/* * util/edns.h - handle base EDNS options. * * Copyright (c) 2018, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * This file contains functions for base EDNS options. */ #ifndef UTIL_EDNS_H #define UTIL_EDNS_H #include "util/storage/dnstree.h" #include "util/locks.h" struct edns_data; struct config_file; struct comm_point; struct regional; /** * Structure containing all EDNS strings. */ struct edns_strings { /** Tree of EDNS client strings to use in upstream queries, per address * prefix. Contains nodes of type edns_string_addr. */ rbtree_type client_strings; /** EDNS opcode to use for client strings */ uint16_t client_string_opcode; /** region to allocate tree nodes in */ struct regional* region; }; /** * EDNS string. Node of rbtree, containing string and prefix. */ struct edns_string_addr { /** node in address tree, used for tree lookups. Need to be the first * member of this struct. */ struct addr_tree_node node; /** string, ascii format */ uint8_t* string; /** length of string */ size_t string_len; }; #define UNBOUND_COOKIE_HISTORY_SIZE 2 #define UNBOUND_COOKIE_SECRET_SIZE 16 typedef struct cookie_secret cookie_secret_type; struct cookie_secret { /** cookie secret */ uint8_t cookie_secret[UNBOUND_COOKIE_SECRET_SIZE]; }; /** * The cookie secrets from the cookie-secret-file. */ struct cookie_secrets { /** lock on the structure, in case there are modifications * from remote control, this avoids race conditions. */ lock_basic_type lock; /** how many cookies are there in the cookies array */ size_t cookie_count; /* keep track of the last `UNBOUND_COOKIE_HISTORY_SIZE` * cookies as per rfc requirement .*/ cookie_secret_type cookie_secrets[UNBOUND_COOKIE_HISTORY_SIZE]; }; enum edns_cookie_val_status { COOKIE_STATUS_CLIENT_ONLY = -3, COOKIE_STATUS_FUTURE = -2, COOKIE_STATUS_EXPIRED = -1, COOKIE_STATUS_INVALID = 0, COOKIE_STATUS_VALID = 1, COOKIE_STATUS_VALID_RENEW = 2, }; /** * Create structure to hold EDNS strings * @return: newly created edns_strings, NULL on alloc failure. */ struct edns_strings* edns_strings_create(void); /** Delete EDNS strings structure * @param edns_strings: struct to delete */ void edns_strings_delete(struct edns_strings* edns_strings); /** * Add configured EDNS strings * @param edns_strings: edns strings to apply config to * @param config: struct containing EDNS strings configuration * @return 0 on error */ int edns_strings_apply_cfg(struct edns_strings* edns_strings, struct config_file* config); /** * Find string for address. * @param tree: tree containing EDNS strings per address prefix. * @param addr: address to use for tree lookup * @param addrlen: length of address * @return: matching tree node, NULL otherwise */ struct edns_string_addr* edns_string_addr_lookup(rbtree_type* tree, struct sockaddr_storage* addr, socklen_t addrlen); /** * Compute the interoperable DNS cookie (RFC9018) hash. * @param in: buffer input for the hash generation. It needs to be: * Client Cookie | Version | Reserved | Timestamp | Client-IP * @param secret: the server secret; implicit length of 16 octets. * @param v4: if the client IP is v4 or v6. * @param hash: buffer to write the hash to. * return a pointer to the hash. */ uint8_t* edns_cookie_server_hash(const uint8_t* in, const uint8_t* secret, int v4, uint8_t* hash); /** * Write an interoperable DNS server cookie (RFC9018). * @param buf: buffer to write to. It should have a size of at least 32 octets * as it doubles as the output buffer and the hash input buffer. * The first 8 octets are expected to be the Client Cookie and will be * left untouched. * The next 8 octets will be written with Version | Reserved | Timestamp. * The next 4 or 16 octets are expected to be the IPv4 or the IPv6 address * based on the v4 flag. * Thus the first 20 or 32 octets, based on the v4 flag, will be used as * the hash input. * The server hash (8 octets) will be written after the first 16 octets; * overwriting the address information. * The caller expects a complete, 24 octet long cookie in the buffer. * @param secret: the server secret; implicit length of 16 octets. * @param v4: if the client IP is v4 or v6. * @param timestamp: the timestamp to use. */ void edns_cookie_server_write(uint8_t* buf, const uint8_t* secret, int v4, uint32_t timestamp); /** * Validate an interoperable DNS cookie (RFC9018). * @param cookie: pointer to the cookie data. * @param cookie_len: the length of the cookie data. * @param secret: pointer to the server secret. * @param secret_len: the length of the secret. * @param v4: if the client IP is v4 or v6. * @param hash_input: pointer to the hash input for validation. It needs to be: * Client Cookie | Version | Reserved | Timestamp | Client-IP * @param now: the current time. * return edns_cookie_val_status with the cookie validation status i.e., * <=0 for invalid, else valid. */ enum edns_cookie_val_status edns_cookie_server_validate(const uint8_t* cookie, size_t cookie_len, const uint8_t* secret, size_t secret_len, int v4, const uint8_t* hash_input, uint32_t now); /** * Create the cookie secrets structure. * @return the structure or NULL on failure. */ struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets_create(void); /** * Delete the cookie secrets. * @param cookie_secrets: the cookie secrets. */ void cookie_secrets_delete(struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets); /** * Apply configuration to cookie secrets, read them from file. * @param cookie_secrets: the cookie secrets structure. * @param cookie_secret_file: the file name, it is read. * @return false on failure. */ int cookie_secrets_apply_cfg(struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets, char* cookie_secret_file); /** * Validate the cookie secrets, try all of them. * @param cookie: pointer to the cookie data. * @param cookie_len: the length of the cookie data. * @param cookie_secrets: struct of cookie secrets. * @param v4: if the client IP is v4 or v6. * @param hash_input: pointer to the hash input for validation. It needs to be: * Client Cookie | Version | Reserved | Timestamp | Client-IP * @param now: the current time. * return edns_cookie_val_status with the cookie validation status i.e., * <=0 for invalid, else valid. */ enum edns_cookie_val_status cookie_secrets_server_validate( const uint8_t* cookie, size_t cookie_len, struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets, int v4, const uint8_t* hash_input, uint32_t now); /** * Add a cookie secret. If there are no secrets yet, the secret will become * the active secret. Otherwise it will become the staging secret. * Active secrets are used to both verify and create new DNS Cookies. * Staging secrets are only used to verify DNS Cookies. Caller has to lock. */ void add_cookie_secret(struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets, uint8_t* secret, size_t secret_len); /** * Makes the staging cookie secret active and the active secret staging. * Caller has to lock. */ void activate_cookie_secret(struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets); /** * Drop a cookie secret. Drops the staging secret. An active secret will not * be dropped. Caller has to lock. */ void drop_cookie_secret(struct cookie_secrets* cookie_secrets); #endif