# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2024/04/19 22:20:36 bluhm Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2024 Alexander Bluhm <bluhm@openbsd.org> # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # Regression test for multipath routing. # Test that routes set with the -mpath flag distribute the traffic. # Each route has a different gateway and the UDP packets have different # source addresses. The destination address is identical for all # routes and packets. Analyze the use counter in netstat -r output # to check that multiple routes have been used. Currently this works # only for IPv4. sysctl net.inet.ip.multipath and net.inet6.ip6.multipath # are enabled before testing and reset afterwards. All routes and # interface addresses are created on loopback in a separate routing # domain. # Set up loopback interface in a different routing domain. # Create multipath routes on this loopback. # Send a bunch of packets with multiple source IP to same destination. # Count in netstart -r that most routes have been used. # This test uses routing domain and interface number 11. # Adjust it here, if you want to use something else. N1 = 11 NUMS = ${N1} IPS != jot 100 100 # Traffic distribution has not been implemented for IPv6. REGRESS_EXPECTED_FAILURES += run-netstat6 .include <bsd.own.mk> .PHONY: busy-rdomains ifconfig unconfig pfctl REGRESS_SETUP_ONCE += busy-rdomains busy-rdomains: # Check if rdomains are busy. .for n in ${NUMS} @if /sbin/ifconfig | grep -v '^lo$n:' | grep ' rdomain $n '; then\ echo routing domain $n is already used >&2; exit 1; fi .endfor REGRESS_SETUP_ONCE += multipath multipath: ${SUDO} /sbin/sysctl net.inet.ip.multipath=1 ${SUDO} /sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.multipath=1 REGRESS_CLEANUP += singlepath singlepath: ${SUDO} /sbin/sysctl net.inet.ip.multipath=0 ${SUDO} /sbin/sysctl net.inet6.ip6.multipath=0 REGRESS_SETUP_ONCE += ifconfig ifconfig: unconfig # Create and configure loopback interfaces. .for n in ${NUMS} ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n rdomain $n ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n inet ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n inet 10.0.0.$n alias .for i in ${IPS} ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n inet 10.0.$n.$i alias ${SUDO} /sbin/route -n -T $n add -inet -blackhole -mpath -host \ 10.$n.0.0 10.0.$n.$i .endfor ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n inet6 fc00::$n alias .for i in ${IPS} ${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n inet6 fc00::$n:$i alias ${SUDO} /sbin/route -n -T $n add -inet6 -blackhole -mpath -host \ fc00::$n:0:0 fc00::$n:$i .endfor # Wait until IPv6 addresses are no longer tentative. for i in `jot 50`; do\ if ! /sbin/ifconfig lo$n | fgrep -q tentative; then\ break;\ fi;\ sleep .1;\ done ! /sbin/ifconfig lo${N1} | fgrep tentative .endfor REGRESS_CLEANUP += unconfig unconfig: # Destroy interfaces. .for n in ${NUMS} -${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n rdomain $n .for i in ${IPS} -${SUDO} /sbin/route -n -T $n delete -inet6 -host \ fc00::$n:0:0 fc00::$n:$i -${SUDO} /sbin/route -n -T $n delete -inet -host \ 10.$n.0.0 10.0.$n.$i .endfor -${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n -inet -inet6 -${SUDO} /sbin/ifconfig lo$n destroy .endfor rm -f stamp-ifconfig REGRESS_TARGETS += run-netcat run-netcat netstat.log: # count UDP IPv6 packets used with multipath routes rm -f netstat.log .for i in ${IPS} /usr/bin/nc -4 -V${N1} -u -z -s10.0.${N1}.$i 10.${N1}.0.0 discard .endfor /usr/bin/netstat -T${N1} -f inet -rn >netstat.log REGRESS_TARGETS += run-netstat run-netstat: netstat.log # check route distribution of IPv4 packets awk 'BEGIN{ mpath = uses = used = maxuse = 0; }\ /^10.${N1}.0.0 /{\ if ($$3 == "UGHSBP") mpath++;\ if ($$5 > 0) used++;\ if ($$5 > max) max = $$5;\ uses += $$5;\ }\ END{\ print "mpath "mpath", uses "uses", max "max", used "used;\ if (mpath != 100) { print "not 100 mpath: " mpath; exit 1; }\ if (uses != 100) { print "not 100 uses: " uses; exit 1; }\ if (max > 30) { print "max more than 30: " max; exit 1; }\ if (used < 50) { print "used less than 50: " used; exit 1; }\ }' \ netstat.log REGRESS_TARGETS += run-netcat6 run-netcat6 netstat6.log: # count UDP IPv6 packets used with multipath routes rm -f netstat6.log .for i in ${IPS} /usr/bin/nc -6 -V${N1} -u -z -sfc00::${N1}:$i fc00::${N1}:0:0 discard .endfor /usr/bin/netstat -T${N1} -f inet6 -rn >netstat6.log REGRESS_TARGETS += run-netstat6 run-netstat6: netstat6.log # check route distribution of IPv6 packets awk 'BEGIN{ mpath = used = uses = max = 0; }\ /^fc00::${N1}:0:0 /{\ if ($$3 == "UGHSBP") mpath++;\ if ($$5 > 0) used++;\ if ($$5 > max) max = $$5;\ uses += $$5;\ }\ END{\ print "mpath "mpath", uses "uses", max "max", used "used;\ if (mpath != 100) { print "not 100 mpath: " mpath; exit 1; }\ if (uses != 100) { print "not 100 uses: " uses; exit 1; }\ if (max > 30) { print "max more than 30: " max; exit 1; }\ if (used < 50) { print "used less than 50: " used; exit 1; }\ }' \ netstat6.log CLEANFILES += *.log stamp-* .include <bsd.regress.mk>