dnl $OpenBSD: INSTALL,v 1.57 2023/03/16 18:04:07 miod Exp $ include(INCLUDE/../m4.common)dnl includeit(features)dnl INSTALLATION NOTES for OpenBSD/MACHINE OSREV What is OpenBSD? ---------------- OpenBSD is a fully functional, multi-platform UN*X-like Operating System based on Berkeley Networking Release 2 (Net/2) and 4.4BSD-Lite. There are several operating systems in this family, but OpenBSD differentiates itself by putting security and correctness first. The OpenBSD team strives to achieve what is called a "secure by default" status. This means that an OpenBSD user should feel safe that their newly installed machine will not be compromised. This "secure by default" goal is achieved by taking a proactive stance on security. Since security flaws are essentially mistakes in design or implement- ation, the OpenBSD team puts as much importance on finding and fixing existing design flaws and implementation bugs as it does writing new code. This means that an OpenBSD system will not only be more secure, but it will be more stable. The source code for all critical system components has been checked for remote-access, local-access, denial- of-service, data destruction, and information-gathering problems. In addition to bug fixing, OpenBSD has integrated strong cryptography into the base system. A fully functional IPsec implementation is provided as well as support for common protocols such as SSL and SSH. Network filtering and monitoring tools such as packet filtering, NAT, and bridging are also standard, as well as several routing services, such as BGP and OSPF. For high performance demands, support for hardware cryptography has also been added to the base system. Because security is often seen as a tradeoff with usability, OpenBSD provides as many security options as possible to allow the user to enjoy secure computing without feeling burdened by it. Because OpenBSD is from Canada, the export of Cryptography pieces (such as OpenSSH and IPsec) to the world is not restricted. (NOTE: OpenBSD can not be re-exported from the US once it has entered the US. Because of this, take care NOT to get the distribution from a mirror server in the US if you are outside of Canada and the US.) A list of software and ideas developed by the OpenBSD project is available on the web at https://www.OpenBSD.org/innovations.html. A comprehensive list of the improvements brought by the OSREV release is also available at https://www.OpenBSD.org/OSrev.html. dnl dnl MACHINE/whatis dnl A few descriptive words about the port to MACHINE (i.e. what kind dnl of hardware it runs on, without too much details - MACHINE/hardware dnl will take care of this). dnl Needs to start with a blank line if non empty. includeit(whatis)dnl Sources of OpenBSD: ------------------- Please refer to https://www.openbsd.org/ftp.html for all the ways you may acquire OpenBSD. OpenBSD OSREV Release Contents: ----------------------------- The OpenBSD OSREV release is organized in the following way. In the .../OSREV directory, for each of the architectures having an OpenBSD OSREV binary distribution, there is a sub-directory. includeit(contents) OpenBSD System Requirements and Supported Devices: -------------------------------------------------- includeit(hardware) Verifying the OpenBSD Installation Media: ----------------------------------------- OpenBSD installations are able to verify files for the next release. The OpenBSD OSREV release was signed with the /etc/signify/openbsd-{:--:}OSrev-base.pub release key. If you have an existing OpenBSD installation, you can run signify(1) to verify the signature and checksum. For example, run the following to verify that the cd{:--:}OSrev.iso file was distributed by the OpenBSD team: signify -C -p /etc/signify/openbsd-{:--:}OSrev-base.pub -x SHA256.sig cd{:--:}OSrev.iso If you are unable to run or compile signify(1), use sha256(1) with the SHA256 file to see if a file was corrupt during the transfer. Getting the OpenBSD System onto Useful Media: --------------------------------------------- includeit(xfer) ifelse(MACHINE,powerpc64,,{:-dnl Preparing your System for OpenBSD Installation: ----------------------------------------------- includeit(prep) -:})dnl Installing the OpenBSD System: ------------------------------ includeit(install) Upgrading a previously-installed OpenBSD System: ------------------------------------------------ includeit(upgrade) Getting source code for your OpenBSD System: -------------------------------------------- Now that your OpenBSD system is up and running, you probably want to get access to source code so that you can recompile pieces of the system. You can get the pieces over the internet using anonymous CVS, rsync, FTP or HTTP(s). For more information, see: https://www.OpenBSD.org/anoncvs.html https://www.OpenBSD.org/ftp.html Using online OpenBSD documentation: ----------------------------------- Documentation is available if you first install the manual pages distribution set. Traditionally, the UN*X "man pages" (documentation) are denoted by "name(section)". Some examples of this are intro(1), man(1), apropos(1), passwd(1), passwd(5) and afterboot(8). The section numbers group the topics into several categories, but three are of primary interest: user commands are in section 1, file formats are in section 5, and administrative information is in section 8. The "man" command is used to view the documentation on a topic, and is started by entering "man [section] topic". The brackets [] around the section should not be entered, but rather indicate that the section is optional. If you don't ask for a particular section, the topic with the least-numbered section name will be displayed. For instance, after logging in, enter man passwd to read the documentation for passwd(1). To view the documentation for passwd(5), enter man 5 passwd instead. If you are unsure of what man page you are looking for, enter apropos subject-word where "subject-word" is your topic of interest; a list of possibly related man pages will be displayed. Adding third party software - packages and ports: -------------------------------------------------------- includeit(packages) Administrivia: -------------- There are various mailing lists available via the mailing list server at <majordomo@OpenBSD.org>. To get help on using the mailing list server, send mail to that address with an empty body, and it will reply with instructions. More information about the various OpenBSD mailing list and proper netiquette is available at https://www.OpenBSD.org/mail.html To report bugs, use the "sendbug" command shipped with OpenBSD, and fill in as much information about the problem as you can. Good bug reports {:-include-:} lots of details. Additionally, bug reports can be sent by mail to: bugs@OpenBSD.org dnl uncomment when this is true again... dnl dnl Use of 'sendbug' is encouraged, however, because bugs reported with it dnl are entered into the OpenBSD bugs database, and thus can't slip through dnl the cracks. dnl As a favor, please avoid mailing huge documents or files to the mailing lists. Instead, put the material you would have sent on a web server, then mail the appropriate list about it, or if you'd rather not do that, mail the list saying you'll send the data to those who want it. For more information about reporting bugs, see https://www.OpenBSD.org/report.html