/* $OpenBSD: radiusd.c,v 1.55 2024/08/14 07:06:50 yasuoka Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2023 Internet Initiative Japan Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "radiusd.h" #include "radiusd_local.h" #include "radius_subr.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" #include "imsg_subr.h" #include "control.h" static int radiusd_start(struct radiusd *); static void radiusd_stop(struct radiusd *); static void radiusd_free(struct radiusd *); static void radiusd_listen_on_event(int, short, void *); static void radiusd_listen_handle_packet(struct radiusd_listen *, RADIUS_PACKET *, struct sockaddr *, socklen_t); static void radiusd_on_sigterm(int, short, void *); static void radiusd_on_sigint(int, short, void *); static void radiusd_on_sighup(int, short, void *); static void radiusd_on_sigchld(int, short, void *); static void raidus_query_access_request(struct radius_query *); static void radius_query_access_response(struct radius_query *); static void raidus_query_accounting_request( struct radiusd_accounting *, struct radius_query *); static void radius_query_accounting_response( struct radius_query *); static const char *radius_query_client_secret(struct radius_query *); static const char *radius_code_string(int); static const char *radius_acct_status_type_string(uint32_t); static int radiusd_access_response_fixup(struct radius_query *, struct radius_query *, bool); static void radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler( struct radiusd_module *); static int radiusd_module_imsg_read(struct radiusd_module *); static void radiusd_module_imsg(struct radiusd_module *, struct imsg *); static struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg * radiusd_module_recv_radpkt(struct radiusd_module *, struct imsg *, uint32_t, const char *); static void radiusd_module_on_imsg_io(int, short, void *); static void radiusd_module_start(struct radiusd_module *); static void radiusd_module_stop(struct radiusd_module *); static void radiusd_module_close(struct radiusd_module *); static void radiusd_module_userpass(struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *); static void radiusd_module_access_request(struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *); static void radiusd_module_next_response(struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *, RADIUS_PACKET *); static void radiusd_module_request_decoration( struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *); static void radiusd_module_response_decoration( struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *); static void radiusd_module_account_request(struct radiusd_module *, struct radius_query *); static int imsg_compose_radius_packet(struct imsgbuf *, uint32_t, u_int, RADIUS_PACKET *); static void close_stdio(void); static u_int radius_query_id_seq = 0; int debug = 0; struct radiusd *radiusd_s = NULL; static __dead void usage(void) { extern char *__progname; fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-dn] [-f file]\n", __progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { extern char *__progname; const char *conffile = CONFFILE; int ch, error; struct radiusd *radiusd; bool noaction = false; struct passwd *pw; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "df:n")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'd': debug++; break; case 'f': conffile = optarg; break; case 'n': noaction = true; break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 0) usage(); if ((radiusd = calloc(1, sizeof(*radiusd))) == NULL) err(1, "calloc"); radiusd_s = radiusd; TAILQ_INIT(&radiusd->listen); TAILQ_INIT(&radiusd->query); if (!noaction && debug == 0) daemon(0, 1); /* pend closing stdio files */ if (parse_config(conffile, radiusd) != 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "config error"); log_init(debug); if (noaction) { fprintf(stderr, "configuration OK\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (debug == 0) close_stdio(); /* close stdio files now */ if (control_init(RADIUSD_SOCK) == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); event_init(); if ((pw = getpwnam(RADIUSD_USER)) == NULL) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "user `%s' is not found in password " "database", RADIUSD_USER); if (chroot(pw->pw_dir) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "chroot"); if (chdir("/") == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "chdir(\"/\")"); if (setgroups(1, &pw->pw_gid) || setresgid(pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid, pw->pw_gid) || setresuid(pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid, pw->pw_uid)) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "cannot drop privileges"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); openlog(NULL, LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON); signal_set(&radiusd->ev_sigterm, SIGTERM, radiusd_on_sigterm, radiusd); signal_set(&radiusd->ev_sigint, SIGINT, radiusd_on_sigint, radiusd); signal_set(&radiusd->ev_sighup, SIGHUP, radiusd_on_sighup, radiusd); signal_set(&radiusd->ev_sigchld, SIGCHLD, radiusd_on_sigchld, radiusd); if (radiusd_start(radiusd) != 0) errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "start failed"); if (control_listen() == -1) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (pledge("stdio inet", NULL) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "pledge"); event_loop(0); if (radiusd->error != 0) log_warnx("exiting on error"); radiusd_stop(radiusd); control_cleanup(); event_loop(0); error = radiusd->error; radiusd_free(radiusd); event_base_free(NULL); if (error != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); else exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static int radiusd_start(struct radiusd *radiusd) { struct radiusd_listen *l; struct radiusd_module *module; int s, on; char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; TAILQ_FOREACH(l, &radiusd->listen, next) { if (getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *)&l->addr, l->addr.ipv4.sin_len, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0) { log_warn("%s: getnameinfo()", __func__); goto on_error; } if ((s = socket(l->addr.ipv4.sin_family, l->stype | SOCK_NONBLOCK, l->sproto)) == -1) { log_warn("Listen %s port %d is failed: socket()", hbuf, (int)htons(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); goto on_error; } on = 1; if (setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)) == -1) log_warn("%s: setsockopt(,,SO_REUSEADDR) failed: %m", __func__); if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&l->addr, l->addr.ipv4.sin_len) != 0) { log_warn("Listen %s port %d is failed: bind()", hbuf, (int)htons(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); close(s); goto on_error; } if (l->addr.ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) log_info("Start listening on %s:%d/udp", hbuf, (int)ntohs(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); else log_info("Start listening on [%s]:%d/udp", hbuf, (int)ntohs(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); event_set(&l->ev, s, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, radiusd_listen_on_event, l); if (event_add(&l->ev, NULL) != 0) { log_warn("event_add() failed at %s()", __func__); close(s); goto on_error; } l->sock = s; l->radiusd = radiusd; } signal_add(&radiusd->ev_sigterm, NULL); signal_add(&radiusd->ev_sigint, NULL); signal_add(&radiusd->ev_sighup, NULL); signal_add(&radiusd->ev_sigchld, NULL); TAILQ_FOREACH(module, &radiusd->module, next) { if (debug > 0) radiusd_module_set(module, "_debug", 0, NULL); radiusd_module_start(module); } return (0); on_error: radiusd->error++; event_loopbreak(); return (-1); } static void radiusd_stop(struct radiusd *radiusd) { char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST]; struct radiusd_listen *l; struct radiusd_module *module; TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(l, &radiusd->listen, radiusd_listen_head, next) { if (l->sock >= 0) { if (getnameinfo( (struct sockaddr *)&l->addr, l->addr.ipv4.sin_len, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST) != 0) strlcpy(hbuf, "error", sizeof(hbuf)); if (l->addr.ipv4.sin_family == AF_INET) log_info("Stop listening on %s:%d/udp", hbuf, (int)ntohs(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); else log_info("Stop listening on [%s]:%d/udp", hbuf, (int)ntohs(l->addr.ipv4.sin_port)); event_del(&l->ev); close(l->sock); } l->sock = -1; } TAILQ_FOREACH(module, &radiusd->module, next) { radiusd_module_stop(module); radiusd_module_close(module); } if (signal_pending(&radiusd->ev_sigterm, NULL)) signal_del(&radiusd->ev_sigterm); if (signal_pending(&radiusd->ev_sigint, NULL)) signal_del(&radiusd->ev_sigint); if (signal_pending(&radiusd->ev_sighup, NULL)) signal_del(&radiusd->ev_sighup); if (signal_pending(&radiusd->ev_sigchld, NULL)) signal_del(&radiusd->ev_sigchld); } static void radiusd_free(struct radiusd *radiusd) { int i; struct radiusd_listen *listn, *listnt; struct radiusd_client *client, *clientt; struct radiusd_module *module, *modulet; struct radiusd_module_ref *modref, *modreft; struct radiusd_authentication *authen, *authent; struct radiusd_accounting *acct, *acctt; TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(authen, &radiusd->authen, next, authent) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&radiusd->authen, authen, next); free(authen->auth); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(modref, &authen->deco, next, modreft) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&authen->deco, modref, next); free(modref); } for (i = 0; authen->username[i] != NULL; i++) free(authen->username[i]); free(authen->username); free(authen); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(acct, &radiusd->account, next, acctt) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&radiusd->account, acct, next); free(acct->secret); free(acct->acct); TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(modref, &acct->deco, next, modreft) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&acct->deco, modref, next); free(modref); } for (i = 0; acct->username[i] != NULL; i++) free(acct->username[i]); free(acct->username); free(acct); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(module, &radiusd->module, next, modulet) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&radiusd->module, module, next); radiusd_module_unload(module); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(client, &radiusd->client, next, clientt) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&radiusd->client, client, next); explicit_bzero(client->secret, sizeof(client->secret)); free(client); } TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(listn, &radiusd->listen, next, listnt) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&radiusd->listen, listn, next); free(listn); } free(radiusd); } /*********************************************************************** * Network event handlers ***********************************************************************/ #define IPv4_cmp(_in, _addr, _mask) ( \ ((_in)->s_addr & (_mask)->addr.ipv4.s_addr) == \ (_addr)->addr.ipv4.s_addr) #define s6_addr32(_in6) ((uint32_t *)(_in6)->s6_addr) #define IPv6_cmp(_in6, _addr, _mask) ( \ ((s6_addr32(_in6)[3] & (_mask)->addr.addr32[3]) \ == (_addr)->addr.addr32[3]) && \ ((s6_addr32(_in6)[2] & (_mask)->addr.addr32[2]) \ == (_addr)->addr.addr32[2]) && \ ((s6_addr32(_in6)[1] & (_mask)->addr.addr32[1]) \ == (_addr)->addr.addr32[1]) && \ ((s6_addr32(_in6)[0] & (_mask)->addr.addr32[0]) \ == (_addr)->addr.addr32[0])) static void radiusd_listen_on_event(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { int sz; RADIUS_PACKET *packet = NULL; struct sockaddr_storage peer; socklen_t peersz; struct radiusd_listen *listn = ctx; static u_char buf[65535]; if (evmask & EV_READ) { peersz = sizeof(peer); if ((sz = recvfrom(listn->sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &peersz)) == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return; log_warn("%s: recvfrom() failed", __func__); return; } RADIUSD_ASSERT(peer.ss_family == AF_INET || peer.ss_family == AF_INET6); if ((packet = radius_convert_packet(buf, sz)) == NULL) log_warn("%s: radius_convert_packet() failed", __func__); else radiusd_listen_handle_packet(listn, packet, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, peersz); } } static void radiusd_listen_handle_packet(struct radiusd_listen *listn, RADIUS_PACKET *packet, struct sockaddr *peer, socklen_t peerlen) { int i, req_id, req_code; static char username[256]; char peerstr[NI_MAXHOST + NI_MAXSERV + 30]; struct radiusd_authentication *authen; struct radiusd_accounting *accounting; struct radiusd_client *client; struct radius_query *q = NULL; uint32_t acct_status; #define in(_x) (((struct sockaddr_in *)_x)->sin_addr) #define in6(_x) (((struct sockaddr_in6 *)_x)->sin6_addr) req_id = radius_get_id(packet); req_code = radius_get_code(packet); /* prepare some information about this messages */ if (addrport_tostring(peer, peerlen, peerstr, sizeof(peerstr)) == NULL) { log_warn("%s: getnameinfo() failed", __func__); goto on_error; } /* * Find a matching `client' entry */ TAILQ_FOREACH(client, &listn->radiusd->client, next) { if (client->af != peer->sa_family) continue; if (peer->sa_family == AF_INET && IPv4_cmp( &in(peer), &client->addr, &client->mask)) break; else if (peer->sa_family == AF_INET6 && IPv6_cmp( &in6(peer), &client->addr, &client->mask)) break; } if (client == NULL) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: no `client' " "matches", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); goto on_error; } /* Check the request authenticator if accounting */ if (req_code == RADIUS_CODE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST && radius_check_accounting_request_authenticator(packet, client->secret) != 0) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: bad request " "authenticator", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); goto on_error; } /* Check the client's Message-Authenticator */ if (client->msgauth_required && !listn->accounting && !radius_has_attr(packet, RADIUS_TYPE_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR)) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: no message " "authenticator", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); goto on_error; } if (radius_has_attr(packet, RADIUS_TYPE_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR) && radius_check_message_authenticator(packet, client->secret) != 0) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: bad message " "authenticator", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); goto on_error; } /* * Find a duplicate request. In RFC 2865, it has the same source IP * address and source UDP port and Identifier. */ TAILQ_FOREACH(q, &listn->radiusd->query, next) { if (peer->sa_family == q->clientaddr.ss_family && ((peer->sa_family == AF_INET && in(&q->clientaddr).s_addr == in(peer).s_addr) || (peer->sa_family == AF_INET6 && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&in6(&q->clientaddr), &in6(peer)))) && ((struct sockaddr_in *)&q->clientaddr)->sin_port == ((struct sockaddr_in *)peer)->sin_port && req_id == q->req_id) break; /* found it */ } if (q != NULL) { log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: duplicated " "with q=%u", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id, q->id); q = NULL; goto on_error; } if ((q = calloc(1, sizeof(struct radius_query))) == NULL) { log_warn("%s: Out of memory", __func__); goto on_error; } if (radius_get_string_attr(packet, RADIUS_TYPE_USER_NAME, username, sizeof(username)) != 0) { log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: no User-Name " "attribute", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); } else strlcpy(q->username, username, sizeof(q->username)); q->id = ++radius_query_id_seq; q->radiusd = listn->radiusd; q->clientaddrlen = peerlen; memcpy(&q->clientaddr, peer, peerlen); q->listen = listn; q->req = packet; q->client = client; q->req_id = req_id; radius_get_authenticator(packet, q->req_auth); packet = NULL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&listn->radiusd->query, q, next); switch (req_code) { case RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST: if (listn->accounting) { log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: " "ignored because the port is for authentication", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); break; } /* * Find a matching `authenticate' entry */ TAILQ_FOREACH(authen, &listn->radiusd->authen, next) { for (i = 0; authen->username[i] != NULL; i++) { if (fnmatch(authen->username[i], username, 0) == 0) goto found; } } found: if (authen == NULL) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d " "username=%s: no `authenticate' matches.", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id, username); goto on_error; } q->authen = authen; if (!MODULE_DO_USERPASS(authen->auth->module) && !MODULE_DO_ACCSREQ(authen->auth->module)) { log_warnx("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d " "username=%s: module `%s' is not running.", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id, username, authen->auth->module->name); goto on_error; } log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d username=%s " "q=%u: `%s' authentication is starting", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, q->req_id, q->username, q->id, q->authen->auth->module->name); raidus_query_access_request(q); return; case RADIUS_CODE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST: if (!listn->accounting) { log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: " "ignored because the port is for accounting", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id); break; } if (radius_get_uint32_attr(q->req, RADIUS_TYPE_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, &acct_status) != 0) acct_status = 0; /* * Find a matching `accounting' entry */ TAILQ_FOREACH(accounting, &listn->radiusd->account, next) { if (acct_status == RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_ACCT_ON || acct_status == RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_ACCT_OFF) { raidus_query_accounting_request(accounting, q); continue; } for (i = 0; accounting->username[i] != NULL; i++) { if (fnmatch(accounting->username[i], username, 0) == 0) break; } if (accounting->username[i] == NULL) continue; raidus_query_accounting_request(accounting, q); if (accounting->quick) break; } /* pass NULL to hadnle this self without module */ raidus_query_accounting_request(NULL, q); if ((q->res = radius_new_response_packet( RADIUS_CODE_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE, q->req)) == NULL) log_warn("%s: radius_new_response_packet() failed", __func__); else radius_query_accounting_response(q); break; default: log_info("Received %s(code=%d) from %s id=%d: %s is not " "supported in this implementation", radius_code_string( req_code), req_code, peerstr, req_id, radius_code_string( req_code)); break; } on_error: if (packet != NULL) radius_delete_packet(packet); if (q != NULL) radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); #undef in #undef in6 } static void raidus_query_access_request(struct radius_query *q) { struct radiusd_authentication *authen = q->authen; /* first or next request decoration */ for (;;) { if (q->deco == NULL) q->deco = TAILQ_FIRST(&q->authen->deco); else q->deco = TAILQ_NEXT(q->deco, next); if (q->deco == NULL || MODULE_DO_REQDECO(q->deco->module)) break; } if (q->deco != NULL) radiusd_module_request_decoration(q->deco->module, q); else { RADIUSD_ASSERT(authen->auth != NULL); if (MODULE_DO_ACCSREQ(authen->auth->module)) radiusd_module_access_request(authen->auth->module, q); else if (MODULE_DO_USERPASS(authen->auth->module)) radiusd_module_userpass(authen->auth->module, q); } } static void radius_query_access_response(struct radius_query *q) { int sz, res_id, res_code; char buf[NI_MAXHOST + NI_MAXSERV + 30]; struct radius_query *q_last, *q0; q_last = q; next: /* first or next response decoration */ for (;;) { if (q->deco == NULL) q->deco = TAILQ_FIRST(&q->authen->deco); else q->deco = TAILQ_NEXT(q->deco, next); if (q->deco == NULL || MODULE_DO_RESDECO(q->deco->module)) break; } if (q->deco != NULL) { radiusd_module_response_decoration(q->deco->module, q); return; } if (q->prev != NULL) { if (MODULE_DO_NEXTRES(q->prev->authen->auth->module)) { if (radiusd_access_response_fixup(q->prev, q_last, 0) != 0) goto on_error; q0 = q; q = q->prev; /* dissolve the relation */ q0->prev = NULL; q->hasnext = false; radiusd_module_next_response(q->authen->auth->module, q, q_last->res); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q0); return; } q = q->prev; goto next; } if (radiusd_access_response_fixup(q, q_last, 1) != 0) goto on_error; res_id = radius_get_id(q->res); res_code = radius_get_code(q->res); /* Reset response/message authenticator */ if (radius_has_attr(q->res, RADIUS_TYPE_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR)) radius_del_attr_all(q->res, RADIUS_TYPE_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR); radius_put_message_authenticator(q->res, q->client->secret); radius_set_response_authenticator(q->res, q->client->secret); log_info("Sending %s(code=%d) to %s id=%u q=%u", radius_code_string(res_code), res_code, addrport_tostring((struct sockaddr *)&q->clientaddr, q->clientaddrlen, buf, sizeof(buf)), res_id, q->id); if ((sz = sendto(q->listen->sock, radius_get_data(q->res), radius_get_length(q->res), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&q->clientaddr, q->clientaddrlen)) <= 0) log_warn("Sending a RADIUS response failed"); on_error: radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } static void raidus_query_accounting_request(struct radiusd_accounting *accounting, struct radius_query *q) { int req_code; uint32_t acct_status; char buf0[NI_MAXHOST + NI_MAXSERV + 30]; if (accounting != NULL) { /* handle by the module */ if (MODULE_DO_ACCTREQ(accounting->acct->module)) radiusd_module_account_request(accounting->acct->module, q); return; } req_code = radius_get_code(q->req); if (radius_get_uint32_attr(q->req, RADIUS_TYPE_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, &acct_status) != 0) acct_status = 0; log_info("Received %s(code=%d) type=%s(%lu) from %s id=%d username=%s " "q=%u", radius_code_string(req_code), req_code, radius_acct_status_type_string(acct_status), (unsigned long) acct_status, addrport_tostring((struct sockaddr *)&q->clientaddr, q->clientaddrlen, buf0, sizeof(buf0)), q->req_id, q->username, q->id); } static void radius_query_accounting_response(struct radius_query *q) { int sz, res_id, res_code; char buf[NI_MAXHOST + NI_MAXSERV + 30]; radius_set_response_authenticator(q->res, q->client->secret); res_id = radius_get_id(q->res); res_code = radius_get_code(q->res); log_info("Sending %s(code=%d) to %s id=%u q=%u", radius_code_string(res_code), res_code, addrport_tostring((struct sockaddr *)&q->clientaddr, q->clientaddrlen, buf, sizeof(buf)), res_id, q->id); if ((sz = sendto(q->listen->sock, radius_get_data(q->res), radius_get_length(q->res), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&q->clientaddr, q->clientaddrlen)) <= 0) log_warn("Sending a RADIUS response failed"); } static const char * radius_query_client_secret(struct radius_query *q) { struct radius_query *q0; const char *client_secret = NULL; for (q0 = q; q0 != NULL && client_secret == NULL; q0 = q0->prev) { if (q0->client != NULL) client_secret = q0->client->secret; } RADIUSD_ASSERT(client_secret != NULL); return (client_secret); } /*********************************************************************** * Callback functions from the modules ***********************************************************************/ void radiusd_access_request_answer(struct radius_query *q) { radius_set_request_packet(q->res, q->req); RADIUSD_ASSERT(q->deco == NULL); radius_query_access_response(q); } void radiusd_access_request_next(struct radius_query *q, RADIUS_PACKET *pkt) { struct radius_query *q_next = NULL; static char username[256]; struct radiusd_authentication *authen; int i; RADIUSD_ASSERT(q->deco == NULL); if (!q->authen->isfilter) { log_warnx("q=%u `%s' requested next authentication, but it's " "not authentication-filter", q->id, q->authen->auth->module->name); goto on_error; } if (radius_get_string_attr(pkt, RADIUS_TYPE_USER_NAME, username, sizeof(username)) != 0) username[0] = '\0'; for (authen = TAILQ_NEXT(q->authen, next); authen != NULL; authen = TAILQ_NEXT(authen, next)) { for (i = 0; authen->username[i] != NULL; i++) { if (fnmatch(authen->username[i], username, 0) == 0) goto found; } } found: if (authen == NULL) { /* no more authentication */ log_warnx("q=%u module `%s' requested next authentication " "no more `authenticate' matches", q->id, q->authen->auth->module->name); goto on_error; } if ((q_next = calloc(1, sizeof(struct radius_query))) == NULL) { log_warn("%s: q=%u calloc: %m", __func__, q->id); goto on_error; } q_next->id = ++radius_query_id_seq; q_next->radiusd = q->radiusd; q_next->req_id = q->req_id; q_next->req = pkt; radius_get_authenticator(pkt, q_next->req_auth); q_next->authen = authen; q_next->prev = q; q->hasnext = true; strlcpy(q_next->username, username, sizeof(q_next->username)); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&q->radiusd->query, q_next, next); raidus_query_access_request(q_next); return; on_error: RADIUSD_ASSERT(q_next == NULL); radius_delete_packet(pkt); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } void radiusd_access_request_aborted(struct radius_query *q) { if (q->hasnext) /* don't abort if filtering */ return; if (q->prev != NULL) { q->prev->hasnext = false; radiusd_access_request_aborted(q->prev); } if (q->req != NULL) radius_delete_packet(q->req); if (q->res != NULL) radius_delete_packet(q->res); TAILQ_REMOVE(&q->radiusd->query, q, next); free(q); } /*********************************************************************** * Signal handlers ***********************************************************************/ static void radiusd_on_sigterm(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { log_info("Received SIGTERM"); event_loopbreak(); } static void radiusd_on_sigint(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { log_info("Received SIGINT"); event_loopbreak(); } static void radiusd_on_sighup(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { log_info("Received SIGHUP"); } static void radiusd_on_sigchld(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { struct radiusd *radiusd = ctx; struct radiusd_module *module; pid_t pid; int status, ndeath = 0; log_debug("Received SIGCHLD"); while ((pid = wait3(&status, WNOHANG, NULL)) != 0) { if (pid == -1) break; TAILQ_FOREACH(module, &radiusd->module, next) { if (module->pid == pid) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) log_warnx("module `%s'(pid=%d) exited " "with status %d", module->name, (int)pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); else log_warnx("module `%s'(pid=%d) exited " "by signal %d", module->name, (int)pid, WTERMSIG(status)); ndeath++; break; } } if (!module) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) log_warnx("unkown child process pid=%d exited " "with status %d", (int)pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); else log_warnx("unkown child process pid=%d exited " "by signal %d", (int)pid, WTERMSIG(status)); } } if (ndeath > 0) { radiusd->error++; event_loopbreak(); } } static const char * radius_code_string(int code) { int i; struct _codestrings { int code; const char *string; } codestrings[] = { { RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST, "Access-Request" }, { RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_ACCEPT, "Access-Accept" }, { RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REJECT, "Access-Reject" }, { RADIUS_CODE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST, "Accounting-Request" }, { RADIUS_CODE_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE, "Accounting-Response" }, { RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_CHALLENGE, "Access-Challenge" }, { RADIUS_CODE_STATUS_SERVER, "Status-Server" }, { RADIUS_CODE_STATUS_CLIENT, "Status-Client" }, { -1, NULL } }; for (i = 0; codestrings[i].code != -1; i++) if (codestrings[i].code == code) return (codestrings[i].string); return ("Unknown"); } static const char * radius_acct_status_type_string(uint32_t type) { int i; struct _typestrings { uint32_t type; const char *string; } typestrings[] = { { RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_START, "Start" }, { RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_STOP, "Stop" }, { RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_INTERIM_UPDATE, "Interim-Update" }, { RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_ACCT_ON, "Accounting-On" }, { RADIUS_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE_ACCT_OFF, "Accounting-Off" }, { -1, NULL } }; for (i = 0; typestrings[i].string != NULL; i++) if (typestrings[i].type == type) return (typestrings[i].string); return ("Unknown"); } void radiusd_conf_init(struct radiusd *conf) { TAILQ_INIT(&conf->listen); TAILQ_INIT(&conf->module); TAILQ_INIT(&conf->authen); TAILQ_INIT(&conf->account); TAILQ_INIT(&conf->client); return; } /* * Fix some attributes which depend the secret value. */ static int radiusd_access_response_fixup(struct radius_query *q, struct radius_query *q0, bool islast) { int res_id; size_t attrlen; u_char authen_req_auth[16], attrbuf[256]; const char *client_req_auth; const char *authen_secret, *client_secret; authen_secret = q0->authen->auth->module->secret; client_secret = (islast)? q->client->secret : q->authen->auth->module->secret; radius_get_authenticator(q0->req, authen_req_auth); client_req_auth = q->req_auth; if (client_secret == NULL && authen_secret == NULL) return (0); if (!(authen_secret != NULL && client_secret != NULL && strcmp(authen_secret, client_secret) == 0 && timingsafe_bcmp(authen_req_auth, client_req_auth, 16) == 0)) { /* RFC 2865 Tunnel-Password */ attrlen = sizeof(attrbuf); if (radius_get_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_TYPE_TUNNEL_PASSWORD, attrbuf, &attrlen) == 0) { if (authen_secret != NULL) radius_attr_unhide(authen_secret, authen_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 3, attrlen - 3); if (client_secret != NULL) radius_attr_hide(client_secret, client_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 3, attrlen - 3); radius_del_attr_all(q0->res, RADIUS_TYPE_TUNNEL_PASSWORD); radius_put_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_TYPE_TUNNEL_PASSWORD, attrbuf, attrlen); } /* RFC 2548 Microsoft MPPE-{Send,Recv}-Key */ attrlen = sizeof(attrbuf); if (radius_get_vs_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_SEND_KEY, attrbuf, &attrlen) == 0) { if (authen_secret != NULL) radius_attr_unhide(authen_secret, authen_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 2, attrlen - 2); if (client_secret != NULL) radius_attr_hide(client_secret, client_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 2, attrlen - 2); radius_del_vs_attr_all(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_SEND_KEY); radius_put_vs_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_SEND_KEY, attrbuf, attrlen); } attrlen = sizeof(attrbuf); if (radius_get_vs_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_RECV_KEY, attrbuf, &attrlen) == 0) { if (authen_secret != NULL) radius_attr_unhide(authen_secret, authen_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 2, attrlen - 2); if (client_secret != NULL) radius_attr_hide(client_secret, client_req_auth, attrbuf, attrbuf + 2, attrlen - 2); radius_del_vs_attr_all(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_RECV_KEY); radius_put_vs_raw_attr(q0->res, RADIUS_VENDOR_MICROSOFT, RADIUS_VTYPE_MPPE_RECV_KEY, attrbuf, attrlen); } } res_id = radius_get_id(q0->res); if (res_id != q->req_id) { /* authentication server change the id */ radius_set_id(q0->res, q->req_id); } return (0); } static struct radius_query * radiusd_find_query(struct radiusd *radiusd, u_int q_id) { struct radius_query *q; TAILQ_FOREACH(q, &radiusd->query, next) { if (q->id == q_id) return (q); } return (NULL); } int radiusd_imsg_compose_module(struct radiusd *radiusd, const char *module_name, uint32_t type, uint32_t id, pid_t pid, int fd, void *data, size_t datalen) { struct radiusd_module *module; TAILQ_FOREACH(module, &radiusd_s->module, next) { if (strcmp(module->name, module_name) == 0) break; } if (module == NULL || (module->capabilities & RADIUSD_MODULE_CAP_CONTROL) == 0 || module->fd < 0) return (-1); if (imsg_compose(&module->ibuf, type, id, pid, fd, data, datalen) == -1) return (-1); radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); return (0); } /*********************************************************************** * radiusd module handling ***********************************************************************/ struct radiusd_module * radiusd_module_load(struct radiusd *radiusd, const char *path, const char *name) { struct radiusd_module *module = NULL; pid_t pid; int ival, pairsock[] = { -1, -1 }; const char *av[3]; ssize_t n; struct imsg imsg; module = calloc(1, sizeof(struct radiusd_module)); if (module == NULL) fatal("Out of memory"); module->radiusd = radiusd; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC, pairsock) == -1) { log_warn("Could not load module `%s'(%s): pipe()", name, path); goto on_error; } pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { log_warn("Could not load module `%s'(%s): fork()", name, path); goto on_error; } if (pid == 0) { setsid(); close(pairsock[0]); av[0] = path; av[1] = name; av[2] = NULL; dup2(pairsock[1], STDIN_FILENO); dup2(pairsock[1], STDOUT_FILENO); close(pairsock[1]); closefrom(STDERR_FILENO + 1); execv(path, (char * const *)av); log_warn("Failed to execute %s", path); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(pairsock[1]); module->fd = pairsock[0]; if ((ival = fcntl(module->fd, F_GETFL)) == -1) { log_warn("Could not load module `%s': fcntl(F_GETFL)", name); goto on_error; } if (fcntl(module->fd, F_SETFL, ival | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { log_warn( "Could not load module `%s': fcntl(F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK)", name); goto on_error; } strlcpy(module->name, name, sizeof(module->name)); module->pid = pid; imsg_init(&module->ibuf, module->fd); if (imsg_sync_read(&module->ibuf, MODULE_IO_TIMEOUT) <= 0 || (n = imsg_get(&module->ibuf, &imsg)) <= 0) { log_warnx("Could not load module `%s': module didn't " "respond", name); goto on_error; } if (imsg.hdr.type != IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_LOAD) { imsg_free(&imsg); log_warnx("Could not load module `%s': unknown imsg type=%d", name, imsg.hdr.type); goto on_error; } module->capabilities = ((struct radiusd_module_load_arg *)imsg.data)->cap; log_debug("Loaded module `%s' successfully. pid=%d", module->name, module->pid); imsg_free(&imsg); return (module); on_error: free(module); if (pairsock[0] >= 0) close(pairsock[0]); if (pairsock[1] >= 0) close(pairsock[1]); return (NULL); } void radiusd_module_start(struct radiusd_module *module) { int datalen; struct imsg imsg; struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 }; RADIUSD_ASSERT(module->fd >= 0); imsg_compose(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_START, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); imsg_sync_flush(&module->ibuf, MODULE_IO_TIMEOUT); if (imsg_sync_read(&module->ibuf, MODULE_IO_TIMEOUT) <= 0 || imsg_get(&module->ibuf, &imsg) <= 0) { log_warnx("Module `%s' could not start: no response", module->name); goto on_fail; } datalen = imsg.hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE; if (imsg.hdr.type != IMSG_OK) { if (imsg.hdr.type == IMSG_NG) { if (datalen > 0) log_warnx("Module `%s' could not start: %s", module->name, (char *)imsg.data); else log_warnx("Module `%s' could not start", module->name); } else log_warnx("Module `%s' could not started: module " "returned unknown message type %d", module->name, imsg.hdr.type); goto on_fail; } event_set(&module->ev, module->fd, EV_READ, radiusd_module_on_imsg_io, module); event_add(&module->ev, &tv); log_debug("Module `%s' started successfully", module->name); return; on_fail: radiusd_module_close(module); return; } void radiusd_module_stop(struct radiusd_module *module) { module->stopped = true; if (module->secret != NULL) { freezero(module->secret, strlen(module->secret)); module->secret = NULL; } if (module->fd >= 0) { imsg_compose(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_STOP, 0, 0, -1, NULL, 0); radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); } } static void radiusd_module_close(struct radiusd_module *module) { if (module->fd >= 0) { event_del(&module->ev); imsg_clear(&module->ibuf); close(module->fd); module->fd = -1; } } void radiusd_module_unload(struct radiusd_module *module) { free(module->radpkt); radiusd_module_close(module); free(module); } static void radiusd_module_on_imsg_io(int fd, short evmask, void *ctx) { struct radiusd_module *module = ctx; int ret; if (evmask & EV_WRITE) module->writeready = true; if (evmask & EV_READ) { if (radiusd_module_imsg_read(module) == -1) goto on_error; } while (module->writeready && module->ibuf.w.queued) { ret = msgbuf_write(&module->ibuf.w); if (ret > 0) continue; module->writeready = false; if (ret == 0 && errno == EAGAIN) break; log_warn("Failed to write to module `%s': msgbuf_write()", module->name); goto on_error; } radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); return; on_error: radiusd_module_close(module); } static void radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(struct radiusd_module *module) { short evmask; struct timeval *tvp = NULL, tv = { 0, 0 }; RADIUSD_ASSERT(module->fd >= 0); event_del(&module->ev); evmask = EV_READ; if (module->ibuf.w.queued) { if (!module->writeready) evmask |= EV_WRITE; else tvp = &tv; /* fire immediately */ } /* module stopped and no event handler is set */ if (evmask & EV_WRITE && tvp == NULL && module->stopped) { /* stop requested and no more to write */ radiusd_module_close(module); return; } event_set(&module->ev, module->fd, evmask, radiusd_module_on_imsg_io, module); if (event_add(&module->ev, tvp) == -1) { log_warn("Could not set event handlers for module `%s': " "event_add()", module->name); radiusd_module_close(module); } } static int radiusd_module_imsg_read(struct radiusd_module *module) { int n; struct imsg imsg; if ((n = imsg_read(&module->ibuf)) == -1 || n == 0) { if (n == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) return (0); if (n == -1) log_warn("Receiving a message from module `%s' " "failed: imsg_read", module->name); /* else closed */ radiusd_module_close(module); return (-1); } for (;;) { if ((n = imsg_get(&module->ibuf, &imsg)) == -1) { log_warn("Receiving a message from module `%s' failed: " "imsg_get", module->name); return (-1); } if (n == 0) return (0); radiusd_module_imsg(module, &imsg); imsg_free(&imsg); } return (0); } static void radiusd_module_imsg(struct radiusd_module *module, struct imsg *imsg) { int datalen; struct radius_query *q; u_int q_id; datalen = imsg->hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE; switch (imsg->hdr.type) { case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_NOTIFY_SECRET: if (datalen > 0) { module->secret = strdup(imsg->data); if (module->secret == NULL) log_warn("Could not handle NOTIFY_SECRET " "from `%s'", module->name); } break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_USERPASS_OK: case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_USERPASS_FAIL: { char *msg = NULL; const char *msgtypestr; msgtypestr = (imsg->hdr.type == IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_USERPASS_OK) ? "USERPASS_OK" : "USERPASS_NG"; q_id = *(u_int *)imsg->data; if (datalen > (ssize_t)sizeof(u_int)) msg = (char *)(((u_int *)imsg->data) + 1); q = radiusd_find_query(module->radiusd, q_id); if (q == NULL) { log_warnx("Received %s from `%s', but query id=%u " "unknown", msgtypestr, module->name, q_id); break; } if ((q->res = radius_new_response_packet( (imsg->hdr.type == IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_USERPASS_OK) ? RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_ACCEPT : RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REJECT, q->req)) == NULL) { log_warn("radius_new_response_packet() failed"); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } else { if (msg) radius_put_string_attr(q->res, RADIUS_TYPE_REPLY_MESSAGE, msg); radius_set_response_authenticator(q->res, radius_query_client_secret(q)); radiusd_access_request_answer(q); } break; } case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_ANSWER: case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_NEXT: case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO_DONE: case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO_DONE: { static struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg *ans; const char *typestr = "unknown"; switch (imsg->hdr.type) { case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_ANSWER: typestr = "ACCSREQ_ANSWER"; break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_NEXT: typestr = "ACCSREQ_NEXT"; break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO_DONE: typestr = "REQDECO_DONE"; break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO_DONE: typestr = "RESDECO_DONE"; break; } if (datalen < (ssize_t)sizeof(struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg)) { log_warnx("Received %s message, but length is wrong", typestr); break; } q_id = ((struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg *)imsg->data)->q_id; q = radiusd_find_query(module->radiusd, q_id); if (q == NULL) { log_warnx("Received %s from %s, but query id=%u " "unknown", typestr, module->name, q_id); break; } if ((ans = radiusd_module_recv_radpkt(module, imsg, imsg->hdr.type, typestr)) != NULL) { RADIUS_PACKET *radpkt = NULL; if (module->radpktoff > 0 && (radpkt = radius_convert_packet( module->radpkt, module->radpktoff)) == NULL) { log_warn("q=%u radius_convert_packet() failed", q->id); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); break; } module->radpktoff = 0; switch (imsg->hdr.type) { case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO_DONE: if (q->deco == NULL || q->deco->type != IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO) { log_warnx("q=%u received %s but not " "requested", q->id, typestr); if (radpkt != NULL) radius_delete_packet(radpkt); break; } if (radpkt != NULL) { radius_delete_packet(q->req); q->req = radpkt; } raidus_query_access_request(q); break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_ANSWER: if (radpkt == NULL) { log_warnx("q=%u wrong pkt from module", q->id); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); break; } q->res = radpkt; radiusd_access_request_answer(q); break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_NEXT: if (radpkt == NULL) { log_warnx("q=%u wrong pkt from module", q->id); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); break; } radiusd_access_request_next(q, radpkt); break; case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO_DONE: if (q->deco == NULL || q->deco->type != IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO) { log_warnx("q=%u received %s but not " "requested", q->id, typestr); if (radpkt != NULL) radius_delete_packet(radpkt); break; } if (radpkt != NULL) { radius_delete_packet(q->res); radius_set_request_packet(radpkt, q->req); q->res = radpkt; } radius_query_access_response(q); break; } } break; } case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ_ABORTED: { if (datalen < (ssize_t)sizeof(u_int)) { log_warnx("Received ACCSREQ_ABORTED message, but " "length is wrong"); break; } q_id = *((u_int *)imsg->data); q = radiusd_find_query(module->radiusd, q_id); if (q == NULL) { log_warnx("Received ACCSREQ_ABORT from %s, but query " "id=%u unknown", module->name, q_id); break; } radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); break; } case IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_CTRL_BIND: control_conn_bind(imsg->hdr.peerid, module->name); break; default: if (imsg->hdr.peerid != 0) control_imsg_relay(imsg); else RADIUSD_DBG(("Unhandled imsg type=%d from %s", imsg->hdr.type, module->name)); } } static struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg * radiusd_module_recv_radpkt(struct radiusd_module *module, struct imsg *imsg, uint32_t imsg_type, const char *type_str) { struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg *ans; int datalen, chunklen; datalen = imsg->hdr.len - IMSG_HEADER_SIZE; ans = (struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg *)imsg->data; if (module->radpktsiz < ans->pktlen) { u_char *nradpkt; if ((nradpkt = realloc(module->radpkt, ans->pktlen)) == NULL) { log_warn("Could not handle received %s message from " "`%s'", type_str, module->name); goto on_fail; } module->radpkt = nradpkt; module->radpktsiz = ans->pktlen; } chunklen = datalen - sizeof(struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg); if (chunklen > module->radpktsiz - module->radpktoff) { log_warnx("Could not handle received %s message from `%s': " "received length is too big", type_str, module->name); goto on_fail; } if (chunklen > 0) { memcpy(module->radpkt + module->radpktoff, (caddr_t)(ans + 1), chunklen); module->radpktoff += chunklen; } if (!ans->final) return (NULL); /* again */ if (module->radpktoff != ans->pktlen) { log_warnx("Could not handle received %s message from `%s': " "length is mismatch", type_str, module->name); goto on_fail; } return (ans); on_fail: module->radpktoff = 0; return (NULL); } int radiusd_module_set(struct radiusd_module *module, const char *name, int argc, char * const * argv) { struct radiusd_module_set_arg arg; struct radiusd_module_object *val; int i, niov = 0; u_char *buf = NULL, *buf0; ssize_t n; size_t bufsiz = 0, bufoff = 0, bufsiz0; size_t vallen, valsiz; struct iovec iov[2]; struct imsg imsg; memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); arg.nparamval = argc; strlcpy(arg.paramname, name, sizeof(arg.paramname)); iov[niov].iov_base = &arg; iov[niov].iov_len = sizeof(struct radiusd_module_set_arg); niov++; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { vallen = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; valsiz = sizeof(struct radiusd_module_object) + vallen; if (bufsiz < bufoff + valsiz) { bufsiz0 = bufoff + valsiz + 128; if ((buf0 = realloc(buf, bufsiz0)) == NULL) { log_warn("Failed to set config parameter to " "module `%s': realloc", module->name); goto on_error; } buf = buf0; bufsiz = bufsiz0; memset(buf + bufoff, 0, bufsiz - bufoff); } val = (struct radiusd_module_object *)(buf + bufoff); val->size = valsiz; memcpy(val + 1, argv[i], vallen); bufoff += valsiz; } iov[niov].iov_base = buf; iov[niov].iov_len = bufoff; niov++; if (imsg_composev(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_SET_CONFIG, 0, 0, -1, iov, niov) == -1) { log_warn("Failed to set config parameter to module `%s': " "imsg_composev", module->name); goto on_error; } if (imsg_sync_flush(&module->ibuf, MODULE_IO_TIMEOUT) == -1) { log_warn("Failed to set config parameter to module `%s': " "imsg_flush_timeout", module->name); goto on_error; } for (;;) { if (imsg_sync_read(&module->ibuf, MODULE_IO_TIMEOUT) <= 0) { log_warn("Failed to get reply from module `%s': " "imsg_sync_read", module->name); goto on_error; } if ((n = imsg_get(&module->ibuf, &imsg)) > 0) break; if (n < 0) { log_warn("Failed to get reply from module `%s': " "imsg_get", module->name); goto on_error; } } if (imsg.hdr.type == IMSG_NG) { log_warnx("Could not set `%s' for module `%s': %s", name, module->name, (char *)imsg.data); goto on_error; } else if (imsg.hdr.type != IMSG_OK) { imsg_free(&imsg); log_warnx("Failed to get reply from module `%s': " "unknown imsg type=%d", module->name, imsg.hdr.type); goto on_error; } imsg_free(&imsg); free(buf); return (0); on_error: free(buf); return (-1); } static void radiusd_module_userpass(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q) { struct radiusd_module_userpass_arg userpass; memset(&userpass, 0, sizeof(userpass)); userpass.q_id = q->id; if (radius_get_user_password_attr(q->req, userpass.pass, sizeof(userpass.pass), radius_query_client_secret(q)) == 0) userpass.has_pass = true; else userpass.has_pass = false; if (radius_get_string_attr(q->req, RADIUS_TYPE_USER_NAME, userpass.user, sizeof(userpass.user)) != 0) { log_warnx("q=%u no User-Name attribute", q->id); goto on_error; } imsg_compose(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_USERPASS, 0, 0, -1, &userpass, sizeof(userpass)); radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); return; on_error: radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } static void radiusd_module_access_request(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q) { RADIUS_PACKET *radpkt; char pass[256]; if ((radpkt = radius_convert_packet(radius_get_data(q->req), radius_get_length(q->req))) == NULL) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send ACCSREQ to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } if (radius_get_user_password_attr(radpkt, pass, sizeof(pass), q->client->secret) == 0) { radius_del_attr_all(radpkt, RADIUS_TYPE_USER_PASSWORD); (void)radius_put_raw_attr(radpkt, RADIUS_TYPE_USER_PASSWORD, pass, strlen(pass)); } if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCSREQ, q->id, radpkt) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send ACCSREQ to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); radius_delete_packet(radpkt); } static void radiusd_module_next_response(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q, RADIUS_PACKET *pkt) { if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_NEXTRES, q->id, pkt) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send NEXTRES to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); } static void radiusd_module_request_decoration(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q) { if (module->fd < 0) { log_warnx("q=%u Could not send REQDECO to `%s': module is " "not running?", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO, q->id, q->req) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send REQDECO to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } RADIUSD_ASSERT(q->deco != NULL); q->deco->type = IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_REQDECO; radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); } static void radiusd_module_response_decoration(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q) { if (module->fd < 0) { log_warnx("q=%u Could not send RESDECO to `%s': module is " "not running?", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO0_REQ, q->id, q->req) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send RESDECO0_REQ to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO, q->id, q->res) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send RESDECO to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } RADIUSD_ASSERT(q->deco != NULL); q->deco->type = IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_RESDECO; radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); } static void radiusd_module_account_request(struct radiusd_module *module, struct radius_query *q) { RADIUS_PACKET *radpkt; if ((radpkt = radius_convert_packet(radius_get_data(q->req), radius_get_length(q->req))) == NULL) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send ACCSREQ to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); return; } if (imsg_compose_radius_packet(&module->ibuf, IMSG_RADIUSD_MODULE_ACCTREQ, q->id, radpkt) == -1) { log_warn("q=%u Could not send ACCTREQ to `%s'", q->id, module->name); radiusd_access_request_aborted(q); } radiusd_module_reset_ev_handler(module); radius_delete_packet(radpkt); } static int imsg_compose_radius_packet(struct imsgbuf *ibuf, uint32_t type, u_int q_id, RADIUS_PACKET *radpkt) { struct radiusd_module_radpkt_arg arg; int off = 0, len, siz; struct iovec iov[2]; const u_char *pkt; pkt = radius_get_data(radpkt); len = radius_get_length(radpkt); memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg)); arg.q_id = q_id; arg.pktlen = len; while (off < len) { siz = MAX_IMSGSIZE - sizeof(arg); if (len - off > siz) arg.final = false; else { arg.final = true; siz = len - off; } iov[0].iov_base = &arg; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(arg); iov[1].iov_base = (caddr_t)pkt + off; iov[1].iov_len = siz; if (imsg_composev(ibuf, type, 0, 0, -1, iov, 2) == -1) return (-1); off += siz; } return (0); } static void close_stdio(void) { int fd; if ((fd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR)) != -1) { dup2(fd, STDIN_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); if (fd > STDERR_FILENO) close(fd); } } /*********************************************************************** * imsg_event ***********************************************************************/ struct iovec; void imsg_event_add(struct imsgev *iev) { iev->events = EV_READ; if (iev->ibuf.w.queued) iev->events |= EV_WRITE; event_del(&iev->ev); event_set(&iev->ev, iev->ibuf.fd, iev->events, iev->handler, iev); event_add(&iev->ev, NULL); } int imsg_compose_event(struct imsgev *iev, uint32_t type, uint32_t peerid, pid_t pid, int fd, void *data, size_t datalen) { int ret; if ((ret = imsg_compose(&iev->ibuf, type, peerid, pid, fd, data, datalen)) != -1) imsg_event_add(iev); return (ret); } int imsg_composev_event(struct imsgev *iev, uint32_t type, uint32_t peerid, pid_t pid, int fd, struct iovec *iov, int niov) { int ret; if ((ret = imsg_composev(&iev->ibuf, type, peerid, pid, fd, iov, niov)) != -1) imsg_event_add(iev); return (ret); }