# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2024/06/23 13:53:21 tb Exp $ RUST_OPENSSL_TESTS = /usr/local/share/rust-openssl-tests CARGO = /usr/local/bin/cargo .if !exists(${RUST_OPENSSL_TESTS}) || !exists(${CARGO}) regress: @echo packages rust-openssl-tests and rust are required for this regress @echo SKIPPED .else REGRESS_TARGETS += rust-openssl-test WORKSPACE_LINKS = openssl openssl-errors openssl-macros openssl-sys systest _WORKSPACE_COOKIE = .workspace ${_WORKSPACE_COOKIE}: . if ${.CURDIR} != ${.OBJDIR} cp ${.CURDIR}/Cargo.toml ${.OBJDIR}/ . endif mkdir -p .cargo cp ${.CURDIR}/config.toml .cargo/ cd ${.OBJDIR} && ln -sf ${WORKSPACE_LINKS:S,^,${RUST_OPENSSL_TESTS}/,} . touch $@ CLEANFILES += Cargo.lock . if ${.CURDIR} != ${.OBJDIR} CLEANFILES += Cargo.toml . endif # Force use of base-clang on sparc64 since the build with base-gcc fails with: # error occurred: Command "cc" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" [...] # did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1). . if "${MACHINE_ARCH}" == sparc64 CARGO_CC=/usr/bin/clang . else CARGO_CC=cc . endif rust-openssl-test: ${_WORKSPACE_COOKIE} cd ${.OBJDIR} && env CC=${CARGO_CC} \ cargo test --offline --color=never -- --color=never CLEANFILES += ${_WORKSPACE_COOKIE} ${WORKSPACE_LINKS} . if make(clean) || make(cleandir) . if exists(.cargo) || exists(target) .BEGIN: rm -rf .cargo rm -rf target . endif . endif .endif .include <bsd.regress.mk>