#	$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.136 2020/04/05 20:14:14 deraadt Exp $

# For more information on building in tricky environments, please see
# the list of possible environment variables described in
# /usr/share/mk/bsd.README.
# Building recommendations:
# 1) If at all possible, put this source tree in /usr/src.  If /usr/src
# must be a symbolic link, set BSDSRCDIR in the environment to point to
# the real location.
# 2) It is also recommended that you compile with objects outside the
# source tree. To do this, ensure /usr/obj exists or points to some
# area of disk of sufficient size.  Then do "cd /usr/src; make obj".
# This will make a symbolic link called "obj" in each directory, as
# well as populate the /usr/obj properly with directories for the
# objects.
# 3) It is strongly recommended that you build and install a new kernel
# before rebuilding your system. Some of the new programs may use new
# functionality or depend on API changes that your old kernel doesn't have.
# 4) If you are reasonably sure that things will compile OK, use the
# "make build" target supplied here. Good luck.
# 5) If you want to setup a cross-build environment, there is a "cross-gcc"
# target available which upon completion of: 
#	"make -f Makefile.cross TARGET=<target> cross-gcc"
# (where <target> is one of the names in the /sys/arch directory) will produce
# a set of compilation tools along with the includes in the /usr/cross/<target>
# directory. The "cross-distrib" target will build cross-tools as well as
# binaries for a given <target>.

.include <bsd.own.mk>	# for NOMAN, if it's there.

SUBDIR+= lib include bin libexec sbin usr.bin usr.sbin share games
SUBDIR+= gnu

SUBDIR+= sys

.if   make(clean) || make(cleandir) || make(obj)
SUBDIR+= etc distrib regress

	@echo Running regression tests...
	@cd ${.CURDIR}/regress && ${MAKE} depend && exec ${MAKE} regress

	cd ${.CURDIR}/include && \
		su ${BUILDUSER} -c 'exec ${MAKE} prereq' && \
		exec ${MAKE} includes

	cd ${.CURDIR}/etc && exec ${MAKE} DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} distrib-dirs
	cd ${.CURDIR}/etc && exec ${MAKE} DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install-mtree
	cd ${.CURDIR}/include && exec ${MAKE} includes

.ifndef NOMAN
	cd ${.CURDIR}/share/man && exec ${MAKE} makedb
	cd ${.CURDIR}/distrib/sets && exec ${MAKE} makedb

.ifdef DESTDIR
	@echo cannot build with DESTDIR set
	umask ${WOBJUMASK}; exec ${MAKE} do-build

	${INSTALL} -c -o ${BUILDUSER} -g ${WOBJGROUP} -m 664 /dev/null \
	@if [[ `id -u` -ne 0 ]]; then \
		echo $@ must be called by root >&2; \
		false; \
	cd ${.CURDIR}/share/mk && exec ${MAKE} install
	exec ${MAKE} cleandir
	exec ${MAKE} includes
	cd ${.CURDIR}/lib && \
	    su ${BUILDUSER} -c 'exec ${MAKE}' && \
	    NOMAN=1 exec ${MAKE} install
	/sbin/ldconfig -R
	cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/lib && \
	    su ${BUILDUSER} -c 'exec ${MAKE}' && \
	    NOMAN=1 exec ${MAKE} install
	/sbin/ldconfig -R
	su ${BUILDUSER} -c 'exec ${MAKE}' && \
	    exec ${MAKE} install
	/bin/sh ${.CURDIR}/distrib/sets/makeetcset ${.CURDIR} ${MAKE}

CROSS_TARGETS=cross-env cross-dirs cross-obj cross-includes cross-binutils \
	cross-gcc cross-tools cross-lib cross-bin cross-etc-root-var \
	cross-depend cross-clean cross-cleandir

.if !defined(TARGET)
	@echo "TARGET must be set for $@"; exit 1
. include "Makefile.cross"
.endif # defined(TARGET)

	build regression-tests includes beforeinstall afterinstall \
	all do-build

.include <bsd.subdir.mk>