################################################################################ # Thelp DDisplay command help help [topic [subtopic]] help index ? The help command displays help on commands and their usage. In command help, a term enclosed with <...> indicates a value as described by the term. A term enclosed with [...] is optional, and may not be required by all forms of the command. Some commands may not be available in `help'. Use the `?' command to list most available commands. To boot another kernel than the default in kernel/, change directory to the kernel directory, and execute `loadall' and `boot' commands. E.g. to do a verbose boot of kernel in kernel.XXX/: cd cd kernel.XXX loadall boot -v If needed, disable the ACPI driver with: lunset acpi_load set hint.acpi.0.disabled=1 If needed, disable the AHCI driver with: lunset ahci_load set hint.ahci.disabled=1 If needed, disable the EHCI driver with: lunset ehci_load set hint.ehci.0.disabled=1 If needed, disable the XHCI driver with: lunset xhci_load set hint.xhci.0.disabled=1 For more information on ACPI, AHCI, EHCI and XHCI use `help' on these topics. ################################################################################ # T= DAssign value to variable = Assign value to variable. The value is always assigned to local variable . If is in the list of known kernel environment (kenv) variables or is a kernel tunable, the value is also assigned to the kernel environment variable of the given name. If the variable name contains a `.' it is considered a kernel tunable. Local variables are unset if is empty. Kernel environment variables will have empty value. Two kinds of variables are maintained by loader(8) (this program): local variables, that is for loader(8) use only, and kernel environment variables, that kernel will have access to when it starts. The assignment described above, will assign to a local variable and, if applicable, also snoop assignment to kernel environment variable. can be a string or a string expressions containing literal text and kernel environment variables, like `$VAR' or `${VAR}'. E.g.: VAR="Current device is $currdev" Escape sequences like `\n' (newline) and `\OOO' (character with number given in octal) can also be used. This is actually a general facility of loader(8) which can be used for arguments of all commands. ################################################################################ # TAHCI DControl AHCI module behaviour $ahci_load The AHCI driver provides support for SATA controllers conforming to the Advanced Host Controller Interface specification. The NATA driver provides support for some AHCI controllers, the AHCI driver is used if both NATA and AHCI drivers provides support for a controller. If AHCI driver is disabled, NATA driver will be used. If the ahci_load variable is set, the AHCI module will be loaded. The AHCI driver can be disabled with: lunset ahci_load set hint.ahci.disabled=1 A link speed of 1.5Gb/s can be enforced with: set hint.ahci.force150=1 To refrain from attempting to send some higher level ATA commands which some devices might not properly implement use: set hint.ahci.nofeatures=1 See ahci.4 man page (on booted system) for full description. ################################################################################ # Tautoboot DBoot after a delay autoboot [ []] Displays or a default prompt, and counts down seconds before attempting to boot. If is not specified, the default value is $autoboot_delay. ################################################################################ # Tboot DBoot immediately boot [- ...] [] Boot the system. If flags are specified, they are added to the arguments for the kernel. If is specified, and a kernel has not already been loaded, it will be booted instead of the default kernel. values include: -a Same as `set boot_askname' -C Same as `set boot_cdrom' -d Same as `set boot_ddb' -g Same as `set boot_gdb' -h Same as `set boot_serial' -m Mute the system console -p Pause after each attached device during device probing phase -r Use statically configured device for root file system -s Same as `set boot_single' -V Same as `set boot_vidcons' -v Same as `set boot_verbose' s can also be set via kernel_options variable. See also boot.8 man page (on booted system) for values. ################################################################################ # Techo DEcho arguments echo [-n] [] Emits , with no trailing newline if -n is specified. Kernel environment variables are substituted by prefixing them with `$', like `$VAR'; another variant is `${VAR}'. E.g.: echo Current device is $currdev will print the current device. ################################################################################ # TEHCI DControl EHCI module behaviour $ehci_load The EHCI driver provides support for the USB Enhanched Host Controller Interface, which is used by USB 2.0 controllers. The EHCI kernel module is by default loaded automatically. If the ehci_load variable is set, the EHCI module will be loaded. The EHCI driver can be disabled with: lunset ehci_load set hint.ehci.0.disabled=1 See ehci.4 man page (on booted system) for full description. ################################################################################ # TXHCI DControl XHCI module behaviour $xhci_load The XHCI driver provides support for the USB eXtensible Host Controller Interface, which is used by USB 3.0 controllers. The XHCI kernel module is by default loaded automatically. If the xhci_load variable is set, the XHCI module will be loaded. The XHCI driver can be disabled with: lunset xhci_load set hint.xhci.0.disabled=1 See xhci.4 man page (on booted system) for full description. ################################################################################ # Tload DLoad a kernel or module load [-t ] [ ...] Loads the module contained in into memory. If no other modules are loaded, must be a kernel or the command will fail. If -t is specified, the module is loaded as raw data of , for later use by the kernel or other modules. may be any string. Any arguments passed after the name of the file to be loaded will be passed as arguments to that file. ################################################################################ # Tls DList files ls [-l] [] Displays a listing of files in the directory , or the root directory of the current device if is not specified. The -l argument displays file sizes as well; the process of obtaining file sizes on some media may be very slow. ################################################################################ # Tlsdev DList all devices lsdev [-v] List all devices. Disk slices and partitions from which it may be possible to load modules are marked with '*'. If -v is specified, print more details, like size and position of disk slices and partitions. ################################################################################ # Tlsmod DList modules lsmod [-v] List loaded modules. If -v is specified, print more details. ################################################################################ # Tmore DPage files more ... Show contents of text files. When displaying the contents of more, than one file, if the user elects to quit displaying a file, the remaining files will not be shown. ################################################################################ # Tpnpscan DScan for PnP devices pnpscan [-v] Scan for Plug-and-Play devices. This command is normally automatically run as part of the boot process, in order to dynamically load modules required for system operation. If the -v argument is specified, details on the devices found will be printed. ################################################################################ # Tset DSet a kernel environment variable set set = The set command is used to set kernel environment variables. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################ # Tset Sautoboot_delay DSet the default autoboot / menu delay set autoboot_delay= Sets the default delay in seconds for the `autoboot' and `menu' commands to wait before booting. The default value is 10 seconds. ################################################################################ # Tset Sbootfile DSet the default boot file set set bootfile=[;...] Sets the default set of kernel boot filename(s). It may be overridden by setting the bootfile variable to a semicolon-separated list of filenames, each of which will be searched for in the $module_path directories. The default value is "kernel". ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_askname DPrompt for root device set boot_askname Instructs the kernel to prompt the user for the name of the root device when the kernel is booted. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_cdrom DBoot from CDROM set boot_cdrom Instructs the kernel to boot from CDROM when the kernel is booted. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_ddb DDrop to the kernel debugger (DDB) set boot_ddb Instructs the kernel to start in the DDB debugger, rather than proceeding to initialise when booted. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_gdb DSelect gdb-remote mode set boot_gdb Selects gdb-remote mode for the kernel debugger by default. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_single DStart system in single-user mode set boot_single Prevents the kernel from initiating a multi-user startup, single-user mode will be entered when the kernel has finished device probes. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_serial DUse serial console after boot set boot_serial Use serial console after boot. See also `set console' command. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_verbose DVerbose boot messages set boot_verbose Setting this variable causes extra debugging information to be printed by the kernel especially during the boot phase. ################################################################################ # Tset Sboot_vidcons DUse video console after boot set boot_vidcons Use video console after boot. See also `set console' command. ################################################################################ # Tset Skernel_options DKernel options set kernel_options Set kernel boot flags. E.g.: set kernel_options="-v -a" See also boot command; kernel_options sets default . ################################################################################ # Tset Sconsole DSet the current console set console[=] Sets the current console. include `vidconsole', `comconsole' and `nullconsole'. If is omitted, a list of valid consoles will be displayed. ################################################################################ # Tset Sdefault_kernel DSet default kernel directory set default_kernel= Selects the default kernel directory for `menu' command. Default value is "kernel". ################################################################################ # Tset Scurrdev DSet the current device set currdev= Selects the default device. See `lsdev' for available devices. ################################################################################ # Tset Sinit_chroot DSet directory that init(8) will chroot() to set init_chroot= If set, init(8) will chroot() to on startup. By setting this variable DragonFly can be run from a subdirectory of the root file system. ################################################################################ # Tset Sinit_path DSet the list of init(8) candidates set init_path=[:...] Sets the list of binaries which the kernel will try to run as initial process. ################################################################################ # Tset Smodule_path DSet the module search path set module_path=[;...] Sets the list of directories which will be searched in for modules named in a load command or implicitly required by a dependency. An empty specifies the current directory. The default value is ";modules". ################################################################################ # Tset Sprompt DSet the command prompt set prompt= The command prompt is displayed when the loader is waiting for input. Variable substitution is performed on the prompt. The default value is "OK". ################################################################################ # Tset Srootdev DSet the root filesystem set rootdev= By default the value of $currdev is used to set the root filesystem when the kernel is booted. This can be overridden by setting $rootdev explicitly. See also vfs.root.mountfrom variable, under `set tunables' help item. ################################################################################ # Tset Stunables DSet kernel tunable values Various kernel tunable parameters can be overridden by specifying new values in the environment. set hw.ioapic_enable= Set to 0 to disable use of I/O APIC. Default value is 1. set hw.irq.X.dest= Set irqX's destination to the given CPUID, which starts from 0. This variable should not be used if I/O APIC use is disabled. set hw.pci.allow_unsupported_io_range= Allow the PCI Bridge to pass through an unsupported memory range assigned by the BIOS. Value is 0 (default) or non-zero to enable. set hw.pci.enable_io_modes= Enable PCI resources which are left off by some BIOSes or are not enabled correctly by the device driver. Value is 1 (default), but this may cause problems with some peripherals. Set to 0 to disable. set hw.physmem= MAXMEM Limits the amount of physical memory space available to the system to bytes. may have a `k', `M' or `G' suffix to indicate kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively. Note that the current i386 architecture limits this value to 4GB. On systems where memory cannot be accurately probed, this option provides a hint as to the actual size of system memory (which will be tested before use). set hw.syscons.sc_no_suspend_vtswitch= Disable VT switching on suspend. Value is 0 (default) or non-zero to enable. set hw.usb.hack_defer_exploration= The USB keyboard will sometimes not attach properly unless you set this variable to 0. set kern.emergency_intr_enable= Setting this to 1 enables emergency interrupt polling. All interrupt handlers are executed periodically. This mode is very expensive and should only be used to get a system accessible when interrupt routing is otherwise broken. It is primarily used by kernel developers to debug new systems. set kern.emergency_intr_freq= Set the polling rate for the emergency interrupt polling code. The default is 10 (hz) to dissuade causual use. If you are doing real work with emergency interrupt polling mode enabled, it is recommended that you use a frequency between 100hz and 300hz. set kern.ipc.nmbclusters= NMBCLUSTERS Set the number of mbuf clusters to be allocated. The value cannot be set below the default determined when the kernel was compiled. set kern.user_scheduler= Set the default userland scheduler. can be "bsd4" or "dfly" (default). set kern.vm.kmem.size= Sets the size of kernel memory (bytes). This overrides the value determined when the kernel was compiled. set machdep.disable_mtrrs=1 Disable the use of i686 MTRRs (i386 only) set net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize= TCBHASHSIZE Overrides the compile-time set value of TCBHASHSIZE or the preset default of 512. Must be a power of 2. set vfs.root.mountfrom= Specify root file system. is a semicolon separated list of file systems. File system format is file system type and disk store, separated by colon. This variable needs to be set when using boot-only partition, which is typically mounted on root file system as /boot. One file system example: "hammer:da8s1a" One file system HAMMER2 redundant copies examples: "hammer2:da8s1a:da9s1a" Several file systems, boot list, example: "ufs:da0s1a;hammer2:ad1s1d" Each file system in the list will be tried in the order specified until the mount succeeds. If all fail, the `mountroot>' prompt is displayed for manual entry. You may not specify devtab labels here but you can specify paths available to devfs such as: "hammer:serno/L41JYE0G.s1d" set vfs.root.realroot= Specify root file system and extra options for initrd. Format of is below, TYPE is `local' or `crypt', arg's depend on TYPE: "TYPE:arg1:arg2:...:argN" Examples of : Use UFS file system on lvm(8) volume group `vg00' logical volume `lv0' as real root: "local:ufs:/dev/vg00/lv0" Use UFS file system on encrypted volume `secvolume', managed by cryptsetup(8), on device `/dev/ad0s0a' as real root: "crypt:ufs:/dev/ad0s0a:secvolume" See initrd.7 man page (on booted system) for full description. ################################################################################ # Tshow DShow values of kernel environment variable show [] Displays the value of , or all kernel environment variables if not specified. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################ # Tinclude DExecute script file include ... The entire contents of are read into memory before executing commands, so it is safe to source a file from removable media. ################################################################################ # Toptinclude DExecute script file; ignore exit status optinclude ... The entire contents of are read into memory before executing commands, so it is safe to source a file from removable media. Return success and execute all commands even if some commands fail. ################################################################################ # Tcd DChange directory cd [] Change working directory to . Default is $base. ################################################################################ # Toptcd DChange directory; ignore exit status optcd [] Change working directory to . Default is $base. Return success even if changing directory fails. ################################################################################ # Tpwd DPrint working directory pwd Show working directory. ################################################################################ # Tlocal DList local variables local [ ...] Display the value of given local variables, or all variables if not specified. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################ # Tlunset DUnset local variable lunset Unset local variable: discard value and remove variable. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################ # Tlunsetif DUnset local variable if kenv variable true lunsetif Unset local variable if kernel environment variable is true, i.e. set to 1 or YES. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################ # Tloadall DLoad kernel + modules loadall Load kernel and all modules specified by MODULE_load variables. ################################################################################ # Tifexists DConditional file/dir present ifexists Conditional exists, i.e. file/dir present. ################################################################################ # Tifset DConditional kenv variable present ifset Conditional kernel environment variable exists. ################################################################################ # Telseifexists DConditional file/dir present elseifexists Conditional exists, i.e. file/dir present. ################################################################################ # Telse DConditional if/else/endif else Conditional if/else/endif. ################################################################################ # Tendif DConditional if/else/endif endif Conditional if/else/endif. ################################################################################ # Tmenuclear DClear all menus menuclear Clear all menu bullets. ################################################################################ # Tmenuitem DAdd menu bullet menuitem Start new menu bullet, when running menu system bullet is chosen by pressing . E.g.: menuitem a "Boot Backup kernel kernel.alt" ################################################################################ # Tmenuadd DAdd script line for menu bullet menuadd Add script line for current menu bullet. E.g.: menuadd lunsetif acpi_load hint.acpi.0.disabled ################################################################################ # Tmenu DRun menu system menu Run menu system. ################################################################################ # Tread DRead input from terminal to kenv variable read [-p ] [-t ] [] The read command reads a line of input from the terminal. If -p is specified, is printed before reading input. No newline is emitted after the prompt. If -t is specified, it will return nothing if no input has been received after seconds. Any keypress will cancel the timeout. If is supplied, the kernel environment variable is set to the value read, less any terminating newline. ################################################################################ # Tunload DRemove all modules from memory unload This command removes any kernel and all loaded modules from memory. ################################################################################ # Tunset DUnset a kernel environment variable unset If allowed, the named kernel environment variable's value is discarded and the variable is removed. See also `=' command for distinction on local and kernel environment variables. ################################################################################