# $NetBSD: varmod-match.mk,v 1.28 2024/08/29 20:20:36 rillig Exp $ # # Tests for the ':M' modifier, which keeps only those words that match the # given pattern. # # Table of contents # # 1. Pattern characters '*', '?' and '\' # 2. Character lists and character ranges # 3. Parsing and escaping # 4. Interaction with other modifiers # 5. Performance # 6. Error handling # 7. Historical bugs # # See ApplyModifier_Match, ParseModifier_Match, ModifyWord_Match and # Str_Match. # 1. Pattern characters '*', '?' and '\' # # * matches 0 or more characters # ? matches 1 character # \x matches the character 'x' # The pattern is anchored both at the beginning and at the end of the word. # Since the pattern 'e' does not contain any pattern matching characters, it # matches exactly the word 'e', twice. .if ${a c e aa cc ee e f g:L:Me} != "e e" . error .endif # The pattern character '?' matches exactly 1 character, the pattern character # '*' matches 0 or more characters. The whole pattern matches all words that # start with 's' and have 3 or more characters. .if ${One Two Three Four five six seven so s:L:Ms??*} != "six seven" . error .endif # A pattern without placeholders only matches itself. .if ${a aa aaa b ba baa bab:L:Ma} != "a" . error .endif # A pattern that does not start with '*' is anchored at the beginning. .if ${a aa aaa b ba baa bab:L:Ma*} != "a aa aaa" . error .endif # A pattern that does not end with '*' is anchored at the end. .if ${a aa aaa b ba baa bab:L:M*a} != "a aa aaa ba baa" . error .endif # Test the fast code path for '*' followed by a regular character. .if ${:U file.c file.*c file.h file\.c :M*.c} != "file.c file\\.c" . error .endif # Ensure that the fast code path correctly handles the backslash. .if ${:U file.c file.*c file.h file\.c :M*\.c} != "file.c file\\.c" . error .endif # Ensure that the fast code path correctly handles '\*'. .if ${:U file.c file.*c file.h file\.c :M*\*c} != "file.*c" . error .endif # Ensure that the partial match '.c' doesn't confuse the fast code path. .if ${:U file.c.cc file.cc.cc file.cc.c :M*.cc} != "file.c.cc file.cc.cc" . error .endif # Ensure that the substring '.cc' doesn't confuse the fast code path for '.c'. .if ${:U file.c.cc file.cc.cc file.cc.c :M*.c} != "file.cc.c" . error .endif # 2. Character lists and character ranges # # [...] matches 1 character from the listed characters # [^...] matches 1 character from the unlisted characters # [a-z] matches 1 character from the range 'a' to 'z' # [z-a] matches 1 character from the range 'a' to 'z' # Only keep words that start with an uppercase letter. .if ${One Two Three Four five six seven:L:M[A-Z]*} != "One Two Three Four" . error .endif # Only keep words that start with a character other than an uppercase letter. .if ${One Two Three Four five six seven:L:M[^A-Z]*} != "five six seven" . error .endif # [] matches never .if ${ ab a[]b a[b a b :L:M[]} != "" . error .endif # a[]b matches never .if ${ ab a[]b a[b a b [ ] :L:Ma[]b} != "" . error .endif # [^] matches exactly 1 arbitrary character .if ${ ab a[]b a[b a b [ ] :L:M[^]} != "a b [ ]" . error .endif # a[^]b matches 'a', then exactly 1 arbitrary character, then 'b' .if ${ ab a[]b a[b a b :L:Ma[^]b} != "a[b" . error .endif # [Nn0] matches exactly 1 character from the set 'N', 'n', '0' .if ${ a b N n 0 Nn0 [ ] :L:M[Nn0]} != "N n 0" . error .endif # [a-c] matches exactly 1 character from the range 'a' to 'c' .if ${ A B C a b c d [a-c] [a] :L:M[a-c]} != "a b c" . error .endif # [c-a] matches the same as [a-c] .if ${ A B C a b c d [a-c] [a] :L:M[c-a]} != "a b c" . error .endif # [^a-c67] # matches a single character, except for 'a', 'b', 'c', '6' or # '7' .if ${ A B C a b c d 5 6 7 8 [a-c] [a] :L:M[^a-c67]} != "A B C d 5 8" . error .endif # [\] matches a single backslash; no escaping takes place in # character ranges # Without the 'b' in the below words, the backslash would end a word and thus # influence how the string is split into words. WORDS= a\b a[\]b ab a\\b .if ${WORDS:Ma[\]b} != "a\\b" . error .endif # [[-]] May look like it would match a single '[', '\' or ']', but # the inner ']' has two roles: it is the upper bound of the # character range as well as the closing character of the # character list. The outer ']' is just a regular character. WORDS= [ ] [] \] ]] .if ${WORDS:M[[-]]} != "[] \\] ]]" . error .endif # [b[-]a] # Same as for '[[-]]': the character list stops at the first # ']', and the 'a]' is treated as a literal string. WORDS= [a \a ]a []a \]a ]]a [a] \a] ]a] ba] .if ${WORDS:M[b[-]a]} != "[a] \\a] ]a] ba]" . error .endif # [-] Matches a single '-' since the '-' only becomes part of a # character range if it is preceded and followed by another # character. WORDS= - -] .if ${WORDS:M[-]} != "-" . error .endif # Only keep words that don't start with s and at the same time end with # either of [ex]. # # This test case ensures that the negation from the first character list # '[^s]' does not propagate to the second character list '[ex]'. .if ${One Two Three Four five six seven:L:M[^s]*[ex]} != "One Three five" . error .endif # 3. Parsing and escaping # # * matches 0 or more characters # ? matches 1 character # \ outside a character list, escapes the following character # [ starts a character list for matching 1 character # ] ends a character list for matching 1 character # - in a character list, forms a character range # ^ at the beginning of a character list, negates the list # ( while parsing the pattern, starts a nesting level # ) while parsing the pattern, ends a nesting level # { while parsing the pattern, starts a nesting level # } while parsing the pattern, ends a nesting level # : while parsing the pattern, terminates the pattern # $ while parsing the pattern, starts a nested expression # # in a line except a shell command, starts a comment # The pattern can come from an expression. For single-letter # variables, either the short form or the long form can be used, just as # everywhere else. PRIMES= 2 3 5 7 11 n= 2 .if ${PRIMES:M$n} != "2" . error .endif .if ${PRIMES:M${n}} != "2" . error .endif .if ${PRIMES:M${:U2}} != "2" . error .endif # : terminates the pattern .if ${ A * :L:M:} != "" . error .endif # \: matches a colon .if ${ ${:U\: \:\:} :L:M\:} != ":" . error .endif # ${:U\:} matches a colon .if ${ ${:U\:} ${:U\:\:} :L:M${:U\:}} != ":" . error .endif # To match a dollar sign in a word, double it. # # This is different from the :S and :C modifiers, where a '$' has to be # escaped as '\$'. .if ${:Ua \$ sign:M*$$*} != "\$" . error .endif # In the :M modifier, '\$' does not escape a dollar. Instead it is # interpreted as a backslash followed by whatever expression the # '$' starts. # # This differs from the :S, :C and several other modifiers. ${:U*}= asterisk .if ${:Ua \$ sign any-asterisk:M*\$*} != "any-asterisk" . error .endif # TODO: ${VAR:M(((}}}} # TODO: ${VAR:M{{{)))} # TODO: ${VAR:M${UNBALANCED}} # TODO: ${VAR:M${:U(((\}\}\}}} # 4. Interaction with other modifiers # The modifier ':tW' prevents splitting at whitespace. Even leading and # trailing whitespace is preserved. .if ${ plain string :L:tW:M*} != " plain string " . error .endif # Without the modifier ':tW', the string is split into words. Whitespace # around the words is discarded, and whitespace between the words is # normalized to a single space. .if ${ plain string :L:M*} != "plain string" . error .endif # 5. Performance # Before 2020-06-13, this expression called Str_Match 601,080,390 times. # Since 2020-06-13, this expression calls Str_Match 1 time. .if ${:U****************:M****************b} .endif # Before 2023-06-22, this expression called Str_Match 2,621,112 times. # Adding another '*?' to the pattern called Str_Match 20,630,572 times. # Adding another '*?' to the pattern called Str_Match 136,405,672 times. # Adding another '*?' to the pattern called Str_Match 773,168,722 times. # Adding another '*?' to the pattern called Str_Match 3,815,481,072 times. # Since 2023-06-22, Str_Match no longer backtracks. .if ${:U..................................................b:M*?*?*?*?*?a} .endif # 6. Error handling # [ Incomplete empty character list, never matches. WORDS= a a[ # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern 'a[' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:Ma[} != "" . error .endif # [^ Incomplete negated empty character list, matches any single # character. WORDS= a a[ aX # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern 'a[^' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:Ma[^} != "a[ aX" . error .endif # [-x1-3 Incomplete character list, matches those elements that can be # parsed without lookahead. WORDS= - + x xx 0 1 2 3 4 [x1-3 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '[-x1-3' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M[-x1-3} != "- x 1 2 3" . error .endif # *[-x1-3 Incomplete character list after a wildcard, matches those # words that end with one of the characters from the list. WORDS= - + x xx 0 1 2 3 4 00 01 10 11 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 [x1-3 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '*[-x1-3' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M*[-x1-3} != "- x xx 1 2 3 01 11 001 011 101 111 [x1-3" . warning ${WORDS:M*[-x1-3} .endif # [^-x1-3 # Incomplete negated character list, matches any character # except those elements that can be parsed without lookahead. WORDS= - + x xx 0 1 2 3 4 [x1-3 # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '[^-x1-3' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M[^-x1-3} != "+ 0 4" . error .endif # [\ Incomplete character list containing a single '\'. # # A word can only end with a backslash if the preceding # character is a backslash as well; in all other cases the final # backslash would escape the following space, making the space # part of the word. Only the very last word of a string can be # '\', as there is no following space that could be escaped. WORDS= \\ \a ${:Ux\\} PATTERN= ${:U?[\\} # expect+1: Unfinished character list in pattern '?[\' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M${PATTERN}} != "\\\\ x\\" . error .endif # [x- Incomplete character list containing an incomplete character # range, matches only the 'x'. WORDS= [x- x x- y # expect+1: Unfinished character range in pattern '[x-' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M[x-} != "x" . error .endif # [^x- Incomplete negated character list containing an incomplete # character range; matches each word that does not have an 'x' # at the position of the character list. # # XXX: Even matches strings that are longer than a single # character. WORDS= [x- x x- y yyyyy # expect+1: Unfinished character range in pattern '[^x-' of modifier ':M' .if ${WORDS:M[^x-} != "[x- y yyyyy" . error .endif # [:] matches never since the ':' starts the next modifier # expect+3: Unfinished character list in pattern '[' of modifier ':M' # expect+2: Unknown modifier "]" # expect+1: Malformed conditional '${ ${:U\:} ${:U\:\:} :L:M[:]} != ":"' .if ${ ${:U\:} ${:U\:\:} :L:M[:]} != ":" . error .else . error .endif # 7. Historical bugs # Before var.c 1.1031 from 2022-08-24, the following expressions caused an # out-of-bounds read beyond the indirect ':M' modifiers. # # The argument to the inner ':U' is unescaped to 'M\'. # This 'M\' becomes an indirect modifier ':M' with the pattern '\'. # The pattern '\' never matches. .if ${:U:${:UM\\}} . error .endif # The argument to the inner ':U' is unescaped to 'M\:\'. # This 'M\:\' becomes an indirect modifier ':M' with the pattern ':\'. # The pattern ':\' never matches. .if ${:U:${:UM\\\:\\}} . error .endif