REM >checkro403
REM $NetBSD: checkro403,v 2002/05/09 20:03:57 jdolecek Exp $
REM This program checks the build date of RISC OS to see if it is the one
REM with the bug in OS_Module 7 (RO 4.03 for the Castle Kinetic Card). If
REM so, it ensures that the memfix module has been loaded
ON ERROR ERROR EXT 0,"This version of RISC OS 4.03 needs the memfix module. NetBSD will not boot without it": END
SYS"XOS_ReadSysInfo",9,1 TO build$;flags%
IF (flags% AND 1)<>0 THEN END    :REM SWI returned with the V flag set
IF build$="20000507-001" THEN OSCLI"rmensure memfix 0.11 rmload <BtNetBSD$Dir>.memfix"