/* * Copyright (c) 2019 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * This code uses concepts and configuration based on 'synth', by * John R. Marino , which was written in ada. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "dsynth.h" typedef struct job { pthread_t td; pthread_cond_t cond; bulk_t *active; int terminate : 1; } job_t; /* * Most of these globals are locked with BulkMutex */ static int BulkScanJob; static int BulkCurJobs; static int BulkMaxJobs; static job_t JobsAry[MAXBULK]; static void (*BulkFunc)(bulk_t *bulk); static bulk_t *BulkSubmit; static bulk_t **BulkSubmitTail = &BulkSubmit; static bulk_t *BulkResponse; static bulk_t **BulkResponseTail = &BulkResponse; static pthread_cond_t BulkResponseCond; static pthread_mutex_t BulkMutex; static void bulkstart(void); #if 0 static int readall(int fd, void *buf, size_t bytes); static int writeall(int fd, const void *buf, size_t bytes); #endif static void *bulkthread(void *arg); /* * Initialize for bulk scan operations. Always paired with donebulk() */ void initbulk(void (*func)(bulk_t *bulk), int jobs) { int i; if (jobs > MAXBULK) jobs = MAXBULK; ddassert(BulkSubmit == NULL); BulkCurJobs = 0; BulkMaxJobs = jobs; BulkFunc = func; BulkScanJob = 0; addbuildenv("__MAKE_CONF", "/dev/null", BENV_ENVIRONMENT | BENV_PKGLIST); /* * CCache is a horrible unreliable hack but... leave the * mechanism in-place in case someone has a death wish. */ if (UseCCache) { addbuildenv("WITH_CCACHE_BUILD", "yes", BENV_MAKECONF); addbuildenv("CCACHE_DIR", CCachePath, BENV_MAKECONF); } pthread_mutex_init(&BulkMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&BulkResponseCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); for (i = 0; i < jobs; ++i) { pthread_cond_init(&JobsAry[i].cond, NULL); pthread_create(&JobsAry[i].td, NULL, bulkthread, &JobsAry[i]); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); } void donebulk(void) { bulk_t *bulk; int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); while ((bulk = BulkSubmit) != NULL) { BulkSubmit = bulk->next; freebulk(bulk); } BulkSubmitTail = &BulkSubmit; for (i = 0; i < BulkMaxJobs; ++i) { JobsAry[i].terminate = 1; pthread_cond_signal(&JobsAry[i].cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); for (i = 0; i < BulkMaxJobs; ++i) { pthread_join(JobsAry[i].td, NULL); pthread_cond_destroy(&JobsAry[i].cond); if (JobsAry[i].active) { freebulk(JobsAry[i].active); JobsAry[i].active = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); --BulkCurJobs; pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); } JobsAry[i].terminate = 0; } ddassert(BulkCurJobs == 0); while ((bulk = BulkResponse) != NULL) { BulkResponse = bulk->next; freebulk(bulk); } BulkResponseTail = &BulkResponse; BulkFunc = NULL; bzero(JobsAry, sizeof(JobsAry)); if (UseCCache) { delbuildenv("WITH_CCACHE_BUILD"); delbuildenv("CCACHE_DIR"); } delbuildenv("__MAKE_CONF"); } void queuebulk(const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4) { bulk_t *bulk; bulk = calloc(1, sizeof(*bulk)); if (s1) bulk->s1 = strdup(s1); if (s2) bulk->s2 = strdup(s2); if (s3) bulk->s3 = strdup(s3); if (s4) bulk->s4 = strdup(s4); bulk->state = ONSUBMIT; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); *BulkSubmitTail = bulk; BulkSubmitTail = &bulk->next; if (BulkCurJobs < BulkMaxJobs) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); bulkstart(); } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); } } /* * Fill any idle job slots with new jobs as available. */ static void bulkstart(void) { bulk_t *bulk; int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); while ((bulk = BulkSubmit) != NULL && BulkCurJobs < BulkMaxJobs) { i = BulkScanJob + 1; for (;;) { i = i % BulkMaxJobs; if (JobsAry[i].active == NULL) break; ++i; } BulkScanJob = i; BulkSubmit = bulk->next; if (BulkSubmit == NULL) BulkSubmitTail = &BulkSubmit; bulk->state = ONRUN; JobsAry[i].active = bulk; pthread_cond_signal(&JobsAry[i].cond); ++BulkCurJobs; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); } /* * Retrieve completed job or job with activity */ bulk_t * getbulk(void) { bulk_t *bulk; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); while (BulkCurJobs && BulkResponse == NULL) { pthread_cond_wait(&BulkResponseCond, &BulkMutex); } if (BulkResponse) { bulk = BulkResponse; ddassert(bulk->state == ONRESPONSE); BulkResponse = bulk->next; if (BulkResponse == NULL) BulkResponseTail = &BulkResponse; bulk->state = UNLISTED; } else { bulk = NULL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); bulkstart(); return bulk; } void freebulk(bulk_t *bulk) { ddassert(bulk->state == UNLISTED); if (bulk->s1) { free(bulk->s1); bulk->s1 = NULL; } if (bulk->s2) { free(bulk->s2); bulk->s2 = NULL; } if (bulk->s3) { free(bulk->s3); bulk->s3 = NULL; } if (bulk->s4) { free(bulk->s4); bulk->s4 = NULL; } if (bulk->r1) { free(bulk->r1); bulk->r1 = NULL; } if (bulk->r2) { free(bulk->r2); bulk->r2 = NULL; } if (bulk->r3) { free(bulk->r3); bulk->r3 = NULL; } if (bulk->r4) { free(bulk->r4); bulk->r4 = NULL; } free(bulk); } #if 0 /* * Returns non-zero if unable to read specified number of bytes */ static int readall(int fd, void *buf, size_t bytes) { ssize_t r; for (;;) { r = read(fd, buf, bytes); if (r == (ssize_t)bytes) break; if (r > 0) { buf = (char *)buf + r; bytes -= r; continue; } if (r < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; return 1; } return 0; } static int writeall(int fd, const void *buf, size_t bytes) { ssize_t r; for (;;) { r = write(fd, buf, bytes); if (r == (ssize_t)bytes) break; if (r > 0) { buf = (const char *)buf + r; bytes -= r; continue; } if (r < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; return 1; } return 0; } #endif static void * bulkthread(void *arg) { job_t *job = arg; bulk_t *bulk; pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); for (;;) { if (job->terminate) break; if (job->active == NULL) pthread_cond_wait(&job->cond, &BulkMutex); bulk = job->active; if (bulk) { bulk->state = ISRUNNING; pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); BulkFunc(bulk); pthread_mutex_lock(&BulkMutex); bulk->state = ONRESPONSE; bulk->next = NULL; *BulkResponseTail = bulk; BulkResponseTail = &bulk->next; --BulkCurJobs; pthread_cond_signal(&BulkResponseCond); } /* * Optimization - automatically fetch the next job */ if ((bulk = BulkSubmit) != NULL && job->terminate == 0) { BulkSubmit = bulk->next; if (BulkSubmit == NULL) BulkSubmitTail = &BulkSubmit; bulk->state = ONRUN; job->active = bulk; ++BulkCurJobs; } else { job->active = NULL; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&BulkMutex); return NULL; }