#define _KERNEL_STRUCTURES #include #include #include #include "symbols.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "systat.h" #include "extern.h" #define X_START 1 #define TOT_START 1 #define CPU_START 3 #define CPU_STARTX (CPU_START + 1 + vmm_ncpus) #define CPU_LABEL_W 7 #define DRAW_ROW(n, y, w, fmt, args...) \ do { \ mvprintw(y, n, fmt, w - 1, args); \ n += w; \ } while (0) #define DRAW_ROW2(n, y, w, fmt, args...) \ do { \ mvprintw(y, n, fmt, w - 1, w - 1, args);\ n += w; \ } while (0) #define DRAW_ROWX(n, y, w, fmt, args...) \ do { \ mvprintw(y, n, fmt, args); \ n += w; \ } while (0) static int vmm_ncpus; static int vmm_fetched; static struct vmmeter vmm_totcur, vmm_totprev; static struct vmmeter *vmm_cur, *vmm_prev; static struct kinfo_cputime *vmm_cptime_cur, *vmm_cptime_prev; static struct save_ctx symctx; static int symbols_read; static void getvmm(void) { size_t sz; int i; vmm_totcur.v_timer = 0; vmm_totcur.v_ipi = 0; vmm_totcur.v_intr = 0; vmm_totcur.v_lock_colls = 0; for (i = 0; i < vmm_ncpus; ++i) { struct vmmeter *vmm = &vmm_cur[i]; char buf[64]; sz = sizeof(*vmm); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "vm.cpu%d.vmmeter", i); if (sysctlbyname(buf, vmm, &sz, NULL, 0)) err(1, "sysctlbyname(cpu%d)", i); vmm->v_intr -= (vmm->v_timer + vmm->v_ipi); vmm_totcur.v_timer += vmm->v_timer; vmm_totcur.v_ipi += vmm->v_ipi; vmm_totcur.v_intr += vmm->v_intr; vmm_totcur.v_lock_colls += vmm->v_lock_colls; } sz = vmm_ncpus * sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime); if (sysctlbyname("kern.cputime", vmm_cptime_cur, &sz, NULL, 0)) err(1, "kern.cputime"); } int initvmm(void) { return 1; } #define D(idx, field) \ (u_int)((vmm_cur[idx].field - vmm_prev[idx].field) / naptime) #define CPUD(dif, idx, field) \ do { \ dif.cp_##field = vmm_cptime_cur[idx].cp_##field - \ vmm_cptime_prev[idx].cp_##field; \ dtot.cp_##field += vmm_cptime_cur[idx].cp_##field - \ vmm_cptime_prev[idx].cp_##field; \ cp_total += dif.cp_##field; \ cp_total_all += dif.cp_##field; \ } while (0) #define CPUV(dif, field) \ (dif.cp_##field * 100.0) / cp_total #define CPUC(idx, field) vmm_cptime_cur[idx].cp_##field #define CPUVTOT(field) \ (dtot.cp_##field * 100.0) / cp_total_all #define DTOT(field) \ (u_int)((vmm_totcur.field - vmm_totprev.field) / naptime) void showvmm(void) { struct kinfo_cputime dtot; uint64_t cp_total_all = 0; int i, n; if (!vmm_fetched) return; bzero(&dtot, sizeof(dtot)); for (i = 0; i < vmm_ncpus; ++i) { struct kinfo_cputime d; uint64_t cp_total = 0; n = X_START + CPU_LABEL_W; DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 6, "%*u", D(i, v_timer)); DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 8, "%*u", D(i, v_ipi)); DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 8, "%*u", D(i, v_intr)); CPUD(d, i, user); CPUD(d, i, idle); CPUD(d, i, intr); CPUD(d, i, nice); CPUD(d, i, sys); if (cp_total == 0) cp_total = 1; DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 6, "%*.1f", CPUV(d, user) + CPUV(d, nice)); DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 6, "%*.1f", CPUV(d, sys)); DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 6, "%*.1f", CPUV(d, intr)); DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 6, "%*.1f", CPUV(d, idle)); /* * Display token collision count and the last-colliding * token name. */ if (D(i, v_lock_colls) > 9999999) DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 8, "%*u", 9999999); else DRAW_ROW(n, CPU_START + i, 8, "%*u", D(i, v_lock_colls)); if (D(i, v_lock_colls) == 0) { DRAW_ROW2(n, CPU_START + i, (WideMode ? 24 : 16), "%*.*s", ""); if (WideMode) DRAW_ROW2(n, CPU_START + i, 17, "%*.*s", ""); } else { DRAW_ROW2(n, CPU_START + i, (WideMode ? 24 : 16), "%*.*s", vmm_cur[i].v_lock_name); if (WideMode) { DRAW_ROWX(n, CPU_START + i, 17, "%016lx", (uintmax_t)(uintptr_t) vmm_cur[i].v_lock_addr); } } if (WideMode && vmm_cptime_cur[i].cp_sample_pc) { void *rip; rip = (void *)(intptr_t)CPUC(i, sample_pc); DRAW_ROW2(n, CPU_START + i, 30, "%*.*s", address_to_symbol(rip, &symctx)); } } /* * Top row totals and averages */ if (cp_total_all == 0) cp_total_all = 1; n = X_START + CPU_LABEL_W; DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 6, "%*u", DTOT(v_timer)); /* timer */ DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 8, "%*u", DTOT(v_ipi)); /* ipi */ DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 8, "%*u", DTOT(v_intr)); /* extint */ DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 6, "%*.1f", CPUVTOT(user) + /* user */ CPUVTOT(nice)); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 6, "%*.1f", CPUVTOT(sys)); /* sys */ DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 6, "%*.1f", CPUVTOT(intr)); /* intr */ DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START, 6, "%*.1f", CPUVTOT(idle)); /* idle */ DRAW_ROWX(n, TOT_START, 8, "%7u", DTOT(v_lock_colls)); DRAW_ROWX(n, TOT_START, 0, " (%5.2f%% coltot)", (double)DTOT(v_lock_colls) / 1000000.0); } void fetchvmm(void) { vmm_fetched = 1; memcpy(vmm_prev, vmm_cur, sizeof(struct vmmeter) * vmm_ncpus); memcpy(vmm_cptime_prev, vmm_cptime_cur, sizeof(struct kinfo_cputime) * vmm_ncpus); vmm_totprev = vmm_totcur; getvmm(); } void labelvmm(void) { int i, n; clear(); n = X_START + CPU_LABEL_W; DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 6, "%*s", "timer"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 8, "%*s", "ipi"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 8, "%*s", "extint"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 6, "%*s", "user%"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 6, "%*s", "sys%"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 6, "%*s", "intr%"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 6, "%*s", "idle%"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 8, "%*s", "smpcol"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, (WideMode ? 24 : 16), "%*s", "contention"); if (WideMode) { DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 17, "%*s", "lockaddr"); } if (WideMode && getuid() == 0) { DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START - 1, 30, "%*s", "sample_pc"); } n = X_START + CPU_LABEL_W; DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 6, "%*s", "-----"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 8, "%*s", "-------"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 8, "%*s", "-------"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 6, "%*s", "-----"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 6, "%*s", "-----"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 6, "%*s", "-----"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 6, "%*s", "-----"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 8, "%*s", "-------"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, (WideMode ? 24 : 16), "%*s", (WideMode ? "-----------------------" : "---------------")); if (WideMode) DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 17, "%*s", "---------------"); if (WideMode && getuid() == 0) { DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_START + 1, 30, "%*s", "-----------------------------"); } mvprintw(TOT_START, X_START, "total"); for (i = 0; i < vmm_ncpus; ++i) mvprintw(CPU_START + i, X_START, "cpu%d", i); #if 0 n = X_START + CPU_LABEL_W; DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_STARTX - 1, 15, "%-*s", "contention"); DRAW_ROW(n, TOT_STARTX - 1, 35, "%-*s", "function"); for (i = 0; i < vmm_ncpus; ++i) mvprintw(CPU_STARTX + i, X_START, "cpu%d", i); #endif } WINDOW * openvmm(void) { if (symbols_read == 0) { symbols_read = 1; read_symbols(NULL); } if (kinfo_get_cpus(&vmm_ncpus)) err(1, "kinfo_get_cpus"); vmm_cur = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cur)); if (vmm_cur == NULL) err(1, "calloc vmm_cur"); vmm_prev = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_prev)); if (vmm_prev == NULL) err(1, "calloc vmm_prev"); vmm_cptime_cur = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cptime_cur)); if (vmm_cptime_cur == NULL) err(1, "calloc vmm_cptime_cur"); vmm_cptime_prev = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cptime_prev)); if (vmm_cptime_prev == NULL) err(1, "calloc vmm_cptime_prev"); getvmm(); return (stdscr); } void closevmm(WINDOW *w) { if (vmm_cur != NULL) free(vmm_cur); if (vmm_prev != NULL) free(vmm_prev); if (vmm_cptime_cur != NULL) free(vmm_cptime_cur); if (vmm_cptime_prev != NULL) free(vmm_cptime_prev); vmm_fetched = 0; if (w == NULL) return; wclear(w); wrefresh(w); }