/* * USA history * * $OpenBSD: calendar.ushistory,v 1.8 2019/01/30 07:24:53 bentley Exp $ */ #ifndef _calendar_ushistory_ #define _calendar_ushistory_ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 01/01 First Rose Bowl; Michigan 49 - Stanford 0, 1902 01/02 First military deployment of helicopters (VS-300 by Igor Sikorsky), with a British American convoy, 1944 01/03 After 218 years since discovery by europeans and 92 years after it was purchased from Russian Empire, Alaska becomes 49th state, 1959 01/05 The FCC hears the first demonstration of FM radio, 1940 01/08 Battle of New Orleans 01/11 Milk delivered in bottles for the first time, 1878 01/11 Surgeon General condemned cigarettes, 1964 01/11 The Whiskey-A-Go-Go opens on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, 1963 01/14 The first "Be-In" is held in Golden Gate Park, 1967 01/16 Prohibition of alcohol begins, 1920 01/18 Grey whale migration, California 01/24 Eskimo Pie patented by Christian Nelson, 1922 01/24 Gold discovered in California at Sutter's Mill, 1848 01/24 A B-52 bomber carrying two 24 megaton bombs crashes at Goldsboro, North Carolina; 5 of 6 safety devices failed on one of them, 1961 01/27 Grissom, White and Chaffee burned to death in Apollo 1, 1967 01/28 First ski tow, Woodstock VT, 1914 01/28 Space Shuttle Challenger (51-L) explodes 74 seconds after liftoff killing Scobee, Smith, McNair, Resnick, Jarvis, Onizuka and McAuliffe, 1986 01/30 Tet Offensive, 1968 02/01 First TV soap: Secret Storm, 1954 02/01 Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) disintegrates 15 minutes before landing killing Husband, McCool, Chawla, Clark, Ramon, Brown, and Anderson, 2003 02/12 Lincoln's real birthday 02/12 Santa Barbara oil leak, 1969 02/16 Stephen Decatur burns US frigate in Tripoli, 1804 02/19 US Marines land on Iwo Jima, 1945 02/21 First telephone directory, New Haven, Connecticut, 1878 02/21 Malcolm X shot to death in Harlem, 1965 02/29 French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA, 1704 03/01 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and Tituba arrested for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692 03/04 First meeting of Congress in N.Y.C., 1789 03/14 Teddy Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from continental US, 1907 03/15 Buzzards return to Hinckley OH 03/15 Watts, Los Angeles, riots kill two, injure 25, 1966 03/16 MyLai Massacre; 300 non-combatant villagers killed by U.S. infantrymen 03/25 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911 03/26 Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937 03/29 Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE, 1638 04/04 Martin Luther King assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, 1968 04/09 Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, 1867 04/09 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, 1865 04/12 Confederate troops fire first shots of Civil War at Ft Sumter, 1861 04/12 Space Shuttle Columbia launched, 1981 04/14 US President Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, 1865 04/15 Ray Kroc opens first McDonalds in Des Plaines, IL, 1955 04/15 US President Abraham Lincoln dies, 1865 04/18 First Laundromat opens, Fort Worth Texas, 1934 04/18 San Francisco earthquake, 1906 04/20 Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of busing, 1971 04/23 Hank Aaron hits his first home run, 1954 05/03 Anti-war protest disrupts business in Washington, 1971 05/04 Four Kent State students are shot down by the National Guard, 1970 05/05 John Scopes arrested for teaching evolution, Dayton, TN, 1925 05/08 US institutes mining of Haiphong Harbor, 1972 05/15 Asylum for Inebriates founded, Binghamton NY, 1854 05/17 Six SLA members killed in televised gun fight, 1974 05/20 US explodes first air-delivered hydrogen bomb, 1956 05/22 US Civil War ends, 1865 05/26 Congress sets first immigration quotas, 1924 05/27 Golden Gate Bridge opens, 1937 05/30 US Marines sent to Nicaragua, 1912 06/02 Native Americans "granted" citizenship, 1924 06/03 A 46-cent computer chip fails, causing the mistaken detection of a Soviet missile attack by the NORAD system. About a 100 B-52 bombers were readied for take off along with the President's airborne command post before the error is detected, 1980 06/05 Robert Kennedy assassinated, 1968 06/05 US leaves the Gold Standard, 1933 06/10 Denver police tear gas Jethro Tull and 2000 fans at Red Rocks, 1971 06/15 Ben Franklin's kite experiment, 1752 06/16 "The Blues Brothers" premieres in Chicago, 1980 06/17 Watergate Democratic National Committee break-in, 1972 06/19 Start of a bus boycott protesting discrimination, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1953 06/22 Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964 06/24 Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1970 06/26 Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 06/27 Bill Graham closes the Fillmore East, 1971 06/28 Supreme Court decides in favor of Allan Bakke, 1978 07/01 Battle of Gettysburg begins, 1863 07/04 New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote, 1776 07/04 The Louisiana Purchase is announced to the American people, 1803 07/04 Battles of Vicksburg and Gettysburg won by Union forces, 1863 07/06 First 'talkie' (talking motion picture) premiere in New York, 1928 07/08 First public reading of the Declaration of Independence, 1776 07/08 Liberty Bell cracks while being rung at funeral of John Marshall, 1835 07/09 10-hour working day set by law, NH, 1847 07/16 Detonation of the first atomic bomb at Alamogordo, NM, 1945 07/18 Ty Cobb gets 4000th base hit, 1927 07/19 Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft, 1692 07/21 First Train Robbery, Jesse James gets $3000 near Adair, Iowa, 1873 07/28 B-25 hit 79th floor of Empire State Building, 1945 07/30 "In God We Trust" made U.S. motto, 1956 07/31 Harry S. Truman dedicates N.Y. Int'l Airport @ Idlewild Field, 1948, later JFK 08/06 Cy Young pitches first game, 1890 08/08 Richard Nixon resigns the US presidency, 1974 08/08 The Great Train Robbery -- $7,368,000, 1963 08/09 Helter Skelter... the Charles Manson murders take place, 1969 08/09 US/Canada border defined in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 1842 08/10 Chicago incorporated as a village of 300 people, 1833 08/10 US and Panama agree to transfer the canal in the year 2000, 1977 08/12 First test flight of Space Shuttle "Enterprise" from 747, 1977 08/12 Last U.S. ground troops out of Vietnam, 1972 08/14 Social Security begins in U.S., 1935 08/14 NYNEX merges with Bell Atlantic, 1997 08/14 North-East American blackout, 2003 08/15 Hurricane hits Plymouth Plantation, 1635 08/17 First public bath opened in N.Y., 1891 08/18 Anti-Cigarette League of America formed, 1899 08/24 "Alice's Restaurant" premieres in New York and Los Angeles, 1969 08/24 British troops burn Washington, 1814 08/26 Women get the vote (19th amendment of US constitution), 1920 08/28 Martin Luther King leads over 200,000 in civil rights rally in Washington, DC, 1963 09/05 U.S. President Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests, 1961 09/05 The first Continental Congress was convened in Philadelphia, 1774 09/06 U.S. President McKinley shot, 1901 09/08 U.S. President Ford pardons Richard M. Nixon, 1974 09/09 California becomes the 31st state of the USA, 1850 09/09 United Colonies is renamed the United States, 1776 09/14 Benjamin Franklin is sent to France as an American minister, 1778 09/14 Salem, Massachusetts, is founded, 1629 09/14 The US Selective Service Act establishes the first peacetime draft, 1940 09/15 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins his 13 day tour of the US, 1959 09/15 The U.S. Foreign Affairs Department becomes the U.S. State Department, 1789 09/16 The village of Shawmut, Massachusetts, becomes the city of Boston, 1630 09/20 Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for US President, 1884 09/20 First meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1848 09/20 First meeting of the US National Research Council, 1916 09/20 The Roxy Theater opens in Hollywood, 1973 09/22 US President Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, 1862 09/22 Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenas US President Nixon, 1974 09/23 The New York Knickerbockers becomes the first U.S. Baseball club, 1845 09/23 US Vice President Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with his "Checkers" speech, 1952 09/25 Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on US Supreme Court, 1981 10/01 NASA officially begins operations, 1958 10/02 Thurgood Marshall sworn as the first black Supreme Court Justice, 1967 10/07 Georgia Tech. beats Cumberland Univ. 222-0, 1916 10/07 Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges, 1977 10/08 Great Chicago Fire, 1871 10/10 Spiro T. Agnew resigns as Vice-President due to income tax fraud, 1973 10/11 "Saturday Night Live" premiers on NBC-TV, 1975 10/11 The first steam powered ferry ran between New York and Hoboken, 1811 10/13 U.S. Navy born, authorized by the Second Continental Congress, 1775 10/14 Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier, 1947 10/15 First draft card burned, 1965 10/15 D.B.A. ("drink good stuff") opens in N.Y.C., 1994 10/18 Boston Shoemakers form first U.S. labor org., 1648 10/27 New York's Boss Tweed is arrested on fraud charges, 1871 10/27 The first New York Subway is opened, 1904 10/28 Harvard was founded in Massachusetts, 1636 10/28 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island, 1886 10/29 Stock Market Crash, 1929 10/30 Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast, 1938 11/03 Beef rises to 3 cents a pound, IL, 1837 11/04 Iranian militants seize US embassy personnel in Teheran, 1979 11/09 Blackout of New York, New England, and Eastern Canada, 1965 11/09 Margaret Sanger forms American Birth Control League, 1921 11/09 Roosevelt establishes the Civil Works Administration, 1933 11/10 41 Women arrested in suffragette demonstrations near White House, 1917 11/10 Cpt. Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison hanged, 1865 11/11 Washington becomes the 42nd state, 1889 11/12 U.S. first exports oil to Europe, 1861 11/14 Quarter Pounder price raised from $0.53 to $0.55 in violation of Nixon price controls (but okayed by Price Commission after formal request from McDonald's), 1971 11/15 Niagara Falls power plant startup, 1896 11/17 46,000 meteoroids fall over AZ in 20 minutes, 1966 11/17 Richard Nixon says "I am not a crook.", 1973 11/18 Local standard time zones established for US, 1883 11/19 Gettysburg Address delivered, 1863 11/21 Announcement of 18 1/2 minute gap on Watergate tape, 1973 11/22 John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald, 1963 11/23 First broadcast of Dr. Who (longest running TV series), 1963 11/24 Alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald is killed by Jack Ruby in Dallas, Texas, 1963 11/27 Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed, 1873, in NW Massachusetts 12/01 First national corn-husking championship, Alleman IA, 1924 12/01 Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955 12/01 Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of the bus (Montgomery, AL), 1955 12/04 Washington takes leave of his officers at Fraunce's Tavern, NYC, 1783 12/05 The Eighteenth Amendment repealed, ending the Prohibition of alcohol, 1933 12/05 Martin Luther King Jr., leads black boycott of Montgomery buses, 1955 12/15 Bill of Rights adopted, 1791 12/15 Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest, 1890 12/20 U.S. buys ~1,000,000 sq. miles of Louisiana for ~$20/sq.mi. 12/24 KKK formed in Pulaski, Tenn, 1865 12/27 APT report published, 1956 12/28 Comet Kohoutek at perihelion, 1973 12/30 First Los Angeles freeway dedicated, 1940 12/31 Winterland closes its doors, 1978 #endif /* !_calendar_ushistory_ */