/* $OpenBSD: crib.c,v 1.24 2021/10/23 11:22:48 mestre Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: crib.c,v 1.7 1997/07/10 06:47:29 mikel Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "cribbage.h" #include "cribcur.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bool playing; int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ehmqr")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'e': explain = TRUE; break; case 'm': muggins = TRUE; break; case 'q': quiet = TRUE; break; case 'r': rflag = TRUE; break; case 'h': default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-emqr]\n", getprogname()); return 1; } initscr(); (void)signal(SIGINT, rintsig); cbreak(); noecho(); Playwin = subwin(stdscr, PLAY_Y, PLAY_X, 0, 0); Tablewin = subwin(stdscr, TABLE_Y, TABLE_X, 0, PLAY_X); Compwin = subwin(stdscr, COMP_Y, COMP_X, 0, TABLE_X + PLAY_X); Msgwin = subwin(stdscr, MSG_Y, MSG_X, Y_MSG_START, SCORE_X + 1); leaveok(Playwin, TRUE); leaveok(Tablewin, TRUE); leaveok(Compwin, TRUE); clearok(stdscr, FALSE); if (!quiet) { msg("Do you need instructions for cribbage? "); if (getuchar() == 'Y') { endwin(); clear(); mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0); fflush(stdout); instructions(); cbreak(); noecho(); clear(); refresh(); msg("For cribbage rules, use \"man cribbage\""); } } if (pledge("stdio tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); playing = TRUE; do { wclrtobot(Msgwin); msg(quiet ? "L or S? " : "Long (to 121) or Short (to 61)? "); if (glimit == SGAME) glimit = (getuchar() == 'L' ? LGAME : SGAME); else glimit = (getuchar() == 'S' ? SGAME : LGAME); game(); msg("Another game? "); playing = (getuchar() == 'Y'); } while (playing); bye(); return 0; } /* * makeboard: * Print out the initial board on the screen */ void makeboard(void) { mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 0, SCORE_X, "+---------------------------------------+"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 1, SCORE_X, "| Score: 0 YOU |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 2, SCORE_X, "| *.....:.....:.....:.....:.....:..... |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 3, SCORE_X, "| *.....:.....:.....:.....:.....:..... |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 4, SCORE_X, "| |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 5, SCORE_X, "| *.....:.....:.....:.....:.....:..... |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 6, SCORE_X, "| *.....:.....:.....:.....:.....:..... |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 7, SCORE_X, "| Score: 0 ME |"); mvaddstr(SCORE_Y + 8, SCORE_X, "+---------------------------------------+"); gamescore(); } /* * gamescore: * Print out the current game score */ void gamescore(void) { if (pgames || cgames) { mvprintw(SCORE_Y + 1, SCORE_X + 28, "Games: %3d", pgames); mvprintw(SCORE_Y + 7, SCORE_X + 28, "Games: %3d", cgames); } Lastscore[0] = -1; Lastscore[1] = -1; } /* * game: * Play one game up to glimit points. Actually, we only ASK the * player what card to turn. We do a random one, anyway. */ void game(void) { int i, j; bool flag; bool compcrib; makedeck(deck); shuffle(deck); if (gamecount == 0) { flag = TRUE; do { if (!rflag) { /* player cuts deck */ char *foo; /* This is silly, but we should parse user input * even if we're not actually going to use it. */ do { msg(quiet ? "Cut for crib? " : "Cut to see whose crib it is -- low card wins? "); foo = get_line(); if (*foo != '\0' && ((i = atoi(foo)) < 4 || i > 48)) msg("Invalid cut"); else *foo = '\0'; } while (*foo != '\0'); } i = arc4random_uniform(CARDS); /* random cut */ do { /* comp cuts deck */ j = arc4random_uniform(CARDS); } while (j == i); addmsg(quiet ? "You cut " : "You cut the "); msgcard(deck[i], FALSE); endmsg(); addmsg(quiet ? "I cut " : "I cut the "); msgcard(deck[j], FALSE); endmsg(); flag = (deck[i].rank == deck[j].rank); if (flag) { msg(quiet ? "We tied..." : "We tied and have to try again..."); shuffle(deck); continue; } else compcrib = (deck[i].rank > deck[j].rank); } while (flag); do_wait(); clear(); makeboard(); refresh(); } else { makeboard(); refresh(); werase(Tablewin); wrefresh(Tablewin); werase(Compwin); wrefresh(Compwin); msg("Loser (%s) gets first crib", (iwon ? "you" : "me")); compcrib = !iwon; } pscore = cscore = 0; flag = TRUE; do { shuffle(deck); flag = !playhand(compcrib); compcrib = !compcrib; } while (flag); ++gamecount; if (cscore < pscore) { if (glimit - cscore > 60) { msg("YOU DOUBLE SKUNKED ME!"); pgames += 4; } else if (glimit - cscore > 30) { msg("YOU SKUNKED ME!"); pgames += 2; } else { msg("YOU WON!"); ++pgames; } iwon = FALSE; } else { if (glimit - pscore > 60) { msg("I DOUBLE SKUNKED YOU!"); cgames += 4; } else if (glimit - pscore > 30) { msg("I SKUNKED YOU!"); cgames += 2; } else { msg("I WON!"); ++cgames; } iwon = TRUE; } gamescore(); } /* * playhand: * Do up one hand of the game */ int playhand(bool mycrib) { int deckpos; werase(Compwin); wrefresh(Compwin); werase(Tablewin); wrefresh(Tablewin); knownum = 0; deckpos = deal(mycrib); sorthand(chand, FULLHAND); sorthand(phand, FULLHAND); makeknown(chand, FULLHAND); prhand(phand, FULLHAND, Playwin, FALSE); discard(mycrib); if (cut(mycrib, deckpos)) return TRUE; if (peg(mycrib)) return TRUE; werase(Tablewin); wrefresh(Tablewin); if (score(mycrib)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* * deal cards to both players from deck */ int deal(bool mycrib) { int i, j; for (i = j = 0; i < FULLHAND; i++) { if (mycrib) { phand[i] = deck[j++]; chand[i] = deck[j++]; } else { chand[i] = deck[j++]; phand[i] = deck[j++]; } } return (j); } /* * discard: * Handle players discarding into the crib... * Note: we call cdiscard() after prining first message so player doesn't wait */ void discard(bool mycrib) { char *prompt; CARD crd; prcrib(mycrib, TRUE); prompt = (quiet ? "Discard --> " : "Discard a card --> "); cdiscard(mycrib); /* puts best discard at end */ crd = phand[infrom(phand, FULLHAND, prompt)]; cremove(crd, phand, FULLHAND); prhand(phand, FULLHAND, Playwin, FALSE); crib[0] = crd; /* Next four lines same as last four except for cdiscard(). */ crd = phand[infrom(phand, FULLHAND - 1, prompt)]; cremove(crd, phand, FULLHAND - 1); prhand(phand, FULLHAND, Playwin, FALSE); crib[1] = crd; crib[2] = chand[4]; crib[3] = chand[5]; chand[4].rank = chand[4].suit = chand[5].rank = chand[5].suit = EMPTY; } /* * cut: * Cut the deck and set turnover. Actually, we only ASK the * player what card to turn. We do a random one, anyway. */ int cut(bool mycrib, int pos) { int i; bool win; win = FALSE; if (mycrib) { if (!rflag) { /* random cut */ char *foo; /* This is silly, but we should parse user input, * even if we're not actually going to use it. */ do { msg(quiet ? "Cut the deck? " : "How many cards down do you wish to cut the deck? "); foo = get_line(); if (*foo != '\0' && ((i = atoi(foo)) < 4 || i > 36)) msg("Invalid cut"); else *foo = '\0'; } while (*foo != '\0'); } i = arc4random_uniform(CARDS - pos); turnover = deck[i + pos]; addmsg(quiet ? "You cut " : "You cut the "); msgcard(turnover, FALSE); endmsg(); prcrib(mycrib, FALSE); if (turnover.rank == JACK) { msg("I get two for his heels"); win = chkscr(&cscore, 2); } } else { i = arc4random_uniform(CARDS - pos) + pos; turnover = deck[i]; addmsg(quiet ? "I cut " : "I cut the "); msgcard(turnover, FALSE); endmsg(); prcrib(mycrib, FALSE); if (turnover.rank == JACK) { msg("You get two for his heels"); win = chkscr(&pscore, 2); } } makeknown(&turnover, 1); return (win); } /* * prcrib: * Print out the turnover card with crib indicator */ void prcrib(bool mycrib, bool blank) { int y, cardx; if (mycrib) cardx = CRIB_X; else cardx = 0; mvaddstr(CRIB_Y, cardx + 1, "CRIB"); prcard(stdscr, CRIB_Y + 1, cardx, turnover, blank); if (mycrib) cardx = 0; else cardx = CRIB_X; for (y = CRIB_Y; y <= CRIB_Y + 5; y++) mvaddstr(y, cardx, " "); refresh(); } /* * peg: * Handle all the pegging... */ static CARD Table[14]; static int Tcnt; int peg(bool mycrib) { static CARD ch[CINHAND], ph[CINHAND]; int i, j, k; int l; int cnum, pnum, sum; bool myturn, mego, ugo, last, played; CARD crd; played = FALSE; cnum = pnum = CINHAND; for (i = 0; i < CINHAND; i++) { /* make copies of hands */ ch[i] = chand[i]; ph[i] = phand[i]; } Tcnt = 0; /* index to table of cards played */ sum = 0; /* sum of cards played */ mego = ugo = FALSE; myturn = !mycrib; for (;;) { last = TRUE; /* enable last flag */ prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE); prtable(sum); if (myturn) { if (!anymove(ch, cnum, sum)) { /* if no card to play */ if (!mego && cnum) { /* go for comp? */ msg("GO"); mego = TRUE; } /* can player move? */ if (anymove(ph, pnum, sum)) myturn = !myturn; else { /* give him his point */ msg(quiet ? "You get one" : "You get one point"); do_wait(); if (chkscr(&pscore, 1)) return TRUE; sum = 0; mego = ugo = FALSE; Tcnt = 0; } } else { played = TRUE; j = -1; k = 0; /* maximize score */ for (i = 0; i < cnum; i++) { l = pegscore(ch[i], Table, Tcnt, sum); if (l > k) { k = l; j = i; } } if (j < 0) /* if nothing scores */ j = cchose(ch, cnum, sum); crd = ch[j]; cremove(crd, ch, cnum--); sum += VAL(crd.rank); Table[Tcnt++] = crd; if (k > 0) { addmsg(quiet ? "I get %d playing " : "I get %d points playing ", k); msgcard(crd, FALSE); endmsg(); prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE); prtable(sum); if (chkscr(&cscore, k)) return TRUE; } myturn = !myturn; } } else { if (!anymove(ph, pnum, sum)) { /* can player move? */ if (!ugo && pnum) { /* go for player */ msg("You have a GO"); ugo = TRUE; } /* can computer play? */ if (anymove(ch, cnum, sum)) myturn = !myturn; else { msg(quiet ? "I get one" : "I get one point"); do_wait(); prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE); prtable(sum); if (chkscr(&cscore, 1)) return TRUE; sum = 0; mego = ugo = FALSE; Tcnt = 0; } } else { /* player plays */ played = FALSE; if (pnum == 1) { crd = ph[0]; msg("You play your last card"); } else for (;;) { prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); crd = ph[infrom(ph, pnum, "Your play: ")]; if (sum + VAL(crd.rank) <= 31) break; else msg("Total > 31 -- try again"); } makeknown(&crd, 1); cremove(crd, ph, pnum--); i = pegscore(crd, Table, Tcnt, sum); sum += VAL(crd.rank); Table[Tcnt++] = crd; if (i > 0) { msg(quiet ? "You got %d" : "You got %d points", i); if (pnum == 0) do_wait(); prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE); prtable(sum); if (chkscr(&pscore, i)) return TRUE; } myturn = !myturn; } } if (sum >= 31) { if (!myturn) do_wait(); sum = 0; mego = ugo = FALSE; Tcnt = 0; last = FALSE; /* disable last flag */ } if (!pnum && !cnum) break; /* both done */ } prhand(ph, pnum, Playwin, FALSE); prhand(ch, cnum, Compwin, TRUE); prtable(sum); if (last) { if (played) { msg(quiet ? "I get one for last" : "I get one point for last"); do_wait(); if (chkscr(&cscore, 1)) return TRUE; } else { msg(quiet ? "You get one for last" : "You get one point for last"); do_wait(); if (chkscr(&pscore, 1)) return TRUE; } } return (FALSE); } /* * prtable: * Print out the table with the current score */ void prtable(int score) { prhand(Table, Tcnt, Tablewin, FALSE); mvwprintw(Tablewin, (Tcnt + 2) * 2, Tcnt + 1, "%2d", score); wrefresh(Tablewin); } /* * score: * Handle the scoring of the hands */ int score(bool mycrib) { sorthand(crib, CINHAND); if (mycrib) { if (plyrhand(phand, "hand")) return (TRUE); if (comphand(chand, "hand")) return (TRUE); do_wait(); if (comphand(crib, "crib")) return (TRUE); do_wait(); } else { if (comphand(chand, "hand")) return (TRUE); if (plyrhand(phand, "hand")) return (TRUE); if (plyrhand(crib, "crib")) return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }