This is the traditional children's card game "Go Fish". We each get seven cards, and the rest of the deck is kept to be drawn from later. The object of the game is to collect "books", or all of the cards of a single value. For example, getting four 2's would give you a "book of 2's". We take turns asking each other for cards, but you can't ask me for a card value if you don't have one of them in your hand! If I have any cards of the value you ask for, I have to give them to you. As long as I have one of the cards you ask for, you get to keep asking. If you ask me for a card value that I don't have, then I'll tell you to "Go Fish!" This means that you draw a card from the deck. If you draw the card you asked me for, you get to keep asking me for cards. If not, it's my turn and I ask you for a card. Sometimes you get to ask first, sometimes I do. I'll tell you when it's your turn to move, I'll draw cards from the deck for you, and I'll tell you what you have in your hand. (Don't worry, I don't look at your hand when I'm trying to decide what card to ask for, honest!) Your input can be a card value ("A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q" or "K") or the letter "p", or "quit". The letter "p" makes my game much smarter, and the line "quit" stops the game. Just hitting the carriage return key displays how many cards I have in my hand, how many are left in the deck, and which books I've gotten. Normally, the game stops when one of us runs out of cards, and the winner is whoever has the most books! Good luck!