Testing with TEST_LENGTH = 8 test _bit_byte, _bit_mask, and bitstr_size i _bit_byte(i) _bit_mask(i) bitstr_size(i) 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 4 1 3 0 8 1 4 0 16 1 5 0 32 1 6 0 64 1 7 0 128 1 test bit_alloc, clearbits, bit_ffc, bit_ffs be: 0 -1 00000000 is: 0 -1 00000000 test bit_set be: 1 0 10010010 is: 1 0 10010010 test bit_clear be: 0 3 00010000 is: 0 3 00010000 test bit_test using previous bitstring i bit_test(i) 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 8 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 test clearbits be: 0 -1 00000000 is: 0 -1 00000000 test bit_nset and bit_nclear be: 0 1 01111110 is: 0 1 01111110 be: 0 1 01000010 is: 0 1 01000010 be: 0 -1 00000000 is: 0 -1 00000000 be: 7 0 11111110 is: 7 0 11111110 be: 0 -1 00000000 is: 0 -1 00000000 first 1 bit should move right 1 position each line 0 -1 0 11111111 1 0 1 01111111 2 0 2 00111111 3 0 3 00011111 4 0 4 00001111 5 0 5 00000111 6 0 6 00000011 7 0 7 00000001 first 0 bit should move right 1 position each line 0 0 -1 00000000 1 1 0 10000000 2 2 0 11000000 3 3 0 11100000 4 4 0 11110000 5 5 0 11111000 6 6 0 11111100 7 7 0 11111110 first 0 bit should move left 1 position each line 0 -1 0 11111111 1 7 0 11111110 2 6 0 11111100 3 5 0 11111000 4 4 0 11110000 5 3 0 11100000 6 2 0 11000000 7 1 0 10000000 first 1 bit should move left 1 position each line 0 0 -1 00000000 1 0 7 00000001 2 0 6 00000011 3 0 5 00000111 4 0 4 00001111 5 0 3 00011111 6 0 2 00111111 7 0 1 01111111 0 bit should move right 1 position each line 0 0 1 01111111 1 1 0 10111111 2 2 0 11011111 3 3 0 11101111 4 4 0 11110111 5 5 0 11111011 6 6 0 11111101 7 7 0 11111110 1 bit should move right 1 position each line 0 1 0 10000000 1 0 1 01000000 2 0 2 00100000 3 0 3 00010000 4 0 4 00001000 5 0 5 00000100 6 0 6 00000010 7 0 7 00000001 CHI square test 0 1 0 10000001 1 0 1 01000010 2 0 2 00100100 3 0 3 00011000 4 0 3 00011000 5 0 2 00100100 6 0 1 01000010 7 1 0 10000001 macros should evaluate arguments only once _bit_byte(0) -> 1 _bit_mask(1) -> 2 bitstr_size(2) -> 3 bit_alloc(3) -> 4 bit_alloc(4) -> 5 bit_test(5) -> 6 bit_set(6) -> 7 bit_clear(7) -> 8 bit_nclear(0, 1) -> 2 bit_nset(2, 3) -> 4 bit_ffc(4, 0) -> 5 bit_ffs(5, 0) -> 6