# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2024/04/01 18:33:24 riastradh Exp $ HOSTLIB= elf .include <bsd.hostinit.mk> SRCS= elf_begin.c \ elf_cntl.c \ elf_end.c elf_errmsg.c elf_errno.c \ elf_data.c \ elf_fill.c elf_flag.c \ elf_getarhdr.c elf_getarsym.c elf_getbase.c \ elf_getident.c \ elf_hash.c \ elf_kind.c \ elf_memory.c \ elf_next.c \ elf_rand.c elf_rawfile.c \ elf_phnum.c \ elf_shnum.c elf_shstrndx.c elf_scn.c elf_strptr.c \ elf_update.c \ elf_version.c \ gelf_cap.c \ gelf_checksum.c \ gelf_dyn.c \ gelf_ehdr.c \ gelf_getclass.c \ gelf_fsize.c \ gelf_move.c \ gelf_phdr.c \ gelf_rel.c gelf_rela.c \ gelf_shdr.c gelf_sym.c gelf_syminfo.c gelf_symshndx.c \ gelf_xlate.c \ elf.c \ libelf_align.c libelf_allocate.c libelf_ar.c \ libelf_ar_util.c \ libelf_checksum.c \ libelf_data.c \ libelf_ehdr.c libelf_extended.c \ libelf_elfmachine.c \ libelf_memory.c \ libelf_open.c \ libelf_phdr.c \ libelf_shdr.c \ libelf_xlate.c \ ${LIBELF_GENSRCS} LIBELF_GENSRCS= libelf_fsize.c libelf_msize.c libelf_convert.c LIBELF_DIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../external/bsd/elftoolchain/dist/libelf LIBELF_OBJDIR!= cd ${.CURDIR} && ${PRINTOBJDIR} CLEANFILES+= ${LIBELF_GENSRCS} CPPFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../../compat CPPFLAGS+= -I${LIBELF_DIR} -I${LIBELF_DIR}/../common CPPFLAGS+= -I${LIBELF_OBJDIR}/../common CPPFLAGS+= -I${TOOLDIR}/include CPPFLAGS+= -DLIBELF_TEST_HOOKS libelf_convert.c: elf_types.m4 libelf_convert.m4 libelf_fsize.c: elf_types.m4 libelf_fsize.m4 libelf_msize.c: elf_types.m4 libelf_msize.m4 BUILD_OSTYPE!= uname -s # Disable use of pre-compiled headers on Darwin. .if ${BUILD_OSTYPE} == "Darwin" CPPFLAGS+= -no-cpp-precomp .endif # -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 produces a much more amenable `struct stat', and # other file ops, on many systems, without changing function names. CPPFLAGS+= -DHAVE_NBTOOL_CONFIG_H=1 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 .ifndef NOCOMPATLIB COMPATLIB_NO_LIB= yes # only the include files, not the library .-include "${TOOLDIR}/share/compat/defs.mk" .endif .PATH: ${LIBELF_DIR} HOST_CPPFLAGS:= ${CPPFLAGS} ${HOST_CPPFLAGS} CPPFLAGS:= # empty .include <bsd.hostlib.mk> # Keep the .SUFFIXES line after the include of bsd.hostlib.mk M4OBJDIR!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../../m4 && ${PRINTOBJDIR} .SUFFIXES: .m4 .c .m4.c: ${M4OBJDIR}/m4 -D SRCDIR=${LIBELF_DIR} ${.IMPSRC} > ${.TARGET}