/* $OpenBSD: input.c,v 1.13 2015/12/31 16:50:29 mestre Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: input.c,v 1.4 1995/04/27 21:22:24 mycroft Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1990, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Ed James. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1987 by Ed James, UC Berkeley. All rights reserved. * * Copy permission is hereby granted provided that this notice is * retained on all partial or complete copies. * * For more info on this and all of my stuff, mail edjames@berkeley.edu. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "def.h" #include "extern.h" #define MAXRULES 6 #define MAXDEPTH 15 #define RETTOKEN '\n' #define REDRAWTOKEN '\014' /* CTRL(L) */ #define HELPTOKEN '?' #define ALPHATOKEN 256 #define NUMTOKEN 257 typedef struct { int token; int to_state; const char *str; const char *(*func)(char); } RULE; typedef struct { int num_rules; RULE *rule; } STATE; typedef struct { char str[20]; int state; int rule; int ch; int pos; } STACK; #define T_RULE stack[level].rule #define T_STATE stack[level].state #define T_STR stack[level].str #define T_POS stack[level].pos #define T_CH stack[level].ch #define NUMELS(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (*(a))) #define NUMSTATES NUMELS(st) RULE state0[] = { { ALPHATOKEN, 1, "%c:", setplane}, { RETTOKEN, -1, "", NULL }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " [a-z]", NULL }}, state1[] = { { 't', 2, " turn", turn }, { 'a', 3, " altitude:", NULL }, { 'c', 4, " circle", circle }, { 'm', 7, " mark", mark }, { 'u', 7, " unmark", unmark }, { 'i', 7, " ignore", ignore }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " tacmui", NULL }}, state2[] = { { 'l', 6, " left", left }, { 'r', 6, " right", right }, { 'L', 4, " left 90", Left }, { 'R', 4, " right 90", Right }, { 't', 11, " towards", NULL }, { 'w', 4, " to 0", to_dir }, { 'e', 4, " to 45", to_dir }, { 'd', 4, " to 90", to_dir }, { 'c', 4, " to 135", to_dir }, { 'x', 4, " to 180", to_dir }, { 'z', 4, " to 225", to_dir }, { 'a', 4, " to 270", to_dir }, { 'q', 4, " to 315", to_dir }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " lrLRt", NULL }}, state3[] = { { '+', 10, " climb", climb }, { 'c', 10, " climb", climb }, { '-', 10, " descend", descend }, { 'd', 10, " descend", descend }, { NUMTOKEN, 7, " %c000 feet", setalt }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " +-cd[0-9]", NULL }}, state4[] = { { '@', 9, " at", NULL }, { 'a', 9, " at", NULL }, { RETTOKEN, -1, "", NULL }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " @a", NULL }}, state5[] = { { NUMTOKEN, 7, "%c", delayb }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " [0-9]", NULL }}, state6[] = { { '@', 9, " at", NULL }, { 'a', 9, " at", NULL }, { 'w', 4, " 0", rel_dir }, { 'e', 4, " 45", rel_dir }, { 'd', 4, " 90", rel_dir }, { 'c', 4, " 135", rel_dir }, { 'x', 4, " 180", rel_dir }, { 'z', 4, " 225", rel_dir }, { 'a', 4, " 270", rel_dir }, { 'q', 4, " 315", rel_dir }, { RETTOKEN, -1, "", NULL }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " @a",NULL }}, state7[] = { { RETTOKEN, -1, "", NULL }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " ", NULL }}, state8[] = { { NUMTOKEN, 4, "%c", benum }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " [0-9]", NULL }}, state9[] = { { 'b', 5, " beacon #", NULL }, { '*', 5, " beacon #", NULL }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " b*", NULL }}, state10[] = { { NUMTOKEN, 7, " %c000 ft", setrelalt}, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " [0-9]", NULL }}, state11[] = { { 'b', 8, " beacon #", beacon }, { '*', 8, " beacon #", beacon }, { 'e', 8, " exit #", ex_it }, { 'a', 8, " airport #", airport }, { HELPTOKEN, 12, " b*ea", NULL }}, state12[] = { { -1, -1, "", NULL }}; #define DEF_STATE(s) { NUMELS(s), (s) } STATE st[] = { DEF_STATE(state0), DEF_STATE(state1), DEF_STATE(state2), DEF_STATE(state3), DEF_STATE(state4), DEF_STATE(state5), DEF_STATE(state6), DEF_STATE(state7), DEF_STATE(state8), DEF_STATE(state9), DEF_STATE(state10), DEF_STATE(state11), DEF_STATE(state12) }; PLANE p; STACK stack[MAXDEPTH]; int level; int tval; int dest_type, dest_no, dir; int pop(void) { if (level == 0) return (-1); level--; ioclrtoeol(T_POS); strlcpy(T_STR, "", sizeof T_STR); T_RULE = -1; T_CH = -1; return (0); } void rezero(void) { iomove(0); level = 0; T_STATE = 0; T_RULE = -1; T_CH = -1; T_POS = 0; strlcpy(T_STR, "", sizeof T_STR); } void push(int ruleno, int ch) { int newstate, newpos; (void)snprintf(T_STR, sizeof T_STR, st[T_STATE].rule[ruleno].str, tval); T_RULE = ruleno; T_CH = ch; newstate = st[T_STATE].rule[ruleno].to_state; newpos = T_POS + strlen(T_STR); ioaddstr(T_POS, T_STR); if (level == 0) ioclrtobot(); level++; T_STATE = newstate; T_POS = newpos; T_RULE = -1; strlcpy(T_STR, "", sizeof T_STR); } int getcommand(void) { int c, i, done; const char *s, *(*func)(char); PLANE *pp; rezero(); do { c = gettoken(); if (c == tty_new.c_cc[VERASE]) { if (pop() < 0) noise(); } else if (c == tty_new.c_cc[VKILL]) { while (pop() >= 0) ; } else { done = 0; for (i = 0; i < st[T_STATE].num_rules; i++) { if (st[T_STATE].rule[i].token == c || st[T_STATE].rule[i].token == tval) { push(i, (c >= ALPHATOKEN) ? tval : c); done = 1; break; } } if (!done) noise(); } } while (T_STATE != -1); if (level == 1) return (1); /* forced update */ dest_type = T_NODEST; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { func = st[stack[i].state].rule[stack[i].rule].func; if (func != NULL) if ((s = (*func)(stack[i].ch)) != NULL) { ioerror(stack[i].pos, strlen(stack[i].str), s); return (-1); } } pp = findplane(p.plane_no); if (pp->new_altitude != p.new_altitude) pp->new_altitude = p.new_altitude; else if (pp->status != p.status) pp->status = p.status; else { pp->new_dir = p.new_dir; pp->delayd = p.delayd; pp->delayd_no = p.delayd_no; } return (0); } void noise(void) { if (makenoise) putchar('\07'); fflush(stdout); } int gettoken(void) { while ((tval = getAChar()) == REDRAWTOKEN) { redraw(); } if (isdigit(tval)) return (NUMTOKEN); else if (isalpha(tval)) return (ALPHATOKEN); else return (tval); } const char * setplane(char c) { PLANE *pp; pp = findplane(number(c)); if (pp == NULL) return ("Unknown Plane"); memcpy(&p, pp, sizeof (p)); p.delayd = 0; return (NULL); } const char * turn(char c) { if (p.altitude == 0) return ("Planes at airports may not change direction"); return (NULL); } const char * circle(char c) { if (p.altitude == 0) return ("Planes cannot circle on the ground"); p.new_dir = MAXDIR; return (NULL); } const char * left(char c) { dir = D_LEFT; p.new_dir = p.dir - 1; if (p.new_dir < 0) p.new_dir += MAXDIR; return (NULL); } const char * right(char c) { dir = D_RIGHT; p.new_dir = p.dir + 1; if (p.new_dir >= MAXDIR) p.new_dir -= MAXDIR; return (NULL); } const char * Left(char c) { p.new_dir = p.dir - 2; if (p.new_dir < 0) p.new_dir += MAXDIR; return (NULL); } const char * Right(char c) { p.new_dir = p.dir + 2; if (p.new_dir >= MAXDIR) p.new_dir -= MAXDIR; return (NULL); } const char * delayb(char c) { int xdiff, ydiff; c -= '0'; if (c >= sp->num_beacons) return ("Unknown beacon"); xdiff = sp->beacon[(int)c].x - p.xpos; xdiff = SGN(xdiff); ydiff = sp->beacon[(int)c].y - p.ypos; ydiff = SGN(ydiff); if (xdiff != displacement[p.dir].dx || ydiff != displacement[p.dir].dy) return ("Beacon is not in flight path"); if (xdiff != 0 && ydiff !=0) if (abs(sp->beacon[(int)c].x - p.xpos) != abs(sp->beacon[(int)c].y - p.ypos)) return ("Beacon is not in flight path"); p.delayd = 1; p.delayd_no = c; if (dest_type != T_NODEST) { switch (dest_type) { case T_BEACON: xdiff = sp->beacon[dest_no].x - sp->beacon[(int)c].x; ydiff = sp->beacon[dest_no].y - sp->beacon[(int)c].y; break; case T_EXIT: xdiff = sp->exit[dest_no].x - sp->beacon[(int)c].x; ydiff = sp->exit[dest_no].y - sp->beacon[(int)c].y; break; case T_AIRPORT: xdiff = sp->airport[dest_no].x - sp->beacon[(int)c].x; ydiff = sp->airport[dest_no].y - sp->beacon[(int)c].y; break; default: return ("Bad case in delayb! Get help!"); break; } if (xdiff == 0 && ydiff == 0) return ("Would already be there"); p.new_dir = DIR_FROM_DXDY(xdiff, ydiff); if (p.new_dir == p.dir) return ("Already going in that direction"); } return (NULL); } const char * beacon(char c) { dest_type = T_BEACON; return (NULL); } const char * ex_it(char c) { dest_type = T_EXIT; return (NULL); } const char * airport(char c) { dest_type = T_AIRPORT; return (NULL); } const char * climb(char c) { dir = D_UP; return (NULL); } const char * descend(char c) { dir = D_DOWN; return (NULL); } const char * setalt(char c) { if ((p.altitude == c - '0') && (p.new_altitude == p.altitude)) return ("Already at that altitude"); if (p.new_altitude == c - '0') return ("Already going to that altitude"); p.new_altitude = c - '0'; return (NULL); } const char * setrelalt(char c) { int new_altitude; if (c == 0) return ("altitude not changed"); switch (dir) { case D_UP: new_altitude = p.altitude + c - '0'; break; case D_DOWN: new_altitude = p.altitude - (c - '0'); break; default: return ("Unknown case in setrelalt! Get help!"); break; } if (new_altitude < 0) return ("Altitude would be too low"); else if (new_altitude > 9) return ("Altitude would be too high"); else if (new_altitude == p.new_altitude) return ("Already going to that altitude"); p.new_altitude = new_altitude; return (NULL); } const char * benum(char c) { dest_no = c -= '0'; switch (dest_type) { case T_BEACON: if (c >= sp->num_beacons) return ("Unknown beacon"); p.new_dir = DIR_FROM_DXDY(sp->beacon[(int)c].x - p.xpos, sp->beacon[(int)c].y - p.ypos); break; case T_EXIT: if (c >= sp->num_exits) return ("Unknown exit"); p.new_dir = DIR_FROM_DXDY(sp->exit[(int)c].x - p.xpos, sp->exit[(int)c].y - p.ypos); break; case T_AIRPORT: if (c >= sp->num_airports) return ("Unknown airport"); p.new_dir = DIR_FROM_DXDY(sp->airport[(int)c].x - p.xpos, sp->airport[(int)c].y - p.ypos); break; default: return ("Unknown case in benum! Get help!"); break; } return (NULL); } const char * to_dir(char c) { p.new_dir = dir_no(c); return (NULL); } const char * rel_dir(char c) { int angle; angle = dir_no(c); switch (dir) { case D_LEFT: p.new_dir = p.dir - angle; if (p.new_dir < 0) p.new_dir += MAXDIR; break; case D_RIGHT: p.new_dir = p.dir + angle; if (p.new_dir >= MAXDIR) p.new_dir -= MAXDIR; break; default: return ("Bizarre direction in rel_dir! Get help!"); break; } return (NULL); } const char * mark(char c) { if (p.altitude == 0) return ("Cannot mark planes on the ground"); if (p.status == S_MARKED) return ("Already marked"); p.status = S_MARKED; return (NULL); } const char * unmark(char c) { if (p.altitude == 0) return ("Cannot unmark planes on the ground"); if (p.status == S_UNMARKED) return ("Already unmarked"); p.status = S_UNMARKED; return (NULL); } const char * ignore(char c) { if (p.altitude == 0) return ("Cannot ignore planes on the ground"); if (p.status == S_IGNORED) return ("Already ignored"); p.status = S_IGNORED; return (NULL); } int dir_no(char ch) { int dir; switch (ch) { case 'w': dir = 0; break; case 'e': dir = 1; break; case 'd': dir = 2; break; case 'c': dir = 3; break; case 'x': dir = 4; break; case 'z': dir = 5; break; case 'a': dir = 6; break; case 'q': dir = 7; break; default: dir = -1; fprintf(stderr, "bad character in dir_no\n"); break; } return (dir); }