#!/usr/local/bin/python3 # check wether path mtu to dst is as expected import os import threading from addr import * from scapy.all import * # # we can not use scapy's sr() function as receive side # ignores the packet we expect to see. Packet is ignored # due to mismatching sequence numbers. 'bogus_syn' is using # seq = 1000000, while response sent back by PF has ack, # which fits regular session opened by 'syn'. # class Sniff1(threading.Thread): filter = None captured = None packet = None def run(self): self.captured = sniff(iface=LOCAL_IF, filter=self.filter, count=1, timeout=5) if self.captured: self.packet = self.captured[0] tport=os.getpid() & 0xffff ip=IP(src=FAKE_NET_ADDR, dst=REMOTE_ADDR) print("Send SYN packet, receive SYN+ACK") syn=TCP(sport=tport, dport='echo', seq=1, flags='S', window=(2**16)-1) synack=sr1(ip/syn, iface=LOCAL_IF, timeout=5) if synack is None: print("ERROR: no matching SYN+ACK packet received") exit(1) print("Send ACK packet to finish handshake.") ack=TCP(sport=synack.dport, dport=synack.sport, seq=2, flags='A', ack=synack.seq+1) send(ip/ack, iface=LOCAL_IF) print("Connection is established, send bogus SYN, expect challenge ACK") bogus_syn=TCP(sport=syn.sport, dport=syn.dport, seq=1000000, flags='S', window=(2**16)-1) sniffer = Sniff1(); sniffer.filter = "src %s and tcp port %u and dst %s and tcp port %u " \ "and tcp[tcpflags] = tcp-ack" % (ip.dst, syn.dport, ip.src, syn.sport) sniffer.start() time.sleep(1) send(ip/bogus_syn, iface=LOCAL_IF) sniffer.join(timeout=7) challenge_ack = sniffer.packet if challenge_ack is None: print("ERROR: no matching ACK packet received") exit(1) if challenge_ack.getlayer(TCP).seq != (synack.seq + 1): print("ERROR: expecting seq %d got %d in challange ack" % \ (challenge_ack.getlayer(TCP).seq, (synack.seq + 1))) exit(1) exit(0)