FF >> GET OUT OF JAIL FREE << Keep this card until needed or sold %% ++25 Receive for Services $25. %% ++200 Bank Error in Your Favor. Collect $200. %% ++20 Income Tax Refund. Collect $20. %% --100 Pay Hospital $100 %% ++100 Life Insurance Matures. Collect $100 %% ++45 From sale of Stock You get $45. %% TX You are Assessed for street repairs. $40 per House $115 per Hotel %% ++100 X-mas Fund Matures. Collect $100. %% ++11 You have won Second Prize in a Beauty Contest Collect $11 %% MF0 Advance to GO (Collect $200) %% ++100 You inherit $100 %% --150 Pay School Tax of $150. %% MJ >> GO TO JAIL << Go Directly to Jail. Do not pass GO Do not collect $200. %% +A50 >> GRAND OPERA OPENING << Collect $50 from each player for opening night seats. %% --50 Doctor's Fee: Pay $50. %- FF >> GET OUT OF JAIL FREE << Keep this card until needed or sold %% MR Advance to the nearest Railroad, and pay owner Twice the rental to which he is otherwise entitled. If Railroad is unowned you may buy it from the bank %% MU Advance to the nearest Utility. If unowned, you may buy it from the bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total of ten times the amount thrown. %% MB3 Go Back 3 Spaces %% MR Advance to the nearest Railroad, and pay owner Twice the rental to which he is otherwise entitled. If Railroad is unowned you may buy it from the bank %% MJ >> GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL << Do not pass GO, Do not Collect $200. %% MF5 Take a Ride on the Reading. If you pass GO, collect $200. %% MF39 Take a Walk on the Board Walk. (Advance To Board Walk) %% MF24 Advance to Illinois Ave. %% MF0 Advance to Go %% MF11 Advance to St. Charles Place. If you pass GO, collect $200. %% TX Make general repairs on all of your Property. For Each House pay $25. For Each Hotel pay $100. %% -A50 You have been elected Chairman of the Board. Pay each player $50. %% --15 Pay Poor Tax of $15 %% ++50 Bank pays you Dividend of $50. %% ++150 Your Building and Loan Matures. Collect $150.