$OpenBSD: README,v 1.4 2019/08/14 20:30:19 tb Exp $

Notes about the syspatch(8) build process

The syspatch(8) build system will eventually be properly documented in its own
man(1) page but until things settle and the framework is robust, this file will
be used as a quick reminder.

Requirements for the build machine

- ${FAKEROOT} must be a local mount point with the no perm mount option set and
  be owned by ${BUILDUSER} with a mode of 0700. It should be big enough to
  contain one full release per syspatch (~30G).

- ${SRCDIR} and ${XSRCDIR} must be checked out using the OPENBSD_X_X_BASE
  release tag.

- Timezone must be set to "Canada/Mountain".

Requirements for the fakeroot

Before building the first syspatch, the same release used on the build machine
must be extracted under a subdirectory of ${FAKEROOT} to allow clean comparison
and find differing files between patched releases.

mkdir -p ${FAKE}
install -m 0700 ${RELEASEDIR}/bsd{,.mp} ${FAKE}
for set in base comp game man xbase xshare xfont xserv; do
	tar xzphf ${RELEASEDIR}/${set}$(uname -r | tr -d '.').tgz -C ${FAKE}
mkdir -m 700 -p ${FAKE}/usr/share/relink/kernel/GENERIC{,.MP}
tar -C ${FAKE}/usr/share/relink/kernel -xzf ${FAKE}/usr/share/relink/kernel.tgz
rm ${FAKE}/usr/share/relink/kernel.tgz

Continuing syspatch builds

If syspatches were already built for this release on a different machine, the
following additional steps are required. Prepare a ${SYSPATCHES} directory
containing all the syspatches of the release. Make a copy of the ${FAKE}
directory and extract all the syspatches in it.

cp -Rp ${FAKE} ${PATCHED}
for _s in ${SYSPATCHES}/*.tgz; do tar -C ${PATCHED} -xzphf ${_s}; done

Then apply all the errata patches to the source trees.

Building a syspatch

When building a xenocara syspatch, make sure to set XSRCDIR to the directory
where the xenocara checkout was made.
    # export XSRCDIR=/usr/xenocara

Everything is done as root under ${BSDSRCDIR}/distrib/syspatch/.

Before building the first syspatch, the obj directory must be created.
    # FAKEROOT=/fakeroot make -f Makefile.000 obj

Each syspatch requires its own Makefile numbered after the patch level.
    # cp Makefile.000 Makefile.001
    # ${EDITOR} Makefile.001
    -> set the ERRATA name and BUILD type

The patched release can now be built.
    # FAKEROOT=/fakeroot make -f Makefile.001 001_dummy/.plist
    # ${EDITOR} obj/001_dummy/.plist
    -> edit the plist to make sure it only contains files we want to end up in
       the syspatch(8) tarball

At last, a syspatch(8) can be created.
    # FAKEROOT=/fakeroot make -f Makefile.001 syspatch

Patches are incremental and must be built in order. In case an errata does not
apply to the current architecture and to prevent a gap in the numbering, the
"previous" fakeroot must be created manually by copying the previous one.
    # cp -Rp /fakeroot/syspatch/61-010_perl /fakeroot/syspatch/61-011_sti