#!/usr/bin/awk -f # # $FreeBSD: head/stand/common/merge_help.awk 162742 2006-09-28 19:06:20Z jhb $ # # Merge two boot loader help files for FreeBSD 3.0 # Joe Abley BEGIN \ { state = 0; first = -1; ind = 0; } # beginning of first command /^###/ && (state == 0) \ { state = 1; next; } # entry header /^# T[[:graph:]]+ (S[[:graph:]]+ )*D[[:graph:]][[:print:]]*$/ && (state == 1) \ { match($0, " T[[:graph:]]+"); T = substr($0, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 2); match($0, " S[[:graph:]]+"); SSTART = RSTART; S = (RLENGTH == -1) ? "" : substr($0, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 2); match($0, " D[[:graph:]][[:print:]]*$"); D = substr($0, RSTART + 2); if (SSTART > RSTART) S = ""; # find a suitable place to store this one... ind++; if (ind == 1) { first = ind; help[ind, "T"] = T; help[ind, "S"] = S; help[ind, "link"] = -1; } else { i = first; j = -1; while (help[i, "T"] help[i, "S"] < T S) { j = i; i = help[i, "link"]; if (i == -1) break; } if (i == -1) { help[j, "link"] = ind; help[ind, "link"] = -1; } else { help[ind, "link"] = i; if (j == -1) first = ind; else help[j, "link"] = ind; } } help[ind, "T"] = T; help[ind, "S"] = S; help[ind, "D"] = D; # set our state state = 2; help[ind, "text"] = 0; next; } # end of last command, beginning of next one /^###/ && (state == 2) \ { state = 1; } (state == 2) \ { sub("[[:blank:]]+$", ""); if (help[ind, "text"] == 0 && $0 ~ /^[[:blank:]]*$/) next; help[ind, "text", help[ind, "text"]] = $0; help[ind, "text"]++; next; } # show them what we have (it's already sorted in help[]) END \ { node = first; while (node != -1) { printf "################################################################################\n"; printf "# T%s ", help[node, "T"]; if (help[node, "S"] != "") printf "S%s ", help[node, "S"]; printf "D%s\n\n", help[node, "D"]; for (i = 0; i < help[node, "text"]; i++) printf "%s\n", help[node, "text", i]; node = help[node, "link"]; } printf "################################################################################\n"; }