#! /usr/bin/lua -- $NetBSD: check-expect.lua,v 1.9 2024/07/20 11:05:11 rillig Exp $ --[[ usage: lua ./check-expect.lua *.mk Check that the various 'expect' comments in the .mk files produce the expected text in the corresponding .exp file. # expect: All of these lines must occur in the .exp file, in the same order as in the .mk file. # expect-reset Search the following 'expect:' comments from the top of the .exp file again. # expect[+-]offset: Each message must occur in the .exp file and refer back to the source line in the .mk file. # expect-not: The substring must not occur as part of any line of the .exp file. ]] local had_errors = false ---@param fmt string function print_error(fmt, ...) print(fmt:format(...)) had_errors = true end ---@return nil | string[] local function load_lines(fname) local lines = {} local f = io.open(fname, "r") if f == nil then return nil end for line in f:lines() do table.insert(lines, line) end f:close() return lines end ---@param exp_lines string[] local function collect_lineno_diagnostics(exp_lines) ---@type table local by_location = {} for _, line in ipairs(exp_lines) do ---@type string | nil, string, string local l_fname, l_lineno, l_msg = line:match('^make: "([^"]+)" line (%d+): (.*)') if l_fname ~= nil then local location = ("%s:%d"):format(l_fname, l_lineno) if by_location[location] == nil then by_location[location] = {} end table.insert(by_location[location], l_msg) end end return by_location end local function missing(by_location) ---@type {filename: string, lineno: number, location: string, message: string}[] local missing_expectations = {} for location, messages in pairs(by_location) do for _, message in ipairs(messages) do if message ~= "" and location:find(".mk:") then local filename, lineno = location:match("^(%S+):(%d+)$") table.insert(missing_expectations, { filename = filename, lineno = tonumber(lineno), location = location, message = message }) end end end table.sort(missing_expectations, function(a, b) if a.filename ~= b.filename then return a.filename < b.filename end return a.lineno < b.lineno end) return missing_expectations end local function check_mk(mk_fname) local exp_fname = mk_fname:gsub("%.mk$", ".exp") local mk_lines = load_lines(mk_fname) local exp_lines = load_lines(exp_fname) if exp_lines == nil then return end local by_location = collect_lineno_diagnostics(exp_lines) local prev_expect_line = 0 for mk_lineno, mk_line in ipairs(mk_lines) do for text in mk_line:gmatch("#%s*expect%-not:%s*(.*)") do local i = 1 while i <= #exp_lines and not exp_lines[i]:find(text, 1, true) do i = i + 1 end if i <= #exp_lines then print_error("error: %s:%d: %s must not contain '%s'", mk_fname, mk_lineno, exp_fname, text) end end for text in mk_line:gmatch("#%s*expect:%s*(.*)") do local i = prev_expect_line -- As of 2022-04-15, some lines in the .exp files contain trailing -- whitespace. If possible, this should be avoided by rewriting the -- debug logging. When done, the gsub can be removed. -- See deptgt-phony.exp lines 14 and 15. while i < #exp_lines and text ~= exp_lines[i + 1]:gsub("%s*$", "") do i = i + 1 end if i < #exp_lines then prev_expect_line = i + 1 else print_error("error: %s:%d: '%s:%d+' must contain '%s'", mk_fname, mk_lineno, exp_fname, prev_expect_line + 1, text) end end if mk_line:match("^#%s*expect%-reset$") then prev_expect_line = 0 end ---@param text string for offset, text in mk_line:gmatch("#%s*expect([+%-]%d+):%s*(.*)") do local location = ("%s:%d"):format(mk_fname, mk_lineno + tonumber(offset)) local found = false if by_location[location] ~= nil then for i, message in ipairs(by_location[location]) do if message == text then by_location[location][i] = "" found = true break end end end if not found then print_error("error: %s:%d: %s must contain '%s'", mk_fname, mk_lineno, exp_fname, text) end end end for _, m in ipairs(missing(by_location)) do print_error("missing: %s: # expect+1: %s", m.location, m.message) end end for _, fname in ipairs(arg) do check_mk(fname) end os.exit(not had_errors)