/* * Copyright (c)2004 Cat's Eye Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Cat's Eye Technologies nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * curses_form.c * $Id: curses_form.c,v 1.13 2005/02/08 22:56:06 cpressey Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #include #define _(String) gettext (String) #else #define _(String) (String) #endif #include "libaura/mem.h" #include "libdfui/dump.h" #include "curses_form.h" #include "curses_widget.h" #include "curses_util.h" /*** FORMS ***/ /* * Create a new curses form with the given title text. */ struct curses_form * curses_form_new(const char *title) { struct curses_form *cf; AURA_MALLOC(cf, curses_form); cf->win = NULL; cf->pan = NULL; cf->widget_head = NULL; cf->widget_tail = NULL; cf->widget_focus = NULL; cf->height = 0; cf->width = strlen(title) + 4; cf->x_offset = 0; cf->y_offset = 0; cf->int_width = 0; cf->int_height = 0; cf->want_x = 0; cf->want_y = 0; cf->title = aura_strdup(title); cf->userdata = NULL; cf->cleanup = 0; cf->help_text = NULL; return(cf); } /* * Deallocate the memory used for the given curses form and all of the * widgets it contains. Note that this only frees any data at the form's * userdata pointer IFF cleanup is non-zero. Also, it does not cause the * screen to be refreshed - call curses_form_refresh(NULL) afterwards to * make the form disappear. */ void curses_form_free(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w, *t; w = cf->widget_head; while (w != NULL) { t = w->next; curses_widget_free(w); w = t; } if (cf->help_text != NULL) { free(cf->help_text); } if (cf->cleanup && cf->userdata != NULL) { free(cf->userdata); } if (cf->win != NULL) { del_panel(cf->pan); delwin(cf->win); } free(cf->title); AURA_FREE(cf, curses_form); } /* * Prepare the widget for being placed in the form. This implements * automatically positioning the widget and automatically resizing * the form if the widget is too large to fit. */ static void curses_form_widget_prepare(struct curses_form *cf, struct curses_widget *w) { /* * Link the widget to the form. */ w->form = cf; /* * Auto-position the widget to the center of the form, * if requested. */ if (w->flags & CURSES_WIDGET_CENTER) w->x = (cf->width - w->width) / 2; /* * If the widget's right edge exceeds the width of * the form, expand the form. */ dfui_debug("w->x=%d w->width=%d cf->width=%d : ", w->x, w->width, cf->width); if ((w->x + w->width + 1) > cf->width) cf->width = w->x + w->width + 1; dfui_debug("new cf->width=%d\n", cf->width); } /* * Create a new curses_widget and add it to an existing curses_form. * If the width of the widget is larger than will fit on the form, the * form will be expanded, unless it would be expanded larger than the * screen, in which case the widget is shrunk. */ struct curses_widget * curses_form_widget_add(struct curses_form *cf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, widget_t type, const char *text, unsigned int size, unsigned int flags) { struct curses_widget *w; w = curses_widget_new(x, y, width, type, text, size, flags); curses_form_widget_prepare(cf, w); if (cf->widget_head == NULL) { cf->widget_head = w; } else { cf->widget_tail->next = w; w->prev = cf->widget_tail; } cf->widget_tail = w; return(w); } /* * Create a new curses_widget and add it after an existing curses_widget * in an existing curses_form. */ struct curses_widget * curses_form_widget_insert_after(struct curses_widget *cw, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, widget_t type, const char *text, unsigned int size, unsigned int flags) { struct curses_widget *w; w = curses_widget_new(x, y, width, type, text, size, flags); curses_form_widget_prepare(cw->form, w); w->prev = cw; w->next = cw->next; if (cw->next == NULL) cw->form->widget_tail = w; else cw->next->prev = w; cw->next = w; return(w); } /* * Unlink a widget from a form. Does not deallocate the widget. */ void curses_form_widget_remove(struct curses_widget *w) { if (w->prev == NULL) w->form->widget_head = w->next; else w->prev->next = w->next; if (w->next == NULL) w->form->widget_tail = w->prev; else w->next->prev = w->prev; w->next = NULL; w->prev = NULL; w->form = NULL; } int curses_form_descriptive_labels_add(struct curses_form *cf, const char *text, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width) { int done = 0; int pos = 0; char *line; line = aura_malloc(width + 1, "descriptive line"); while (!done) { done = extract_wrapped_line(text, line, width, &pos); dfui_debug("line = `%s', done = %d, width = %d, form width = %d : ", line, done, width, cf->width); curses_form_widget_add(cf, x, y++, 0, CURSES_LABEL, line, 0, CURSES_WIDGET_WIDEN); dfui_debug("now %d\n", cf->width); } free(line); return(y); } void curses_form_finalize(struct curses_form *cf) { if (cf->widget_head != NULL) { cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_head; curses_form_focus_skip_forward(cf); cf->want_x = cf->widget_focus->x + cf->widget_focus->width / 2; cf->want_y = cf->widget_focus->y; } else { cf->widget_focus = NULL; } cf->left = (xmax - cf->width) / 2; cf->top = (ymax - cf->height) / 2; /* * Set the internal width and height. */ cf->int_width = cf->width; cf->int_height = cf->height; /* * Limit form size to physical screen dimensions. */ if (cf->width > (xmax - 2)) { cf->width = xmax - 2; cf->left = 1; } if (cf->height > (ymax - 2)) { cf->height = ymax - 2; cf->top = 1; } if (cf->top < 1) cf->top = 1; if (cf->left < 1) cf->left = 1; cf->win = newwin(cf->height + 2, cf->width + 2, cf->top - 1, cf->left - 1); if (cf->win == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate %dx%d window @ %d,%d\n", cf->width + 2, cf->height + 2, cf->left - 1, cf->top - 1); cf->pan = new_panel(cf->win); } /* * Render the given form (and all of the widgets it contains) in the * curses backing store. Does not cause the form to be displayed. */ void curses_form_draw(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w; float sb_factor = 0.0; size_t sb_off = 0, sb_size = 0; curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_NORMAL); curses_window_blank(cf->win); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_BORDER); /* draw_frame(cf->left - 1, cf->top - 1, cf->width + 2, cf->height + 2); */ wborder(cf->win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* * If the internal dimensions of the form exceed the physical * dimensions, draw scrollbar(s) as appropriate. */ if (cf->int_height > cf->height) { sb_factor = (float)cf->height / (float)cf->int_height; sb_size = cf->height * sb_factor; if (sb_size == 0) sb_size = 1; sb_off = cf->y_offset * sb_factor; curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_SCROLLAREA); mvwvline(cf->win, 1, cf->width + 1, ACS_CKBOARD, cf->height); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_SCROLLBAR); mvwvline(cf->win, 1 + sb_off, cf->width + 1, ACS_BLOCK, sb_size); } if (cf->int_width > cf->width) { sb_factor = (float)cf->width / (float)cf->int_width; sb_size = cf->width * sb_factor; if (sb_size == 0) sb_size = 1; sb_off = cf->x_offset * sb_factor; curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_SCROLLAREA); mvwhline(cf->win, cf->height + 1, 1, ACS_CKBOARD, cf->width); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_SCROLLBAR); mvwhline(cf->win, cf->height + 1, 1 + sb_off, ACS_BLOCK, sb_size); } curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_BORDER); /* * Render the title bar text. */ wmove(cf->win, 0, (cf->width - strlen(cf->title)) / 2 - 1); waddch(cf->win, ACS_RTEE); waddch(cf->win, ' '); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_FORMTITLE); waddstr(cf->win, cf->title); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_BORDER); waddch(cf->win, ' '); waddch(cf->win, ACS_LTEE); /* * Render a "how to get help" reminder. */ if (cf->help_text != NULL) { static const char *help_msg = "Press F1 for Help"; wmove(cf->win, cf->height + 1, (cf->width - strlen(help_msg)) / 2 - 1); waddch(cf->win, ACS_RTEE); waddch(cf->win, ' '); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_FORMTITLE); waddstr(cf->win, help_msg); curses_colors_set(cf->win, CURSES_COLORS_BORDER); waddch(cf->win, ' '); waddch(cf->win, ACS_LTEE); } /* * Render the widgets. */ for (w = cf->widget_head; w != NULL; w = w->next) { curses_widget_draw(w); } /* to put the cursor there */ curses_widget_draw_tooltip(cf->widget_focus); curses_widget_draw(cf->widget_focus); } /* * Cause the given form to be displayed (if it was not displayed previously) * or refreshed (if it was previously displayed.) Passing NULL to this * function causes all visible forms to be refreshed. * * (Implementation note: the argument is actually irrelevant - all visible * forms will be refreshed when any form is displayed or refreshed - but * client code should not rely on this behaviour.) */ void curses_form_refresh(struct curses_form *cf __unused) { update_panels(); doupdate(); } void curses_form_focus_skip_forward(struct curses_form *cf) { while (!curses_widget_can_take_focus(cf->widget_focus)) { cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_focus->next; if (cf->widget_focus == NULL) cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_head; } curses_form_widget_ensure_visible(cf->widget_focus); } void curses_form_focus_skip_backward(struct curses_form *cf) { while (!curses_widget_can_take_focus(cf->widget_focus)) { cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_focus->prev; if (cf->widget_focus == NULL) cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_tail; } curses_form_widget_ensure_visible(cf->widget_focus); } void curses_form_advance(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w; w = cf->widget_focus; cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_focus->next; if (cf->widget_focus == NULL) cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_head; curses_form_focus_skip_forward(cf); cf->want_x = cf->widget_focus->x + cf->widget_focus->width / 2; cf->want_y = cf->widget_focus->y; curses_widget_draw(w); curses_widget_draw_tooltip(cf->widget_focus); curses_widget_draw(cf->widget_focus); curses_form_refresh(cf); #ifdef DEBUG curses_debug_int(cf->widget_focus->user_id); #endif } void curses_form_retreat(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w; w = cf->widget_focus; cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_focus->prev; if (cf->widget_focus == NULL) cf->widget_focus = cf->widget_tail; curses_form_focus_skip_backward(cf); cf->want_x = cf->widget_focus->x + cf->widget_focus->width / 2; cf->want_y = cf->widget_focus->y; curses_widget_draw(w); curses_widget_draw_tooltip(cf->widget_focus); curses_widget_draw(cf->widget_focus); curses_form_refresh(cf); #ifdef DEBUG curses_debug_int(cf->widget_focus->user_id); #endif } /* * Returns the widget at (x, y) within a form, or NULL if * there is no widget at that location. */ struct curses_widget * curses_form_widget_at(struct curses_form *cf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { struct curses_widget *w; for (w = cf->widget_head; w != NULL; w = w->next) { if (y == w->y && x >= w->x && x <= (w->x + w->width)) return(w); } return(NULL); } /* * Returns the first (focusable) widget on * the topmost row of the form. */ int curses_form_widget_first_row(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w; for (w = cf->widget_head; w != NULL; w = w->next) { if (curses_widget_can_take_focus(w)) return(w->y); } return(0); } /* * Returns the first (focusable) widget on * the bottommost row of the form. */ int curses_form_widget_last_row(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w; unsigned int best_y = 0; for (w = cf->widget_head; w != NULL; w = w->next) { if (curses_widget_can_take_focus(w) && w->y > best_y) { best_y = w->y; } } return(best_y); } /* * Returns the first (focusable) widget on row y. */ struct curses_widget * curses_form_widget_first_on_row(struct curses_form *cf, unsigned int y) { struct curses_widget *w; for (w = cf->widget_head; w != NULL; w = w->next) { if (curses_widget_can_take_focus(w) && y == w->y) return(w); } return(NULL); } /* * Returns the (focusable) widget on row y closest to x. */ struct curses_widget * curses_form_widget_closest_on_row(struct curses_form *cf, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { struct curses_widget *w, *best = NULL; int dist, best_dist = 999; w = curses_form_widget_first_on_row(cf, y); if (w == NULL) return(NULL); for (best = w; w != NULL && w->y == y; w = w->next) { if (!curses_widget_can_take_focus(w)) continue; dist = (w->x + w->width / 2) - x; if (dist < 0) dist *= -1; if (dist < best_dist) { best_dist = dist; best = w; } } return(best); } /* * Returns the number of (focusable) widgets with y values less than * (above) the given widget. */ int curses_form_widget_count_above(struct curses_form *cf, struct curses_widget *w) { struct curses_widget *lw; int count = 0; for (lw = cf->widget_head; lw != NULL; lw = lw->next) { if (curses_widget_can_take_focus(lw) && lw->y < w->y) count++; } return(count); } /* * Returns the number of (focusable) widgets with y values greater than * (below) the given widget. */ int curses_form_widget_count_below(struct curses_form *cf, struct curses_widget *w) { struct curses_widget *lw; int count = 0; for (lw = cf->widget_head; lw != NULL; lw = lw->next) { if (curses_widget_can_take_focus(lw) && lw->y > w->y) count++; } return(count); } /* * Move to the next widget whose y is greater than the * current want_y, and whose x is closest to want_x. */ void curses_form_advance_row(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w, *c; int wy; w = cf->widget_focus; if (curses_form_widget_count_below(cf, w) > 0) { wy = cf->want_y + 1; } else { wy = curses_form_widget_first_row(cf); } do { c = curses_form_widget_closest_on_row(cf, cf->want_x, wy++); } while (c == NULL); cf->widget_focus = c; curses_form_focus_skip_forward(cf); cf->want_y = cf->widget_focus->y; curses_widget_draw(w); curses_widget_draw_tooltip(cf->widget_focus); curses_widget_draw(cf->widget_focus); curses_form_refresh(cf); } /* * Move to the next widget whose y is less than the * current want_y, and whose x is closest to want_x. */ void curses_form_retreat_row(struct curses_form *cf) { struct curses_widget *w, *c; int wy; w = cf->widget_focus; if (curses_form_widget_count_above(cf, w) > 0) { wy = cf->want_y - 1; } else { wy = curses_form_widget_last_row(cf); } do { c = curses_form_widget_closest_on_row(cf, cf->want_x, wy--); } while (c == NULL); cf->widget_focus = c; curses_form_focus_skip_backward(cf); cf->want_y = cf->widget_focus->y; curses_widget_draw(w); curses_widget_draw_tooltip(cf->widget_focus); curses_widget_draw(cf->widget_focus); curses_form_refresh(cf); } void curses_form_scroll_to(struct curses_form *cf, unsigned int x_off, unsigned int y_off) { cf->x_offset = x_off; cf->y_offset = y_off; } void curses_form_scroll_delta(struct curses_form *cf, int dx, int dy) { unsigned int x_off, y_off; if (dx < 0 && (unsigned int)-dx > cf->x_offset) { x_off = 0; } else { x_off = cf->x_offset + dx; } if (x_off > (cf->int_width - cf->width)) x_off = cf->int_width - cf->width; if (dy < 0 && (unsigned int)-dy > cf->y_offset) { y_off = 0; } else { y_off = cf->y_offset + dy; } if (y_off > (cf->int_height - cf->height)) y_off = cf->int_height - cf->height; curses_form_scroll_to(cf, x_off, y_off); } static void curses_form_refocus_after_scroll(struct curses_form *cf, int dx, int dy) { struct curses_widget *w; w = curses_form_widget_closest_on_row(cf, cf->widget_focus->x + dx, cf->widget_focus->y + dy); if (w != NULL) { cf->widget_focus = w; cf->want_x = w->x + w->width / 2; cf->want_y = w->y; } } int curses_form_widget_is_visible(struct curses_widget *w) { unsigned int wy; wy = w->y + 1 - w->form->y_offset; if (wy < 1 || wy > w->form->height) return(0); return(1); } void curses_form_widget_ensure_visible(struct curses_widget *w) { unsigned int wy; int dx = 0, dy = 0; /* * If a textbox's offset is such that we can't see * the cursor inside, adjust it. */ if (w->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { if (w->curpos - w->offset >= w->width - 2) w->offset = w->curpos - (w->width - 3); if (w->offset > w->curpos) w->offset = w->curpos; } if (curses_form_widget_is_visible(w)) return; wy = w->y + 1 - w->form->y_offset; if (wy < 1) dy = -1 * (1 - wy); else if (wy > w->form->height) dy = (wy - w->form->height); curses_form_scroll_delta(w->form, dx, dy); curses_form_draw(w->form); curses_form_refresh(w->form); } static void curses_form_show_help(const char *text) { struct curses_form *cf; struct curses_widget *w; cf = curses_form_new(_("Help")); cf->height = curses_form_descriptive_labels_add(cf, text, 1, 1, 72); cf->height += 1; w = curses_form_widget_add(cf, 0, cf->height++, 0, CURSES_BUTTON, _("OK"), 0, CURSES_WIDGET_WIDEN); curses_widget_set_click_cb(w, cb_click_close_form); curses_form_finalize(cf); curses_form_draw(cf); curses_form_refresh(cf); curses_form_frob(cf); curses_form_free(cf); } #define CTRL(c) (char)(c - 'a' + 1) struct curses_widget * curses_form_frob(struct curses_form *cf) { int key; flushinp(); for (;;) { key = getch(); switch(key) { case KEY_DOWN: case CTRL('n'): curses_form_advance_row(cf); break; case KEY_UP: case CTRL('p'): curses_form_retreat_row(cf); break; case '\t': curses_form_advance(cf); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case CTRL('f'): if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { if (!curses_textbox_advance_char(cf->widget_focus)) curses_form_advance(cf); } else curses_form_advance(cf); break; case KEY_LEFT: case CTRL('b'): if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { if (!curses_textbox_retreat_char(cf->widget_focus)) curses_form_retreat(cf); } else curses_form_retreat(cf); break; case '\n': case '\r': if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { switch (curses_widget_click(cf->widget_focus)) { case -1: curses_form_advance(cf); break; case 0: break; case 1: /* this would be pretty rare */ return(cf->widget_focus); } } else if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_BUTTON) { switch (curses_widget_click(cf->widget_focus)) { case -1: beep(); break; case 0: break; case 1: return(cf->widget_focus); } } else if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_CHECKBOX) { curses_checkbox_toggle(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case '\b': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case 127: /* why is this not KEY_BACKSPACE on xterm?? */ if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { curses_textbox_backspace_char(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_DC: case CTRL('k'): if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { curses_textbox_delete_char(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_HOME: case CTRL('a'): if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { curses_textbox_home(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_END: case CTRL('e'): if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { curses_textbox_end(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_NPAGE: case CTRL('g'): curses_form_scroll_delta(cf, 0, cf->height - 1); curses_form_refocus_after_scroll(cf, 0, cf->height - 1); curses_form_draw(cf); curses_form_refresh(cf); break; case KEY_PPAGE: case CTRL('t'): curses_form_scroll_delta(cf, 0, -1 * (cf->height - 1)); curses_form_refocus_after_scroll(cf, 0, -1 * (cf->height - 1)); curses_form_draw(cf); curses_form_refresh(cf); break; case ' ': if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { /* XXX if non-editable, click it */ curses_textbox_insert_char(cf->widget_focus, ' '); } else if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_BUTTON) { switch (curses_widget_click(cf->widget_focus)) { case -1: beep(); break; case 0: break; case 1: return(cf->widget_focus); } } else if (cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_CHECKBOX) { curses_checkbox_toggle(cf->widget_focus); } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_F(1): /* why does this not work in xterm??? */ case CTRL('w'): if (cf->help_text != NULL) { curses_form_show_help(cf->help_text); curses_form_refresh(cf); } break; case KEY_F(10): case CTRL('l'): redrawwin(stdscr); curses_form_refresh(NULL); break; default: if (isprint(key) && cf->widget_focus->type == CURSES_TEXTBOX) { curses_textbox_insert_char(cf->widget_focus, (char)key); } else { struct curses_widget *cw; for (cw = cf->widget_head; cw != NULL; cw = cw->next) { if (toupper(key) == cw->accel) { /* * To just refocus: */ /* cf->widget_focus = cw; curses_form_widget_ensure_visible(cw); curses_form_draw(cf); curses_form_refresh(cf); */ /* * To actually activate: */ switch (curses_widget_click(cw)) { case -1: beep(); break; case 0: break; case 1: return(cw); } break; } } #ifdef DEBUG curses_debug_key(key); #endif beep(); } break; } } } /*** GENERIC CALLBACKS ***/ /* * Callback to give to curses_button_set_click_cb, for buttons * that simply close the form they are in when they are clicked. * These usually map to dfui actions. */ int cb_click_close_form(struct curses_widget *w __unused) { return(1); }