/*- * CPDUP.C * * CPDUP source destination * * (c) Copyright 1997-1999 by Matthew Dillon and Dima Ruban. Permission to * use and distribute based on the FreeBSD copyright. Supplied as-is, * USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION. * * This program attempts to duplicate the source onto the destination as * exactly as possible, retaining modify times, flags, perms, uid, and gid. * It can duplicate devices, files (including hardlinks), softlinks, * directories, and so forth. It is recursive by default! The duplication * is inclusive of removal of files/directories on the destination that do * not exist on the source. This program supports a per-directory exception * file called .cpignore, or a user-specified exception file. * * Safety features: * * - does not cross partition boundries on source * - asks for confirmation on deletions unless -i0 is specified * - refuses to replace a destination directory with a source file * unless -s0 is specified. * - terminates on error * * Copying features: * * - does not copy file if mtime, flags, perms, and size match unless * forced * * - copies to temporary and renames-over the original, allowing * you to update live systems * * - copies uid, gid, mtime, perms, flags, softlinks, devices, hardlinks, * and recurses through directories. * * - accesses a per-directory exclusion file, .cpignore, containing * standard wildcarded ( ? / * style, NOT regex) exclusions. * * - tries to play permissions and flags smart in regards to overwriting * schg files and doing related stuff. * * - Can do MD5 consistancy checks * * - Is able to do incremental mirroring/backups via hardlinks from * the 'previous' version (supplied with -H path). */ /*- * Example: cc -O cpdup.c -o cpdup -lcrypto * * ".MD5.CHECKSUMS" contains md5 checksumms for the current directory. * This file is stored on the source. */ #include "cpdup.h" #include "hclink.h" #include "hcproto.h" #define HSIZE 8192 #define HMASK (HSIZE-1) #define HLSIZE 8192 #define HLMASK (HLSIZE - 1) #define GETBUFSIZE 8192 #define GETPATHSIZE 2048 #define GETLINKSIZE 1024 #define GETIOSIZE 65536 #ifndef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ #define st_flags st_mode #endif typedef struct Node { struct Node *no_Next; struct Node *no_HNext; struct stat *no_Stat; int no_Value; char no_Name[4]; } Node; typedef struct List { Node li_Node; Node *li_Hash[HSIZE]; } List; struct hlink { ino_t ino; ino_t dino; int refs; struct hlink *next; struct hlink *prev; nlink_t nlinked; char name[]; }; typedef struct copy_info { char *spath; char *dpath; dev_t sdevNo; dev_t ddevNo; } *copy_info_t; static struct hlink *hltable[HLSIZE]; static void RemoveRecur(const char *dpath, dev_t devNo, struct stat *dstat); static void InitList(List *list); static void ResetList(List *list); static Node *IterateList(List *list, Node *node, int n); static int AddList(List *list, const char *name, int n, struct stat *st); static int CheckList(List *list, const char *path, const char *name); static int getbool(const char *str); static char *SplitRemote(char **pathp); static int ChgrpAllowed(gid_t g); static int OwnerMatch(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ static int FlagsMatch(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2); #else #define FlagsMatch(st1, st2) 1 #endif static struct hlink *hltlookup(struct stat *); static struct hlink *hltadd(struct stat *, const char *); static char *checkHLPath(struct stat *st, const char *spath, const char *dpath); static int validate_check(const char *spath, const char *dpath); static int shash(const char *s); static void hltdelete(struct hlink *); static void hltsetdino(struct hlink *, ino_t); static int YesNo(const char *path); static int xrename(const char *src, const char *dst, u_long flags); static int xlink(const char *src, const char *dst, u_long flags); static int xremove(struct HostConf *host, const char *path); static int xrmdir(struct HostConf *host, const char *path); static int DoCopy(copy_info_t info, struct stat *stat1, int depth); static int ScanDir(List *list, struct HostConf *host, const char *path, int64_t *CountReadBytes, int n); static int mtimecmp(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2); static int symlink_mfo_test(struct HostConf *hc, struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2); int AskConfirmation = 1; int SafetyOpt = 1; int ForceOpt; int DeviceOpt = 1; int VerboseOpt; int DirShowOpt; int NotForRealOpt; int QuietOpt; int NoRemoveOpt; int UseMD5Opt; int SummaryOpt; int CompressOpt; int SlaveOpt; int ReadOnlyOpt; int ValidateOpt; int ssh_argc; const char *ssh_argv[16]; int DstRootPrivs; const char *UseCpFile; const char *MD5CacheFile; const char *UseHLPath; static int DstBaseLen; static int HardLinkCount; static int GroupCount; static gid_t *GroupList; int64_t CountSourceBytes; int64_t CountSourceItems; int64_t CountCopiedItems; int64_t CountSourceReadBytes; int64_t CountTargetReadBytes; int64_t CountWriteBytes; int64_t CountRemovedItems; int64_t CountLinkedItems; static struct HostConf SrcHost; static struct HostConf DstHost; int main(int ac, char **av) { int i; int opt; char *src = NULL; char *dst = NULL; char *ptr; struct timeval start; struct copy_info info; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); opterr = 0; while ((opt = getopt(ac, av, ":CdF:fH:hIi:j:lM:mnoqRSs:uVvX:x")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'C': CompressOpt = 1; break; case 'd': DirShowOpt = 1; break; case 'F': if (ssh_argc >= 16) fatal("too many -F options"); ssh_argv[ssh_argc++] = optarg; break; case 'f': ForceOpt = 1; break; case 'H': UseHLPath = optarg; break; case 'h': fatal(NULL); /* not reached */ break; case 'I': SummaryOpt = 1; break; case 'i': AskConfirmation = getbool(optarg); break; case 'j': DeviceOpt = getbool(optarg); break; case 'l': setlinebuf(stdout); setlinebuf(stderr); break; case 'M': UseMD5Opt = 1; MD5CacheFile = optarg; break; case 'm': UseMD5Opt = 1; MD5CacheFile = ".MD5.CHECKSUMS"; break; case 'n': NotForRealOpt = 1; break; case 'o': NoRemoveOpt = 1; break; case 'q': QuietOpt = 1; break; case 'R': ReadOnlyOpt = 1; break; case 'S': SlaveOpt = 1; break; case 's': SafetyOpt = getbool(optarg); break; case 'u': setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); break; case 'V': ++ValidateOpt; break; case 'v': ++VerboseOpt; break; case 'X': UseCpFile = optarg; break; case 'x': UseCpFile = ".cpignore"; break; case ':': fatal("missing argument for option: -%c\n", optopt); /* not reached */ break; case '?': fatal("illegal option: -%c\n", optopt); /* not reached */ break; default: fatal(NULL); /* not reached */ break; } } ac -= optind; av += optind; if (ac > 0) src = av[0]; if (ac > 1) dst = av[1]; if (ac > 2) fatal("too many arguments"); /* * If we are told to go into slave mode, run the HC protocol */ if (SlaveOpt) { DstRootPrivs = (geteuid() == 0); hc_slave(0, 1); exit(0); } /* * Extract the source and/or/neither target [user@]host and * make any required connections. */ if (src && (ptr = SplitRemote(&src)) != NULL) { SrcHost.host = src; src = ptr; if (UseMD5Opt) fatal("The MD5 options are not currently supported for remote sources"); if (hc_connect(&SrcHost, ReadOnlyOpt) < 0) exit(1); } else { SrcHost.version = HCPROTO_VERSION; if (ReadOnlyOpt) fatal("The -R option is only supported for remote sources"); } if (dst && (ptr = SplitRemote(&dst)) != NULL) { DstHost.host = dst; dst = ptr; if (hc_connect(&DstHost, 0) < 0) exit(1); } else { DstHost.version = HCPROTO_VERSION; } /* * dst may be NULL only if -m option is specified, * which forces an update of the MD5 checksums */ if (dst == NULL && UseMD5Opt == 0) { fatal(NULL); /* not reached */ } if (dst) { DstRootPrivs = (hc_geteuid(&DstHost) == 0); if (!DstRootPrivs) GroupCount = hc_getgroups(&DstHost, &GroupList); } #if 0 /* XXXX DEBUG */ fprintf(stderr, "DstRootPrivs == %s\n", DstRootPrivs ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(stderr, "GroupCount == %d\n", GroupCount); for (i = 0; i < GroupCount; i++) fprintf(stderr, "Group[%d] == %d\n", i, GroupList[i]); #endif bzero(&info, sizeof(info)); if (dst) { DstBaseLen = strlen(dst); info.spath = src; info.dpath = dst; info.sdevNo = (dev_t)-1; info.ddevNo = (dev_t)-1; i = DoCopy(&info, NULL, -1); } else { info.spath = src; info.dpath = NULL; info.sdevNo = (dev_t)-1; info.ddevNo = (dev_t)-1; i = DoCopy(&info, NULL, -1); } #ifndef NOMD5 md5_flush(); #endif if (SummaryOpt && i == 0) { double duration; struct timeval end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); #if 0 /* don't count stat's in our byte statistics */ CountSourceBytes += sizeof(struct stat) * CountSourceItems; CountSourceReadBytes += sizeof(struct stat) * CountSourceItems; CountWriteBytes += sizeof(struct stat) * CountCopiedItems; CountWriteBytes += sizeof(struct stat) * CountRemovedItems; #endif duration = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec); duration += (double)(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000000.0; if (duration == 0.0) duration = 1.0; logstd("cpdup completed successfully\n"); logstd("%lld bytes source, %lld src bytes read, %lld tgt bytes read\n" "%lld bytes written (%.1fX speedup)\n", (long long)CountSourceBytes, (long long)CountSourceReadBytes, (long long)CountTargetReadBytes, (long long)CountWriteBytes, ((double)CountSourceBytes * 2.0) / ((double)(CountSourceReadBytes + CountTargetReadBytes + CountWriteBytes))); logstd("%lld source items, %lld items copied, %lld items linked, " "%lld things deleted\n", (long long)CountSourceItems, (long long)CountCopiedItems, (long long)CountLinkedItems, (long long)CountRemovedItems); logstd("%.1f seconds %5d Kbytes/sec synced %5d Kbytes/sec scanned\n", duration, (int)((CountSourceReadBytes + CountTargetReadBytes + CountWriteBytes) / duration / 1024.0), (int)(CountSourceBytes / duration / 1024.0)); } exit((i == 0) ? 0 : 1); } static int getbool(const char *str) { if (strcmp(str, "0") == 0) return (0); if (strcmp(str, "1") == 0) return (1); fatal("option requires boolean argument (0 or 1): -%c\n", optopt); /* not reached */ return (0); } /* * Check if path specifies a remote path, using the same syntax as scp(1), * i.e. a path is considered remote if the first colon is not preceded by * a slash, so e.g. "./foo:bar" is considered local. * If a remote path is detected, the colon is replaced with a null byte, * and the return value is a pointer to the next character. * Otherwise NULL is returned. * * A path prefix of localhost is the same as a locally specified file or * directory path, but prevents any further interpretation of the path * as being a remote hostname (for paths that have colons in them). */ static char * SplitRemote(char **pathp) { int cindex; char *path = *pathp; if (path[(cindex = strcspn(path, ":/"))] == ':') { path[cindex++] = 0; if (strcmp(path, "localhost") != 0) return (path + cindex); *pathp = path + cindex; } return (NULL); } /* * Check if group g is in our GroupList. * * Typically the number of groups a user belongs to isn't large * enough to warrant more effort than a simple linear search. * However, we perform an optimization by moving a group to the * top of the list when we have a hit. This assumes that there * isn't much variance in the gids of files that a non-root user * copies. So most of the time the search will terminate on the * first element of the list. */ static int ChgrpAllowed(gid_t g) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GroupCount; i++) if (GroupList[i] == g) { if (i > 0) { /* Optimize: Move g to the front of the list. */ for (; i > 0; i--) GroupList[i] = GroupList[i - 1]; GroupList[0] = g; } return (1); } return (0); } /* * The following two functions return true if the ownership (UID + GID) * or the flags of two files match, respectively. * * Only perform weak checking if we don't have sufficient privileges on * the target machine, so we don't waste transfers with things that are * bound to fail anyway. */ static int OwnerMatch(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2) { if (DstRootPrivs) /* Both UID and GID must match. */ return (st1->st_uid == st2->st_uid && st1->st_gid == st2->st_gid); else /* Ignore UID, and also ignore GID if we can't chgrp to that group. */ return (st1->st_gid == st2->st_gid || !ChgrpAllowed(st1->st_gid)); } #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ static int FlagsMatch(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2) { /* * Ignore UF_ARCHIVE. It gets set automatically by the filesystem, for * filesystems that support it. If the destination filesystem supports it, but * it's cleared on the source file, then multiple invocations of cpdup would * all try to copy the file because the flags wouldn't match. * * When unpriveleged, ignore flags we can't set */ u_long ignored = DstRootPrivs ? 0 : SF_SETTABLE; #ifdef UF_ARCHIVE ignored |= UF_ARCHIVE; #endif return (((st1->st_flags ^ st2->st_flags) & ~ignored) == 0); } #endif static struct hlink * hltlookup(struct stat *stp) { struct hlink *hl; int n; n = stp->st_ino & HLMASK; for (hl = hltable[n]; hl; hl = hl->next) { if (hl->ino == stp->st_ino) { ++hl->refs; return hl; } } return NULL; } static struct hlink * hltadd(struct stat *stp, const char *path) { struct hlink *new; int plen = strlen(path); int n; new = malloc(offsetof(struct hlink, name[plen + 1])); if (new == NULL) fatal("out of memory"); ++HardLinkCount; /* initialize and link the new element into the table */ new->ino = stp->st_ino; new->dino = (ino_t)-1; new->refs = 1; bcopy(path, new->name, plen + 1); new->nlinked = 1; new->prev = NULL; n = stp->st_ino & HLMASK; new->next = hltable[n]; if (hltable[n]) hltable[n]->prev = new; hltable[n] = new; return new; } static void hltsetdino(struct hlink *hl, ino_t inum) { hl->dino = inum; } static void hltdelete(struct hlink *hl) { assert(hl->refs == 1); --hl->refs; if (hl->prev) { if (hl->next) hl->next->prev = hl->prev; hl->prev->next = hl->next; } else { if (hl->next) hl->next->prev = NULL; hltable[hl->ino & HLMASK] = hl->next; } --HardLinkCount; free(hl); } static void hltrels(struct hlink *hl) { assert(hl->refs == 1); --hl->refs; } /* * If UseHLPath is defined check to see if the file in question is * the same as the source file, and if it is return a pointer to the * -H path based file for hardlinking. Else return NULL. */ static char * checkHLPath(struct stat *st1, const char *spath, const char *dpath) { struct stat sthl; char *hpath; int error; if (asprintf(&hpath, "%s%s", UseHLPath, dpath + DstBaseLen) < 0) fatal("out of memory"); /* * stat info matches ? */ if (hc_stat(&DstHost, hpath, &sthl) < 0 || st1->st_size != sthl.st_size || mtimecmp(st1, &sthl) != 0 || !OwnerMatch(st1, &sthl) || !FlagsMatch(st1, &sthl) ) { free(hpath); return(NULL); } /* * If ForceOpt or ValidateOpt is set we have to compare the files */ if (ForceOpt || ValidateOpt) { error = validate_check(spath, hpath); if (error) { free(hpath); hpath = NULL; } } return(hpath); } /* * Return 0 if the contents of the file matches the contents of * the file . */ static int validate_check(const char *spath, const char *dpath) { int error; int fd1; int fd2; fd1 = hc_open(&SrcHost, spath, O_RDONLY, 0); fd2 = hc_open(&DstHost, dpath, O_RDONLY, 0); error = -1; if (fd1 >= 0 && fd2 >= 0) { int n; int x; char *iobuf1 = malloc(GETIOSIZE); char *iobuf2 = malloc(GETIOSIZE); while ((n = hc_read(&SrcHost, fd1, iobuf1, GETIOSIZE)) > 0) { CountSourceReadBytes += n; x = hc_read(&DstHost, fd2, iobuf2, GETIOSIZE); if (x > 0) CountTargetReadBytes += x; if (x != n) break; if (bcmp(iobuf1, iobuf2, n) != 0) break; } free(iobuf1); free(iobuf2); if (n == 0) error = 0; } if (fd1 >= 0) hc_close(&SrcHost, fd1); if (fd2 >= 0) hc_close(&DstHost, fd2); return (error); } int DoCopy(copy_info_t info, struct stat *stat1, int depth) { const char *spath = info->spath; const char *dpath = info->dpath; dev_t sdevNo = info->sdevNo; dev_t ddevNo = info->ddevNo; struct stat st1; struct stat st2; unsigned long st2_flags; int r, mres, fres, st2Valid; struct hlink *hln; uint64_t size; r = mres = fres = st2Valid = 0; st2_flags = 0; size = 0; hln = NULL; if (stat1 == NULL) { if (hc_lstat(&SrcHost, spath, &st1) != 0) { r = 1; goto done; } stat1 = &st1; } #ifdef SF_SNAPSHOT /* skip snapshot files because they're sparse and _huge_ */ if (stat1->st_flags & SF_SNAPSHOT) return(0); #endif st2.st_mode = 0; /* in case lstat fails */ st2.st_flags = 0; /* in case lstat fails */ if (dpath && hc_lstat(&DstHost, dpath, &st2) == 0) { st2Valid = 1; #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ st2_flags = st2.st_flags; #endif } if (S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode)) size = stat1->st_size; /* * Handle hardlinks */ if (S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode) && stat1->st_nlink > 1 && dpath) { if ((hln = hltlookup(stat1)) != NULL) { hln->nlinked++; if (st2Valid) { if (st2.st_ino == hln->dino) { /* * hard link is already correct, nothing to do */ if (VerboseOpt >= 3) logstd("%-32s nochange\n", (dpath) ? dpath : spath); if (hln->nlinked == stat1->st_nlink) { hltdelete(hln); hln = NULL; } CountSourceItems++; r = 0; goto done; } else { /* * hard link is not correct, attempt to unlink it */ if (xremove(&DstHost, dpath) < 0) { logerr("%-32s hardlink: unable to unlink: %s\n", ((dpath) ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno)); hltdelete(hln); hln = NULL; ++r; goto done; } } } if (xlink(hln->name, dpath, stat1->st_flags) < 0) { int tryrelink = (errno == EMLINK); logerr("%-32s hardlink: unable to link to %s: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), hln->name, strerror(errno) ); hltdelete(hln); hln = NULL; if (tryrelink) { logerr("%-20s hardlink: will attempt to copy normally\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); goto relink; } ++r; } else { if (hln->nlinked == stat1->st_nlink) { hltdelete(hln); hln = NULL; } if (r == 0) { if (VerboseOpt) { logstd("%-32s hardlink: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), (st2Valid ? "relinked" : "linked") ); } CountSourceItems++; CountCopiedItems++; r = 0; goto done; } } } else { /* * first instance of hardlink must be copied normally */ relink: hln = hltadd(stat1, dpath); } } /* * Do we need to copy the file/dir/link/whatever? Early termination * if we do not. Always traverse directories. Always redo links. * * NOTE: st2Valid is true only if dpath != NULL *and* dpath stats good. */ if ( st2Valid && stat1->st_mode == st2.st_mode && FlagsMatch(stat1, &st2) ) { if (S_ISLNK(stat1->st_mode) || S_ISDIR(stat1->st_mode)) { ; } else { if (ForceOpt == 0 && stat1->st_size == st2.st_size && (ValidateOpt == 2 || mtimecmp(stat1, &st2) == 0) && OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2) #ifndef NOMD5 && (UseMD5Opt == 0 || !S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode) || (mres = md5_check(spath, dpath)) == 0) #endif && (ValidateOpt == 0 || !S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode) || validate_check(spath, dpath) == 0) ) { /* * The files are identical, but if we are running as * root we might need to adjust ownership/group/flags. */ int changedown = 0; int changedflags = 0; if (hln) hltsetdino(hln, st2.st_ino); if (!OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2)) { hc_chown(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); changedown = 1; } #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (!FlagsMatch(stat1, &st2)) { hc_chflags(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_flags); changedflags = 1; } #endif if (VerboseOpt >= 3) { #ifndef NOMD5 if (UseMD5Opt) { logstd("%-32s md5-nochange", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } else #endif if (ValidateOpt) { logstd("%-32s nochange (contents validated)", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } else { logstd("%-32s nochange", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } if (changedown) logstd(" (uid/gid differ)"); if (changedflags) logstd(" (flags differ)"); logstd("\n"); } CountSourceBytes += size; CountSourceItems++; r = 0; goto done; } } } if (st2Valid && !S_ISDIR(stat1->st_mode) && S_ISDIR(st2.st_mode)) { if (SafetyOpt) { logerr("%-32s SAFETY - refusing to copy file over directory\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath) ); ++r; /* XXX */ r = 0; goto done; /* continue with the cpdup anyway */ } if (QuietOpt == 0 || AskConfirmation) { logstd("%-32s WARNING: non-directory source will blow away\n" "%-32s preexisting dest directory, continuing anyway!\n", ((dpath) ? dpath : spath), ""); } if (dpath) RemoveRecur(dpath, ddevNo, &st2); st2Valid = 0; } /* * The various comparisons failed, copy it. */ if (S_ISDIR(stat1->st_mode)) { int skipdir = 0; if (dpath) { if (!st2Valid || S_ISDIR(st2.st_mode) == 0) { if (st2Valid) xremove(&DstHost, dpath); if (hc_mkdir(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_mode | 0700) != 0) { logerr("%s: mkdir failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno)); r = 1; skipdir = 1; } if (hc_lstat(&DstHost, dpath, &st2) != 0) { if (NotForRealOpt == 0) logerr("%s: lstat of newly made dir failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno)); st2Valid = 0; r = 1; skipdir = 1; } else { st2Valid = 1; if (!OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2) && hc_chown(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid) != 0 ) { logerr("%s: chown of newly made dir failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno)); r = 1; /* Note that we should not set skipdir = 1 here. */ } } if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s mkdir-ok\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); CountCopiedItems++; } else { /* * Directory must be scanable by root for cpdup to * work. We'll fix it later if the directory isn't * supposed to be readable ( which is why we fixup * st2.st_mode to match what we did ). */ if ((st2.st_mode & 0700) != 0700) { hc_chmod(&DstHost, dpath, st2.st_mode | 0700); st2.st_mode |= 0700; } if (VerboseOpt >= 2) logstd("%s\n", dpath ? dpath : spath); } } /* * When copying a directory, stop if the source crosses a mount * point. */ if (sdevNo != (dev_t)-1 && stat1->st_dev != sdevNo) skipdir = 1; else sdevNo = stat1->st_dev; /* * When copying a directory, stop if the destination crosses * a mount point. * * The target directory will have been created and stat'd * for st2 if it did not previously exist. st2Valid is left * as a flag. If the stat failed st2 will still only have its * default initialization. * * So we simply assume here that the directory is within the * current target mount if we had to create it (aka st2Valid is 0) * and we leave ddevNo alone. */ if (st2Valid) { if (ddevNo != (dev_t)-1 && st2.st_dev != ddevNo) skipdir = 1; else ddevNo = st2.st_dev; } if (!skipdir) { List *list = malloc(sizeof(List)); Node *node; if (DirShowOpt) logstd("Scanning %s ...\n", spath); InitList(list); if (ScanDir(list, &SrcHost, spath, &CountSourceReadBytes, 0) == 0) { node = NULL; while ((node = IterateList(list, node, 0)) != NULL) { char *nspath; char *ndpath = NULL; nspath = mprintf("%s/%s", spath, node->no_Name); if (dpath) ndpath = mprintf("%s/%s", dpath, node->no_Name); info->spath = nspath; info->dpath = ndpath; info->sdevNo = sdevNo; info->ddevNo = ddevNo; if (depth < 0) r += DoCopy(info, node->no_Stat, depth); else r += DoCopy(info, node->no_Stat, depth + 1); free(nspath); if (ndpath) free(ndpath); info->spath = NULL; info->dpath = NULL; } /* * Remove files/directories from destination that do not appear * in the source. */ if (dpath && ScanDir(list, &DstHost, dpath, &CountTargetReadBytes, 3) == 0) { node = NULL; while ((node = IterateList(list, node, 3)) != NULL) { /* * If object does not exist in source or .cpignore * then recursively remove it. */ char *ndpath; ndpath = mprintf("%s/%s", dpath, node->no_Name); RemoveRecur(ndpath, ddevNo, node->no_Stat); free(ndpath); } } } ResetList(list); free(list); } if (dpath && st2Valid) { struct timeval tv[2]; if (ForceOpt || !OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2)) hc_chown(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); if (stat1->st_mode != st2.st_mode) hc_chmod(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_mode); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (!FlagsMatch(stat1, &st2)) hc_chflags(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_flags); #endif if (ForceOpt || mtimecmp(stat1, &st2) != 0) { bzero(tv, sizeof(tv)); tv[0].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; tv[1].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; #if defined(st_mtime) /* A macro, so very likely on modern POSIX */ tv[0].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; tv[1].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; #endif hc_utimes(&DstHost, dpath, tv); } } } else if (dpath == NULL) { /* * If dpath is NULL, we are just updating the MD5 */ #ifndef NOMD5 if (UseMD5Opt && S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode)) { mres = md5_check(spath, NULL); if (VerboseOpt > 1) { if (mres < 0) logstd("%-32s md5-update\n", (dpath) ? dpath : spath); else logstd("%-32s md5-ok\n", (dpath) ? dpath : spath); } else if (!QuietOpt && mres < 0) { logstd("%-32s md5-update\n", (dpath) ? dpath : spath); } } #endif } else if (S_ISREG(stat1->st_mode)) { char *path; char *hpath; int fd1; int fd2; if (st2Valid) path = mprintf("%s.tmp%d", dpath, (int)getpid()); else path = mprintf("%s", dpath); /* * Handle check failure message. */ #ifndef NOMD5 if (mres < 0) logerr("%-32s md5-CHECK-FAILED\n", (dpath) ? dpath : spath); #endif /* * Not quite ready to do the copy yet. If UseHLPath is defined, * see if we can hardlink instead. * * If we can hardlink, and the target exists, we have to remove it * first or the hardlink will fail. This can occur in a number of * situations but most typically when the '-f -H' combination is * used. */ if (UseHLPath && (hpath = checkHLPath(stat1, spath, dpath)) != NULL) { if (st2Valid) xremove(&DstHost, dpath); if (hc_link(&DstHost, hpath, dpath) == 0) { ++CountLinkedItems; if (VerboseOpt) { logstd("%-32s hardlinked(-H)\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } free(hpath); goto skip_copy; } /* * Shucks, we may have hit a filesystem hard linking limit, * we have to copy instead. */ free(hpath); } if ((fd1 = hc_open(&SrcHost, spath, O_RDONLY, 0)) >= 0) { if ((fd2 = hc_open(&DstHost, path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0) { /* * There could be a .tmp file from a previously interrupted * run, delete and retry. Fail if we still can't get at it. */ #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ hc_chflags(&DstHost, path, 0); #endif hc_remove(&DstHost, path); fd2 = hc_open(&DstHost, path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0600); } if (fd2 >= 0) { const char *op; char *iobuf1 = malloc(GETIOSIZE); int n; /* * Matt: What about holes? */ op = "read"; while ((n = hc_read(&SrcHost, fd1, iobuf1, GETIOSIZE)) > 0) { op = "write"; if (hc_write(&DstHost, fd2, iobuf1, n) != n) break; op = "read"; } hc_close(&DstHost, fd2); if (n == 0) { struct timeval tv[2]; bzero(tv, sizeof(tv)); tv[0].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; tv[1].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; #if defined(st_mtime) tv[0].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; tv[1].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; #endif if (DstRootPrivs || ChgrpAllowed(stat1->st_gid)) hc_chown(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); hc_chmod(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_mode); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (stat1->st_flags & (UF_IMMUTABLE|SF_IMMUTABLE)) hc_utimes(&DstHost, path, tv); #else hc_utimes(&DstHost, path, tv); #endif if (st2Valid && xrename(path, dpath, st2_flags) != 0) { logerr("%-32s rename-after-copy failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno) ); xremove(&DstHost, path); ++r; } else { if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s copy-ok\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (DstRootPrivs ? stat1->st_flags : stat1->st_flags & UF_SETTABLE) hc_chflags(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_flags); #endif } #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if ((stat1->st_flags & (UF_IMMUTABLE|SF_IMMUTABLE)) == 0) hc_utimes(&DstHost, dpath, tv); #endif CountSourceReadBytes += size; CountWriteBytes += size; CountSourceBytes += size; CountSourceItems++; CountCopiedItems++; } else { logerr("%-32s %s failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), op, strerror(errno) ); hc_remove(&DstHost, path); ++r; } free(iobuf1); } else { logerr("%-32s create (uid %d, euid %d) failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), getuid(), geteuid(), strerror(errno) ); ++r; } hc_close(&SrcHost, fd1); } else { logerr("%-32s copy: open failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno) ); ++r; } skip_copy: free(path); if (hln) { if (!r && hc_stat(&DstHost, dpath, &st2) == 0) { hltsetdino(hln, st2.st_ino); } else { hltdelete(hln); hln = NULL; } } } else if (S_ISLNK(stat1->st_mode)) { char *link1 = malloc(GETLINKSIZE); char *link2 = malloc(GETLINKSIZE); char *path; int n1; int n2; n1 = hc_readlink(&SrcHost, spath, link1, GETLINKSIZE - 1); if (st2Valid) { path = mprintf("%s.tmp%d", dpath, (int)getpid()); n2 = hc_readlink(&DstHost, dpath, link2, GETLINKSIZE - 1); } else { path = mprintf("%s", dpath); n2 = -1; } if (n1 >= 0) { if (ForceOpt || n1 != n2 || bcmp(link1, link2, n1) != 0 || (st2Valid && symlink_mfo_test(&DstHost, stat1, &st2)) ) { struct timeval tv[2]; bzero(tv, sizeof(tv)); tv[0].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; tv[1].tv_sec = stat1->st_mtime; #if defined(st_mtime) tv[0].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; tv[1].tv_usec = stat1->st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000; #endif hc_umask(&DstHost, ~stat1->st_mode); xremove(&DstHost, path); link1[n1] = 0; if (hc_symlink(&DstHost, link1, path) < 0) { logerr("%-32s symlink (%s->%s) failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), link1, path, strerror(errno) ); ++r; } else { if (DstRootPrivs || ChgrpAllowed(stat1->st_gid)) hc_lchown(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); /* * lutimes, lchmod if supported by destination. */ if (DstHost.version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) { hc_lchmod(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_mode); hc_lutimes(&DstHost, path, tv); } /* * rename (and set flags if supported by destination) */ if (st2Valid && xrename(path, dpath, st2_flags) != 0) { logerr("%-32s rename softlink (%s->%s) failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), path, dpath, strerror(errno)); xremove(&DstHost, path); } else { #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (DstHost.version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) hc_lchflags(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_flags); #endif if (VerboseOpt) { logstd("%-32s softlink-ok\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } } hc_umask(&DstHost, 000); CountWriteBytes += n1; CountCopiedItems++; } } else { if (VerboseOpt >= 3) logstd("%-32s nochange", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); if (!OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2)) { hc_lchown(&DstHost, dpath, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); if (VerboseOpt >= 3) logstd(" (uid/gid differ)"); } if (VerboseOpt >= 3) logstd("\n"); } CountSourceBytes += n1; CountSourceReadBytes += n1; if (n2 > 0) CountTargetReadBytes += n2; CountSourceItems++; } else { r = 1; logerr("%-32s softlink-failed\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } free(link1); free(link2); free(path); } else if ((S_ISCHR(stat1->st_mode) || S_ISBLK(stat1->st_mode)) && DeviceOpt) { char *path = NULL; if (ForceOpt || st2Valid == 0 || stat1->st_mode != st2.st_mode || stat1->st_rdev != st2.st_rdev || !OwnerMatch(stat1, &st2) ) { if (st2Valid) { path = mprintf("%s.tmp%d", dpath, (int)getpid()); xremove(&DstHost, path); } else { path = mprintf("%s", dpath); } if (hc_mknod(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_mode, stat1->st_rdev) == 0) { hc_chmod(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_mode); hc_chown(&DstHost, path, stat1->st_uid, stat1->st_gid); if (st2Valid) xremove(&DstHost, dpath); if (st2Valid && xrename(path, dpath, st2_flags) != 0) { logerr("%-32s dev-rename-after-create failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno) ); } else if (VerboseOpt) { logstd("%-32s dev-ok\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } CountCopiedItems++; } else { r = 1; logerr("%-32s dev failed: %s\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath), strerror(errno) ); } } else { if (VerboseOpt >= 3) logstd("%-32s nochange\n", (dpath ? dpath : spath)); } if (path) free(path); CountSourceItems++; } done: if (hln) { if (hln->dino == (ino_t)-1) { hltdelete(hln); /*hln = NULL; unneeded */ } else { hltrels(hln); } } return (r); } int ScanDir(List *list, struct HostConf *host, const char *path, int64_t *CountReadBytes, int n) { DIR *dir; struct HostConf *cphost; struct HCDirEntry *den; struct stat *statptr; if (n == 0) { /* * scan .cpignore file for files/directories to ignore * (only in the source directory, i.e. if n == 0). */ if (UseCpFile) { int fd; int nread; int bufused; char *buf = malloc(GETBUFSIZE); char *nl, *next; char *fpath; if (UseCpFile[0] == '/') { fpath = mprintf("%s", UseCpFile); cphost = NULL; } else { fpath = mprintf("%s/%s", path, UseCpFile); AddList(list, strrchr(fpath, '/') + 1, 1, NULL); cphost = host; } fd = hc_open(cphost, fpath, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd >= 0) { bufused = 0; while ((nread = hc_read(cphost, fd, buf + bufused, GETBUFSIZE - bufused - 1)) > 0) { *CountReadBytes += nread; bufused += nread; buf[bufused] = 0; for (next = buf; (nl = strchr(next, '\n')); next = nl+1) { *nl = 0; AddList(list, next, 1, NULL); } bufused = strlen(next); if (bufused) bcopy(next, buf, bufused); } if (bufused) { /* last line has no trailing newline */ buf[bufused] = 0; AddList(list, buf, 1, NULL); } hc_close(cphost, fd); } free(fpath); free(buf); } /* * Automatically exclude MD5CacheFile that we create on the * source from the copy to the destination. */ if (UseMD5Opt) AddList(list, MD5CacheFile, 1, NULL); } if ((dir = hc_opendir(host, path)) == NULL) return (1); while ((den = hc_readdir(host, dir, &statptr)) != NULL) { /* * ignore . and .. */ if (strcmp(den->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(den->d_name, "..") != 0) { if (UseCpFile && UseCpFile[0] == '/') { if (CheckList(list, path, den->d_name) == 0) continue; } AddList(list, den->d_name, n, statptr); } } hc_closedir(host, dir); return (0); } /* * RemoveRecur() */ static void RemoveRecur(const char *dpath, dev_t devNo, struct stat *dstat) { struct stat st; if (dstat == NULL) { if (hc_lstat(&DstHost, dpath, &st) == 0) dstat = &st; } if (dstat != NULL) { if (devNo == (dev_t)-1) devNo = dstat->st_dev; if (dstat->st_dev == devNo) { if (S_ISDIR(dstat->st_mode)) { DIR *dir; if ((dir = hc_opendir(&DstHost, dpath)) != NULL) { List *list = malloc(sizeof(List)); Node *node = NULL; struct HCDirEntry *den; InitList(list); while ((den = hc_readdir(&DstHost, dir, &dstat)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(den->d_name, ".") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(den->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; AddList(list, den->d_name, 3, dstat); } hc_closedir(&DstHost, dir); while ((node = IterateList(list, node, 3)) != NULL) { char *ndpath; ndpath = mprintf("%s/%s", dpath, node->no_Name); RemoveRecur(ndpath, devNo, node->no_Stat); free(ndpath); } ResetList(list); free(list); } if (AskConfirmation && NoRemoveOpt == 0) { if (YesNo(dpath)) { if (xrmdir(&DstHost, dpath) < 0) { logerr("%-32s rmdir failed: %s\n", dpath, strerror(errno) ); } CountRemovedItems++; } } else { if (NoRemoveOpt) { if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s not-removed\n", dpath); } else if (xrmdir(&DstHost, dpath) == 0) { if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s rmdir-ok\n", dpath); CountRemovedItems++; } else { logerr("%-32s rmdir failed: %s\n", dpath, strerror(errno) ); } } } else { if (AskConfirmation && NoRemoveOpt == 0) { if (YesNo(dpath)) { if (xremove(&DstHost, dpath) < 0) { logerr("%-32s remove failed: %s\n", dpath, strerror(errno) ); } CountRemovedItems++; } } else { if (NoRemoveOpt) { if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s not-removed\n", dpath); } else if (xremove(&DstHost, dpath) == 0) { if (VerboseOpt) logstd("%-32s remove-ok\n", dpath); CountRemovedItems++; } else { logerr("%-32s remove failed: %s\n", dpath, strerror(errno) ); } } } } } } static void InitList(List *list) { bzero(list, sizeof(List)); list->li_Node.no_Next = &list->li_Node; } static void ResetList(List *list) { Node *node; while ((node = list->li_Node.no_Next) != &list->li_Node) { list->li_Node.no_Next = node->no_Next; if (node->no_Stat != NULL) free(node->no_Stat); free(node); } InitList(list); } static Node * IterateList(List *list, Node *node, int n) { if (node == NULL) node = list->li_Node.no_Next; else node = node->no_Next; while (node->no_Value != n && node != &list->li_Node) node = node->no_Next; return (node == &list->li_Node ? NULL : node); } static int AddList(List *list, const char *name, int n, struct stat *st) { Node *node; int hv; /* * Scan against wildcards. Only a node value of 1 can be a wildcard * ( usually scanned from .cpignore ) */ for (node = list->li_Hash[0]; node; node = node->no_HNext) { if (strcmp(name, node->no_Name) == 0 || (n != 1 && node->no_Value == 1 && fnmatch(node->no_Name, name, 0) == 0) ) { return(node->no_Value); } } /* * Look for exact match */ hv = shash(name); for (node = list->li_Hash[hv]; node; node = node->no_HNext) { if (strcmp(name, node->no_Name) == 0) { return(node->no_Value); } } node = malloc(sizeof(Node) + strlen(name) + 1); if (node == NULL) fatal("out of memory"); node->no_Next = list->li_Node.no_Next; list->li_Node.no_Next = node; node->no_HNext = list->li_Hash[hv]; list->li_Hash[hv] = node; strcpy(node->no_Name, name); node->no_Value = n; node->no_Stat = st; return(n); } /* * Match against n=1 (cpignore) entries * * Returns 0 on match, non-zero if no match */ static int CheckList(List *list, const char *path, const char *name) { char *fpath = NULL; Node *node; int hv; if (asprintf(&fpath, "%s/%s", path, name) < 0) fatal("out of memory"); /* * Scan against wildcards. Only a node value of 1 can be a wildcard * ( usually scanned from .cpignore ) */ for (node = list->li_Hash[0]; node; node = node->no_HNext) { if (node->no_Value != 1) continue; if (fnmatch(node->no_Name, fpath, 0) == 0) { free(fpath); return 0; } } /* * Look for exact match */ hv = shash(fpath); for (node = list->li_Hash[hv]; node; node = node->no_HNext) { if (node->no_Value != 1) continue; if (strcmp(fpath, node->no_Name) == 0) { free(fpath); return 0; } } free(fpath); return 1; } static int shash(const char *s) { int hv; hv = 0xA4FB3255; while (*s) { if (*s == '*' || *s == '?' || *s == '{' || *s == '}' || *s == '[' || *s == ']' || *s == '|' ) { return(0); } hv = (hv << 5) ^ *s ^ (hv >> 23); ++s; } return(((hv >> 16) ^ hv) & HMASK); } static int YesNo(const char *path) { int ch, first; fprintf(stderr, "remove %s (Yes/No) [No]? ", path); fflush(stderr); first = ch = getchar(); while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF) ch = getchar(); return ((first == 'y' || first == 'Y')); } /* * xrename() - rename with override * * If the rename fails, attempt to override st_flags on the * destination and rename again. If that fails too, try to * set the flags back the way they were and give up. */ static int xrename(const char *src, const char *dst, u_long flags) { int r; if ((r = hc_rename(&DstHost, src, dst)) < 0) { #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (DstHost.version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) hc_lchflags(&DstHost, dst, 0); else hc_chflags(&DstHost, dst, 0); if ((r = hc_rename(&DstHost, src, dst)) < 0) { if (DstHost.version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) hc_lchflags(&DstHost, dst, flags); else hc_chflags(&DstHost, dst, flags); } #endif } return(r); } static int xlink(const char *src, const char *dst, u_long flags) { int r; #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ int e; #endif if ((r = hc_link(&DstHost, src, dst)) < 0) { #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (DstHost.version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) hc_lchflags(&DstHost, src, 0); else hc_chflags(&DstHost, src, 0); r = hc_link(&DstHost, src, dst); e = errno; hc_chflags(&DstHost, src, flags); errno = e; #endif } if (r == 0) ++CountLinkedItems; return(r); } static int xremove(struct HostConf *host, const char *path) { int res; res = hc_remove(host, path); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (res == -EPERM) { if (host->version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) hc_lchflags(host, path, 0); else hc_chflags(host, path, 0); res = hc_remove(host, path); } #endif return(res); } static int xrmdir(struct HostConf *host, const char *path) { int res; res = hc_rmdir(host, path); #ifdef _ST_FLAGS_PRESENT_ if (res == -EPERM) { hc_chflags(host, path, 0); res = hc_rmdir(host, path); } #endif return(res); } /* * Compare mtimes. By default cpdup only compares the seconds field * because different operating systems and filesystems will store time * fields with varying amounts of precision. * * This subroutine can be adjusted to also compare to microseconds or * nanoseconds precision. However, since cpdup() uses utimes() to * set a file's timestamp and utimes() only takes timeval's (usec precision), * I strongly recommend only comparing down to usec precision at best. */ static int mtimecmp(struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2) { if (st1->st_mtime < st2->st_mtime) return -1; if (st1->st_mtime == st2->st_mtime) return 0; return 1; } /* * Check to determine if a symlink's mtime, flags, or mode differ. * * This is only supported on targets that support lchflags, lutimes, * and lchmod. */ static int symlink_mfo_test(struct HostConf *hc, struct stat *st1, struct stat *st2) { int res = 0; if (hc->version >= HCPROTO_VERSION_LUCC) { if (!FlagsMatch(st1, st2)) res = 1; if (mtimecmp(st1, st2) != 0) res = 1; if (st1->st_mode != st2->st_mode) res = 1; } return res; }