make: "" line 44: This goes to stderr only, once. make: "" line 47: This goes to stderr only, once. make: "" line 50: This goes to stderr, and in addition to the debug log. CondParser_Eval: ${:!cat opt-debug-file.debuglog!:Maddition:[#]} != 1 Comparing 1.000000 != 1.000000 make: Unterminated quoted string [make 'This goes to stdout only, once.] make: Unterminated quoted string [make 'This goes to stderr only, once.] make: Unterminated quoted string [make 'This goes to stderr, and in addition to the debug log.] CondParser_Eval: ${:!cat opt-debug-file.debuglog!:MUnterminated:[#]} != 1 Comparing 1.000000 != 1.000000 Cannot open debug file "/nonexistent-6f21c672-a22d-4ef7/opt-debug-file.debuglog" exit status 2