# $OpenBSD: funcs.pl,v 1.10 2024/06/14 15:12:57 bluhm Exp $ # Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Alexander Bluhm # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; use Errno; use Digest::MD5; use POSIX; use Socket; use Socket6; use IO::Socket; sub find_ports { my %args = @_; my $num = delete $args{num} // 1; my $domain = delete $args{domain} // AF_INET; my $addr = delete $args{addr} // ""; my @sockets = (1..$num); foreach my $s (@sockets) { $s = IO::Socket::IP->new( Proto => "tcp", Domain => $domain, $addr ? (LocalAddr => $addr) : (), ) or die "find_ports: create and bind socket failed: $!"; } my @ports = map { $_->sockport() } @sockets; return @ports; } sub path_md5 { my $name = shift; my $val = `cat md5-$name`; } ######################################################################## # Client funcs ######################################################################## sub write_char { my $self = shift; my $len = shift // $self->{len} // 512; my $sleep = $self->{sleep}; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new(); my $char = '0'; for (my $i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) { $ctx->add($char); print $char or die ref($self), " print failed: $!"; if ($char =~ /9/) { $char = 'A' } elsif ($char =~ /Z/) { $char = 'a' } elsif ($char =~ /z/) { $char = "\n" } elsif ($char =~ /\n/) { print STDERR "."; $char = '0' } else { $char++ } if ($self->{sleep}) { IO::Handle::flush(\*STDOUT); sleep $self->{sleep}; } } if ($len) { $char = "\n"; $ctx->add($char); print $char or die ref($self), " print failed: $!"; print STDERR ".\n"; } IO::Handle::flush(\*STDOUT); print STDERR "LEN: ", $len, "\n"; print STDERR "MD5: ", $ctx->hexdigest, "\n"; } sub http_client { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{lengths}) { # only a single http request my $len = shift // $self->{len} // 512; my $cookie = $self->{cookie}; http_request($self, $len, "1.0", $cookie); http_response($self, $len); return; } $self->{http_vers} ||= ["1.1", "1.0"]; my $vers = $self->{http_vers}[0]; my @lengths = @{$self->{redo}{lengths} || $self->{lengths}}; my @cookies = @{$self->{redo}{cookies} || $self->{cookies} || []}; while (defined (my $len = shift @lengths)) { my $cookie = shift @cookies || $self->{cookie}; eval { http_request($self, $len, $vers, $cookie); http_response($self, $len); }; warn $@ if $@; if (@lengths && ($@ || $vers eq "1.0")) { # reconnect and redo the outstanding requests $self->{redo} = { lengths => \@lengths, cookies => \@cookies, }; return; } } delete $self->{redo}; shift @{$self->{http_vers}}; if (@{$self->{http_vers}}) { # run the tests again with other persistence $self->{redo} = { lengths => [@{$self->{lengths}}], cookies => [@{$self->{cookies} || []}], }; } } sub http_request { my ($self, $len, $vers, $cookie) = @_; my $method = $self->{method} || "GET"; my %header = %{$self->{header} || {}}; # encode the requested length or chunks into the url my $path = ref($len) eq 'ARRAY' ? join("/", @$len) : $len; # overwrite path with custom path if (defined($self->{path})) { $path = $self->{path}; } my @request = ("$method /$path HTTP/$vers"); push @request, "Host: foo.bar" unless defined $header{Host}; if ($vers eq "1.1" && $method eq "PUT") { if (ref($len) eq 'ARRAY') { push @request, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" if !defined $header{'Transfer-Encoding'}; } else { push @request, "Content-Length: $len" if !defined $header{'Content-Length'}; } } foreach my $key (sort keys %header) { my $val = $header{$key}; if (ref($val) eq 'ARRAY') { push @request, "$key: $_" foreach @{$val}; } else { push @request, "$key: $val"; } } push @request, "Cookie: $cookie" if $cookie; push @request, ""; print STDERR map { ">>> $_\n" } @request; print map { "$_\r\n" } @request; if ($method eq "PUT") { if (ref($len) eq 'ARRAY') { if ($vers eq "1.1") { write_chunked($self, @$len); } else { write_char($self, $_) foreach (@$len); } } else { write_char($self, $len); } } IO::Handle::flush(\*STDOUT); # XXX client shutdown seems to be broken in httpd #shutdown(\*STDOUT, SHUT_WR) # or die ref($self), " shutdown write failed: $!" # if $vers ne "1.1"; } sub http_response { my ($self, $len) = @_; my $method = $self->{method} || "GET"; my $code = $self->{code} || "200 OK"; my $vers; my $chunked = 0; my $multipart = 0; my $boundary; { local $/ = "\r\n"; local $_ = ; defined or die ref($self), " missing http $len response"; chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; m{^HTTP/(\d\.\d) $code$} or die ref($self), " http response not $code" unless $self->{httpnok}; $vers = $1; while () { chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; last if /^$/; if (/^Content-Length: (.*)/) { if ($self->{httpnok} or $self->{multipart}) { $len = $1; } else { $1 == $len or die ref($self), " bad content length $1"; } } if (/^Transfer-Encoding: chunked$/) { $chunked = 1; } if (/^Content-Type: multipart\/byteranges; boundary=(.*)$/) { $multipart = 1; $boundary = $1; } } } die ref($self), " no multipart response" if ($self->{multipart} && $multipart == 0); if ($multipart) { read_multipart($self, $boundary); } elsif ($chunked) { read_chunked($self); } else { read_char($self, $len) if $method eq "GET"; } } sub read_chunked { my $self = shift; for (;;) { my $len; { local $/ = "\r\n"; local $_ = ; defined or die ref($self), " missing chunk size"; chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; /^[[:xdigit:]]+$/ or die ref($self), " chunk size not hex: $_"; $len = hex; } last unless $len > 0; read_char($self, $len); { local $/ = "\r\n"; local $_ = ; defined or die ref($self), " missing chunk data end"; chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; /^$/ or die ref($self), " no chunk data end: $_"; } } { local $/ = "\r\n"; while () { chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; last if /^$/; } defined or die ref($self), " missing chunk trailer"; } } sub read_multipart { my $self = shift; my $boundary = shift; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new(); my $len = 0; for (;;) { my $part = 0; { local $/ = "\r\n"; local $_ = ; local $_ = ; defined or die ref($self), " missing boundary"; chomp; print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; /^--$boundary(--)?$/ or die ref($self), " boundary not found: $_"; if (not $1) { while () { chomp; if (/^Content-Length: (.*)/) { $part = $1; } if (/^Content-Range: bytes (\d+)-(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) { $part = $2 - $1 + 1; } print STDERR "<<< $_\n"; last if /^$/; } } } last unless $part > 0; $len += read_part($self, $ctx, $part); } print STDERR "LEN: ", $len, "\n"; print STDERR "MD5: ", $ctx->hexdigest, "\n"; } sub errignore { $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die @_ if $^S; warn "Error ignored"; warn @_; IO::Handle::flush(\*STDERR); POSIX::_exit(0); }; } ######################################################################## # Common funcs ######################################################################## sub read_char { my $self = shift; my $max = shift // $self->{max}; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new(); my $len = read_part($self, $ctx, $max); print STDERR "LEN: ", $len, "\n"; print STDERR "MD5: ", $ctx->hexdigest, "\n"; } sub read_part { my $self = shift; my ($ctx, $max) = @_; my $opct = 0; my $len = 0; for (;;) { if (defined($max) && $len >= $max) { print STDERR "Max\n"; last; } my $rlen = POSIX::BUFSIZ; if (defined($max) && $rlen > $max - $len) { $rlen = $max - $len; } defined(my $n = read(STDIN, my $buf, $rlen)) or die ref($self), " read failed: $!"; $n or last; $len += $n; $ctx->add($buf); my $pct = ($len / $max) * 100.0; if ($pct >= $opct + 1) { printf(STDERR "%.2f%% $len/$max\n", $pct); $opct = $pct; } } return $len; } sub write_chunked { my $self = shift; my @chunks = @_; foreach my $len (@chunks) { printf STDERR ">>> %x\n", $len; printf "%x\r\n", $len; write_char($self, $len); printf STDERR ">>> \n"; print "\r\n"; } my @trailer = ("0", "X-Chunk-Trailer: @chunks", ""); print STDERR map { ">>> $_\n" } @trailer; print map { "$_\r\n" } @trailer; } ######################################################################## # Script funcs ######################################################################## sub check_logs { my ($c, $r, %args) = @_; return if $args{nocheck}; check_len($c, $r, %args); check_md5($c, $r, %args); check_loggrep($c, $r, %args); $r->loggrep("lost child") and die "httpd lost child"; } sub check_len { my ($c, $r, %args) = @_; $args{len} ||= 512 unless $args{lengths}; my @clen; @clen = $c->loggrep(qr/^LEN: /) or die "no client len" unless $args{client}{nocheck}; # !@clen # or die "client: @clen", "len mismatch"; !defined($args{len}) || !$clen[0] || $clen[0] eq "LEN: $args{len}\n" or die "client: $clen[0]", "len $args{len} expected"; my @lengths = map { ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } @{$args{lengths} || []}; foreach my $len (@lengths) { unless ($args{client}{nocheck}) { my $clen = shift @clen; $clen eq "LEN: $len\n" or die "client: $clen", "len $len expected"; } } } sub check_md5 { my ($c, $r, %args) = @_; my @cmd5; @cmd5 = $c->loggrep(qr/^MD5: /) unless $args{client}{nocheck}; my @md5 = ref($args{md5}) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$args{md5}} : $args{md5} || () or return; foreach my $md5 (@md5) { unless ($args{client}{nocheck}) { my $cmd5 = shift @cmd5 or die "too few md5 in client log"; $cmd5 =~ /^MD5: ($md5)$/ or die "client: $cmd5", "md5 $md5 expected"; } } @cmd5 && ref($args{md5}) eq 'ARRAY' and die "too many md5 in client log"; } sub check_loggrep { my ($c, $r, %args) = @_; my %name2proc = (client => $c, httpd => $r); foreach my $name (qw(client httpd)) { my $p = $name2proc{$name} or next; my $pattern = $args{$name}{loggrep} or next; $pattern = [ $pattern ] unless ref($pattern) eq 'ARRAY'; foreach my $pat (@$pattern) { if (ref($pat) eq 'HASH') { while (my($re, $num) = each %$pat) { my @matches = $p->loggrep($re); @matches == $num or die "$name matches '@matches': ", "'$re' => $num"; } } else { $p->loggrep($pat) or die "$name log missing pattern: '$pat'"; } } } } 1;