# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2024/09/15 04:05:32 tsutsui Exp $ # XXX # This installboot(8) tool for macppc is prepared to handle quirks on # creating bootable ISO using mkhybrid(8) for OpenFirmware 1.x and 2.x # machines that require "bootable partition" info the Apple Partition map # entry even on HFS/ISO9660 hybrid images. # # This should be merge into MI installboot(8) once after we have proper # defintitions how Apple Partition Map should be handled on creating # a new label on fresh disks in MD macppc/disksubr.c etc. NOMAN= # defined PROG= macppc_installboot SRCS= installboot.c cd9660.c cd9660_util.c .PATH.c: ${.CURDIR} .PATH.c: ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/usr.sbin/installboot ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/fs/cd9660 CPPFLAGS+= -I. -I${.CURDIR} #CPPFLAGS+= -DDEBUG .if !defined(HOSTPROGNAME) .if !make(obj) && !make(clean) && !make(cleandir) .BEGIN: -rm -rf fs ${HOST_INSTALL_DIR} fs ${HOST_INSTALL_DIR} fs/cd9660 ${HOST_LN} -s ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/fs/unicode.h fs ${HOST_LN} -s ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/fs/cd9660/iso.h fs/cd9660 ${HOST_LN} -s ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/sys/fs/cd9660/cd9660_extern.h fs/cd9660 .endif cleandir distclean: cleaninc cleaninc: -rm -rf fs .endif # !defined(HOSTPROGNAME) .include