#!/usr/bin/perl # $OpenBSD: autoport.pl,v 1.2 2017/07/03 19:35:06 bluhm Exp $ use strict; use warnings; use Socket qw(PF_INET PF_INET6 SOCK_STREAM SOMAXCONN inet_pton sockaddr_in sockaddr_in6); use Errno; my ($pf, $host, $sin, $badsock); if (@ARGV < 3 or @ARGV > 4) { die "usage: $0 [count]\n" } if ($> != 0) { die "run this script as root\n" } my ($af, $test_listen, $test_first, $test_count) = @ARGV; $test_count = SOMAXCONN if (not defined $test_count); my $test_last = $test_first + $test_count; if ($test_first <= 0 || 65536 <= $test_first || $test_last <= 0 || 65536 <= $test_last || $test_listen <= 0 || 65536 <= $test_listen) { die "invalid port number\n"; } if ($test_first > $test_last) { die "first must be lower than last\n"; } if ($test_listen >= $test_first && $test_listen <= $test_last) { die "listen must be outside the [first..last] range\n"; } if ($af == "4") { $pf = PF_INET; $sin = sockaddr_in($test_listen, inet_pton($pf,"")); } elsif ($af == "6") { $pf = PF_INET6; $sin = sockaddr_in6($test_listen, inet_pton($pf,"::1")); } else { die "af must be 4 or 6\n"; } system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portfirst"); system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portlast"); my $orig_first = qx( sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portfirst ); chomp $orig_first; my $orig_last = qx( sysctl -n net.inet.ip.portlast ); chomp $orig_last; END { system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portfirst=$orig_first") if $orig_first; system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portlast=$orig_last") if $orig_last; } # first < last socket(my $servsock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket servsock failed: $!"; bind($servsock, $sin) or die "bind servsock to $test_listen failed: $!"; listen($servsock, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen servsock failed: $!"; my $rc_f = 0; print "testing with portfirst < portlast\n"; system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portfirst=$test_first"); system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portlast=$test_last"); my @socka; for ($test_first .. $test_last) { socket(my $sock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket sock failed: $!"; unless (connect($sock, $sin)) { print "FAIL: connect sock to $test_listen failed '$!',", " but should succeed\n"; $rc_f = 1; } push @socka, $sock; } socket($badsock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket badsock failed: $!"; if (connect($badsock, $sin)) { print "FAIL: connect badsock to $test_listen succeeded,", " but should fail\n"; $rc_f = 1; } elsif (not $!{EADDRNOTAVAIL}) { print "FAIL: connect badsock to $test_listen failed with errno '$!',", " but should be EADDRNOTAVAIL\n"; $rc_f = 1; } close($badsock) or die "close badsock failed: $!"; while (my $sock = pop @socka) { close($sock) or die "close sock failed: $!"; } close($servsock) or die "close servsock failed: $!"; if ($rc_f == 0) { print "subtest f PASS\n" } else { print "subtest f FAIL\n" } # first > last socket($servsock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket servsock failed: $!"; bind($servsock, $sin) or die "bind servsock to $test_listen failed: $!"; listen($servsock, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen servsock failed: $!"; my $rc_b = 0; print "testing with portfirst > portlast\n"; system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portfirst=$test_last"); system("sysctl net.inet.ip.portlast=$test_first"); for ($test_first .. $test_last) { socket(my $sock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket sock failed: $!"; unless (connect($sock, $sin)) { print "FAIL: connect sock to $test_listen failed '$!',", "but should succeed\n"; $rc_b = 1; } push @socka, $sock; } socket($badsock, $pf, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname("tcp")) or die "socket badsock failed: $!"; if (connect($badsock, $sin)) { print "FAIL: connect badsock to $test_listen succeeded,", " but should fail\n"; $rc_b = 1; } elsif (not $!{EADDRNOTAVAIL}) { print "FAIL: connect badsock to $test_listen failed with errno '$!',", " but should be EADDRNOTAVAIL\n"; $rc_b = 1; } close($badsock) or die "close badsock failed: $!"; while (my $sock = pop @socka) { close($sock) or die "close sock failed: $!"; } close($servsock) or die "close servsock failed: $!"; if ($rc_b == 0) { print "subtest b PASS\n" } else { print "subtest b FAIL\n" } exit ($rc_f || $rc_b);