#	$NetBSD: Makefile.minirootkmod,v 1.5 2020/07/02 08:48:10 lukem Exp $
# Makefile snippet to build a miniroot kernel module (e.g. miniroot.kmod)
# Required variables:
#	NETBSDSRCDIR	top level of src tree (set by <bsd.own.mk>)
# Optional variables:
#	MINIROOT	Basename of the kernel module to be created.
#			".kmod" will be appended to get the file name.
#			[default: miniroot]
#	RAMDISK		Basename of the ramdisk to be embedded in the
#			kernel module.  This is used as both a directory
#			name (${.CURDIR}/../ramdisks/${RAMDISK}) and
#			as a file name within the .OBJDIR of that
#			directory (${RAMDISK}.fs).  [default: ramdisk]

MINIROOT?=	miniroot
RAMDISK?=	ramdisk

.include <bsd.own.mk>
.include "${.PARSEDIR}/Makefile.distrib"

MKMAN=		no

# Not a real PROG; doesn't actually have source

# SRCMOD is a skeleton version of miniroot.kmod, without an embedded ramdisk.
# It should already have been created by "make install" in
# .../sys/modules/miniroot, and its name includes literal "miniroot",
# not variable ${MINIROOT}.
# DSTMOD is a copy of SRCMOD that is modified to include an embedded ramdisk.
# It will be created by rules in this Makefile.
# RAMDISKFS is the ramdisk image to be included inside DSTMOD.  It should
# already have been created by the Makefile in RAMDISKSRCDIR.
.if ${KERNEL_DIR:U*no} == "yes"
SRCMOD=		${DESTDIR}/netbsd/modules/miniroot/miniroot.kmod
SRCMOD=		${DESTDIR}/stand/${MACHINE}/${MODULEVER}/modules/miniroot/miniroot.kmod

		${OBJCOPY} --add-section miniroot=${RAMDISKFS} \
		    --set-section-flags miniroot=alloc,contents,load,data \
		    ${SRCMOD} ${DSTMOD}.tmp
		${TOOL_GZIP_N} -9c < ${DSTMOD}.tmp > ${DSTMOD}
		rm -f ${DSTMOD}.tmp

.include <bsd.prog.mk>

release:	${PROG}