/* $OpenBSD: parser.c,v 1.143 2024/08/29 13:46:28 tb Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 2019 Claudio Jeker * Copyright (c) 2019 Kristaps Dzonsons * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "extern.h" extern int certid; static X509_STORE_CTX *ctx; static struct auth_tree auths = RB_INITIALIZER(&auths); static struct crl_tree crlt = RB_INITIALIZER(&crlt); struct parse_repo { RB_ENTRY(parse_repo) entry; char *path; char *validpath; unsigned int id; }; static RB_HEAD(repo_tree, parse_repo) repos = RB_INITIALIZER(&repos); static inline int repocmp(struct parse_repo *a, struct parse_repo *b) { return a->id - b->id; } RB_GENERATE_STATIC(repo_tree, parse_repo, entry, repocmp); static struct parse_repo * repo_get(unsigned int id) { struct parse_repo needle = { .id = id }; return RB_FIND(repo_tree, &repos, &needle); } static void repo_add(unsigned int id, char *path, char *validpath) { struct parse_repo *rp; if ((rp = calloc(1, sizeof(*rp))) == NULL) err(1, NULL); rp->id = id; if (path != NULL) if ((rp->path = strdup(path)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); if (validpath != NULL) if ((rp->validpath = strdup(validpath)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); if (RB_INSERT(repo_tree, &repos, rp) != NULL) errx(1, "repository already added: id %d, %s", id, path); } /* * Return the issuer by its certificate id, or NULL on failure. * Make sure the AKI is the same as the AKI listed on the Manifest, * and that the SKI of the cert matches with the AKI. */ static struct auth * find_issuer(const char *fn, int id, const char *aki, const char *mftaki) { struct auth *a; a = auth_find(&auths, id); if (a == NULL) { if (certid <= CERTID_MAX) warnx("%s: RFC 6487: unknown cert with SKI %s", fn, aki); return NULL; } if (mftaki != NULL) { if (strcmp(aki, mftaki) != 0) { warnx("%s: AKI %s doesn't match Manifest AKI %s", fn, aki, mftaki); return NULL; } } if (strcmp(aki, a->cert->ski) != 0) { warnx("%s: AKI %s doesn't match issuer SKI %s", fn, aki, a->cert->ski); return NULL; } return a; } /* * Build access path to file based on repoid, path, location and file values. */ static char * parse_filepath(unsigned int repoid, const char *path, const char *file, enum location loc) { struct parse_repo *rp; char *fn, *repopath; /* build file path based on repoid, entity path and filename */ rp = repo_get(repoid); if (rp == NULL) errx(1, "build file path: repository %u missing", repoid); if (loc == DIR_VALID) repopath = rp->validpath; else repopath = rp->path; if (repopath == NULL) return NULL; if (path == NULL) { if (asprintf(&fn, "%s/%s", repopath, file) == -1) err(1, NULL); } else { if (asprintf(&fn, "%s/%s/%s", repopath, path, file) == -1) err(1, NULL); } return fn; } /* * Parse and validate a ROA. * This is standard stuff. * Returns the roa on success, NULL on failure. */ static struct roa * proc_parser_roa(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct roa *roa; X509 *x509 = NULL; struct auth *a; struct crl *crl; const char *errstr; if ((roa = roa_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, roa->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, crl, &errstr)) { warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; roa->talid = a->cert->talid; roa->expires = x509_find_expires(roa->notafter, a, &crlt); return roa; out: roa_free(roa); X509_free(x509); return NULL; } /* * Parse and validate a draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-prefixlist SPL. * Returns the spl on success, NULL on failure. */ static struct spl * proc_parser_spl(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct spl *spl; X509 *x509 = NULL; struct auth *a; struct crl *crl; const char *errstr; if ((spl = spl_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, spl->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, crl, &errstr)) { warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; spl->talid = a->cert->talid; spl->expires = x509_find_expires(spl->notafter, a, &crlt); return spl; out: spl_free(spl); X509_free(x509); return NULL; } /* * Check all files and their hashes in a MFT structure. * Return zero on failure, non-zero on success. */ static int proc_parser_mft_check(const char *fn, struct mft *p) { const enum location loc[2] = { DIR_TEMP, DIR_VALID }; size_t i; int rc = 1; char *path; if (p == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < p->filesz; i++) { struct mftfile *m = &p->files[i]; int try, fd = -1, noent = 0, valid = 0; for (try = 0; try < 2 && !valid; try++) { if ((path = parse_filepath(p->repoid, p->path, m->file, loc[try])) == NULL) continue; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1 && errno == ENOENT) noent++; free(path); /* remember which path was checked */ m->location = loc[try]; valid = valid_filehash(fd, m->hash, sizeof(m->hash)); } if (!valid) { /* silently skip not-existing unknown files */ if (m->type == RTYPE_INVALID && noent == 2) continue; warnx("%s#%s: bad message digest for %s", fn, p->seqnum, m->file); rc = 0; continue; } } return rc; } /* * Load the CRL from loc using the info from the MFT. */ static struct crl * parse_load_crl_from_mft(struct entity *entp, struct mft *mft, enum location loc, char **crlfile) { struct crl *crl = NULL; unsigned char *f = NULL; char *fn = NULL; size_t flen; *crlfile = NULL; fn = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, mft->crl, loc); if (fn == NULL) goto out; f = load_file(fn, &flen); if (f == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) warn("parse file %s", fn); goto out; } if (!valid_hash(f, flen, mft->crlhash, sizeof(mft->crlhash))) goto out; crl = crl_parse(fn, f, flen); if (crl == NULL) goto out; if (strcmp(crl->aki, mft->aki) != 0) { warnx("%s: AKI doesn't match Manifest AKI", fn); goto out; } if ((crl->mftpath = strdup(mft->sia)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); *crlfile = fn; free(f); return crl; out: crl_free(crl); free(f); free(fn); return NULL; } /* * Parse and validate a manifest file. * Don't check the fileandhash, this is done later on. * Return the mft on success, or NULL on failure. */ static struct mft * proc_parser_mft_pre(struct entity *entp, char *file, struct crl **crl, char **crlfile, struct mft *cached_mft, const char **errstr) { struct mft *mft; X509 *x509; struct auth *a; unsigned char *der; size_t len; time_t now; int issued_cmp, seqnum_cmp; *crl = NULL; *crlfile = NULL; *errstr = NULL; if (file == NULL) return NULL; der = load_file(file, &len); if (der == NULL && errno != ENOENT) warn("parse file %s", file); if ((mft = mft_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) { free(der); return NULL; } if (entp->path != NULL) { if ((mft->path = strdup(entp->path)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); } if (!EVP_Digest(der, len, mft->mfthash, NULL, EVP_sha256(), NULL)) errx(1, "EVP_Digest failed"); free(der); *crl = parse_load_crl_from_mft(entp, mft, DIR_TEMP, crlfile); if (*crl == NULL) *crl = parse_load_crl_from_mft(entp, mft, DIR_VALID, crlfile); a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, mft->aki, NULL); if (a == NULL) goto err; if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, *crl, errstr)) goto err; X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; mft->repoid = entp->repoid; mft->talid = a->cert->talid; mft->certid = entp->certid; now = get_current_time(); /* check that now is not before from */ if (now < mft->thisupdate) { warnx("%s: manifest not yet valid %s", file, time2str(mft->thisupdate)); goto err; } /* check that now is not after until */ if (now > mft->nextupdate) { warnx("%s: manifest expired on %s", file, time2str(mft->nextupdate)); goto err; } /* if there is nothing to compare to, return now */ if (cached_mft == NULL) return mft; /* * Check that the cached manifest is older in the sense that it was * issued earlier and that it has a smaller sequence number. */ if ((issued_cmp = mft_compare_issued(mft, cached_mft)) < 0) { warnx("%s: unexpected manifest issuance date (want >= %lld, " "got %lld)", file, (long long)cached_mft->thisupdate, (long long)mft->thisupdate); goto err; } if ((seqnum_cmp = mft_compare_seqnum(mft, cached_mft)) < 0) { warnx("%s: unexpected manifest number (want >= #%s, got #%s)", file, cached_mft->seqnum, mft->seqnum); goto err; } if (issued_cmp > 0 && seqnum_cmp == 0) { warnx("%s: manifest issued at %lld and %lld with same " "manifest number #%s", file, (long long)mft->thisupdate, (long long)cached_mft->thisupdate, cached_mft->seqnum); goto err; } if (issued_cmp == 0 && seqnum_cmp > 0) { warnx("%s: #%s and #%s were issued at same issuance date %lld", file, mft->seqnum, cached_mft->seqnum, (long long)mft->thisupdate); goto err; } if (issued_cmp == 0 && seqnum_cmp == 0 && memcmp(mft->mfthash, cached_mft->mfthash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) != 0) { warnx("%s: misissuance, issuance date %lld and manifest number " "#%s were recycled", file, (long long)mft->thisupdate, mft->seqnum); goto err; } return mft; err: X509_free(x509); mft_free(mft); crl_free(*crl); *crl = NULL; free(*crlfile); *crlfile = NULL; return NULL; } /* * Load the most recent MFT by opening both options and comparing the two. */ static char * proc_parser_mft(struct entity *entp, struct mft **mp, char **crlfile, time_t *crlmtime) { struct mft *mft1 = NULL, *mft2 = NULL; struct crl *crl, *crl1 = NULL, *crl2 = NULL; char *file, *file1 = NULL, *file2 = NULL; char *crl1file = NULL, *crl2file = NULL; const char *err1 = NULL, *err2 = NULL; *mp = NULL; *crlmtime = 0; file2 = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, DIR_VALID); mft2 = proc_parser_mft_pre(entp, file2, &crl2, &crl2file, NULL, &err2); if (!noop) { file1 = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, DIR_TEMP); mft1 = proc_parser_mft_pre(entp, file1, &crl1, &crl1file, mft2, &err1); } if (proc_parser_mft_check(file1, mft1)) { mft_free(mft2); crl_free(crl2); free(crl2file); free(file2); *mp = mft1; crl = crl1; file = file1; *crlfile = crl1file; } else { if (mft1 != NULL && mft2 != NULL) warnx("%s: failed fetch, continuing with #%s " "from cache", file2, mft2->seqnum); if (!proc_parser_mft_check(file2, mft2)) { mft_free(mft2); mft2 = NULL; if (err2 == NULL) err2 = err1; if (err2 == NULL) err2 = "no valid manifest available"; if (certid <= CERTID_MAX) warnx("%s: %s", file2, err2); } mft_free(mft1); crl_free(crl1); free(crl1file); free(file1); *mp = mft2; crl = crl2; file = file2; *crlfile = crl2file; } if (*mp != NULL) { *crlmtime = crl->thisupdate; if (crl_insert(&crlt, crl)) crl = NULL; } crl_free(crl); return file; } /* * Certificates are from manifests (has a digest and is signed with * another certificate) Parse the certificate, make sure its * signatures are valid (with CRLs), then validate the RPKI content. * This returns a certificate (which must not be freed) or NULL on * parse failure. */ static struct cert * proc_parser_cert(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct cert *cert; struct crl *crl; struct auth *a; const char *errstr = NULL; /* Extract certificate data. */ cert = cert_parse_pre(file, der, len); cert = cert_parse(file, cert); if (cert == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, cert->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, cert->x509, a, crl, &errstr) || !valid_cert(file, a, cert)) { if (errstr != NULL) warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } cert->talid = a->cert->talid; if (cert->purpose == CERT_PURPOSE_BGPSEC_ROUTER) { if (!constraints_validate(file, cert)) goto out; } /* * Add validated CA certs to the RPKI auth tree. */ if (cert->purpose == CERT_PURPOSE_CA) auth_insert(file, &auths, cert, a); return cert; out: cert_free(cert); return NULL; } static int proc_parser_ta_cmp(const struct cert *cert1, const struct cert *cert2) { if (cert1 == NULL) return -1; if (cert2 == NULL) return 1; /* * The standards don't specify tiebreakers. While RFC 6487 and other * sources advise against backdating, it's explicitly allowed and some * TAs do. Some TAs have also re-issued with new dates and old * serialNumber. * Our tiebreaker logic: a more recent notBefore is taken to mean a * more recent issuance, and thus preferable. Given equal notBefore * values, prefer the TA cert with the narrower validity window. This * hopefully encourages TA operators to reduce egregiously long TA * validity periods. */ if (cert1->notbefore < cert2->notbefore) return -1; if (cert1->notbefore > cert2->notbefore) return 1; if (cert1->notafter > cert2->notafter) return -1; if (cert1->notafter < cert2->notafter) return 1; /* * Both certs are valid from our perspective. If anything changed, * prefer the freshly-fetched one. We rely on cert_parse_pre() having * cached the extensions and thus libcrypto has already computed the * certs' hashes (SHA-1 for OpenSSL, SHA-512 for LibreSSL). The below * compares them. */ return X509_cmp(cert1->x509, cert2->x509) != 0; } /* * Root certificates come from TALs. Inspect and validate both options and * compare the two. The cert in out_cert must not be freed. Returns the file * name of the chosen TA. */ static char * proc_parser_root_cert(struct entity *entp, struct cert **out_cert) { struct cert *cert1 = NULL, *cert2 = NULL; char *file1 = NULL, *file2 = NULL; unsigned char *der = NULL, *pkey = entp->data; size_t der_len = 0, pkeysz = entp->datasz; int cmp; *out_cert = NULL; file2 = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, DIR_VALID); der = load_file(file2, &der_len); cert2 = cert_parse_pre(file2, der, der_len); free(der); cert2 = ta_parse(file2, cert2, pkey, pkeysz); if (!noop) { file1 = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, DIR_TEMP); der = load_file(file1, &der_len); cert1 = cert_parse_pre(file1, der, der_len); free(der); cert1 = ta_parse(file1, cert1, pkey, pkeysz); } if ((cmp = proc_parser_ta_cmp(cert1, cert2)) > 0) { cert_free(cert2); free(file2); cert1->talid = entp->talid; auth_insert(file1, &auths, cert1, NULL); *out_cert = cert1; return file1; } else { if (cmp < 0 && cert1 != NULL && cert2 != NULL) warnx("%s: cached TA is newer", entp->file); cert_free(cert1); free(file1); if (cert2 != 0) { cert2->talid = entp->talid; auth_insert(file2, &auths, cert2, NULL); } *out_cert = cert2; return file2; } } /* * Parse a ghostbuster record */ static struct gbr * proc_parser_gbr(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct gbr *gbr; X509 *x509 = NULL; struct crl *crl; struct auth *a; const char *errstr; if ((gbr = gbr_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, gbr->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, crl, &errstr)) { warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; gbr->talid = a->cert->talid; return gbr; out: gbr_free(gbr); X509_free(x509); return NULL; } /* * Parse an ASPA object */ static struct aspa * proc_parser_aspa(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct aspa *aspa; X509 *x509 = NULL; struct auth *a; struct crl *crl; const char *errstr; if ((aspa = aspa_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, aspa->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, crl, &errstr)) { warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; aspa->talid = a->cert->talid; aspa->expires = x509_find_expires(aspa->notafter, a, &crlt); return aspa; out: aspa_free(aspa); X509_free(x509); return NULL; } /* * Parse a TAK object. */ static struct tak * proc_parser_tak(char *file, const unsigned char *der, size_t len, const struct entity *entp) { struct tak *tak; X509 *x509 = NULL; struct crl *crl; struct auth *a; const char *errstr; if ((tak = tak_parse(&x509, file, entp->talid, der, len)) == NULL) goto out; a = find_issuer(file, entp->certid, tak->aki, entp->mftaki); if (a == NULL) goto out; crl = crl_get(&crlt, a); if (!valid_x509(file, ctx, x509, a, crl, &errstr)) { warnx("%s: %s", file, errstr); goto out; } X509_free(x509); x509 = NULL; /* TAK EE must be signed by self-signed CA */ if (a->issuer != NULL) goto out; tak->talid = a->cert->talid; return tak; out: tak_free(tak); X509_free(x509); return NULL; } /* * Load the file specified by the entity information. */ static char * parse_load_file(struct entity *entp, unsigned char **f, size_t *flen) { char *file; file = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, entp->location); if (file == NULL) errx(1, "no path to file"); *f = load_file(file, flen); if (*f == NULL) warn("parse file %s", file); return file; } /* * Process an entity and respond to parent process. */ static void parse_entity(struct entityq *q, struct msgbuf *msgq) { struct entity *entp; struct tal *tal; struct cert *cert; struct mft *mft; struct roa *roa; struct aspa *aspa; struct gbr *gbr; struct tak *tak; struct spl *spl; struct ibuf *b; unsigned char *f; time_t mtime, crlmtime; size_t flen; char *file, *crlfile; int c; while ((entp = TAILQ_FIRST(q)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(q, entp, entries); /* handle RTYPE_REPO first */ if (entp->type == RTYPE_REPO) { repo_add(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file); entity_free(entp); continue; } /* pass back at least type, repoid and filename */ b = io_new_buffer(); io_simple_buffer(b, &entp->type, sizeof(entp->type)); io_simple_buffer(b, &entp->repoid, sizeof(entp->repoid)); io_simple_buffer(b, &entp->talid, sizeof(entp->talid)); file = NULL; f = NULL; mtime = 0; crlmtime = 0; switch (entp->type) { case RTYPE_TAL: io_str_buffer(b, entp->file); io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); if ((tal = tal_parse(entp->file, entp->data, entp->datasz)) == NULL) errx(1, "%s: could not parse tal file", entp->file); tal->id = entp->talid; tal_buffer(b, tal); tal_free(tal); break; case RTYPE_CER: if (entp->data != NULL) { file = proc_parser_root_cert(entp, &cert); } else { file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); cert = proc_parser_cert(file, f, flen, entp); } io_str_buffer(b, file); if (cert != NULL) mtime = cert->notbefore; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); c = (cert != NULL); io_simple_buffer(b, &c, sizeof(int)); if (cert != NULL) { cert->repoid = entp->repoid; cert_buffer(b, cert); } /* * The parsed certificate data "cert" is now * managed in the "auths" table, so don't free * it here. */ break; case RTYPE_MFT: file = proc_parser_mft(entp, &mft, &crlfile, &crlmtime); io_str_buffer(b, file); if (mft != NULL) mtime = mft->signtime; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); c = (mft != NULL); io_simple_buffer(b, &c, sizeof(int)); if (mft != NULL) mft_buffer(b, mft); /* Push valid CRL together with the MFT. */ if (crlfile != NULL) { enum rtype type; struct ibuf *b2; b2 = io_new_buffer(); type = RTYPE_CRL; io_simple_buffer(b2, &type, sizeof(type)); io_simple_buffer(b2, &entp->repoid, sizeof(entp->repoid)); io_simple_buffer(b2, &entp->talid, sizeof(entp->talid)); io_str_buffer(b2, crlfile); io_simple_buffer(b2, &crlmtime, sizeof(crlmtime)); free(crlfile); io_close_buffer(msgq, b2); } mft_free(mft); break; case RTYPE_ROA: file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); io_str_buffer(b, file); roa = proc_parser_roa(file, f, flen, entp); if (roa != NULL) mtime = roa->signtime; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); c = (roa != NULL); io_simple_buffer(b, &c, sizeof(int)); if (roa != NULL) roa_buffer(b, roa); roa_free(roa); break; case RTYPE_GBR: file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); io_str_buffer(b, file); gbr = proc_parser_gbr(file, f, flen, entp); if (gbr != NULL) mtime = gbr->signtime; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); gbr_free(gbr); break; case RTYPE_ASPA: file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); io_str_buffer(b, file); aspa = proc_parser_aspa(file, f, flen, entp); if (aspa != NULL) mtime = aspa->signtime; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); c = (aspa != NULL); io_simple_buffer(b, &c, sizeof(int)); if (aspa != NULL) aspa_buffer(b, aspa); aspa_free(aspa); break; case RTYPE_TAK: file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); io_str_buffer(b, file); tak = proc_parser_tak(file, f, flen, entp); if (tak != NULL) mtime = tak->signtime; io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); tak_free(tak); break; case RTYPE_SPL: file = parse_load_file(entp, &f, &flen); io_str_buffer(b, file); if (experimental) { spl = proc_parser_spl(file, f, flen, entp); if (spl != NULL) mtime = spl->signtime; } else { if (verbose > 0) warnx("%s: skipped", file); spl = NULL; } io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); c = (spl != NULL); io_simple_buffer(b, &c, sizeof(int)); if (spl != NULL) spl_buffer(b, spl); spl_free(spl); break; case RTYPE_CRL: default: file = parse_filepath(entp->repoid, entp->path, entp->file, entp->location); io_str_buffer(b, file); io_simple_buffer(b, &mtime, sizeof(mtime)); warnx("%s: unhandled type %d", file, entp->type); break; } free(f); free(file); io_close_buffer(msgq, b); entity_free(entp); } } /* * Process responsible for parsing and validating content. * All this process does is wait to be told about a file to parse, then * it parses it and makes sure that the data being returned is fully * validated and verified. * The process will exit cleanly only when fd is closed. */ void proc_parser(int fd) { struct entityq q; struct msgbuf msgq; struct pollfd pfd; struct entity *entp; struct ibuf *b, *inbuf = NULL; /* Only allow access to the cache directory. */ if (unveil(".", "r") == -1) err(1, "unveil cachedir"); if (pledge("stdio rpath", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(); OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); x509_init_oid(); constraints_parse(); if ((ctx = X509_STORE_CTX_new()) == NULL) err(1, "X509_STORE_CTX_new"); TAILQ_INIT(&q); msgbuf_init(&msgq); msgq.fd = fd; pfd.fd = fd; for (;;) { pfd.events = POLLIN; if (msgbuf_queuelen(&msgq) > 0) pfd.events |= POLLOUT; if (poll(&pfd, 1, INFTIM) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; err(1, "poll"); } if ((pfd.revents & (POLLERR|POLLNVAL))) errx(1, "poll: bad descriptor"); /* If the parent closes, return immediately. */ if ((pfd.revents & POLLHUP)) break; if ((pfd.revents & POLLIN)) { b = io_buf_read(fd, &inbuf); if (b != NULL) { entp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct entity)); if (entp == NULL) err(1, NULL); entity_read_req(b, entp); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&q, entp, entries); ibuf_free(b); } } if (pfd.revents & POLLOUT) { switch (msgbuf_write(&msgq)) { case 0: errx(1, "write: connection closed"); case -1: err(1, "write"); } } parse_entity(&q, &msgq); } while ((entp = TAILQ_FIRST(&q)) != NULL) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&q, entp, entries); entity_free(entp); } auth_tree_free(&auths); crl_tree_free(&crlt); X509_STORE_CTX_free(ctx); msgbuf_clear(&msgq); ibuf_free(inbuf); if (certid > CERTID_MAX) errx(1, "processing incomplete: too many certificates"); exit(0); }