.\" $OpenBSD: grdc.6,v 1.14 2022/09/24 16:07:26 florian Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright 2002 Amos Shapir. Public domain. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: September 24 2022 $ .Dt GRDC 6 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm grdc .Nd grand digital clock (curses) .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm grdc .Op Fl s .Op Ar number .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm runs a digital clock made of reverse-video blanks on a curses compatible screen. With an optional numeric argument .Ar number it stops after .Ar number seconds (defaulting to never). The optional .Fl s flag makes digits scroll as they change. If the terminal is too slow to keep up, .Nm skips seconds. Pressing the .Sq q key exits the program. .Sh ENVIRONMENT .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Ev TZ The time zone to use for displaying the time. It is normally specified as a pathname relative to .Pa /usr/share/zoneinfo , though see .Xr tzset 3 for more information. If this variable is not set, the time zone is determined based on .Pa /etc/localtime . .El .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit .An Amos Shapir , modified for curses by .An John Lupien .