/* * Copyright (c)2004 Cat's Eye Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Cat's Eye Technologies nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * main.c * Main program for dfuife_curses. * $Id: main.c,v 1.21 2005/03/25 04:51:10 cpressey Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_NLS #include #include "libdfui/lang.h" #define _(String) gettext (String) extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; #else #define _(String) (String) #endif #include "libaura/mem.h" #include "libdfui/dfui.h" #ifdef DEBUG #include "libdfui/dump.h" #endif #include "libdfui/system.h" #include "curses_form.h" #include "curses_widget.h" #include "curses_bar.h" #include "curses_util.h" #include "curses_xlat.h" /*** GLOBALS ***/ struct curses_bar *menubar, *statusbar; /*** SIGNAL HANDLING ***/ #ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLING volatile sig_atomic_t caught_signal; void signal_handler(int signo) { caught_signal = signo; } void abort_frontend(struct dfui_connection *c) { dfui_fe_abort(c); clear(); refresh(); endwin(); exit(1); } #endif static struct dfui_response * #ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLING present_form(struct dfui_connection *c, struct dfui_form *f) #else present_form(struct dfui_connection *c __unused, struct dfui_form *f) #endif { struct dfui_response *r = NULL; struct curses_form *cf; struct curses_widget *cw; cf = curses_form_construct_from_dfui_form(f); curses_form_draw(cf); curses_form_refresh(cf); cw = curses_form_frob(cf); #ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLING if (caught_signal) abort_frontend(c); #endif r = response_construct_from_curses_form(f, cf, cw); curses_form_free(cf); curses_form_refresh(NULL); return(r); } static void usage(char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s " "[-b backdrop] [-r rendezvous] [-t npipe|tcp]\n"), argv[0]); exit(1); } /* * dfuife_curses * DFUI Curses frontend. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct dfui_connection *c; struct dfui_form *f; struct dfui_response *r; struct dfui_progress *pr; struct dfui_property *gp; struct curses_form *pf = NULL; struct curses_widget *pbar = NULL, *plab = NULL, *pcan = NULL; struct curses_widget *w; void *payload = NULL; int done = 0; char msgtype; int opt; char last_message[80]; int is_streaming = 0; int ch; char *bdropfn = NULL; char *rendezvous = NULL; int transport = 0; int force_monochrome = 0; /* * Get command-line arguments. */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "b:mr:t:")) != -1) { switch(opt) { case 'b': bdropfn = aura_strdup(optarg); break; case 'm': force_monochrome = 1; break; case 'r': rendezvous = aura_strdup(optarg); break; case 't': transport = user_get_transport(optarg); break; case '?': default: usage(argv); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!transport) transport = user_get_transport("tcp"); if (rendezvous == NULL) { if (transport == DFUI_TRANSPORT_TCP) { rendezvous = aura_strdup("9999"); } else { rendezvous = aura_strdup("test"); } } #ifdef ENABLE_NLS setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); #endif /* * Set up screen. */ initscr(); #ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLING signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); #endif curses_colors_init(force_monochrome); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); getmaxyx(stdscr, ymax, xmax); if (bdropfn == NULL) { curses_colors_set(stdscr, CURSES_COLORS_BACKDROP); curses_window_blank(stdscr); } else { curses_load_backdrop(stdscr, bdropfn); } menubar = curses_bar_new(0, 0, 0, 1, CURSES_COLORS_MENUBAR, CURSES_BAR_WIDEN); statusbar = curses_bar_new(0, 0, 0, 1, CURSES_COLORS_STATUSBAR, CURSES_BAR_WIDEN | CURSES_BAR_BOTTOM); curses_bar_set_text(menubar, _("F10=Refresh Display")); curses_bar_set_text(statusbar, _("Waiting for backend...")); update_panels(); doupdate(); #ifdef DEBUG dfui_debug_file = fopen("/tmp/dfuife_curses_debug.log", "w"); #endif c = dfui_connection_new(transport, rendezvous); dfui_fe_connect(c); curses_bar_set_text(statusbar, _("Connected")); while (!done) { dfui_fe_receive(c, &msgtype, &payload); switch (msgtype) { case DFUI_BE_MSG_PRESENT: f = (struct dfui_form *)payload; r = present_form(c, f); #ifdef SIGNAL_HANDLING if (caught_signal) abort_frontend(c); #endif dfui_fe_submit(c, r); dfui_form_free(f); dfui_response_free(r); break; case DFUI_BE_MSG_PROG_BEGIN: pr = (struct dfui_progress *)payload; if (pf != NULL) curses_form_free(pf); is_streaming = dfui_progress_get_streaming(pr); strncpy(last_message, dfui_info_get_short_desc( dfui_progress_get_info(pr)), 79); pf = curses_form_construct_from_dfui_progress(pr, &pbar, &plab, &pcan); curses_form_draw(pf); curses_form_refresh(pf); dfui_progress_free(pr); nodelay(stdscr, TRUE); dfui_fe_progress_continue(c); break; case DFUI_BE_MSG_PROG_UPDATE: pr = (struct dfui_progress *)payload; if (pf != NULL) { curses_widgets_update_from_dfui_progress(pr, pbar, plab, pcan); } dfui_progress_free(pr); ch = getch(); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') { dfui_fe_progress_cancel(c); } else if (ch == KEY_F(10)) { redrawwin(stdscr); curses_form_refresh(NULL); dfui_fe_progress_continue(c); } else { dfui_fe_progress_continue(c); } break; case DFUI_BE_MSG_PROG_END: if (pf != NULL) { if (is_streaming) { w = curses_form_widget_add(pf, 0, pf->int_height, 0, CURSES_BUTTON, "OK", -1, CURSES_WIDGET_CENTER | CURSES_WIDGET_WIDEN); pf->int_height++; curses_widget_set_click_cb(w, cb_click_close_form); pf->widget_focus = w; curses_form_widget_ensure_visible(w); curses_widget_draw(w); curses_form_refresh(pf); curses_form_frob(pf); } curses_form_free(pf); curses_form_refresh(NULL); } pf = NULL; plab = pbar = pcan = NULL; nodelay(stdscr, FALSE); dfui_fe_progress_continue(c); break; case DFUI_BE_MSG_SET_GLOBAL: gp = (struct dfui_property *)payload; #ifdef ENABLE_NLS /* * Check for a change to the "lang" setting... */ if (strcmp(dfui_property_get_name(gp), "lang") == 0) { set_lang_envars(dfui_property_get_value(gp)); /* let gettext know about changes */ ++_nl_msg_cat_cntr; /* BEGIN: reinit curses to use new TERM */ curses_bar_free(menubar); curses_bar_free(statusbar); endwin(); newterm(getenv("TERM"), stdout, stdin); curses_colors_init(force_monochrome); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); update_panels(); doupdate(); if (bdropfn == NULL) { curses_colors_set(stdscr, CURSES_COLORS_BACKDROP); curses_window_blank(stdscr); } else { curses_load_backdrop(stdscr, bdropfn); } menubar = curses_bar_new(0, 0, 0, 1, CURSES_COLORS_MENUBAR, CURSES_BAR_WIDEN); statusbar = curses_bar_new(0, 0, 0, 1, CURSES_COLORS_STATUSBAR, CURSES_BAR_WIDEN | CURSES_BAR_BOTTOM); /* END: reinit curses to use new TERM */ curses_bar_set_text(menubar, _("F1=Help F10=Refresh Display")); } #endif dfui_fe_confirm_set_global(c); dfui_property_free(gp); break; case DFUI_BE_MSG_STOP: dfui_fe_confirm_stop(c); done = 1; break; } } dfui_fe_disconnect(c); #ifdef DEBUG fclose(dfui_debug_file); #endif curses_bar_free(menubar); curses_bar_free(statusbar); clear(); refresh(); endwin(); if (rendezvous != NULL) free(rendezvous); if (bdropfn != NULL) free(bdropfn); exit(0); }