.\" $NetBSD: huntd.6,v 1.3 1998/01/09 08:03:42 perry Exp $ .\" $OpenBSD: huntd.6,v 1.25 2015/09/25 17:50:53 schwarze Exp $ .\" .\" Hunt .\" Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold .\" San Francisco, California .\" .\" Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: September 25 2015 $ .Dt HUNTD 6 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm huntd .Nd hunt daemon, back-end for hunt game .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm huntd .Op Fl bs .Op Fl a Ar addr .Op Fl D Ar var Ns = Ns Ar value .Op Fl p Ar port .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm controls the multi-player .Xr hunt 6 game. .Pp The .Fl a Ar addr option is used to cause the server to listen only on a specific interface address. The .Ar addr argument must be given as an IP address. .Pp If the .Fl b option is specified, .Nm will fork and go into the background. In this mode, errors will be logged via .Va syslog instead of to .Va stderr . .Pp Options given with .Fl D override those read from configuration files .Po see .Sx CONFIGURATION , below .Pc . .Pp The .Fl p Ar port option changes the UDP port number used to rendezvous with the player process and thus allows for private games of .Xr hunt 6 . .Pp The .Fl s option is for running .Nm forever .Pq server mode . This is similar to running it under the control of .Xr inetd 8 .Pq see below , but it consumes a process table entry when no one is playing, and monitor clients are not disconnected. .Ss INETD To run .Nm from .Xr inetd 8 , you'll need to add this line to .Pa /etc/inetd.conf : .Pp .Dl hunt dgram udp wait nobody /usr/games/huntd HUNT .Pp Do not use any of the command line options \(em if you want .Xr inetd 8 to start up .Nm huntd on a private port, change the port listed in .Pa /etc/services . .Ss NETWORK RENDEZVOUS When .Xr hunt 6 starts up, it broadcasts on attached networks, using the broadcast or point-to-point destination address for each interface, to find a .Nm hunt game in progress. If a .Nm huntd hears the request, it sends back the port number for the .Nm hunt process to connect to. .Ss CONFIGURATION When .Nm starts, it looks for configuration files that determine game parameters. Each line of a configuration file is of the form .Ar var No = Ar value . Comments start with a hash sign .Pq Sq # . The configuration files loaded in order .Pq if they exist are: .Pa /etc/hunt.conf , .Pa $HOME/.hunt.conf , and .Pa ./.hunt.conf . .Pp Many of these variables require intimate knowledge of the driver source code. The complete list of configurable variables is as follows. .Pp .Bl -tag -width pdroneabsorb -compact .It Va random enable dispersion doors .Pq default 1 .It Va reflect enable generation of reflection walls .Pq default 1 .It Va monitor enable monitors .Pq default 1 .It Va ooze enable slime shots .Pq default 1 .It Va fly enable flight .Pq default 1 .It Va volcano enable volcanoes .Pq default 1 .It Va drone enable drone .Pq default 1 .It Va boots enable boots .Pq default 1 .It Va scan enable scanning .Pq default 1 .It Va cloak enable cloaking .Pq default 1 .It Va logerr errors to stderr .Pq default 1 .It Va syslog errors to .Xr syslogd 8 .Pq default 0 .It Va scoredecay nr deaths before nr kills begins to decay .Pq default 15 .It Va maxremove Maximum number of holes in the maze wall .Pq default 40 .It Va linger Seconds to keep game open with no players. \&-1 means forever .Pq default 90 .It Va flytime max time flying .Pq default 20 .It Va flystep max displacement each flying time unit .Pq default 5 .It Va volcano_max max size of volcano .Pq default 50 .It Va ptrip_face percentage chance of tripping a grenade on pickup .Pq default 2 .It Va ptrip_back percentage chance of same when backing onto it .Pq default 95 .It Va ptrip_side percentage chance of same when walking sideways into it .Pq default 50 .It Va prandom percentage of time dispersion doors appear .Pq default 1 .It Va preflect percentage of time reflection walls appear .Pq default 1 .It Va pshot_coll percentage chance of shots colliding .Pq default 5 .It Va pgren_coll percentage chance of grenades colliding .Pq default 10 .It Va pgren_catch facing player chance of catching grenade .Pq default 10 .It Va pmiss percentage chance of bullet missing player .Pq default 5 .It Va pdroneabsorb percentage chance of absorbing a drone .Pq default 1 .It Va fall_frac divisor of damage used for fall damage .Pq default 5 .It Va bulspd speed of bullets .Pq default 5 .It Va ishots initial ammo for player .Pq default 15 .It Va nshots ammo boost for all when new player joins .Pq default 5 .It Va maxncshot max number of simultaneous shots per player .Pq default 2 .It Va maxdam the initial shield for each player .Pq default 10 .It Va mindam minimum damage from one unit of ammo .Pq default 5 .It Va stabdam damage from stabbing .Pq default 2 .It Va killgain shield gained from killing someone .Pq default 2 .It Va slimefactor charge multiplier for slime .Pq default 3 .It Va slimespeed speed of slime .Pq default 5 .It Va lavaspeed speed of volcano lava .Pq default 1 .It Va cloaklen duration of a cloak .Pq default 20 .It Va scanlen duration of a scan .Pq default 20 .It Va mindshot minimum shot class needed to make a drone .Pq default 2 .It Va simstep maximum simulation step in microseconds. Zero means traditional blocking behaviour. Try 55000 for something reasonable .Pq default 0 .El .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width Pa -compact .It Pa /etc/hunt.conf .It Pa "$HOME/.hunt.conf" .It Pa ./.hunt.conf .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr hunt 6 , .Xr inetd 8 .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit .An Conrad Huang , .An Ken Arnold , and .An Greg Couch ; .br University of California, San Francisco, Computer Graphics Lab .Pp .An David Leonard tidied up, and added the configuration file.