/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Pavel Kalvoda * * libcbor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. */ #include "cbor.h" #include "cbor/internal/builder_callbacks.h" #include "cbor/internal/loaders.h" cbor_item_t *cbor_load(cbor_data source, size_t source_size, struct cbor_load_result *result) { /* Context stack */ static struct cbor_callbacks callbacks = { .uint8 = &cbor_builder_uint8_callback, .uint16 = &cbor_builder_uint16_callback, .uint32 = &cbor_builder_uint32_callback, .uint64 = &cbor_builder_uint64_callback, .negint8 = &cbor_builder_negint8_callback, .negint16 = &cbor_builder_negint16_callback, .negint32 = &cbor_builder_negint32_callback, .negint64 = &cbor_builder_negint64_callback, .byte_string = &cbor_builder_byte_string_callback, .byte_string_start = &cbor_builder_byte_string_start_callback, .string = &cbor_builder_string_callback, .string_start = &cbor_builder_string_start_callback, .array_start = &cbor_builder_array_start_callback, .indef_array_start = &cbor_builder_indef_array_start_callback, .map_start = &cbor_builder_map_start_callback, .indef_map_start = &cbor_builder_indef_map_start_callback, .tag = &cbor_builder_tag_callback, .null = &cbor_builder_null_callback, .undefined = &cbor_builder_undefined_callback, .boolean = &cbor_builder_boolean_callback, .float2 = &cbor_builder_float2_callback, .float4 = &cbor_builder_float4_callback, .float8 = &cbor_builder_float8_callback, .indef_break = &cbor_builder_indef_break_callback}; if (source_size == 0) { result->error.code = CBOR_ERR_NODATA; return NULL; } struct _cbor_stack stack = _cbor_stack_init(); /* Target for callbacks */ struct _cbor_decoder_context context = (struct _cbor_decoder_context){ .stack = &stack, .creation_failed = false, .syntax_error = false}; struct cbor_decoder_result decode_result; *result = (struct cbor_load_result){.read = 0, .error = {.code = CBOR_ERR_NONE}}; do { if (source_size > result->read) { /* Check for overflows */ decode_result = cbor_stream_decode(source + result->read, source_size - result->read, &callbacks, &context); } else { result->error = (struct cbor_error){.code = CBOR_ERR_NOTENOUGHDATA, .position = result->read}; goto error; } switch (decode_result.status) { case CBOR_DECODER_FINISHED: /* Everything OK */ { result->read += decode_result.read; break; } case CBOR_DECODER_NEDATA: /* Data length doesn't match MTB expectation */ { result->error.code = CBOR_ERR_NOTENOUGHDATA; goto error; } case CBOR_DECODER_ERROR: /* Reserved/malformed item */ { result->error.code = CBOR_ERR_MALFORMATED; goto error; } } if (context.creation_failed) { /* Most likely unsuccessful allocation - our callback has failed */ result->error.code = CBOR_ERR_MEMERROR; goto error; } else if (context.syntax_error) { result->error.code = CBOR_ERR_SYNTAXERROR; goto error; } } while (stack.size > 0); return context.root; error: result->error.position = result->read; // debug_print("Failed with decoder error %d at %d\n", result->error.code, // result->error.position); cbor_describe(stack.top->item, stdout); /* Free the stack */ while (stack.size > 0) { cbor_decref(&stack.top->item); _cbor_stack_pop(&stack); } return NULL; } static cbor_item_t *_cbor_copy_int(cbor_item_t *item, bool negative) { cbor_item_t *res; switch (cbor_int_get_width(item)) { case CBOR_INT_8: res = cbor_build_uint8(cbor_get_uint8(item)); break; case CBOR_INT_16: res = cbor_build_uint16(cbor_get_uint16(item)); break; case CBOR_INT_32: res = cbor_build_uint32(cbor_get_uint32(item)); break; case CBOR_INT_64: res = cbor_build_uint64(cbor_get_uint64(item)); break; } if (negative) cbor_mark_negint(res); return res; } static cbor_item_t *_cbor_copy_float_ctrl(cbor_item_t *item) { // cppcheck-suppress missingReturn switch (cbor_float_get_width(item)) { case CBOR_FLOAT_0: return cbor_build_ctrl(cbor_ctrl_value(item)); case CBOR_FLOAT_16: return cbor_build_float2(cbor_float_get_float2(item)); case CBOR_FLOAT_32: return cbor_build_float4(cbor_float_get_float4(item)); case CBOR_FLOAT_64: return cbor_build_float8(cbor_float_get_float8(item)); } } cbor_item_t *cbor_copy(cbor_item_t *item) { // cppcheck-suppress missingReturn switch (cbor_typeof(item)) { case CBOR_TYPE_UINT: return _cbor_copy_int(item, false); case CBOR_TYPE_NEGINT: return _cbor_copy_int(item, true); case CBOR_TYPE_BYTESTRING: if (cbor_bytestring_is_definite(item)) { return cbor_build_bytestring(cbor_bytestring_handle(item), cbor_bytestring_length(item)); } else { cbor_item_t *res = cbor_new_indefinite_bytestring(); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_bytestring_chunk_count(item); i++) { cbor_item_t *chunk_copy = cbor_copy(cbor_bytestring_chunks_handle(item)[i]); if (chunk_copy == NULL) { cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } if (!cbor_bytestring_add_chunk(res, chunk_copy)) { cbor_decref(&chunk_copy); cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } cbor_decref(&chunk_copy); } return res; } case CBOR_TYPE_STRING: if (cbor_string_is_definite(item)) { return cbor_build_stringn((const char *)cbor_string_handle(item), cbor_string_length(item)); } else { cbor_item_t *res = cbor_new_indefinite_string(); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_string_chunk_count(item); i++) { cbor_item_t *chunk_copy = cbor_copy(cbor_string_chunks_handle(item)[i]); if (chunk_copy == NULL) { cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } if (!cbor_string_add_chunk(res, chunk_copy)) { cbor_decref(&chunk_copy); cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } cbor_decref(&chunk_copy); } return res; } case CBOR_TYPE_ARRAY: { cbor_item_t *res; if (cbor_array_is_definite(item)) { res = cbor_new_definite_array(cbor_array_size(item)); } else { res = cbor_new_indefinite_array(); } if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_array_size(item); i++) { cbor_item_t *entry_copy = cbor_copy(cbor_move(cbor_array_get(item, i))); if (entry_copy == NULL) { cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } if (!cbor_array_push(res, entry_copy)) { cbor_decref(&entry_copy); cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } cbor_decref(&entry_copy); } return res; } case CBOR_TYPE_MAP: { cbor_item_t *res; if (cbor_map_is_definite(item)) { res = cbor_new_definite_map(cbor_map_size(item)); } else { res = cbor_new_indefinite_map(); } if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } struct cbor_pair *it = cbor_map_handle(item); for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_map_size(item); i++) { cbor_item_t *key_copy = cbor_copy(it[i].key); if (key_copy == NULL) { cbor_decref(&res); return NULL; } cbor_item_t *value_copy = cbor_copy(it[i].value); if (value_copy == NULL) { cbor_decref(&res); cbor_decref(&key_copy); return NULL; } if (!cbor_map_add(res, (struct cbor_pair){.key = key_copy, .value = value_copy})) { cbor_decref(&res); cbor_decref(&key_copy); cbor_decref(&value_copy); return NULL; } cbor_decref(&key_copy); cbor_decref(&value_copy); } return res; } case CBOR_TYPE_TAG: { cbor_item_t *item_copy = cbor_copy(cbor_move(cbor_tag_item(item))); if (item_copy == NULL) { return NULL; } cbor_item_t *tag = cbor_build_tag(cbor_tag_value(item), item_copy); cbor_decref(&item_copy); return tag; } case CBOR_TYPE_FLOAT_CTRL: return _cbor_copy_float_ctrl(item); } } #if CBOR_PRETTY_PRINTER #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS static int _pow(int b, int ex) { if (ex == 0) return 1; int res = b; while (--ex > 0) res *= b; return res; } static void _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_item_t *item, FILE *out, int indent) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); switch (cbor_typeof(item)) { case CBOR_TYPE_UINT: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_UINT] ", indent, " "); fprintf(out, "Width: %dB, ", _pow(2, cbor_int_get_width(item))); fprintf(out, "Value: %" PRIu64 "\n", cbor_get_int(item)); break; } case CBOR_TYPE_NEGINT: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_NEGINT] ", indent, " "); fprintf(out, "Width: %dB, ", _pow(2, cbor_int_get_width(item))); fprintf(out, "Value: -%" PRIu64 " -1\n", cbor_get_int(item)); break; } case CBOR_TYPE_BYTESTRING: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_BYTESTRING] ", indent, " "); if (cbor_bytestring_is_indefinite(item)) { fprintf(out, "Indefinite, with %zu chunks:\n", cbor_bytestring_chunk_count(item)); for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_bytestring_chunk_count(item); i++) _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_bytestring_chunks_handle(item)[i], out, indent + 4); } else { fprintf(out, "Definite, length %zuB\n", cbor_bytestring_length(item)); } break; } case CBOR_TYPE_STRING: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_STRING] ", indent, " "); if (cbor_string_is_indefinite(item)) { fprintf(out, "Indefinite, with %zu chunks:\n", cbor_string_chunk_count(item)); for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_string_chunk_count(item); i++) _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_string_chunks_handle(item)[i], out, indent + 4); } else { fprintf(out, "Definite, length %zuB, %zu codepoints\n", cbor_string_length(item), cbor_string_codepoint_count(item)); /* Careful - this doesn't support multibyte characters! */ /* Printing those is out of the scope of this demo :) */ /* libICU is your friend */ fprintf(out, "%*s", indent + 4, " "); /* XXX: no null at the end -> confused vprintf */ fwrite(cbor_string_handle(item), (int)cbor_string_length(item), 1, out); fprintf(out, "\n"); } break; } case CBOR_TYPE_ARRAY: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_ARRAY] ", indent, " "); if (cbor_array_is_definite(item)) { fprintf(out, "Definite, size: %zu\n", cbor_array_size(item)); } else { fprintf(out, "Indefinite, size: %zu\n", cbor_array_size(item)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_array_size(item); i++) _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_array_handle(item)[i], out, indent + 4); break; } case CBOR_TYPE_MAP: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_MAP] ", indent, " "); if (cbor_map_is_definite(item)) { fprintf(out, "Definite, size: %zu\n", cbor_map_size(item)); } else { fprintf(out, "Indefinite, size: %zu\n", cbor_map_size(item)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_map_size(item); i++) { _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_map_handle(item)[i].key, out, indent + 4); _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_map_handle(item)[i].value, out, indent + 4); } break; } case CBOR_TYPE_TAG: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_TAG] ", indent, " "); fprintf(out, "Value: %" PRIu64 "\n", cbor_tag_value(item)); _cbor_nested_describe(cbor_move(cbor_tag_item(item)), out, indent + 4); break; } case CBOR_TYPE_FLOAT_CTRL: { fprintf(out, "%*s[CBOR_TYPE_FLOAT_CTRL] ", indent, " "); if (cbor_float_ctrl_is_ctrl(item)) { if (cbor_is_bool(item)) fprintf(out, "Bool: %s\n", cbor_get_bool(item) ? "true" : "false"); else if (cbor_is_undef(item)) fprintf(out, "Undefined\n"); else if (cbor_is_null(item)) fprintf(out, "Null\n"); else fprintf(out, "Simple value %d\n", cbor_ctrl_value(item)); } else { fprintf(out, "Width: %dB, ", _pow(2, cbor_float_get_width(item))); fprintf(out, "value: %lf\n", cbor_float_get_float(item)); } break; } } } void cbor_describe(cbor_item_t *item, FILE *out) { _cbor_nested_describe(item, out, 0); } #endif