCKED(); KASSERT(nlimit > rtmap_limit); nmap = malloc(sizeof(*nmap), M_RTABLE, M_WAITOK); nmap->limit = nlimit; nmap->tbl = mallocarray(nlimit, sizeof(*nmap[0].tbl), M_RTABLE, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); map = srp_get_locked(&afmap[af2idx[af]]); if (map != NULL) { KASSERT(map->limit == rtmap_limit); for (i = 0; i < map->limit; i++) nmap->tbl[i] = map->tbl[i]; } srp_update_locked(&rtmap_gc, &afmap[af2idx[af]], nmap); } void rtmap_dtor(void *null, void *xmap) { struct rtmap *map = xmap; /* * doesn't need to be serialized since this is the last reference * to this map. there's nothing to race against. */ free(map->tbl, M_RTABLE, map->limit * sizeof(*map[0].tbl)); free(map, M_RTABLE, sizeof(*map)); } void rtable_init(void) { const struct domain *dp; int i; KASSERT(sizeof(struct rtmap) == sizeof(struct dommp)); /* We use index 0 for the rtable/rdomain map. */ af2idx_max = 1; memset(af2idx, 0, sizeof(af2idx)); /* * Compute the maximum supported key length in case the routing * table backend needs it. */ for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; af2idx[dp->dom_family] = af2idx_max++; } rtable_init_backend(); /* * Allocate AF-to-id table now that we now how many AFs this * kernel supports. */ afmap = mallocarray(af2idx_max + 1, sizeof(*afmap), M_RTABLE, M_WAITOK|M_ZERO); rtmap_init(); if (rtable_add(0) != 0) panic("unable to create default routing table"); rt_timer_init(); } int rtable_add(unsigned int id) { const struct domain *dp; void *tbl; struct rtmap *map; struct dommp *dmm; sa_family_t af; unsigned int off, alen; int i, error = 0; if (id > RT_TABLEID_MAX) return (EINVAL); KERNEL_LOCK(); if (rtable_exists(id)) goto out; for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; af = dp->dom_family; off = dp->dom_rtoffset; alen = dp->dom_maxplen; if (id >= rtmap_limit) rtmap_grow(id + 1, af); tbl = rtable_alloc(id, alen, off); if (tbl == NULL) { error = ENOMEM; goto out; } map = srp_get_locked(&afmap[af2idx[af]]); map->tbl[id] = tbl; } /* Reflect possible growth. */ if (id >= rtmap_limit) { rtmap_grow(id + 1, 0); rtmap_limit = id + 1; } /* Use main rtable/rdomain by default. */ dmm = srp_get_locked(&afmap[0]); dmm->value[id] = 0; out: KERNEL_UNLOCK(); return (error); } void * rtable_get(unsigned int rtableid, sa_family_t af) { struct rtmap *map; void *tbl = NULL; struct srp_ref sr; if (af >= nitems(af2idx) || af2idx[af] == 0) return (NULL); map = srp_enter(&sr, &afmap[af2idx[af]]); if (rtableid < map->limit) tbl = map->tbl[rtableid]; srp_leave(&sr); return (tbl); } int rtable_exists(unsigned int rtableid) { const struct domain *dp; void *tbl; int i; for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; tbl = rtable_get(rtableid, dp->dom_family); if (tbl != NULL) return (1); } return (0); } int rtable_empty(unsigned int rtableid) { const struct domain *dp; int i; struct art_root *tbl; for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; tbl = rtable_get(rtableid, dp->dom_family); if (tbl == NULL) continue; if (tbl->ar_root.ref != NULL) return (0); } return (1); } unsigned int rtable_l2(unsigned int rtableid) { struct dommp *dmm; unsigned int rdomain = 0; struct srp_ref sr; dmm = srp_enter(&sr, &afmap[0]); if (rtableid < dmm->limit) rdomain = (dmm->value[rtableid] & RT_TABLEID_MASK); srp_leave(&sr); return (rdomain); } unsigned int rtable_loindex(unsigned int rtableid) { struct dommp *dmm; unsigned int loifidx = 0; struct srp_ref sr; dmm = srp_enter(&sr, &afmap[0]); if (rtableid < dmm->limit) loifidx = (dmm->value[rtableid] >> RT_TABLEID_BITS); srp_leave(&sr); return (loifidx); } void rtable_l2set(unsigned int rtableid, unsigned int rdomain, unsigned int loifidx) { struct dommp *dmm; unsigned int value; KERNEL_ASSERT_LOCKED(); if (!rtable_exists(rtableid) || !rtable_exists(rdomain)) return; value = (rdomain & RT_TABLEID_MASK) | (loifidx << RT_TABLEID_BITS); dmm = srp_get_locked(&afmap[0]); dmm->value[rtableid] = value; } static inline const uint8_t *satoaddr(struct art_root *, const struct sockaddr *); int an_match(struct art_node *, const struct sockaddr *, int); void rtentry_ref(void *, void *); void rtentry_unref(void *, void *); void rtable_mpath_insert(struct art_node *, struct rtentry *); struct srpl_rc rt_rc = SRPL_RC_INITIALIZER(rtentry_ref, rtentry_unref, NULL); void rtable_init_backend(void) { art_init(); } void * rtable_alloc(unsigned int rtableid, unsigned int alen, unsigned int off) { return (art_alloc(rtableid, alen, off)); } int rtable_setsource(unsigned int rtableid, int af, struct sockaddr *src) { struct art_root *ar; NET_ASSERT_LOCKED_EXCLUSIVE(); if ((ar = rtable_get(rtableid, af)) == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); ar->ar_source = src; return (0); } struct sockaddr * rtable_getsource(unsigned int rtableid, int af) { struct art_root *ar; NET_ASSERT_LOCKED(); ar = rtable_get(rtableid, af); if (ar == NULL) return (NULL); return (ar->ar_source); } void rtable_clearsource(unsigned int rtableid, struct sockaddr *src) { struct sockaddr *addr; addr = rtable_getsource(rtableid, src->sa_family); if (addr && (addr->sa_len == src->sa_len)) { if (memcmp(src, addr, addr->sa_len) == 0) { rtable_setsource(rtableid, src->sa_family, NULL); } } } struct rtentry * rtable_lookup(unsigned int rtableid, const struct sockaddr *dst, const struct sockaddr *mask, const struct sockaddr *gateway, uint8_t prio) { struct art_root *ar; struct art_node *an; struct rtentry *rt = NULL; struct srp_ref sr, nsr; const uint8_t *addr; int plen; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, dst->sa_family); if (ar == NULL) return (NULL); addr = satoaddr(ar, dst); /* No need for a perfect match. */ if (mask == NULL) { an = art_match(ar, addr, &nsr); if (an == NULL) goto out; } else { plen = rtable_satoplen(dst->sa_family, mask); if (plen == -1) return (NULL); an = art_lookup(ar, addr, plen, &nsr); /* Make sure we've got a perfect match. */ if (!an_match(an, dst, plen)) goto out; } SRPL_FOREACH(rt, &sr, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) { if (prio != RTP_ANY && (rt->rt_priority & RTP_MASK) != (prio & RTP_MASK)) continue; if (gateway == NULL) break; if (rt->rt_gateway->sa_len == gateway->sa_len && memcmp(rt->rt_gateway, gateway, gateway->sa_len) == 0) break; } if (rt != NULL) rtref(rt); SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); out: srp_leave(&nsr); return (rt); } struct rtentry * rtable_match(unsigned int rtableid, const struct sockaddr *dst, uint32_t *src) { struct art_root *ar; struct art_node *an; struct rtentry *rt = NULL; struct srp_ref sr, nsr; const uint8_t *addr; int hash; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, dst->sa_family); if (ar == NULL) return (NULL); addr = satoaddr(ar, dst); an = art_match(ar, addr, &nsr); if (an == NULL) goto out; rt = SRPL_FIRST(&sr, &an->an_rtlist); if (rt == NULL) { SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); goto out; } rtref(rt); SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); /* Gateway selection by Hash-Threshold (RFC 2992) */ if ((hash = rt_hash(rt, dst, src)) != -1) { struct rtentry *mrt; int threshold, npaths = 0; KASSERT(hash <= 0xffff); SRPL_FOREACH(mrt, &sr, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) { /* Only count nexthops with the same priority. */ if (mrt->rt_priority == rt->rt_priority) npaths++; } SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); threshold = (0xffff / npaths) + 1; /* * we have no protection against concurrent modification of the * route list attached to the node, so we won't necessarily * have the same number of routes. for most modifications, * we'll pick a route that we wouldn't have if we only saw the * list before or after the change. if we were going to use * the last available route, but it got removed, we'll hit * the end of the list and then pick the first route. */ mrt = SRPL_FIRST(&sr, &an->an_rtlist); while (hash > threshold && mrt != NULL) { if (mrt->rt_priority == rt->rt_priority) hash -= threshold; mrt = SRPL_FOLLOW(&sr, mrt, rt_next); } if (mrt != NULL) { rtref(mrt); rtfree(rt); rt = mrt; } SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); } out: srp_leave(&nsr); return (rt); } int rtable_insert(unsigned int rtableid, struct sockaddr *dst, const struct sockaddr *mask, const struct sockaddr *gateway, uint8_t prio, struct rtentry *rt) { struct rtentry *mrt; struct srp_ref sr; struct art_root *ar; struct art_node *an, *prev; const uint8_t *addr; int plen; unsigned int rt_flags; int error = 0; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, dst->sa_family); if (ar == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); addr = satoaddr(ar, dst); plen = rtable_satoplen(dst->sa_family, mask); if (plen == -1) return (EINVAL); rtref(rt); /* guarantee rtfree won't do anything during insert */ rw_enter_write(&ar->ar_lock); /* Do not permit exactly the same dst/mask/gw pair. */ an = art_lookup(ar, addr, plen, &sr); srp_leave(&sr); /* an can't go away while we have the lock */ if (an_match(an, dst, plen)) { struct rtentry *mrt; int mpathok = ISSET(rt->rt_flags, RTF_MPATH); SRPL_FOREACH_LOCKED(mrt, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) { if (prio != RTP_ANY && (mrt->rt_priority & RTP_MASK) != (prio & RTP_MASK)) continue; if (!mpathok || (mrt->rt_gateway->sa_len == gateway->sa_len && memcmp(mrt->rt_gateway, gateway, gateway->sa_len) == 0)) { error = EEXIST; goto leave; } } } an = art_get(plen); if (an == NULL) { error = ENOBUFS; goto leave; } /* prepare for immediate operation if insert succeeds */ rt_flags = rt->rt_flags; rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_MPATH; rt->rt_dest = dst; rt->rt_plen = plen; SRPL_INSERT_HEAD_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rt_next); prev = art_insert(ar, an, addr, plen); if (prev != an) { SRPL_REMOVE_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rtentry, rt_next); rt->rt_flags = rt_flags; art_put(an); if (prev == NULL) { error = ESRCH; goto leave; } an = prev; mrt = SRPL_FIRST_LOCKED(&an->an_rtlist); KASSERT(mrt != NULL); KASSERT((rt->rt_flags & RTF_MPATH) || mrt->rt_priority != prio); /* * An ART node with the same destination/netmask already * exists, MPATH conflict must have been already checked. */ if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_MPATH) { /* * Only keep the RTF_MPATH flag if two routes have * the same gateway. */ rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_MPATH; SRPL_FOREACH_LOCKED(mrt, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) { if (mrt->rt_priority == prio) { mrt->rt_flags |= RTF_MPATH; rt->rt_flags |= RTF_MPATH; } } } /* Put newly inserted entry at the right place. */ rtable_mpath_insert(an, rt); } leave: rw_exit_write(&ar->ar_lock); rtfree(rt); return (error); } int rtable_delete(unsigned int rtableid, const struct sockaddr *dst, const struct sockaddr *mask, struct rtentry *rt) { struct art_root *ar; struct art_node *an; struct srp_ref sr; const uint8_t *addr; int plen; struct rtentry *mrt; int npaths = 0; int error = 0; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, dst->sa_family); if (ar == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); addr = satoaddr(ar, dst); plen = rtable_satoplen(dst->sa_family, mask); if (plen == -1) return (EINVAL); rtref(rt); /* guarantee rtfree won't do anything under ar_lock */ rw_enter_write(&ar->ar_lock); an = art_lookup(ar, addr, plen, &sr); srp_leave(&sr); /* an can't go away while we have the lock */ /* Make sure we've got a perfect match. */ if (!an_match(an, dst, plen)) { error = ESRCH; goto leave; } /* * If other multipath route entries are still attached to * this ART node we only have to unlink it. */ SRPL_FOREACH_LOCKED(mrt, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) npaths++; if (npaths > 1) { KASSERT(refcnt_read(&rt->rt_refcnt) >= 1); SRPL_REMOVE_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rtentry, rt_next); mrt = SRPL_FIRST_LOCKED(&an->an_rtlist); if (npaths == 2) mrt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_MPATH; goto leave; } if (art_delete(ar, an, addr, plen) == NULL) panic("art_delete failed to find node %p", an); KASSERT(refcnt_read(&rt->rt_refcnt) >= 1); SRPL_REMOVE_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rtentry, rt_next); art_put(an); leave: rw_exit_write(&ar->ar_lock); rtfree(rt); return (error); } struct rtable_walk_cookie { int (*rwc_func)(struct rtentry *, void *, unsigned int); void *rwc_arg; struct rtentry **rwc_prt; unsigned int rwc_rid; }; /* * Helper for rtable_walk to keep the ART code free from any "struct rtentry". */ int rtable_walk_helper(struct art_node *an, void *xrwc) { struct srp_ref sr; struct rtable_walk_cookie *rwc = xrwc; struct rtentry *rt; int error = 0; SRPL_FOREACH(rt, &sr, &an->an_rtlist, rt_next) { error = (*rwc->rwc_func)(rt, rwc->rwc_arg, rwc->rwc_rid); if (error != 0) break; } if (rwc->rwc_prt != NULL && rt != NULL) { rtref(rt); *rwc->rwc_prt = rt; } SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); return (error); } int rtable_walk(unsigned int rtableid, sa_family_t af, struct rtentry **prt, int (*func)(struct rtentry *, void *, unsigned int), void *arg) { struct art_root *ar; struct rtable_walk_cookie rwc; int error; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, af); if (ar == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); rwc.rwc_func = func; rwc.rwc_arg = arg; rwc.rwc_prt = prt; rwc.rwc_rid = rtableid; error = art_walk(ar, rtable_walk_helper, &rwc); return (error); } struct rtentry * rtable_iterate(struct rtentry *rt0) { struct rtentry *rt = NULL; struct srp_ref sr; rt = SRPL_NEXT(&sr, rt0, rt_next); if (rt != NULL) rtref(rt); SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); rtfree(rt0); return (rt); } int rtable_mpath_capable(unsigned int rtableid, sa_family_t af) { return (1); } int rtable_mpath_reprio(unsigned int rtableid, struct sockaddr *dst, int plen, uint8_t prio, struct rtentry *rt) { struct art_root *ar; struct art_node *an; struct srp_ref sr; const uint8_t *addr; int error = 0; ar = rtable_get(rtableid, dst->sa_family); if (ar == NULL) return (EAFNOSUPPORT); addr = satoaddr(ar, dst); rw_enter_write(&ar->ar_lock); an = art_lookup(ar, addr, plen, &sr); srp_leave(&sr); /* an can't go away while we have the lock */ /* Make sure we've got a perfect match. */ if (!an_match(an, dst, plen)) { error = ESRCH; } else if (SRPL_FIRST_LOCKED(&an->an_rtlist) == rt && SRPL_NEXT_LOCKED(rt, rt_next) == NULL) { /* * If there's only one entry on the list do not go * through an insert/remove cycle. This is done to * guarantee that ``an->an_rtlist'' is never empty * when a node is in the tree. */ rt->rt_priority = prio; } else { rtref(rt); /* keep rt alive in between remove and insert */ SRPL_REMOVE_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rtentry, rt_next); rt->rt_priority = prio; rtable_mpath_insert(an, rt); rtfree(rt); error = EAGAIN; } rw_exit_write(&ar->ar_lock); return (error); } void rtable_mpath_insert(struct art_node *an, struct rtentry *rt) { struct rtentry *mrt, *prt = NULL; uint8_t prio = rt->rt_priority; if ((mrt = SRPL_FIRST_LOCKED(&an->an_rtlist)) == NULL) { SRPL_INSERT_HEAD_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rt_next); return; } /* Iterate until we find the route to be placed after ``rt''. */ while (mrt->rt_priority <= prio && SRPL_NEXT_LOCKED(mrt, rt_next)) { prt = mrt; mrt = SRPL_NEXT_LOCKED(mrt, rt_next); } if (mrt->rt_priority <= prio) { SRPL_INSERT_AFTER_LOCKED(&rt_rc, mrt, rt, rt_next); } else if (prt != NULL) { SRPL_INSERT_AFTER_LOCKED(&rt_rc, prt, rt, rt_next); } else { SRPL_INSERT_HEAD_LOCKED(&rt_rc, &an->an_rtlist, rt, rt_next); } } /* * Returns 1 if ``an'' perfectly matches (``dst'', ``plen''), 0 otherwise. */ int an_match(struct art_node *an, const struct sockaddr *dst, int plen) { struct rtentry *rt; struct srp_ref sr; int match; if (an == NULL || an->an_plen != plen) return (0); rt = SRPL_FIRST(&sr, &an->an_rtlist); match = (rt != NULL && memcmp(rt->rt_dest, dst, dst->sa_len) == 0); SRPL_LEAVE(&sr); return (match); } void rtentry_ref(void *null, void *xrt) { struct rtentry *rt = xrt; rtref(rt); } void rtentry_unref(void *null, void *xrt) { struct rtentry *rt = xrt; rtfree(rt); } /* * Return a pointer to the address (key). This is an heritage from the * BSD radix tree needed to skip the non-address fields from the flavor * of "struct sockaddr" used by this routing table. */ static inline const uint8_t * satoaddr(struct art_root *at, const struct sockaddr *sa) { return (((const uint8_t *)sa) + at->ar_off); } /* * Return the prefix length of a mask. */ int rtable_satoplen(sa_family_t af, const struct sockaddr *mask) { const struct domain *dp; uint8_t *ap, *ep; int mlen, plen = 0; int i; for (i = 0; (dp = domains[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (dp->dom_rtoffset == 0) continue; if (af == dp->dom_family) break; } if (dp == NULL) return (-1); /* Host route */ if (mask == NULL) return (dp->dom_maxplen); mlen = mask->sa_len; /* Default route */ if (mlen == 0) return (0); ap = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)mask) + dp->dom_rtoffset; ep = (uint8_t *)((uint8_t *)mask) + mlen; if (ap > ep) return (-1); /* Trim trailing zeroes. */ while (ap < ep && ep[-1] == 0) ep--; if (ap == ep) return (0); /* "Beauty" adapted from sbin/route/show.c ... */ while (ap < ep) { switch (*ap++) { case 0xff: plen += 8; break; case 0xfe: plen += 7; goto out; case 0xfc: plen += 6; goto out; case 0xf8: plen += 5; goto out; case 0xf0: plen += 4; goto out; case 0xe0: plen += 3; goto out; case 0xc0: plen += 2; goto out; case 0x80: plen += 1; goto out; default: /* Non contiguous mask. */ return (-1); } } out: if (plen > dp->dom_maxplen || ap != ep) return -1; return (plen); }