#! /usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Marc Espie # $OpenBSD: pkg_mklocatedb,v 1.48 2023/05/29 07:35:39 espie Exp $ # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use v5.36; no lib ('/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl'); use OpenBSD::PackageInfo; use OpenBSD::PackingList; use OpenBSD::Getopt; use OpenBSD::Error; use OpenBSD::Paths; use OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete; package OpenBSD::Pkgmklocatedb::State; our @ISA = qw(OpenBSD::AddCreateDelete::State); sub handle_options($state) { $state->{no_exports} = 1; $state->SUPER::handle_options('ad:Knqp:Pu', '[-aKnPqu] [-d repository] [-p portsdir] [pkg-name ...]'); $state->{portsdir} = $state->opt('p'); $state->{pkgdir} = $state->opt('d'); $state->{quiet} = $state->opt('q'); $state->{pkgpath} = $state->opt('P'); $state->{allinfo} = $state->opt('a'); $state->{nopipe} = $state->opt('n'); $state->{full} = $state->opt('K'); $state->{update} = $state->opt('u'); } package OpenBSD::PackingElement; sub print_name($, $) {} sub set_header($, $) {} package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Name; sub set_header($self, $state) { $state->{currentheader} = $self->{name}.':'; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExtraInfo; sub set_header($self, $state) { if ($state->{allinfo}) { $state->{currentheader} .= $self->{subdir}.':'; } elsif ($state->{pkgpath}) { $state->{currentheader} = $self->{subdir}.':'; } $state->{done}{$self->{subdir}} = 1; $state->errsay($state->{currentheader}) unless $state->{quiet}; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::FileObject; sub object_name($self, $state) { if ($state->{full}) { if ($self->needs_keyword) { return "\@".$self->keyword." ".$self->fullname; } } return $self->fullname; } sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, $self->object_name($state), "\n"; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action; sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, $self->fullstring, "\n"; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::ExeclikeAction; sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, "\@". $self->keyword, " ", $self->{expanded}, "\n"; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Conflict; sub print_name { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action::print_name; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::NoDefaultConflict; sub print_name { &OpenBSD::PackingElement::Action::print_name; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::TagBase; sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, "\@". join(' ', $self->keyword, $self->name, $self->{params}), "\n"; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::Tag; sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, "\@". join(' ', $self->keyword, $self->name, $self->{expanded}), "\n"; } package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DirBase; sub print_name($self, $state) { print {$state->{out}} $state->{currentheader}, $self->object_name($state), "/\n"; } package main; sub open_output($state) { if ($state->{nopipe} or -t STDOUT) { $state->{out} = \*STDOUT; } else { my $MKLOCATEDB = OpenBSD::Paths->mklocatedb; open $state->{out}, "|-", $MKLOCATEDB, $MKLOCATEDB or $state->fatal("couldn't open pipe to mklocatedb: #1", $!); } } sub print_out($plist, $state) { $plist->set_header($state); $plist->print_name($state); } sub do_portsdir($state) { my $make = $ENV{MAKE} || 'make'; my $target = defined $ENV{SUBDIRLIST} ? 'print-plist' : 'print-plist-all'; delete $ENV{FLAVOR}; delete $ENV{SUBPACKAGE}; open my $in, "cd $state->{portsdir} && $make $target |"; my $done = 0; while (!$done) { my $plist = OpenBSD::PackingList->read($in, sub { my ($fh, $cont) = @_; while (<$fh>) { return if m/^\=\=\=\> /o; &$cont($_); } $done = 1; }); if (defined $plist && defined $plist->pkgname) { print_out($plist, $state); } } close($in); } sub do_pkgdir($state) { require File::Find; no warnings qw(once); $state->fatal("Bad argument: #1 is not a directory", $state->{pkgdir}) unless -d $state->{pkgdir}; File::Find::find( sub() { return unless -f $_; my $plist = $state->repo->grabPlist($File::Find::name); return unless defined $plist; print_out($plist, $state); }, $state->{pkgdir}); } sub copy_stdin($state) { while () { # if we find something that looks like a pkgpath we've done # assume we were updating it if (m,([^:]*/[^:]*)\:,) { next if defined $state->{done}{$1}; } print {$state->{out}} $_; } } my $state = OpenBSD::Pkgmklocatedb::State->new; $state->handle_options; open_output($state); if ($state->{fatals}) { $state->fatal("Files not found, can't continue"); } if ($state->{portsdir}) { do_portsdir($state); } elsif ($state->{pkgdir}) { do_pkgdir($state); } elsif (@ARGV == 0) { if (!$state->{update}) { $state->progress->for_list("Scanning installation", [installed_packages()], sub { my $pkgname = shift; my $plist = OpenBSD::PackingList->from_installation($pkgname); return unless defined $plist; print_out($plist, $state); }); } } else { $state->progress->for_list("Scanning packages", \@ARGV, sub { my $pkgname = shift; my $plist = $state->repo->grabPlist($pkgname); next unless $plist; print_out($plist, $state); }); } if ($state->{update}) { copy_stdin($state); }