.\" $OpenBSD: pthread_yield.3,v 1.3 2004/01/25 14:48:32 jmc Exp $ .\" .\" PUBLIC DOMAIN: No Rights Reserved. Marco S Hyman .\" .\" $FreeBSD: src/share/man/man3/pthread_yield.3,v 1.2 2007/10/22 10:08:01 ru Exp $ .\" .Dd December 16, 2020 .Dt PTHREAD_YIELD 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm pthread_yield .Nd yield control of the current thread .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libpthread .Sh SYNOPSIS .In pthread.h .Ft void .Fn pthread_yield void .In pthread_np.h .Ft void .Fn pthread_yield_np void .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Fn pthread_yield forces the running thread to relinquish the processor until it again becomes the head of its thread list. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr sched_yield 2 .Sh STANDARDS The .Fn pthread_yield is a non-portable (but quite common) extension to .St -p1003.1-2001 .