#	$OpenBSD: files.loongson,v 1.26 2020/09/30 22:23:41 patrick Exp $

# Standard stanzas config(8) can't run without
maxpartitions 16
maxusers 2 8 64

# Major number for block devices, for ``root on'' lines
major	{ sd = 0 }
major	{ cd = 3 }
major	{ wd = 4 }
major	{ rd = 8 }

file	dev/cninit.c

file	arch/loongson/loongson/autoconf.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/bus_dma.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/bus_space.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/conf.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/disksubr.c		disk
file	arch/loongson/loongson/gdium_machdep.c		cpu_loongson2
file	arch/loongson/loongson/generic2e_machdep.c	cpu_loongson2
file	arch/loongson/loongson/generic3a_machdep.c	cpu_loongson3
file	arch/loongson/loongson/isa_machdep.c		isa
file	arch/loongson/loongson/locore.S
file	arch/loongson/loongson/loongson2_machdep.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/loongson3_intr.c		cpu_loongson3
file	arch/loongson/loongson/loongson3_machdep.c	cpu_loongson3
file	arch/loongson/loongson/machdep.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/hibernate_machdep.c	hibernate
file	arch/loongson/loongson/pciide_machdep.c		pciide
file	arch/loongson/loongson/pmon.c
file	arch/loongson/loongson/pmon32.S
file	arch/loongson/loongson/wscons_machdep.c		wsdisplay
file	arch/loongson/loongson/yeeloong_machdep.c	cpu_loongson2

include "dev/ata/files.ata"
include "dev/atapiscsi/files.atapiscsi"
include	"dev/hid/files.hid"
include	"dev/i2c/files.i2c"
include	"dev/gpio/files.gpio"
include	"dev/isa/files.isa"
include	"dev/isa/files.isapnp"
include	"dev/mii/files.mii"
include	"dev/pci/files.pci"
include	"dev/pckbc/files.pckbc"
include	"dev/usb/files.usb"
include "dev/rasops/files.rasops"
include "dev/wscons/files.wscons"
include "dev/wsfont/files.wsfont"
include	"scsi/files.scsi"

define	mainbus {}
device	mainbus
attach	mainbus at root
file	arch/loongson/dev/mainbus.c			mainbus

device	cpu
attach	cpu at mainbus

device	clock
attach	clock at mainbus

device	bonito {}: pcibus
attach	bonito at mainbus
file	arch/loongson/dev/bonito.c			bonito

device	htb {}: pcibus
attach	htb at mainbus
file	arch/loongson/dev/htb.c				htb

# AMD Geode CS5536 companion chip
file	arch/loongson/dev/glx.c				bonito & pci

# Other PCI-ISA bridges
device	pcib: isabus
attach	pcib at pci
file	arch/loongson/dev/pcib.c			pcib | glxpcib

# Lemote Yeeloong RTC
device	mcclock
attach	mcclock at isa with mcclock_isa
file	arch/loongson/dev/mcclock.c			mcclock
file	arch/loongson/dev/mcclock_isa.c			mcclock_isa

# Lemote Yeeloong KB3310B Embedded Controller
device	ykbec
attach	ykbec at isa
file	arch/loongson/dev/kb3310.c			ykbec needs-flag

# Silicon Motion SM502 master device
device	voyager {}: gpiobus
attach	voyager at pci
file	arch/loongson/dev/voyager.c			voyager

# SM502 specific I2C bus bit-banging
device	gdiumiic: i2cbus, i2c_bitbang
attach	gdiumiic at gpio
file	arch/loongson/dev/gdiumiic.c			gdiumiic

# Gdium ST7 controller
device	stsec
attach	stsec at i2c
file	arch/loongson/dev/stsec.c			stsec

# SM502 OHCI
attach	ohci at voyager with ohci_voyager
file	arch/loongson/dev/ohci_voyager.c		ohci_voyager

# Silicon Motion SM502/SM712 frame buffer
device	smfb: wsemuldisplaydev, rasops16
attach	smfb at pci with smfb_pci
attach	smfb at voyager with smfb_voyager
file	arch/loongson/dev/smfb.c			smfb	needs-flag

# SIS 315 Pro frame buffer
device	sisfb: wsemuldisplaydev, rasops8, rasops15, rasops16, rasops32
attach	sisfb at pci
file	arch/loongson/dev/sisfb.c			sisfb	needs-flag

# Radeon frame buffer
device	radeonfb: wsemuldisplaydev, rasops16
attach	radeonfb at pci
file	arch/loongson/dev/radeonfb.c			radeonfb needs-flag

device	apm
attach	apm at mainbus
file	arch/loongson/dev/apm.c				apm	needs-flag

device	glxclk
attach	glxclk at glxpcib
file	arch/loongson/dev/glxclk.c			glxclk

define	leiobus {}

device	leioc: leiobus
attach	leioc at mainbus
file	arch/loongson/dev/leioc.c			leioc

attach	com at leiobus with com_leioc
file	arch/loongson/dev/com_leioc.c			com_leioc