| $NetBSD: fastboot,v 1.8 2004/06/10 07:43:39 abs Exp $
| Fast boot configuration file, edit by hand, save and run !BtNetBSD
| Part of !BtNetBSD

| First mount the root partition wd0a in this case for the kernel
| XXX UnixFS is currently broken.
|If "%*0" = "" Then Run <BtNetBSD$Dir>.native.mountufs ADFS 4

| Run The PreBoot file for various extra settings necessary
Run <BtNetBSD$Dir>.PreBoot

| Select the monitor definition file and screenmode
| Uncomment one or both of these only if you intend to use a different
| MDF or screen mode in NetBSD than is configured in RISC OS. 
|Set NetBSD$MDF BootResources:Configure.Monitors.Acorn.AKF85
|Set NetBSD$ScreenMode "X1024 Y768 C256"

| Select Kernel, Root and Bootoptions
| add `oldkernel' to BootOptions for booting old a.out kernels
| XXX UnixFS is currently broken.
|If "%*0" = "" Then Set NetBSD$Kernel UnixFS:$.netbsd Else Set NetBSD$Kernel %*0
|Set NetBSD$Root /dev/wd0a
|Set NetBSD$BootOptions root=<NetBSD$Root> maxproc=64 noftp symtab
If "%*0" = "" Then Error Double click a kernel to start NetBSD
Set NetBSD$Kernel %*0

| Clear incompatible boot options an older version of !BtNetBSD may have set
UnSet NetBSD$BootOptions

| Set WimpSlot (suit as you like ... to little won't boot correctly)
*Wimpslot 7000k

| End of options
| -----------------------
| Set environment and try to boot NetBSD!
If "<NetBSD$MDF>" <> "" Then loadmodefile <NetBSD$MDF>
If "<NetBSD$ScreenMode>" <> "" Then Set Alias$SetNetBSDMode Wimpmode <NetBSD$ScreenMode>
If "<NetBSD$ScreenMode>" <> "" Then SetNetBSDMode

Set Alias$RunNetBSD <BtNetBSD$Dir>.boot32 <NetBSD$Kernel> <NetBSD$BootOptions>