REM >checkro403 REM $NetBSD: checkro403,v 2002/05/09 20:03:57 jdolecek Exp $ REM REM This program checks the build date of RISC OS to see if it is the one REM with the bug in OS_Module 7 (RO 4.03 for the Castle Kinetic Card). If REM so, it ensures that the memfix module has been loaded : ON ERROR ERROR EXT 0,"This version of RISC OS 4.03 needs the memfix module. NetBSD will not boot without it": END SYS"XOS_ReadSysInfo",9,1 TO build$;flags% IF (flags% AND 1)<>0 THEN END :REM SWI returned with the V flag set IF build$="20000507-001" THEN OSCLI"rmensure memfix 0.11 rmload <BtNetBSD$Dir>.memfix"