/* $OpenBSD: db_instruction.h,v 1.6 2024/11/02 09:34:06 miod Exp $ */ /* $NetBSD: db_instruction.h,v 1.7 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 Christopher G. Demetriou. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou * for the NetBSD Project. * 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1993,1992 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: alpha_instruction.h * Author: Alessandro Forin, Carnegie Mellon University * Date: 11/91 * * Alpha Instruction set definition * * Reference: "Alpha System Reference Manual", V4.0, April 1991 * */ #ifndef _ALPHA_INSTRUCTION_H_ #define _ALPHA_INSTRUCTION_H_ 1 /* * All instructions are in one of five formats: * Memory, Branch, Operate, Floating-point Operate, PAL * * The original Mach sources attempted to use 'smarter' names * for registers, which reflected source and destination. These * definitions use the names from the Architecture Reference Manual, * both for clarity and because you can't differentiate between * 'source' and 'destinations' for some types of instructions (loads * and stores; they'd be correct for one, but swapped for the other). */ typedef union { /* * All instructions are 32 bits wide */ unsigned int bits; /* * Generic instruction pseudo format; look at * opcode to see how to interpret the rest. */ struct { unsigned bits:26, opcode:6; } generic_format; /* * Memory instructions contain a 16 bit * signed immediate value and two register * specifiers */ struct { signed short displacement; unsigned rb : 5, ra : 5, opcode : 6; } mem_format; /* * Branch instruction contain a 21 bit offset, * which is sign-extended, shifted and combined * with the PC to form a 64 bit destination address. * * In computed jump instructions the opcode is further * specified in the offset field, the rest of it is * used as branch target hint. The destination of the * jump is the source register. */ struct { signed int displacement : 21; unsigned ra : 5, opcode : 6; } branch_format; struct { signed int hint : 14; unsigned action : 2, rb : 5, ra : 5, opcode : 6; } jump_format; /* * Operate instructions are of two types, with * a second source register or with a literal * specifier. Bit 12 says which is which. */ struct { unsigned rc : 5, function : 7, is_lit : 1, sbz_or_litlo : 3, rb_or_lithi : 5, ra : 5, opcode : 6; } operate_generic_format; struct { unsigned rc : 5, function : 7, zero : 1, sbz : 3, rb : 5, ra : 5, opcode : 6; } operate_reg_format; struct { unsigned rc : 5, function : 7, one : 1, literal : 8, ra : 5, opcode : 6; } operate_lit_format; /* * Floating point operate instruction are quite * uniform in the encoding. As for the semantics.. */ struct { unsigned fc : 5, function : 11, fb : 5, fa : 5, opcode : 6; } float_format; struct { unsigned fc : 5, opclass : 4, src : 2, rnd : 2, trp : 3, fb : 5, fa : 5, opcode : 6; } float_detail; /* * PAL instructions just define the major opcode */ struct { unsigned function : 26, opcode : 6; } pal_format; } alpha_instruction; /* * * Encoding of regular instructions (Appendix C op cit) * */ /* OPCODE, bits 26..31 */ #define op_pal 0x00 /* see PAL sub-table */ /* 1..7 reserved */ #define op_lda 0x08 #define op_ldah 0x09 #define op_ldbu 0x0a #define op_ldq_u 0x0b #define op_ldwu 0x0c #define op_stw 0x0d #define op_stb 0x0e #define op_stq_u 0x0f #define op_arit 0x10 /* see ARIT sub-table */ #define op_logical 0x11 /* see LOGICAL sub-table */ #define op_bit 0x12 /* see BIT sub-table */ #define op_mul 0x13 /* see MUL sub-table */ /* reserved */ #define op_fix_float 0x14 /* if ALPHA_AMASK_FIX */ #define op_vax_float 0x15 /* see FLOAT sub-table */ #define op_ieee_float 0x16 /* see FLOAT sub-table */ #define op_any_float 0x17 /* see FLOAT sub-table */ #define op_special 0x18 /* see SPECIAL sub-table */ #define op_pal19 0x19 /* reserved for pal code */ #define op_j 0x1a /* see JUMP sub-table */ #define op_pal1b 0x1b /* reserved for pal code */ #define op_intmisc 0x1c /* see INTMISC sub-table */ #define op_pal1d 0x1d /* reserved for pal code */ #define op_pal1e 0x1e /* reserved for pal code */ #define op_pal1f 0x1f /* reserved for pal code */ #define op_ldf 0x20 #define op_ldg 0x21 #define op_lds 0x22 #define op_ldt 0x23 #define op_stf 0x24 #define op_stg 0x25 #define op_sts 0x26 #define op_stt 0x27 #define op_ldl 0x28 #define op_ldq 0x29 #define op_ldl_l 0x2a #define op_ldq_l 0x2b #define op_stl 0x2c #define op_stq 0x2d #define op_stl_c 0x2e #define op_stq_c 0x2f #define op_br 0x30 #define op_fbeq 0x31 #define op_fblt 0x32 #define op_fble 0x33 #define op_bsr 0x34 #define op_fbne 0x35 #define op_fbge 0x36 #define op_fbgt 0x37 #define op_blbc 0x38 #define op_beq 0x39 #define op_blt 0x3a #define op_ble 0x3b #define op_blbs 0x3c #define op_bne 0x3d #define op_bge 0x3e #define op_bgt 0x3f /* PAL, "function" opcodes (bits 0..25) */ /* * What we will implement is TBD. These are the unprivileged ones * that we probably have to support for compat reasons. */ /* See */ /* ARIT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_addl 0x00 #define op_s4addl 0x02 #define op_subl 0x09 #define op_s4subl 0x0b #define op_cmpbge 0x0f #define op_s8addl 0x12 #define op_s8subl 0x1b #define op_cmpult 0x1d #define op_addq 0x20 #define op_s4addq 0x22 #define op_subq 0x29 #define op_s4subq 0x2b #define op_cmpeq 0x2d #define op_s8addq 0x32 #define op_s8subq 0x3b #define op_cmpule 0x3d #define op_addl_v 0x40 #define op_subl_v 0x49 #define op_cmplt 0x4d #define op_addq_v 0x60 #define op_subq_v 0x69 #define op_cmple 0x6d /* LOGICAL, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_and 0x00 #define op_andnot 0x08 /* bic */ #define op_cmovlbs 0x14 #define op_cmovlbc 0x16 #define op_or 0x20 /* bis */ #define op_cmoveq 0x24 #define op_cmovne 0x26 #define op_ornot 0x28 #define op_xor 0x40 #define op_cmovlt 0x44 #define op_cmovge 0x46 #define op_xornot 0x48 /* eqv */ #define op_amask 0x61 #define op_cmovle 0x64 #define op_cmovgt 0x66 #define op_implver 0x6c /* BIT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_mskbl 0x02 #define op_extbl 0x06 #define op_insbl 0x0b #define op_mskwl 0x12 #define op_extwl 0x16 #define op_inswl 0x1b #define op_mskll 0x22 #define op_extll 0x26 #define op_insll 0x2b #define op_zap 0x30 #define op_zapnot 0x31 #define op_mskql 0x32 #define op_srl 0x34 #define op_extql 0x36 #define op_sll 0x39 #define op_insql 0x3b #define op_sra 0x3c #define op_mskwh 0x52 #define op_inswh 0x57 #define op_extwh 0x5a #define op_msklh 0x62 #define op_inslh 0x67 #define op_extlh 0x6a #define op_extqh 0x7a #define op_insqh 0x77 #define op_mskqh 0x72 /* MUL, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_mull 0x00 #define op_mulq_v 0x60 #define op_mull_v 0x40 #define op_umulh 0x30 #define op_mulq 0x20 /* SPECIAL, "displacement" opcodes (bits 0..15) */ #define op_trapb 0x0000 #define op_excb 0x0400 #define op_mb 0x4000 #define op_wmb 0x4400 #define op_fetch 0x8000 #define op_fetch_m 0xa000 #define op_rpcc 0xc000 #define op_rc 0xe000 #define op_ecb 0xe800 #define op_rs 0xf000 #define op_wh64 0xf800 /* JUMP, "action" opcodes (bits 14..15) */ #define op_jmp 0x0 #define op_jsr 0x1 #define op_ret 0x2 #define op_jcr 0x3 /* INTMISC, "function" opcodes (operate format) */ #define op_sextb 0x00 #define op_sextw 0x01 #define op_ctpop 0x30 #define op_perr 0x31 #define op_ctlz 0x32 #define op_cttz 0x33 #define op_unpkbw 0x34 #define op_unpkbl 0x35 #define op_pkwb 0x36 #define op_pklb 0x37 #define op_minsb8 0x38 #define op_minsw4 0x39 #define op_minub8 0x3a #define op_minuw4 0x3b #define op_maxub8 0x3c #define op_maxuw4 0x3d #define op_maxsb8 0x3e #define op_maxsw4 0x3f #define op_ftoit 0x70 #define op_ftois 0x78 /* * * Encoding of floating point instructions (pagg. C-5..6 op cit) * * Load and store operations use opcodes op_ldf..op_stt */ /* src encoding from function, 9..10 */ #define op_src_sf 0 #define op_src_xd 1 #define op_src_tg 2 #define op_src_qq 3 /* any FLOAT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_cvtlq 0x010 #define op_cpys 0x020 #define op_cpysn 0x021 #define op_cpyse 0x022 #define op_mt_fpcr 0x024 #define op_mf_fpcr 0x025 #define op_fcmoveq 0x02a #define op_fcmovne 0x02b #define op_fcmovlt 0x02c #define op_fcmovge 0x02d #define op_fcmovle 0x02e #define op_fcmovgt 0x02f #define op_cvtql 0x030 #define op_cvtql_v 0x130 #define op_cvtql_sv 0x530 /* ieee FLOAT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_adds_c 0x000 #define op_subs_c 0x001 #define op_muls_c 0x002 #define op_divs_c 0x003 #define op_addt_c 0x020 #define op_subt_c 0x021 #define op_mult_c 0x022 #define op_divt_c 0x023 #define op_cvtts_c 0x02c #define op_cvttq_c 0x02f #define op_cvtqs_c 0x03c #define op_cvtqt_c 0x03e #define op_adds_m 0x040 #define op_subs_m 0x041 #define op_muls_m 0x042 #define op_divs_m 0x043 #define op_addt_m 0x060 #define op_subt_m 0x061 #define op_mult_m 0x062 #define op_divt_m 0x063 #define op_cvtts_m 0x06c #define op_cvtqs_m 0x07c #define op_cvtqt_m 0x07e #define op_adds 0x080 #define op_subs 0x081 #define op_muls 0x082 #define op_divs 0x083 #define op_addt 0x0a0 #define op_subt 0x0a1 #define op_mult 0x0a2 #define op_divt 0x0a3 #define op_cmptun 0x0a4 #define op_cmpteq 0x0a5 #define op_cmptlt 0x0a6 #define op_cmptle 0x0a7 #define op_cvtts 0x0ac #define op_cvttq 0x0af #define op_cvtqs 0x0bc #define op_cvtqt 0x0be #define op_adds_d 0x0c0 #define op_subs_d 0x0c1 #define op_muls_d 0x0c2 #define op_divs_d 0x0c3 #define op_addt_d 0x0e0 #define op_subt_d 0x0e1 #define op_mult_d 0x0e2 #define op_divt_d 0x0e3 #define op_cvtts_d 0x0ec #define op_cvtqs_d 0x0fc #define op_cvtqt_d 0x0fe #define op_adds_uc 0x100 #define op_subs_uc 0x101 #define op_muls_uc 0x102 #define op_divs_uc 0x103 #define op_addt_uc 0x120 #define op_subt_uc 0x121 #define op_mult_uc 0x122 #define op_divt_uc 0x123 #define op_cvtts_uc 0x12c #define op_cvttq_vc 0x12f #define op_adds_um 0x140 #define op_subs_um 0x141 #define op_muls_um 0x142 #define op_divs_um 0x143 #define op_addt_um 0x160 #define op_subt_um 0x161 #define op_mult_um 0x162 #define op_divt_um 0x163 #define op_cvtts_um 0x16c #define op_adds_u 0x180 #define op_subs_u 0x181 #define op_muls_u 0x182 #define op_divs_u 0x183 #define op_addt_u 0x1a0 #define op_subt_u 0x1a1 #define op_mult_u 0x1a2 #define op_divt_u 0x1a3 #define op_cvtts_u 0x1ac #define op_cvttq_v 0x1af #define op_adds_ud 0x1c0 #define op_subs_ud 0x1c1 #define op_muls_ud 0x1c2 #define op_divs_ud 0x1c3 #define op_addt_ud 0x1e0 #define op_subt_ud 0x1e1 #define op_mult_ud 0x1e2 #define op_divt_ud 0x1e3 #define op_cvtts_ud 0x1ec #define op_cvtst 0x2ac #define op_adds_suc 0x500 #define op_subs_suc 0x501 #define op_muls_suc 0x502 #define op_divs_suc 0x503 #define op_addt_suc 0x520 #define op_subt_suc 0x521 #define op_mult_suc 0x522 #define op_divt_suc 0x523 #define op_cvtts_suc 0x52c #define op_cvttq_svc 0x52f #define op_adds_sum 0x540 #define op_subs_sum 0x541 #define op_muls_sum 0x542 #define op_divs_sum 0x543 #define op_addt_sum 0x560 #define op_subt_sum 0x561 #define op_mult_sum 0x562 #define op_divt_sum 0x563 #define op_cvtts_sum 0x56c #define op_adds_su 0x580 #define op_subs_su 0x581 #define op_muls_su 0x582 #define op_divs_su 0x583 #define op_addt_su 0x5a0 #define op_subt_su 0x5a1 #define op_mult_su 0x5a2 #define op_divt_su 0x5a3 #define op_cmptun_su 0x5a4 #define op_cmpteq_su 0x5a5 #define op_cmptlt_su 0x5a6 #define op_cmptle_su 0x5a7 #define op_cvtts_su 0x5ac #define op_cvttq_sv 0x5af #define op_adds_sud 0x5c0 #define op_subs_sud 0x5c1 #define op_muls_sud 0x5c2 #define op_divs_sud 0x5c3 #define op_addt_sud 0x5e0 #define op_subt_sud 0x5e1 #define op_mult_sud 0x5e2 #define op_divt_sud 0x5e3 #define op_cvtts_sud 0x5ec #define op_cvtst_u 0x6ac #define op_adds_suic 0x700 #define op_subs_suic 0x701 #define op_muls_suic 0x702 #define op_divs_suic 0x703 #define op_addt_suic 0x720 #define op_subt_suic 0x721 #define op_mult_suic 0x722 #define op_divt_suic 0x723 #define op_cvtts_suic 0x72c #define op_cvttq_svic 0x72f #define op_cvtqs_suic 0x73c #define op_cvtqt_suic 0x73e #define op_adds_suim 0x740 #define op_subs_suim 0x741 #define op_muls_suim 0x742 #define op_divs_suim 0x743 #define op_addt_suim 0x760 #define op_subt_suim 0x761 #define op_mult_suim 0x762 #define op_divt_suim 0x763 #define op_cvtts_suim 0x76c #define op_cvtqs_suim 0x77c #define op_cvtqt_suim 0x77e #define op_adds_sui 0x780 #define op_subs_sui 0x781 #define op_muls_sui 0x782 #define op_divs_sui 0x783 #define op_addt_sui 0x7a0 #define op_subt_sui 0x7a1 #define op_mult_sui 0x7a2 #define op_divt_sui 0x7a3 #define op_cvtts_sui 0x7ac #define op_cvttq_svi 0x7af #define op_cvtqs_sui 0x7bc #define op_cvtqt_sui 0x7be #define op_adds_suid 0x7c0 #define op_subs_suid 0x7c1 #define op_muls_suid 0x7c2 #define op_divs_suid 0x7c3 #define op_addt_suid 0x7e0 #define op_subt_suid 0x7e1 #define op_mult_suid 0x7e2 #define op_divt_suid 0x7e3 #define op_cvtts_suid 0x7ec #define op_cvtqs_suid 0x7fc #define op_cvtqt_suid 0x7fe /* vax FLOAT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11) */ #define op_addf_c 0x000 #define op_subf_c 0x001 #define op_mulf_c 0x002 #define op_divf_c 0x003 #define op_cvtdg_c 0x01e #define op_addg_c 0x020 #define op_subg_c 0x021 #define op_mulg_c 0x022 #define op_divg_c 0x023 #define op_cvtgf_c 0x02c #define op_cvtgd_c 0x02d #define op_cvtgqg_c 0x02f #define op_cvtqf_c 0x03c #define op_cvtqg_c 0x03e #define op_addf 0x080 #define op_subf 0x081 #define op_mulf 0x082 #define op_divf 0x083 #define op_cvtdg 0x09e #define op_addg 0x0a0 #define op_subg 0x0a1 #define op_mulg 0x0a2 #define op_divg 0x0a3 #define op_cmpgeq 0x0a5 #define op_cmpglt 0x0a6 #define op_cmpgle 0x0a7 #define op_cvtgf 0x0ac #define op_cvtgd 0x0ad #define op_cvtgq 0x0af #define op_cvtqf 0x0bc #define op_cvtqg 0x0be #define op_addf_uc 0x100 #define op_subf_uc 0x101 #define op_mulf_uc 0x102 #define op_divf_uc 0x103 #define op_cvtdg_uc 0x11e #define op_addg_uc 0x120 #define op_subg_uc 0x121 #define op_mulg_uc 0x122 #define op_divg_uc 0x123 #define op_cvtgf_uc 0x12c #define op_cvtgd_uc 0x12d #define op_cvtgqg_vc 0x12f #define op_addf_u 0x180 #define op_subf_u 0x181 #define op_mulf_u 0x182 #define op_divf_u 0x183 #define op_cvtdg_u 0x19e #define op_addg_u 0x1a0 #define op_subg_u 0x1a1 #define op_mulg_u 0x1a2 #define op_divg_u 0x1a3 #define op_cvtgf_u 0x1ac #define op_cvtgd_u 0x1ad #define op_cvtgqg_v 0x1af #define op_addf_sc 0x400 #define op_subf_sc 0x401 #define op_mulf_sc 0x402 #define op_divf_sc 0x403 #define op_cvtdg_sc 0x41e #define op_addg_sc 0x420 #define op_subg_sc 0x421 #define op_mulg_sc 0x422 #define op_divg_sc 0x423 #define op_cvtgf_sc 0x42c #define op_cvtgd_sc 0x42d #define op_cvtgqg_sc 0x42f #define op_cvtqf_sc 0x43c #define op_cvtqg_sc 0x43e #define op_addf_s 0x480 #define op_subf_s 0x481 #define op_mulf_s 0x482 #define op_divf_s 0x483 #define op_cvtdg_s 0x49e #define op_addg_s 0x4a0 #define op_subg_s 0x4a1 #define op_mulg_s 0x4a2 #define op_divg_s 0x4a3 #define op_cmpgeq_s 0x4a5 #define op_cmpglt_s 0x4a6 #define op_cmpgle_s 0x4a7 #define op_cvtgf_s 0x4ac #define op_cvtgd_s 0x4ad #define op_cvtgqg_s 0x4af #define op_cvtqf_s 0x4bc #define op_cvtqg_s 0x4be #define op_addf_suc 0x500 #define op_subf_suc 0x501 #define op_mulf_suc 0x502 #define op_divf_suc 0x503 #define op_cvtdg_suc 0x51e #define op_addg_suc 0x520 #define op_subg_suc 0x521 #define op_mulg_suc 0x522 #define op_divg_suc 0x523 #define op_cvtgf_suc 0x52c #define op_cvtgd_suc 0x52d #define op_cvtgqg_svc 0x52f #define op_addf_su 0x580 #define op_subf_su 0x581 #define op_mulf_su 0x582 #define op_divf_su 0x583 #define op_cvtdg_su 0x59e #define op_addg_su 0x5a0 #define op_subg_su 0x5a1 #define op_mulg_su 0x5a2 #define op_divg_su 0x5a3 #define op_cvtgf_su 0x5ac #define op_cvtgd_su 0x5ad #define op_cvtgqg_sv 0x5af #endif /* _ALPHA_INSTRUCTION_H_ */