/* $OpenBSD: hack.invent.c,v 1.14 2016/01/09 21:54:11 mestre Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1985, Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, * Amsterdam * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en * Informatica, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1982 Jay Fenlason * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "hack.h" extern struct obj zeroobj; extern char morc; extern char quitchars[]; #ifndef NOWORM extern struct wseg *wsegs[32]; #endif /* NOWORM */ #define NOINVSYM '#' static int lastinvnr = 51; /* 0 ... 51 */ static void assigninvlet(struct obj *); static char obj_to_let(struct obj *); static char *xprname(struct obj *, char); static void doinv(char *); static int merged(struct obj *, struct obj *, int); static void assigninvlet(struct obj *otmp) { boolean inuse[52]; int i; struct obj *obj; for(i = 0; i < 52; i++) inuse[i] = FALSE; for(obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) if(obj != otmp) { i = obj->invlet; if('a' <= i && i <= 'z') inuse[i - 'a'] = TRUE; else if('A' <= i && i <= 'Z') inuse[i - 'A' + 26] = TRUE; if(i == otmp->invlet) otmp->invlet = 0; } if((i = otmp->invlet) && (('a' <= i && i <= 'z') || ('A' <= i && i <= 'Z'))) return; for(i = lastinvnr+1; i != lastinvnr; i++) { if(i == 52) { i = -1; continue; } if(!inuse[i]) break; } otmp->invlet = (inuse[i] ? NOINVSYM : (i < 26) ? ('a'+i) : ('A'+i-26)); lastinvnr = i; } struct obj * addinv(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp; /* merge or attach to end of chain */ if(!invent) { invent = obj; otmp = 0; } else for(otmp = invent; /* otmp */; otmp = otmp->nobj) { if(merged(otmp, obj, 0)) return(otmp); if(!otmp->nobj) { otmp->nobj = obj; break; } } obj->nobj = 0; if(flags.invlet_constant) { assigninvlet(obj); /* * The ordering of the chain is nowhere significant * so in case you prefer some other order than the * historical one, change the code below. */ if(otmp) { /* find proper place in chain */ otmp->nobj = 0; if((invent->invlet ^ 040) > (obj->invlet ^ 040)) { obj->nobj = invent; invent = obj; } else for(otmp = invent; ; otmp = otmp->nobj) { if(!otmp->nobj || (otmp->nobj->invlet ^ 040) > (obj->invlet ^ 040)){ obj->nobj = otmp->nobj; otmp->nobj = obj; break; } } } } return(obj); } void useup(struct obj *obj) { if(obj->quan > 1){ obj->quan--; obj->owt = weight(obj); } else { setnotworn(obj); freeinv(obj); obfree(obj, (struct obj *) 0); } } void freeinv(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp; if(obj == invent) invent = invent->nobj; else { for(otmp = invent; otmp->nobj != obj; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(!otmp->nobj) panic("freeinv"); otmp->nobj = obj->nobj; } } /* destroy object in fobj chain (if unpaid, it remains on the bill) */ void delobj(struct obj *obj) { freeobj(obj); unpobj(obj); obfree(obj, (struct obj *) 0); } /* unlink obj from chain starting with fobj */ void freeobj(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp; if(obj == fobj) fobj = fobj->nobj; else { for(otmp = fobj; otmp->nobj != obj; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(!otmp) panic("error in freeobj"); otmp->nobj = obj->nobj; } } /* Note: freegold throws away its argument! */ void freegold(struct gold *gold) { struct gold *gtmp; if(gold == fgold) fgold = gold->ngold; else { for(gtmp = fgold; gtmp->ngold != gold; gtmp = gtmp->ngold) if(!gtmp) panic("error in freegold"); gtmp->ngold = gold->ngold; } free(gold); } void deltrap(struct trap *trap) { struct trap *ttmp; if(trap == ftrap) ftrap = ftrap->ntrap; else { for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp->ntrap != trap; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap) ; ttmp->ntrap = trap->ntrap; } free(trap); } struct wseg *m_atseg; struct monst * m_at(int x, int y) { struct monst *mtmp; #ifndef NOWORM struct wseg *wtmp; #endif /* NOWORM */ m_atseg = 0; for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon){ if(mtmp->mx == x && mtmp->my == y) return(mtmp); #ifndef NOWORM if(mtmp->wormno){ for(wtmp = wsegs[mtmp->wormno]; wtmp; wtmp = wtmp->nseg) if(wtmp->wx == x && wtmp->wy == y){ m_atseg = wtmp; return(mtmp); } } #endif /* NOWORM */ } return(0); } struct obj * o_at(int x, int y) { struct obj *otmp; for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp->ox == x && otmp->oy == y) return(otmp); return(0); } struct obj * sobj_at(int n, int x, int y) { struct obj *otmp; for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp->ox == x && otmp->oy == y && otmp->otyp == n) return(otmp); return(0); } int carried(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp; for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp == obj) return(1); return(0); } boolean carrying(int type) { struct obj *otmp; for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp->otyp == type) return(TRUE); return(FALSE); } struct obj * o_on(unsigned int id, struct obj *objchn) { while(objchn) { if(objchn->o_id == id) return(objchn); objchn = objchn->nobj; } return(NULL); } struct trap * t_at(int x, int y) { struct trap *trap = ftrap; while(trap) { if(trap->tx == x && trap->ty == y) return(trap); trap = trap->ntrap; } return(NULL); } struct gold * g_at(int x, int y) { struct gold *gold = fgold; while(gold) { if(gold->gx == x && gold->gy == y) return(gold); gold = gold->ngold; } return(NULL); } /* make dummy object structure containing gold - for temporary use only */ struct obj * mkgoldobj(long q) { struct obj *otmp; otmp = newobj(0); /* should set o_id etc. but otmp will be freed soon */ otmp->olet = '$'; u.ugold -= q; OGOLD(otmp) = q; flags.botl = 1; return(otmp); } /* * getobj returns: * struct obj *xxx: object to do something with. * (struct obj *) 0 error return: no object. * &zeroobj explicitly no object (as in w-). */ struct obj * getobj(char *let, char *word) { struct obj *otmp; char ilet,ilet1,ilet2; char buf[BUFSZ]; char lets[BUFSZ]; int foo = 0, foo2; char *bp = buf; xchar allowcnt = 0; /* 0, 1 or 2 */ boolean allowgold = FALSE; boolean allowall = FALSE; boolean allownone = FALSE; xchar foox = 0; long cnt; if(*let == '0') let++, allowcnt = 1; if(*let == '$') let++, allowgold = TRUE; if(*let == '#') let++, allowall = TRUE; if(*let == '-') let++, allownone = TRUE; if(allownone) *bp++ = '-'; if(allowgold) *bp++ = '$'; if(bp > buf && bp[-1] == '-') *bp++ = ' '; ilet = 'a'; for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj){ if(!*let || strchr(let, otmp->olet)) { bp[foo++] = flags.invlet_constant ? otmp->invlet : ilet; /* ugly check: remove inappropriate things */ if((!strcmp(word, "take off") && !(otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR - W_ARM2))) || (!strcmp(word, "wear") && (otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_RING))) || (!strcmp(word, "wield") && (otmp->owornmask & W_WEP))) { foo--; foox++; } } if(ilet == 'z') ilet = 'A'; else ilet++; } bp[foo] = 0; if(foo == 0 && bp > buf && bp[-1] == ' ') *--bp = 0; (void) strlcpy(lets, bp, sizeof lets); /* necessary since we destroy buf */ if(foo > 5) { /* compactify string */ foo = foo2 = 1; ilet2 = bp[0]; ilet1 = bp[1]; while ((ilet = bp[++foo2] = bp[++foo])) { if(ilet == ilet1+1){ if(ilet1 == ilet2+1) bp[foo2 - 1] = ilet1 = '-'; else if(ilet2 == '-') { bp[--foo2] = ++ilet1; continue; } } ilet2 = ilet1; ilet1 = ilet; } } if(!foo && !allowall && !allowgold && !allownone) { pline("You don't have anything %sto %s.", foox ? "else " : "", word); return(0); } for(;;) { if(!buf[0]) pline("What do you want to %s [*]? ", word); else pline("What do you want to %s [%s or ?*]? ", word, buf); cnt = 0; ilet = readchar(); while(isdigit((unsigned char)ilet) && allowcnt) { if (cnt < 100000000) cnt = 10*cnt + (ilet - '0'); else cnt = 999999999; allowcnt = 2; /* signal presence of cnt */ ilet = readchar(); } if(isdigit((unsigned char)ilet)) { pline("No count allowed with this command."); continue; } if(strchr(quitchars,ilet)) return((struct obj *)0); if(ilet == '-') { return(allownone ? &zeroobj : (struct obj *) 0); } if(ilet == '$') { if(!allowgold){ pline("You cannot %s gold.", word); continue; } if(!(allowcnt == 2 && cnt < u.ugold)) cnt = u.ugold; return(mkgoldobj(cnt)); } if(ilet == '?') { doinv(lets); if(!(ilet = morc)) continue; /* he typed a letter (not a space) to more() */ } else if(ilet == '*') { doinv(NULL); if(!(ilet = morc)) continue; /* ... */ } if(flags.invlet_constant) { for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp->invlet == ilet) break; } else { if(ilet >= 'A' && ilet <= 'Z') ilet += 'z'-'A'+1; ilet -= 'a'; for(otmp = invent; otmp && ilet; ilet--, otmp = otmp->nobj) ; } if(!otmp) { pline("You don't have that object."); continue; } if(cnt < 0 || otmp->quan < cnt) { pline("You don't have that many! [You have %u]" , otmp->quan); continue; } break; } if(!allowall && let && !strchr(let,otmp->olet)) { pline("That is a silly thing to %s.",word); return(0); } if(allowcnt == 2) { /* cnt given */ if(cnt == 0) return(0); if(cnt != otmp->quan) { struct obj *obj; obj = splitobj(otmp, (int) cnt); if(otmp == uwep) setuwep(obj); } } return(otmp); } int ckunpaid(struct obj *otmp) { return( otmp->unpaid ); } /* interactive version of getobj - used for Drop and Identify */ /* return the number of times fn was called successfully */ int ggetobj(char *word, int (*fn)(struct obj *), int max) { char buf[BUFSZ]; char *ip; char sym; int oletct = 0, iletct = 0; boolean allflag = FALSE; char olets[20], ilets[20]; int (*ckfn)(struct obj *) = NULL; xchar allowgold = (u.ugold && !strcmp(word, "drop")) ? 1 : 0; /* BAH */ if(!invent && !allowgold){ pline("You have nothing to %s.", word); return(0); } else { struct obj *otmp = invent; int uflg = 0; if(allowgold) ilets[iletct++] = '$'; ilets[iletct] = 0; while(otmp) { if(!strchr(ilets, otmp->olet)){ ilets[iletct++] = otmp->olet; ilets[iletct] = 0; } if(otmp->unpaid) uflg = 1; otmp = otmp->nobj; } ilets[iletct++] = ' '; if(uflg) ilets[iletct++] = 'u'; if(invent) ilets[iletct++] = 'a'; ilets[iletct] = 0; } pline("What kinds of thing do you want to %s? [%s] ", word, ilets); getlin(buf); if(buf[0] == '\033') { clrlin(); return(0); } ip = buf; olets[0] = 0; while ((sym = *ip++)) { if (sym == ' ') continue; if (sym == '$') { if (allowgold == 1) (*fn)(mkgoldobj(u.ugold)); else if (!u.ugold) pline("You have no gold."); allowgold = 2; } else if (sym == 'a' || sym == 'A') allflag = TRUE; else if (sym == 'u' || sym == 'U') ckfn = ckunpaid; else if (strchr("!%?[()=*/\"0", sym)) { if (!strchr(olets, sym)) { olets[oletct++] = sym; olets[oletct] = 0; } } else pline("You don't have any %c's.", sym); } if (allowgold == 2 && !oletct) return(1); /* he dropped gold (or at least tried to) */ else return(askchain(invent, olets, allflag, fn, ckfn, max)); } /* * Walk through the chain starting at objchn and ask for all objects * with olet in olets (if nonNULL) and satisfying ckfn (if nonNULL) * whether the action in question (i.e., fn) has to be performed. * If allflag then no questions are asked. Max gives the max nr of * objects to be treated. Return the number of objects treated. */ int askchain(struct obj *objchn, char *olets, int allflag, int (*fn)(struct obj *), int (*ckfn)(struct obj *), int max) { struct obj *otmp, *otmp2; char sym, ilet; int cnt = 0; ilet = 'a'-1; for(otmp = objchn; otmp; otmp = otmp2){ if(ilet == 'z') ilet = 'A'; else ilet++; otmp2 = otmp->nobj; if(olets && *olets && !strchr(olets, otmp->olet)) continue; if(ckfn && !(*ckfn)(otmp)) continue; if(!allflag) { pline("%s", xprname(otmp, ilet)); addtopl(" [nyaq]? "); sym = readchar(); } else sym = 'y'; switch(sym){ case 'a': allflag = 1; case 'y': cnt += (*fn)(otmp); if(--max == 0) goto ret; case 'n': default: break; case 'q': goto ret; } } pline(cnt ? "That was all." : "No applicable objects."); ret: return(cnt); } /* should of course only be called for things in invent */ static char obj_to_let(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp; char ilet; if(flags.invlet_constant) return(obj->invlet); ilet = 'a'; for(otmp = invent; otmp && otmp != obj; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(++ilet > 'z') ilet = 'A'; return(otmp ? ilet : NOINVSYM); } void prinv(struct obj *obj) { pline("%s", xprname(obj, obj_to_let(obj))); } static char * xprname(struct obj *obj, char let) { static char li[BUFSZ]; (void) snprintf(li, sizeof li, "%c - %s.", flags.invlet_constant ? obj->invlet : let, doname(obj)); return(li); } int ddoinv(void) { doinv(NULL); return(0); } /* called with 0 or "": all objects in inventory */ /* otherwise: all objects with (serial) letter in lets */ static void doinv(char *lets) { struct obj *otmp; char ilet; int ct = 0; char any[BUFSZ]; morc = 0; /* just to be sure */ if(!invent){ pline("Not carrying anything."); return; } cornline(0, NULL); ilet = 'a'; for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { if(flags.invlet_constant) ilet = otmp->invlet; if(!lets || !*lets || strchr(lets, ilet)) { cornline(1, xprname(otmp, ilet)); any[ct++] = ilet; } if(!flags.invlet_constant) if(++ilet > 'z') ilet = 'A'; } any[ct] = 0; cornline(2, any); } int dotypeinv(void) /* free after Robert Viduya */ /* Changed to one type only, so he doesn't have to type cr */ { char c, ilet; char stuff[BUFSZ]; int stct; struct obj *otmp; boolean billx = inshop() && doinvbill(0); boolean unpd = FALSE; if (!invent && !u.ugold && !billx) { pline ("You aren't carrying anything."); return(0); } stct = 0; if(u.ugold) stuff[stct++] = '$'; stuff[stct] = 0; for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { if (!strchr (stuff, otmp->olet)) { stuff[stct++] = otmp->olet; stuff[stct] = 0; } if(otmp->unpaid) unpd = TRUE; } if(unpd) stuff[stct++] = 'u'; if(billx) stuff[stct++] = 'x'; stuff[stct] = 0; if(stct > 1) { pline ("What type of object [%s] do you want an inventory of? ", stuff); c = readchar(); if(strchr(quitchars,c)) return(0); } else c = stuff[0]; if(c == '$') return(doprgold()); if(c == 'x' || c == 'X') { if(billx) (void) doinvbill(1); else pline("No used-up objects on the shopping bill."); return(0); } if((c == 'u' || c == 'U') && !unpd) { pline("You are not carrying any unpaid objects."); return(0); } stct = 0; ilet = 'a'; for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp -> nobj) { if(flags.invlet_constant) ilet = otmp->invlet; if (c == otmp -> olet || (c == 'u' && otmp -> unpaid)) stuff[stct++] = ilet; if(!flags.invlet_constant) if(++ilet > 'z') ilet = 'A'; } stuff[stct] = '\0'; if(stct == 0) pline("You have no such objects."); else doinv (stuff); return(0); } /* look at what is here */ int dolook(void) { struct obj *otmp, *otmp0; struct gold *gold; char *verb = Blind ? "feel" : "see"; int ct = 0; if(!u.uswallow) { if(Blind) { pline("You try to feel what is lying here on the floor."); if(Levitation) { /* ab@unido */ pline("You cannot reach the floor!"); return(1); } } otmp0 = o_at(u.ux, u.uy); gold = g_at(u.ux, u.uy); } if(u.uswallow || (!otmp0 && !gold)) { pline("You %s no objects here.", verb); return(!!Blind); } cornline(0, "Things that are here:"); for(otmp = otmp0; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) { if(otmp->ox == u.ux && otmp->oy == u.uy) { ct++; cornline(1, doname(otmp)); if(Blind && otmp->otyp == DEAD_COCKATRICE && !uarmg) { pline("Touching the dead cockatrice is a fatal mistake ..."); pline("You die ..."); killer = "dead cockatrice"; done("died"); } } } if(gold) { char gbuf[30]; (void) snprintf(gbuf, sizeof gbuf, "%ld gold piece%s", gold->amount, plur(gold->amount)); if(!ct++) pline("You %s here %s.", verb, gbuf); else cornline(1, gbuf); } if(ct == 1 && !gold) { pline("You %s here %s.", verb, doname(otmp0)); cornline(3, NULL); } if(ct > 1) cornline(2, NULL); return(!!Blind); } void stackobj(struct obj *obj) { struct obj *otmp = fobj; for(otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if(otmp != obj) if(otmp->ox == obj->ox && otmp->oy == obj->oy && merged(obj,otmp,1)) return; } /* merge obj with otmp and delete obj if types agree */ static int merged(struct obj *otmp, struct obj *obj, int lose) { if(obj->otyp == otmp->otyp && obj->unpaid == otmp->unpaid && obj->spe == otmp->spe && obj->dknown == otmp->dknown && obj->cursed == otmp->cursed && (strchr("%*?!", obj->olet) || (obj->known == otmp->known && (obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM && obj->otyp < BOOMERANG)))) { otmp->quan += obj->quan; otmp->owt += obj->owt; if(lose) freeobj(obj); obfree(obj,otmp); /* free(obj), bill->otmp */ return(1); } else return(0); } /* * Gold is no longer displayed; in fact, when you have a lot of money, * it may take a while before you have counted it all. * [Bug: d$ and pickup still tell you how much it was.] */ extern int (*occupation)(void); extern char *occtxt; static long goldcounted; int countgold(void) { if((goldcounted += 100*(u.ulevel + 1)) >= u.ugold) { long eps = 0; if(!rn2(2)) eps = rnd((int) (u.ugold/100 + 1)); pline("You probably have about %ld gold pieces.", u.ugold + eps); return(0); /* done */ } return(1); /* continue */ } int doprgold(void) { if(!u.ugold) pline("You do not carry any gold."); else if(u.ugold <= 500) pline("You are carrying %ld gold pieces.", u.ugold); else { pline("You sit down in order to count your gold pieces."); goldcounted = 500; occupation = countgold; occtxt = "counting your gold"; } return(1); } /* --- end of gold counting section --- */ int doprwep(void) { if(!uwep) pline("You are empty handed."); else prinv(uwep); return(0); } int doprarm(void) { if(!uarm && !uarmg && !uarms && !uarmh) pline("You are not wearing any armor."); else { char lets[6]; int ct = 0; if(uarm) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uarm); if(uarm2) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uarm2); if(uarmh) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uarmh); if(uarms) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uarms); if(uarmg) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uarmg); lets[ct] = 0; doinv(lets); } return(0); } int doprring(void) { if(!uleft && !uright) pline("You are not wearing any rings."); else { char lets[3]; int ct = 0; if(uleft) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uleft); if(uright) lets[ct++] = obj_to_let(uright); lets[ct] = 0; doinv(lets); } return(0); }