.\" $OpenBSD: smtpd-tables.7,v 1.4 2024/06/09 10:13:05 gilles Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2008 Janne Johansson .\" Copyright (c) 2009 Jacek Masiulaniec .\" Copyright (c) 2012 Gilles Chehade .\" Copyright (c) 2024 Omar Polo .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .\" .Dd $Mdocdate: June 9 2024 $ .Dt SMTPD-TABLES 7 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm smtpd-tables .Nd table API for the smtpd daemon .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Xr smtpd 8 daemon provides a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTPD) implementation, which allows ordinary machines to become Mail eXchangers (MX). Some features that are commonly used by MX, such as querying databases for user credentials, are outside of the scope of SMTP and too complex to fit in .Xr smtpd 8 . .Pp Because an MX may need to provide these features, .Xr smtpd 8 provides an API to implement .Xr table 5 backends with a simple text-based protocol. .Sh DESIGN .Nm are programs that run as unique standalone processes, they do not share .Xr smtpd 8 address space. They are executed by .Xr smtpd 8 at startup and expected to run in an infinite loop, reading events and queries from standard input and writing responses to standard output. They are not allowed to terminate. .Pp Because .Nm are standalone programs that communicate with .Xr smtpd 8 , they may run as different users than .Xr smtpd 8 and may be written in any language. .Nm must not use blocking I/O, they must support answering asynchronously to .Xr smtpd 8 . .Sh PROTOCOL The protocol consist of human-readable lines exchanged between .Nm and .Xr smtpd 8 . .Pp The protocol begins with a handshake. First, .Xr smtpd 8 provides .Nm with general configuration information in the form of key-value lines, terminated by .Ql config|ready . For example: .Bd -literal -offset indent config|smtpd-version|7.5.0 config|protocol|0.1 config|tablename|devs config|ready .Ed .Pp Then, .Nm register the supported services, terminating with .Ql register|ready . For example: .Bd -literal -offset indent register|alias register|credentials register|ready .Ed .Pp Finally, .Xr smtpd 8 can start querying the table. For example: .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795082.354255|devs|lookup|alias|b72508d|op .Ed .Pp The .Dq | character is used to separate the fields and may only appear verbatim in the last field of the payload, in which case it should be considered a regular character and not a separator. No other field may contain a .Dq | . .Pp Each request has a common set of fields, followed by some other fields that are operation-specific. The common format consists of a protocol prefix .Sq table , the protocol version, the timestamp and the table name. For example: .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795091.202157|devs .Ed .Pp The protocol is inherently asynchronous, so multiple request may be sent without waiting for the table to reply. All the replies have a common prefix, followed by the operation-specific response. The common format consist of a prefix with the operation name in followed by .Sq -result , and the unique ID of the request. For example: .Bd -literal -offset indent lookup-result|b72508d .Ed .Pp The list of operations, operation-specific parameters and responses are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Cm update Ar id Ask the table to reload its configuration. The result is either .Sq ok on success or .Sq error and a message upon a failure to do so. .It Cm check Ar service id query Check whether .Ar query is present in the table. The result is .Sq found if found, .Sq not-found if not, or .Sq error and a message upon an error. .It Cm lookup Ar service id query Look up a value in the table for given the .Ar query . The result is .Sq found and the value if found, .Sq not-found if not found, or .Sq error and a message upon an error. .It Cm fetch Ar service id Fetch the next item from the table, eventually wrapping around. It is only supported for the .Ic source and .Ic relayhost services. The result is .Sq found and the value if found, .Sq not-found if the table is empty, or .Sq error and a message upon an error. .El .Pp Each service has a specific format for the result. The exact syntax for the values and eventually the keys are described in .Xr table 5 . The services and their result format are as follows: .Pp .Bl -tag -width mailaddrmap -compact .It Ic alias One or more aliases separated by a comma. .It Ic auth Only usable for check. Lookup key is username and cleartext password separated by .Sq \&: . .It Ic domain A domain name. .\" XXX are wildcards allowed? .It Ic credentials The user name, followed by .Sq \&: and the encrypted password as per .Xr smtpctl 8 .Cm encrypt subcommand. .It Ic netaddr IPv4 and IPv6 address or netmask. .It Ic userinfo The user id, followed by .Sq \&: then the group id, then .Sq \&: and finally the home directory. .It Ic source IPv4 and IPv6 address. .It Ic mailaddr An username, a domain or a full email address. .It Ic addrname Used to map IP addresses to hostnames. .\" .It Ic mailaddrmap .\" XXX missing K_RELAYHOST, K_STRING and K_REGEX .El .Sh EXAMPLES Assuming the table is called .Dq devs , here's an example of a failed .Cm update transaction: .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795097.394049|devs|update|478ff0d2 update-result|478ff0d2|error|failed to connect to the database .Ed .Pp A .Cm check request for the .Ic netaddr service for the IPv4 address which is not in the table: .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795103.314423|devs|check|netaddr|e5862859| check-result|e5862859|not-found .Ed .Pp A successful .Cm lookup request for the .Ic userinfo service for the user .Sq op : .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795110.354921|devs|lookup|userinfo|f993c74|op lookup-result|f993c74|found|1000:1000:/home/op .Ed .Pp A series of .Cm fetch requests for the .Cm source service that wraps around: .Bd -literal -offset indent table|0.1|1713795116.227321|devs|fetch|source|189bd3ee lookup-result|189bd3ee|found| table|0.1|1713795120.162438|devs|fetch|source|9e4c56d4 lookup-result|9e4c56d4|found| table|0.1|1713795122.930928|devs|fetch|source|f2c8b906 lookup-result|f2c8b906|found| .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr smtpd 8 .Sh HISTORY .Nm first appeared in .Ox 7.6 .