First and foremost, before beginning the installation process, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RELIABLE BACKUP of any data on your hard disk that you wish to keep. Repartitioning your hard disk is an excellent way to destroy important data. The OpenBSD root partition must reside completely within the BIOS supported part of the hard disk -- this could typically be 504MB, 2GB, 8GB or 128GB, depending upon the age of the machine and its BIOS. The rest of the OpenBSD partitions can be anywhere that hardware supports. If you plan to dual boot, use the other operating system's "fdisk" program or partition editor to create at least one of the partitions to be used for that operating system. If that operating system is already set up to use the entire disk, you will need to make space available. Windows can resize its own system partition. In the control panel, search for "partition": this will lead you to the system administration tool. You do not have to create an OpenBSD partition at this time; the OpenBSD installation will give you an opportunity to create the partition needed for OpenBSD. Your hard disk is now prepared to have OpenBSD installed on it, and you should proceed with the installation instructions.