# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.33 2024/10/04 08:45:46 rillig Exp $ # # $eterna: Makefile,v 1.30 2010/07/11 00:34:27 mrg Exp $ # # berkeley (netbsd) makefile. see Makefile.boot for other systems. # compile-time options are: # NO_DEBUG /* don't include debugging support */ # NO_USER_SUPPORT /* don't support /~user requests */ # NO_CGIBIN_SUPPORT /* don't support cgi-bin requests */ # NO_DIRINDEX_SUPPORT /* don't support directory indexing */ # NO_DAEMON_MODE /* don't support daemon mode */ # NO_DYNAMIC_CONTENT /* don't support dynamic content updates */ # NO_SSL_SUPPORT /* don't support ssl (https) */ # DO_HTPASSWD /* support .htpasswd files */ # NO_LUA_SUPPORT /* don't support Lua for dynamic content */ # NO_BLOCKLIST_SUPPORT /* don't support blocklist */ # # other system specific defines: # HAVE_NBUTIL_H /* netbsd compat is in <nbutil.h> # (don't forget to also enable -lnbutil) # # these are usually set via the "COPTS" variable, or some other method # for setting CFLAGS relevant to your make, eg # % make COPTS="-DDO_HTPASSWD" COPTS+= -DDO_HTPASSWD PROG= bozohttpd LINKS= ${BINDIR}/bozohttpd ${BINDIR}/httpd MAN= bozohttpd.8 MLINKS+=bozohttpd.8 httpd.8 SRCS= bozohttpd.c ssl-bozo.c auth-bozo.c cgi-bozo.c daemon-bozo.c \ tilde-luzah-bozo.c dir-index-bozo.c content-bozo.c lua-bozo.c SRCS+= main.c COPTS.ssl-bozo.c+=-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations LDADD= -lblocklist -lcrypt -llua -lm DPADD= ${LIBBLOCKLIST} ${LIBCRYPT} ${LIBLUA} ${LIBM} WARNS?= 4 LINTFLAGS+= -X 161 # constant in conditional context LINTFLAGS+= -X 193 # statement not reached LINTFLAGS+= -X 239 # constant operand to '!' .if defined(.OS.MAKE) OPSYS= ${.OS.MAKE} .else OPSYS:= ${:!uname -s!:S/-//g:S/\///g} .endif .if ${OPSYS} == "QNX" CPPFLAGS+= -DHAVE_NBUTIL_H LDADD+= -lnbutil .endif LDADD+= -lssl -lcrypto DPADD+= ${LIBSSL} ${LIBCRYPTO} # # Build release things. # NROFF?= nroff PREHTMLFROB= sed \ -e 's/&/\&/' \ -e 's/</\</' \ -e 's/>/\>/' HTMLFROB= sed \ -e 's/\([MC] "[^"]*\)<dd>$$/\1<b>"<\/b><dd>/' \ -e 's/'"''"'/\”/' \ -e 's/""/\“/' \ -e 's/<a href="\.\.\/html[^>]*>\(.*\)<\/a>/\1/' TXTFROB= col -b bozohttpd.8.html: bozohttpd.8 $(PREHTMLFROB) $> | $(NROFF) -mdoc2html | $(HTMLFROB) > $@ bozohttpd.8.txt: bozohttpd.8 $(NROFF) -mdoc -Tascii $> | $(TXTFROB) > $@ CLEANFILES+= bozohttpd.8.html bozohttpd.8.txt check: cd ${.CURDIR}/testsuite && ${MAKE} check .if empty(BOZOVER) BOZOVER!= sed -n \ -e s/\"$$// -e \ 's/\#define[ ]*SERVER_SOFTWARE[ ]*\"bozohttpd\///p' ${.PARSEDIR}/bozohttpd.c .endif # Create a distfile: uses /tmp BASE=bozohttpd-${BOZOVER} TAR=${BASE}.tar export-distfile: dir=`mktemp -d /tmp/bozo-export-XXXXXX`; \ cd "$${dir}" || exit; \ mkdir ${BASE}; \ ( cd ${BASE} || exit; \ cp -r "${.CURDIR}/." "."; \ find . -name .CVS | xargs rm -r; \ ); \ pax -wf ${TAR} ${BASE}; \ gzip -nc9 ${TAR} > ${TAR}.gz; \ bzip2 -9 ${TAR}; \ echo "Exported two files in $${dir}:"; \ echo ${TAR}.gz; \ echo ${TAR}.bz2 .include <bsd.prog.mk>