/* $OpenBSD: output_json.c,v 1.46 2024/08/14 19:10:51 claudio Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2020 Claudio Jeker * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bgpd.h" #include "session.h" #include "rde.h" #include "bgpctl.h" #include "parser.h" #include "json.h" static void json_head(struct parse_result *res) { json_do_start(stdout); } static void json_neighbor_capabilities(struct capabilities *capa) { int hascapamp = 0, hascapaap = 0; uint8_t i; for (i = AID_MIN; i < AID_MAX; i++) { if (capa->mp[i]) hascapamp = 1; if (capa->add_path[i]) hascapaap = 1; } if (!hascapamp && !hascapaap && !capa->grestart.restart && !capa->refresh && !capa->enhanced_rr && !capa->as4byte) return; json_do_object("capabilities", 0); json_do_bool("as4byte", capa->as4byte); json_do_bool("refresh", capa->refresh); json_do_bool("enhanced_refresh", capa->enhanced_rr); if (hascapamp) { json_do_array("multiprotocol"); for (i = AID_MIN; i < AID_MAX; i++) if (capa->mp[i]) json_do_string("mp", aid2str(i)); json_do_end(); } if (capa->grestart.restart) { int restarted = 0, present = 0; for (i = AID_MIN; i < AID_MAX; i++) if (capa->grestart.flags[i] & CAPA_GR_PRESENT) { present = 1; if (capa->grestart.flags[i] & CAPA_GR_RESTART) restarted = 1; break; } json_do_object("graceful_restart", 0); json_do_bool("eor", 1); json_do_bool("restart", restarted); if (capa->grestart.timeout) json_do_uint("timeout", capa->grestart.timeout); if (present) { json_do_array("protocols"); for (i = AID_MIN; i < AID_MAX; i++) if (capa->grestart.flags[i] & CAPA_GR_PRESENT) { json_do_object("family", 1); json_do_string("family", aid2str(i)); json_do_bool("preserved", capa->grestart.flags[i] & CAPA_GR_FORWARD); json_do_end(); } json_do_end(); } json_do_end(); } if (hascapaap) { json_do_array("add-path"); for (i = AID_MIN; i < AID_MAX; i++) if (capa->add_path[i]) { json_do_object("add-path-elm", 1); json_do_string("family", aid2str(i)); switch (capa->add_path[i]) { case CAPA_AP_RECV: json_do_string("mode", "recv"); break; case CAPA_AP_SEND: json_do_string("mode", "send"); break; case CAPA_AP_BIDIR: json_do_string("mode", "bidir"); break; default: json_do_printf("mode", "unknown %d", capa->add_path[i]); break; } json_do_end(); } json_do_end(); } if (capa->policy) { json_do_string("open_policy", capa->policy == 2 ? "enforce" : "present"); } json_do_end(); } static void json_neighbor_stats(struct peer *p) { json_do_object("stats", 0); json_do_string("last_read", fmt_monotime(p->stats.last_read)); json_do_int("last_read_sec", get_monotime(p->stats.last_read)); json_do_string("last_write", fmt_monotime(p->stats.last_write)); json_do_int("last_write_sec", get_monotime(p->stats.last_write)); json_do_object("prefixes", 1); json_do_uint("sent", p->stats.prefix_out_cnt); json_do_uint("received", p->stats.prefix_cnt); json_do_end(); json_do_object("message", 0); json_do_object("sent", 0); json_do_uint("open", p->stats.msg_sent_open); json_do_uint("notifications", p->stats.msg_sent_notification); json_do_uint("updates", p->stats.msg_sent_update); json_do_uint("keepalives", p->stats.msg_sent_keepalive); json_do_uint("route_refresh", p->stats.msg_sent_rrefresh); json_do_uint("total", p->stats.msg_sent_open + p->stats.msg_sent_notification + p->stats.msg_sent_update + p->stats.msg_sent_keepalive + p->stats.msg_sent_rrefresh); json_do_end(); json_do_object("received", 0); json_do_uint("open", p->stats.msg_rcvd_open); json_do_uint("notifications", p->stats.msg_rcvd_notification); json_do_uint("updates", p->stats.msg_rcvd_update); json_do_uint("keepalives", p->stats.msg_rcvd_keepalive); json_do_uint("route_refresh", p->stats.msg_rcvd_rrefresh); json_do_uint("total", p->stats.msg_rcvd_open + p->stats.msg_rcvd_notification + p->stats.msg_rcvd_update + p->stats.msg_rcvd_keepalive + p->stats.msg_rcvd_rrefresh); json_do_end(); json_do_end(); json_do_object("update", 0); json_do_object("sent", 1); json_do_uint("updates", p->stats.prefix_sent_update); json_do_uint("withdraws", p->stats.prefix_sent_withdraw); json_do_uint("eor", p->stats.prefix_sent_eor); json_do_end(); json_do_object("received", 1); json_do_uint("updates", p->stats.prefix_rcvd_update); json_do_uint("withdraws", p->stats.prefix_rcvd_withdraw); json_do_uint("eor", p->stats.prefix_rcvd_eor); json_do_end(); json_do_object("pending", 1); json_do_uint("updates", p->stats.pending_update); json_do_uint("withdraws", p->stats.pending_withdraw); json_do_end(); json_do_end(); json_do_object("route-refresh", 0); json_do_object("sent", 1); json_do_uint("request", p->stats.refresh_sent_req); json_do_uint("borr", p->stats.refresh_sent_borr); json_do_uint("eorr", p->stats.refresh_sent_eorr); json_do_end(); json_do_object("received", 1); json_do_uint("request", p->stats.refresh_rcvd_req); json_do_uint("borr", p->stats.refresh_rcvd_borr); json_do_uint("eorr", p->stats.refresh_rcvd_eorr); json_do_end(); json_do_end(); json_do_end(); } static void json_neighbor_full(struct peer *p) { const char *errstr; /* config */ json_do_object("config", 0); json_do_bool("template", p->conf.template); json_do_bool("cloned", p->template != NULL); json_do_bool("passive", p->conf.passive); json_do_bool("down", p->conf.down); json_do_bool("multihop", p->conf.ebgp && p->conf.distance > 1); if (p->conf.ebgp && p->conf.distance > 1) json_do_uint("multihop_distance", p->conf.distance); if (p->conf.max_prefix) { json_do_uint("max_prefix", p->conf.max_prefix); if (p->conf.max_prefix_restart) json_do_uint("max_prefix_restart", p->conf.max_prefix_restart); } if (p->conf.max_out_prefix) { json_do_uint("max_out_prefix", p->conf.max_out_prefix); if (p->conf.max_out_prefix_restart) json_do_uint("max_out_prefix_restart", p->conf.max_out_prefix_restart); } if (p->auth.method != AUTH_NONE) json_do_string("authentication", fmt_auth_method(p->auth.method)); json_do_bool("ttl_security", p->conf.ttlsec); json_do_uint("holdtime", p->conf.holdtime); json_do_uint("min_holdtime", p->conf.min_holdtime); if (p->conf.ebgp && p->conf.role != ROLE_NONE) json_do_string("role", log_policy(p->conf.role)); /* capabilities */ json_neighbor_capabilities(&p->conf.capabilities); json_do_end(); /* stats */ json_neighbor_stats(p); /* errors */ if (p->conf.reason[0]) json_do_string("my_shutdown_reason", log_reason(p->conf.reason)); if (p->stats.last_reason[0]) json_do_string("last_shutdown_reason", log_reason(p->stats.last_reason)); errstr = fmt_errstr(p->stats.last_sent_errcode, p->stats.last_sent_suberr); if (errstr) json_do_string("last_error_sent", errstr); errstr = fmt_errstr(p->stats.last_rcvd_errcode, p->stats.last_rcvd_suberr); if (errstr) json_do_string("last_error_received", errstr); /* connection info */ if (p->state >= STATE_OPENSENT) { json_do_object("session", 0); json_do_uint("holdtime", p->holdtime); json_do_uint("keepalive", p->holdtime / 3); json_do_object("local", 0); json_do_string("address", log_addr(&p->local)); json_do_uint("port", p->local_port); json_neighbor_capabilities(&p->capa.ann); json_do_end(); json_do_object("remote", 0); json_do_string("address", log_addr(&p->remote)); json_do_uint("port", p->remote_port); json_neighbor_capabilities(&p->capa.peer); json_do_end(); /* capabilities */ json_neighbor_capabilities(&p->capa.neg); if (p->conf.ebgp && p->conf.role != ROLE_NONE) { json_do_string("remote_role", log_policy(p->remote_role)); json_do_string("local_role", log_policy(p->conf.role)); } json_do_end(); } } static void json_neighbor(struct peer *p, struct parse_result *res) { json_do_array("neighbors"); json_do_object("neighbor", 0); json_do_string("remote_as", log_as(p->conf.remote_as)); if (p->conf.descr[0]) json_do_string("description", p->conf.descr); if (p->conf.group[0]) json_do_string("group", p->conf.group); if (!p->conf.template) json_do_string("remote_addr", log_addr(&p->conf.remote_addr)); else json_do_printf("remote_addr", "%s/%u", log_addr(&p->conf.remote_addr), p->conf.remote_masklen); if (p->state == STATE_ESTABLISHED) { struct in_addr ina; ina.s_addr = htonl(p->remote_bgpid); json_do_string("bgpid", inet_ntoa(ina)); } json_do_string("state", statenames[p->state]); json_do_string("last_updown", fmt_monotime(p->stats.last_updown)); json_do_int("last_updown_sec", get_monotime(p->stats.last_updown)); switch (res->action) { case SHOW: case SHOW_SUMMARY: case SHOW_SUMMARY_TERSE: /* only show basic data */ break; case SHOW_NEIGHBOR: case SHOW_NEIGHBOR_TIMERS: case SHOW_NEIGHBOR_TERSE: json_neighbor_full(p); break; default: break; } /* keep the object open in case there are timers */ } static void json_timer(struct ctl_timer *t) { json_do_array("timers"); json_do_object("timer", 1); json_do_string("name", timernames[t->type]); json_do_int("due", t->val); json_do_end(); } static void json_fib(struct kroute_full *kf) { const char *origin; json_do_array("fib"); json_do_object("fib_entry", 0); json_do_printf("prefix", "%s/%u", log_addr(&kf->prefix), kf->prefixlen); json_do_uint("priority", kf->priority); if (kf->flags & F_BGPD) origin = "bgp"; else if (kf->flags & F_CONNECTED) origin = "connected"; else if (kf->flags & F_STATIC) origin = "static"; else origin = "unknown"; json_do_string("origin", origin); json_do_bool("used_by_nexthop", kf->flags & F_NEXTHOP); json_do_bool("blackhole", kf->flags & F_BLACKHOLE); json_do_bool("reject", kf->flags & F_REJECT); if (kf->flags & F_CONNECTED) json_do_printf("nexthop", "link#%u", kf->ifindex); else json_do_string("nexthop", log_addr(&kf->nexthop)); if (kf->flags & F_MPLS) { json_do_array("mplslabel"); json_do_uint("mplslabel", ntohl(kf->mplslabel) >> MPLS_LABEL_OFFSET); json_do_end(); } json_do_end(); } static void json_fib_table(struct ktable *kt) { json_do_array("fibtables"); json_do_object("fibtable", 0); json_do_uint("rtableid", kt->rtableid); json_do_string("description", kt->descr); json_do_bool("coupled", kt->fib_sync); json_do_bool("admin_change", kt->fib_sync != kt->fib_conf); json_do_end(); } static void json_do_interface(struct ctl_show_interface *iface) { json_do_object("interface", 0); json_do_string("name", iface->ifname); json_do_uint("rdomain", iface->rdomain); json_do_bool("is_up", iface->is_up); json_do_bool("nh_reachable", iface->nh_reachable); if (iface->media[0]) json_do_string("media", iface->media); json_do_string("linkstate", iface->linkstate); if (iface->baudrate > 0) json_do_uint("baudrate", iface->baudrate); json_do_end(); } static void json_nexthop(struct ctl_show_nexthop *nh) { json_do_array("nexthops"); json_do_object("nexthop", 0); json_do_string("address", log_addr(&nh->addr)); json_do_bool("valid", nh->valid); if (!nh->krvalid) goto done; json_do_printf("prefix", "%s/%u", log_addr(&nh->kr.prefix), nh->kr.prefixlen); json_do_uint("priority", nh->kr.priority); json_do_bool("connected", nh->kr.flags & F_CONNECTED); json_do_string("nexthop", log_addr(&nh->kr.nexthop)); if (nh->iface.ifname[0]) json_do_interface(&nh->iface); done: json_do_end(); /* keep array open */ } static void json_interface(struct ctl_show_interface *iface) { json_do_array("interfaces"); json_do_interface(iface); } static void json_communities(struct ibuf *data, struct parse_result *res) { struct community c; uint64_t ext; while (ibuf_size(data) != 0) { if (ibuf_get(data, &c, sizeof(c)) == -1) { warn("communities"); return; } switch (c.flags) { case COMMUNITY_TYPE_BASIC: json_do_array("communities"); json_do_string("community", fmt_community(c.data1, c.data2)); break; case COMMUNITY_TYPE_LARGE: json_do_array("large_communities"); json_do_string("community", fmt_large_community(c.data1, c.data2, c.data3)); break; case COMMUNITY_TYPE_EXT: ext = (uint64_t)c.data3 << 48; switch ((c.data3 >> 8) & EXT_COMMUNITY_VALUE) { case EXT_COMMUNITY_TRANS_TWO_AS: case EXT_COMMUNITY_TRANS_OPAQUE: case EXT_COMMUNITY_TRANS_EVPN: ext |= ((uint64_t)c.data1 & 0xffff) << 32; ext |= (uint64_t)c.data2; break; case EXT_COMMUNITY_TRANS_FOUR_AS: case EXT_COMMUNITY_TRANS_IPV4: ext |= (uint64_t)c.data1 << 16; ext |= (uint64_t)c.data2 & 0xffff; break; } json_do_array("extended_communities"); json_do_string("community", fmt_ext_community(ext)); break; } } } static void json_do_community(struct ibuf *buf) { uint16_t a, v; json_do_array("communities"); while (ibuf_size(buf) > 0) { if (ibuf_get_n16(buf, &a) == -1 || ibuf_get_n16(buf, &v) == -1) { json_do_string("error", "bad length"); return; } json_do_string("community", fmt_community(a, v)); } json_do_end(); } static void json_do_large_community(struct ibuf *buf) { uint32_t a, l1, l2; json_do_array("large_communities"); while (ibuf_size(buf) > 0) { if (ibuf_get_n32(buf, &a) == -1 || ibuf_get_n32(buf, &l1) == -1 || ibuf_get_n32(buf, &l2) == -1) { json_do_string("error", "bad length"); return; } json_do_string("community", fmt_large_community(a, l1, l2)); } json_do_end(); } static void json_do_ext_community(struct ibuf *buf) { uint64_t ext; json_do_array("extended_communities"); while (ibuf_size(buf) > 0) { if (ibuf_get_n64(buf, &ext) == -1) { json_do_string("error", "bad length"); return; } json_do_string("community", fmt_ext_community(ext)); } json_do_end(); } static void json_attr(struct ibuf *buf, int reqflags, int addpath) { struct bgpd_addr prefix; struct in_addr id; struct ibuf asbuf, *path = NULL; char *aspath; uint32_t as, pathid, val; uint16_t alen, afi, short_as; uint8_t flags, type, safi, aid, prefixlen, origin; int e4, e2; json_do_array("attributes"); json_do_object("attribute", 0); if (ibuf_get_n8(buf, &flags) == -1 || ibuf_get_n8(buf, &type) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("type", fmt_attr(type, -1)); json_do_object("flags", 1); json_do_bool("partial", flags & ATTR_PARTIAL); json_do_bool("transitive", flags & ATTR_TRANSITIVE); json_do_bool("optional", flags & ATTR_OPTIONAL); json_do_end(); if (flags & ATTR_EXTLEN) { uint16_t attr_len; if (ibuf_get_n16(buf, &attr_len) == -1) goto bad_len; alen = attr_len; } else { uint8_t attr_len; if (ibuf_get_n8(buf, &attr_len) == -1) goto bad_len; alen = attr_len; } json_do_uint("length", alen); /* bad imsg len how can that happen!? */ if (alen > ibuf_size(buf)) goto bad_len; switch (type) { case ATTR_ORIGIN: if (alen != 1 || ibuf_get_n8(buf, &origin) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("origin", fmt_origin(origin, 0)); break; case ATTR_ASPATH: case ATTR_AS4_PATH: /* prefer 4-byte AS here */ e4 = aspath_verify(buf, 1, 0); e2 = aspath_verify(buf, 0, 0); if (e4 == 0 || e4 == AS_ERR_SOFT) { ibuf_from_ibuf(&asbuf, buf); } else if (e2 == 0 || e2 == AS_ERR_SOFT) { if ((path = aspath_inflate(buf)) == NULL) { json_do_string("error", "aspath_inflate failed"); break; } ibuf_from_ibuf(&asbuf, path); } else { json_do_string("error", "bad AS-Path"); break; } if (aspath_asprint(&aspath, &asbuf) == -1) err(1, NULL); json_do_string("aspath", aspath); free(aspath); ibuf_free(path); break; case ATTR_NEXTHOP: if (alen != 4 || ibuf_get(buf, &id, sizeof(id)) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("nexthop", inet_ntoa(id)); break; case ATTR_MED: case ATTR_LOCALPREF: if (alen != 4 || ibuf_get_n32(buf, &val) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_uint("metric", val); break; case ATTR_AGGREGATOR: case ATTR_AS4_AGGREGATOR: if (alen == 8) { if (ibuf_get_n32(buf, &as) == -1 || ibuf_get(buf, &id, sizeof(id)) == -1) goto bad_len; } else if (alen == 6) { if (ibuf_get_n16(buf, &short_as) == -1 || ibuf_get(buf, &id, sizeof(id)) == -1) goto bad_len; as = short_as; } else { goto bad_len; } json_do_uint("AS", as); json_do_string("router_id", inet_ntoa(id)); break; case ATTR_COMMUNITIES: json_do_community(buf); break; case ATTR_ORIGINATOR_ID: if (alen != 4 || ibuf_get(buf, &id, sizeof(id)) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("originator", inet_ntoa(id)); break; case ATTR_CLUSTER_LIST: json_do_array("cluster_list"); while (ibuf_size(buf) > 0) { if (ibuf_get(buf, &id, sizeof(id)) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("cluster_id", inet_ntoa(id)); } json_do_end(); break; case ATTR_MP_REACH_NLRI: case ATTR_MP_UNREACH_NLRI: if (ibuf_get_n16(buf, &afi) == -1 || ibuf_get_n8(buf, &safi) == -1) goto bad_len; if (afi2aid(afi, safi, &aid) == -1) { json_do_printf("error", "bad AFI/SAFI pair: %d/%d", afi, safi); break; } json_do_string("family", aid2str(aid)); if (type == ATTR_MP_REACH_NLRI) { struct bgpd_addr nexthop; uint8_t nhlen; if (ibuf_get_n8(buf, &nhlen) == -1) goto bad_len; memset(&nexthop, 0, sizeof(nexthop)); switch (aid) { case AID_INET6: nexthop.aid = aid; if (nhlen != 16 && nhlen != 32) goto bad_len; if (ibuf_get(buf, &nexthop.v6, sizeof(nexthop.v6)) == -1) goto bad_len; break; case AID_VPN_IPv4: if (nhlen != 12) goto bad_len; nexthop.aid = AID_INET; if (ibuf_skip(buf, sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1 || ibuf_get(buf, &nexthop.v4, sizeof(nexthop.v4)) == -1) goto bad_len; break; case AID_VPN_IPv6: if (nhlen != 24) goto bad_len; nexthop.aid = AID_INET6; if (ibuf_skip(buf, sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1 || ibuf_get(buf, &nexthop.v6, sizeof(nexthop.v6)) == -1) goto bad_len; break; default: json_do_printf("error", "unhandled AID: %d", aid); return; } /* ignore reserved (old SNPA) field as per RFC4760 */ if (ibuf_skip(buf, 1) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_string("nexthop", log_addr(&nexthop)); } json_do_array("NLRI"); while (ibuf_size(buf) > 0) { json_do_object("prefix", 1); if (addpath) if (ibuf_get_n32(buf, &pathid) == -1) goto bad_len; switch (aid) { case AID_INET6: if (nlri_get_prefix6(buf, &prefix, &prefixlen) == -1) goto bad_len; break; case AID_VPN_IPv4: if (nlri_get_vpn4(buf, &prefix, &prefixlen, 1) == -1) goto bad_len; break; case AID_VPN_IPv6: if (nlri_get_vpn6(buf, &prefix, &prefixlen, 1) == -1) goto bad_len; break; default: json_do_printf("error", "unhandled AID: %d", aid); return; } json_do_printf("prefix", "%s/%u", log_addr(&prefix), prefixlen); if (addpath) json_do_uint("path_id", pathid); json_do_end(); } json_do_end(); break; case ATTR_EXT_COMMUNITIES: json_do_ext_community(buf); break; case ATTR_LARGE_COMMUNITIES: json_do_large_community(buf); break; case ATTR_OTC: if (alen != 4 || ibuf_get_n32(buf, &as) == -1) goto bad_len; json_do_uint("as", as); break; case ATTR_ATOMIC_AGGREGATE: default: if (alen) json_do_hexdump("data", ibuf_data(buf), ibuf_size(buf)); break; } return; bad_len: json_do_string("error", "bad length"); } static void json_rib(struct ctl_show_rib *r, struct ibuf *asbuf, struct parse_result *res) { struct in_addr id; char *aspath; json_do_array("rib"); json_do_object("rib_entry", 0); json_do_printf("prefix", "%s/%u", log_addr(&r->prefix), r->prefixlen); if (aspath_asprint(&aspath, asbuf) == -1) err(1, NULL); json_do_string("aspath", aspath); free(aspath); json_do_string("exit_nexthop", log_addr(&r->exit_nexthop)); json_do_string("true_nexthop", log_addr(&r->true_nexthop)); json_do_object("neighbor", 1); if (r->descr[0]) json_do_string("description", r->descr); json_do_string("remote_addr", log_addr(&r->remote_addr)); id.s_addr = htonl(r->remote_id); json_do_string("bgp_id", inet_ntoa(id)); json_do_end(); if (r->flags & F_PREF_PATH_ID) json_do_uint("path_id", r->path_id); /* flags */ json_do_bool("valid", r->flags & F_PREF_ELIGIBLE); if (r->flags & F_PREF_FILTERED) json_do_bool("filtered", 1); if (r->flags & F_PREF_BEST) json_do_bool("best", 1); if (r->flags & F_PREF_ECMP) json_do_bool("ecmp", 1); if (r->flags & F_PREF_AS_WIDE) json_do_bool("as-wide", 1); if (r->flags & F_PREF_INTERNAL) json_do_string("source", "internal"); else json_do_string("source", "external"); if (r->flags & F_PREF_STALE) json_do_bool("stale", 1); if (r->flags & F_PREF_ANNOUNCE) json_do_bool("announced", 1); /* various attribibutes */ json_do_string("ovs", fmt_ovs(r->roa_validation_state, 0)); json_do_string("avs", fmt_avs(r->aspa_validation_state, 0)); json_do_string("origin", fmt_origin(r->origin, 0)); json_do_uint("metric", r->med); json_do_uint("localpref", r->local_pref); json_do_uint("weight", r->weight); json_do_int("dmetric", r->dmetric); json_do_string("last_update", fmt_timeframe(r->age)); json_do_int("last_update_sec", r->age); /* keep the object open for communities and attributes */ } static void json_rib_mem_element(const char *name, uint64_t count, uint64_t size, uint64_t refs) { json_do_object(name, 1); if (count != UINT64_MAX) json_do_uint("count", count); if (size != UINT64_MAX) json_do_uint("size", size); if (refs != UINT64_MAX) json_do_uint("references", refs); json_do_end(); } static void json_rib_mem(struct rde_memstats *stats) { size_t pts = 0; int i; json_do_object("memory", 0); for (i = 0; i < AID_MAX; i++) { if (stats->pt_cnt[i] == 0) continue; pts += stats->pt_size[i]; json_rib_mem_element(aid_vals[i].name, stats->pt_cnt[i], stats->pt_size[i], UINT64_MAX); } json_rib_mem_element("rib", stats->rib_cnt, stats->rib_cnt * sizeof(struct rib_entry), UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("prefix", stats->prefix_cnt, stats->prefix_cnt * sizeof(struct prefix), UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("rde_aspath", stats->path_cnt, stats->path_cnt * sizeof(struct rde_aspath), stats->path_refs); json_rib_mem_element("aspath", stats->aspath_cnt, stats->aspath_size, UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("community_entries", stats->comm_cnt, stats->comm_cnt * sizeof(struct rde_community), UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("community", stats->comm_nmemb, stats->comm_size * sizeof(struct community), stats->comm_refs); json_rib_mem_element("attributes_entries", stats->attr_cnt, stats->attr_cnt * sizeof(struct attr), stats->attr_refs); json_rib_mem_element("attributes", stats->attr_dcnt, stats->attr_data, UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("total", UINT64_MAX, pts + stats->prefix_cnt * sizeof(struct prefix) + stats->rib_cnt * sizeof(struct rib_entry) + stats->path_cnt * sizeof(struct rde_aspath) + stats->aspath_size + stats->attr_cnt * sizeof(struct attr) + stats->attr_data, UINT64_MAX); json_do_end(); json_do_object("sets", 0); json_rib_mem_element("as_set", stats->aset_nmemb, stats->aset_size, UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("as_set_tables", stats->aset_cnt, UINT64_MAX, UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("prefix_set", stats->pset_cnt, stats->pset_size, UINT64_MAX); json_rib_mem_element("total", UINT64_MAX, stats->aset_size + stats->pset_size, UINT64_MAX); json_do_end(); } static void json_rib_set(struct ctl_show_set *set) { json_do_array("sets"); json_do_object("set", 0); json_do_string("name", set->name); json_do_string("type", fmt_set_type(set)); json_do_string("last_change", fmt_monotime(set->lastchange)); json_do_int("last_change_sec", get_monotime(set->lastchange)); if (set->type == ASNUM_SET || set->type == ASPA_SET) { json_do_uint("num_ASnum", set->as_cnt); } else { json_do_uint("num_IPv4", set->v4_cnt); json_do_uint("num_IPv6", set->v6_cnt); } json_do_end(); } static void json_rtr(struct ctl_show_rtr *rtr) { json_do_array("rtrs"); json_do_object("rtr", 0); if (rtr->descr[0]) json_do_string("descr", rtr->descr); json_do_string("remote_addr", log_addr(&rtr->remote_addr)); json_do_uint("remote_port", rtr->remote_port); if (rtr->local_addr.aid != AID_UNSPEC) json_do_string("local_addr", log_addr(&rtr->local_addr)); json_do_string("state", rtr->state); if (rtr->session_id != -1) { json_do_uint("version", rtr->version); json_do_uint("minimal_version", rtr->min_version); json_do_uint("session_id", rtr->session_id); json_do_uint("serial", rtr->serial); } json_do_uint("refresh", rtr->refresh); json_do_uint("retry", rtr->retry); json_do_uint("expire", rtr->expire); if (rtr->last_sent_error != NO_ERROR) { json_do_string("last_sent_error", log_rtr_error(rtr->last_sent_error)); if (rtr->last_sent_msg[0]) json_do_string("last_sent_msg", log_reason(rtr->last_sent_msg)); } if (rtr->last_recv_error != NO_ERROR) { json_do_string("last_recv_error", log_rtr_error(rtr->last_recv_error)); if (rtr->last_recv_msg[0]) json_do_string("last_recv_msg", log_reason(rtr->last_recv_msg)); } } static void json_result(u_int rescode) { if (rescode == 0) json_do_string("status", "OK"); else if (rescode >= sizeof(ctl_res_strerror)/sizeof(ctl_res_strerror[0])) { json_do_string("status", "FAILED"); json_do_printf("error", "unknown error %d", rescode); } else { json_do_string("status", "FAILED"); json_do_string("error", ctl_res_strerror[rescode]); } } static void json_tail(void) { json_do_finish(); } const struct output json_output = { .head = json_head, .neighbor = json_neighbor, .timer = json_timer, .fib = json_fib, .fib_table = json_fib_table, .nexthop = json_nexthop, .interface = json_interface, .communities = json_communities, .attr = json_attr, .rib = json_rib, .rib_mem = json_rib_mem, .set = json_rib_set, .rtr = json_rtr, .result = json_result, .tail = json_tail, };