/* # # $NetBSD: netbsd060sp.S,v 1.8 2024/09/08 09:36:49 rillig Exp $ # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # MOTOROLA MICROPROCESSOR & MEMORY TECHNOLOGY GROUP # M68000 Hi-Performance Microprocessor Division # M68060 Software Package Production Release # # M68060 Software Package Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Motorola Inc. # All rights reserved. # # THE SOFTWARE is provided on an "AS IS" basis and without warranty. # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, # MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE and any warranty against infringement with # regard to the SOFTWARE (INCLUDING ANY MODIFIED VERSIONS THEREOF) # and any accompanying written materials. # # To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, # IN NO EVENT SHALL MOTOROLA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) # ARISING OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. # # Motorola assumes no responsibility for the maintenance and support # of the SOFTWARE. # # You are hereby granted a copyright license to use, modify, and distribute the # SOFTWARE so long as this entire notice is retained without alteration # in any modified and/or redistributed versions, and that such modified # versions are clearly identified as such. # No licenses are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise under any # patents or trademarks of Motorola, Inc. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Derived from: # os.s # # This file contains: # - example "Call-Out"s required by both the ISP and FPSP. # */ #include #include "assym.h" /* # # make the copyright notice appear in the binary: # */ #include "copyright.S" /* ################################# # EXAMPLE CALL-OUTS # # # # _060_dmem_write() # # _060_dmem_read() # # _060_imem_read() # # _060_dmem_read_byte() # # _060_dmem_read_word() # # _060_dmem_read_long() # # _060_imem_read_word() # # _060_imem_read_long() # # _060_dmem_write_byte() # # _060_dmem_write_word() # # _060_dmem_write_long() # # # # _060_real_trace() # # _060_real_access() # ################################# */ /* # # Each IO routine checks to see if the memory write/read is to/from user # or supervisor application space. The examples below use simple "move" # instructions for supervisor mode applications and call _copyin()/_copyout() # for user mode applications. # When installing the 060SP, the _copyin()/_copyout() equivalents for a # given operating system should be substituted. # # The addresses within the 060SP are guaranteed to be on the stack. # The result is that Unix processes are allowed to sleep as a consequence # of a page fault during a _copyout. # */ /* # # _060_dmem_write(): # # Writes to data memory while in supervisor mode. # # INPUTS: # a0 - supervisor source address # a1 - user destination address # d0 - number of bytes to write # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_write) btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state beqs user_write super_write: moveb %a0@+,%a1@+ |# copy 1 byte subql #0x1,%d0 |# decr byte counter bnes super_write |# quit if ctr = 0 clrl %d1 |# return success rts user_write: movel %d0,%sp@- |# pass: counter movel %a1,%sp@- |# pass: user dst movel %a0,%sp@- |# pass: supervisor src bsrl _C_LABEL(copyout) |# write byte to user mem movel %d0,%d1 |# return success addl #0xc,%sp |# clear 3 lw params rts /* # # _060_imem_read(), _060_dmem_read(): # # Reads from data/instruction memory while in supervisor mode. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user source address # a1 - supervisor destination address # d0 - number of bytes to read # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_imem_read) ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_read) btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state beqs user_read super_read: moveb %a0@+,%a1@+ |# copy 1 byte subql #0x1,%d0 |# decr byte counter bnes super_read |# quit if ctr = 0 clrl %d1 |# return success rts user_read: movel %d0,%sp@- |# pass: counter movel %a1,%sp@- |# pass: super dst movel %a0,%sp@- |# pass: user src bsrl _C_LABEL(copyin) |# read byte from user mem movel %d0,%d1 |# return success addl #0xc,%sp |# clear 3 lw params rts /* # # _060_dmem_read_byte(): # # Read a data byte from user memory. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user source address # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d0 - data byte in d0 # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_read_byte) clrl %d1 |# return success clrl %d0 |# clear whole longword btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmrbs |# supervisor dmrbu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsb %a0@,%d0 bra Lfdone dmrbs: moveb %a0@,%d0 |# fetch super byte rts /* # # _060_imem_read_word(): # Read an instruction word from user memory. # # _060_dmem_read_word(): # Read a data word from user memory. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user source address # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d0 - data word in d0 # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_imem_read_word) ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_read_word) clrl %d1 |# return success clrl %d0 |# clear whole longword btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmrws |# supervisor dmrwu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsw %a0@,%d0 bra Lfdone dmrws: movew %a0@,%d0 |# fetch super word rts /* # # _060_imem_read_long(): # Read an instruction longword from user memory. # # _060_dmem_read_long(): # Read a data longword from user memory. # # # INPUTS: # a0 - user source address # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d0 - data longword in d0 # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_imem_read_long) ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_read_long) clrl %d1 |# return success btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmrls |# supervisor dmrlu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsl %a0@,%d0 bra Lfdone dmrls: movel %a0@,%d0 |# fetch super longword rts /* # # _060_dmem_write_byte(): # # Write a data byte to user memory. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user destination address # d0 - data byte in d0 # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_write_byte) clrl %d1 |# return success btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmwbs |# supervisor dmwbu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsb %d0,%a0@ bra Lfdone dmwbs: moveb %d0,%a0@ |# store super byte rts /* # # _060_dmem_write_word(): # # Write a data word to user memory. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user destination address # d0 - data word in d0 # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_write_word) clrl %d1 |# return success btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmwws |# supervisor dmwwu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsw %d0,%a0@ bra Lfdone dmwws: movew %d0,%a0@ |# store super word rts /* # # _060_dmem_write_long(): # # Write a data longword to user memory. # # INPUTS: # a0 - user destination address # d0 - data longword in d0 # a6@(0x4),bit5 - 1 = supervisor mode, 0 = user mode # OUTPUTS: # d1 - 0 = success, !0 = failure # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_dmem_write_long) clrl %d1 |# return success btst #0x5,%a6@(0x4) |# check for supervisor state bnes dmwls |# supervisor dmwlu: movl _C_LABEL(curpcb),%a1 | fault handler movl #Lferr,%a1@(PCB_ONFAULT)| set it movsl %d0,%a0@ bra Lfdone dmwls: movel %d0,%a0@ |# store super longword rts |############################################################################ Lferr: moveq #-1,%d1 Lfdone: clrl %a1@(PCB_ONFAULT) | clear fault handler rts |############################################################################ /* # # _060_real_trace(): # # This is the exit point for the 060FPSP when an instruction is being traced # and there are no other higher priority exceptions pending for this instruction # or they have already been processed. # # The sample code below simply executes an "rte". # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_real_trace) jra _C_LABEL(trace) /* # # _060_real_access(): # # This is the exit point for the 060FPSP when an access error exception # is encountered. The routine below should point to the operating system # handler for access error exceptions. The exception stack frame is an # 8-word access error frame. # # We jump directly to the 68060 buserr handler. # If we had a sane ld, we could use use that entry point directly... # */ ASENTRY_NOPROFILE(_060_real_access) jra _C_LABEL(buserr60) #include "inetbsd.S" #include "fnetbsd.S"